This document discusses the anatomy of the anterior abdominal wall and various incision types used for gynecological surgeries and laparotomies. It outlines the boundaries and musculature of the abdominal wall, including the rectus sheath. It then describes the advantages and disadvantages of transverse (including Pfannenstiel, Kustner, Cherney, and Maylard), vertical (including midline and paramedian), and oblique (including gridiron and Rockey-Davis) incisions. It also briefly mentions incisions used for cesarean sections and laparotomy port sites. The document provides detailed information on incision placement and exposure for different gynecological procedures.
The document discusses various complications that can occur during laparoscopic gynecologic surgery and how to prevent, recognize, and manage them. It describes complications such as vascular injury, bowel injury, urinary tract injury, incisional hernia, gas embolism, shoulder pain, and more. Prevention techniques include careful insertion of trocars, use of safety checks, and positioning of the patient. Recognition involves direct visualization or signs of issues. Management may require suturing, conversion to laparotomy, or calling other specialists. Throughout, the emphasis is on safety and proper technique to minimize risks.
This document discusses the management of endometriosis associated infertility. It begins with the incidence and diagnosis of endometriosis and endometriomas. It then discusses treatment options including IVF, surgery, and aspiration. IVF is recommended as the first line treatment, as the presence of an endometrioma does not negatively impact IVF outcomes. Surgery is not recommended prior to IVF unless needed for pain or inability to access follicles. Aspiration is not recommended before IVF except in cases where an endometrioma may hinder oocyte retrieval. The conclusion cites French guidelines that found no impact of endometriomas on IVF results, and recommends against pre-IVF surgery or asp
This document discusses urinary tract injuries that can occur during laparoscopic gynecological surgery. It notes that bladder injury is the most common major complication. Prevention strategies include catheterization before trocar insertion, using the lowest effective power for electrosurgery, and identifying bladder boundaries. Injuries may be recognized intraoperatively through direct visualization, cystoscopy, or instilling dye. Postoperative recognition involves symptoms like pain and hematuria. Management often involves laparoscopic repair by a gynecologist or urologist to avoid additional morbidity of laparotomy.
The document discusses complications that can occur during induction of pneumoperitoneum using the Veress needle for closed laparoscopic access. It describes injuries that can occur to the gastrointestinal tract, bladder, blood vessels, liver and spleen. It also mentions extra-peritoneal insufflation of gas, gas embolism, and strategies to prevent and manage these complications if they occur. Safety measures are outlined to minimize risks when using either closed Veress needle or open Hasson trocar techniques for establishing laparoscopic access.
This document discusses ureteric injury and its management. It begins with the anatomy of the ureters and their course and relations. It then discusses the etiology of ureteric injuries, which are most commonly iatrogenic from open, laparoscopic or endoscopic procedures. Radiological investigations like IVU and CT scans are used to diagnose injuries. Principles of repair include debridement, spatulation and mucosa-to-mucosa anastomosis with stenting. Management depends on factors like timing, length and site of injury. Techniques include ureteroneocystostomy, ureteroureterostomy and transureteroureterostomy. Prevention involves
The document describes a case of a 40-year-old female patient presenting with symptoms of urinary and stool leakage from the vagina for 3 months and 1 month respectively, who is diagnosed with a vesicovaginal fistula based on physical examination findings of vaginal rents and investigations. It then provides details on the types, causes, evaluation, and management of vesicovaginal fistulas, the most common being those resulting from prolonged obstructed labor during childbirth in developing countries.
This document discusses the physiology of micturition and treatment of urinary incontinence. It provides information on the anatomy involved in urination, including the internal and external urethral sphincters. Causes of incontinence like urethral hypermobility from childbirth are described. Evaluation techniques are outlined, such as cystometrogram to measure bladder capacity and pressure. Both conservative treatments including pelvic floor exercises and surgical options for stress incontinence like Burch colposuspension, sling procedures, and artificial urinary sphincter are summarized. Success rates of different procedures are provided, with colposuspension having the highest cure rate at 84% after 48 months.
Dx & Mx of urethral and bladder injuriesSCGH ED CME
This document discusses injuries to the bladder and urethra, providing details on diagnosis and management. It notes that bladