Wakoopa is kennispartner van Mobile First en deze presentatie was onderdeel van het programma op 27 november 2012 tijdens het event met M-commerce als thema.
Michiel Slegt - Smulweb - Mobile PioneersShareforce
Een website met maandelijks 2 miljoen bezoekers, succesvolle apps voor Android, iPhone & iPad, een eigen magazine, kookcolleges en populaire Twitter & Facebook accounts. Smulweb is echt niet te missen voor culinaire fijnproevers. Eigenaar Michiel Slegt spreekt over zijn ervaringen.
Presentatie gegeven door Michiel Ebeling namens IAB mobile taskforce over mobiele ontwikkelingen, facts & figures, mobiele do's voor evenementen, toekomst.
iPhone campagne van Centraal Beheer Achmea. Mobiele advertentiecampagne bestaande uit een iPhone banner en iPhone app. Maart / april 2009. http://www.centraalbeheer.nl
America needs a more diverse physician workforce to address the nation's growing racial and ethnic diversity and health care disparities. Currently, racial and ethnic minorities make up 25% of the US population but only 6% of physicians. By 2050, half of Americans will be non-white. A diverse physician workforce benefits patients through improved access to care, greater patient satisfaction, and more culturally competent care. However, minorities remain underrepresented in medicine, accounting for only 12% of medical school graduates. Increasing diversity in the physician workforce is critical to meeting the nation's future health needs.
Este documento presenta una lista de palabras divididas en grupos que comienzan con diferentes letras o combinaciones de letras como CA, GA, GU, R, etc. Las palabras están relacionadas con ejercicios de autodictado para practicar la ortografÃa en el primer ciclo de primaria. Al final se incluye el nombre de la escuela y el curso escolar al que corresponden los ejercicios.
El documento presenta una lista de palabras con diferentes combinaciones de letras iniciales y finales, como ejemplos de autodictados para practicar la pronunciación de sÃlabas. Incluye palabras como "floreros", "flecos", "frigorÃfico", "fruta", "flauta", "dragón", y soluciones como "ladrillo flotador", "trufa trompa", y "cofre madre".
Make a Film in One Day is an event where groups of 12 people are challenged to write, film, direct, and edit their own short film within a day. Professional film equipment and guidance are provided. The goal is to stimulate teamwork, creativity, and fun through the collaborative filmmaking process. Participants choose their film's genre, storyline, and message with the finished films screened for all at the end of the event.
El documento presenta una lista de operaciones matemáticas para ordenar de menor a mayor y clasificar como par o impar usando colores. Contiene nueve problemas que involucran sumas, restas y comparaciones.
Is there life life on mars? For many people it is the big question and maybe we aren´t to far to find the answer...
Don´tforget, if you like the ppt; like it!
This document outlines the principles of ethical egoism, which holds that individuals should always act in their own self-interest to maximize personal good. Ethical egoism believes self-interest is the sole obligation and one need not consider the interests of others if it does not further one's own good. There are three types of ethical egoism: personal, individual, and universal. The document also discusses three common objections to ethical egoism, namely that it could lead to too much greed if widely adopted, it is difficult to accurately assess the consequences of all actions, and it undermines trust between individuals.
Adobe & Econsultancy: From Content Management to Customer Experience ManagementAdobe Marketing Cloud
This Adobe & Econsultancy Digital Intelligence Briefing is devoted to the topic of web content management (WCM), an area which is becoming a focal point for companies wishing to deliver a truly seamless multichannel customer experience.
The report is based on a global survey which has attracted more than 1,000 respondents.
Download a full copy of the report here: http://adobe.ly/13mx07w
iPhone campagne van Centraal Beheer Achmea. Mobiele advertentiecampagne bestaande uit een iPhone banner en iPhone app. Maart / april 2009. http://www.centraalbeheer.nl
America needs a more diverse physician workforce to address the nation's growing racial and ethnic diversity and health care disparities. Currently, racial and ethnic minorities make up 25% of the US population but only 6% of physicians. By 2050, half of Americans will be non-white. A diverse physician workforce benefits patients through improved access to care, greater patient satisfaction, and more culturally competent care. However, minorities remain underrepresented in medicine, accounting for only 12% of medical school graduates. Increasing diversity in the physician workforce is critical to meeting the nation's future health needs.
Este documento presenta una lista de palabras divididas en grupos que comienzan con diferentes letras o combinaciones de letras como CA, GA, GU, R, etc. Las palabras están relacionadas con ejercicios de autodictado para practicar la ortografÃa en el primer ciclo de primaria. Al final se incluye el nombre de la escuela y el curso escolar al que corresponden los ejercicios.
El documento presenta una lista de palabras con diferentes combinaciones de letras iniciales y finales, como ejemplos de autodictados para practicar la pronunciación de sÃlabas. Incluye palabras como "floreros", "flecos", "frigorÃfico", "fruta", "flauta", "dragón", y soluciones como "ladrillo flotador", "trufa trompa", y "cofre madre".
Make a Film in One Day is an event where groups of 12 people are challenged to write, film, direct, and edit their own short film within a day. Professional film equipment and guidance are provided. The goal is to stimulate teamwork, creativity, and fun through the collaborative filmmaking process. Participants choose their film's genre, storyline, and message with the finished films screened for all at the end of the event.
El documento presenta una lista de operaciones matemáticas para ordenar de menor a mayor y clasificar como par o impar usando colores. Contiene nueve problemas que involucran sumas, restas y comparaciones.
Is there life life on mars? For many people it is the big question and maybe we aren´t to far to find the answer...
Don´tforget, if you like the ppt; like it!
This document outlines the principles of ethical egoism, which holds that individuals should always act in their own self-interest to maximize personal good. Ethical egoism believes self-interest is the sole obligation and one need not consider the interests of others if it does not further one's own good. There are three types of ethical egoism: personal, individual, and universal. The document also discusses three common objections to ethical egoism, namely that it could lead to too much greed if widely adopted, it is difficult to accurately assess the consequences of all actions, and it undermines trust between individuals.
Adobe & Econsultancy: From Content Management to Customer Experience ManagementAdobe Marketing Cloud
This Adobe & Econsultancy Digital Intelligence Briefing is devoted to the topic of web content management (WCM), an area which is becoming a focal point for companies wishing to deliver a truly seamless multichannel customer experience.
The report is based on a global survey which has attracted more than 1,000 respondents.
Download a full copy of the report here: http://adobe.ly/13mx07w
El documento presenta una serie de ejercicios de lengua y matemáticas para niños. Los ejercicios incluyen copiar palabras, completar frases, unir sÃlabas, resolver crucigramas y más. El objetivo es que los estudiantes practiquen habilidades como la escritura, lectura, ortografÃa y vocabulario.
De meest recente cijfers over mobiel marketing & advertising. Alles over smartphones, apps, merken, operating systemen, mobiel gebruik, leeftijden, tijdsbesteding, mobile advertising mogelijkheden en een aantal recente cases.
Op Shopping Today van Thuiswinkel.org is de presentatie: 'De impact van mobile op direct marketing' gegeven. Met aansprekende cases heb ik geïllustreerd hoe mobile succesvol ingezet kan worden als direct marketing instrument en welke impact mobile heeft op de klant relatie: nu en in de toekomst.
Mobile-marketingspecialist Richard Otto vertelt alles over de laatste ontwikkelingen over Mobile. Wat kunnen we in de nabije toekomst verwachten van mobiele online diensten? Hoe ontwikkelt u een succesvolle Mobile-marketingstrategie? Wat loopt u mis als u niets doet? Richard Otto is oprichter van mobilemarketingnederland.nl Hij houdt al jaren de cijfers bij en volgt de ontwikkelingen op de voet. Als geen ander weet hij wat het mobiele kanaal u kan brengen.
Mobile dilemma's op de Nationale MarketingdagaFrogleap
De presentatie gegeven door Naos Wilbrink tijdens de Nationale Marketingdag april 2012 in de Jaarbeurs in Utrecht.
De presentatie gaat in op de dilemma's waarvoor marketeers en product owners zich geplaatst voelen wanneer zij zich op het mobile vlak willen begeven. aFrogleap kan je daarbij helpen.
Wat moet ik kiezen, app, web app of een hybride vorm? Waarom kies je daarvoor? Welke factoren zijn van belang voor je keuze.
NB: De presentatie laat zich het best begeleiden door Bart Fussel of Naos Wilbrink. Het beeld is 'slechts' ondersteunend aan het verhaal.
Mobile Advertising zit anno 2012 in een onstuimige groeifase. Steeds meer concepten vinden via een mobiele site of App de weg naar de mobiele gebruiker. In deze sessie komen een aantal feiten en getallen over mobiel internet aan de orde, de verschillen tussen desktop en mobiel internet marketing en een aantal mobiele marketing cases.
Mobile PIoneers - Mobgen - MIchiel Ebeling - Een succesvolle mobiele strategieShareforce
Michiel Ebeling, voorzitter van de Taskforce Mobile binnen het IAB en partner bij Mobgen gaat dieper in op de stappen voor een succesvolle mobiele strategie. Daarnaast deelt hij zijn inzichten uit de markt en de mogelijkheden van mobile advertising.
This ºÝºÝߣshare presentation is an excerpt of the presentation I gave at the ’Online Betaal Congres’. Do you want to have the entire presentation? Go to www.finno.nl and send me an email.
This document provides information about Perfect World Principle (PWP), a company that helps businesses change the world and reinvent themselves. PWP was founded in 2011 by David Smith and Jenny Elissen. They believe businesses can change the world by shifting to a new reality of progress. PWP helps identify limiting beliefs that prevent innovation and breakthrough dilemmas through a creative process. They work with businesses on redefining strategies, branding, and communication. The document outlines 4 healthcare dilemmas around making care smarter/simpler, engaging communities, involving patients, and preventing disease. It summarizes an activity where participants discussed limiting beliefs and ways to overcome them to shift from treating to preventing disease through new business models.
2. e-sites
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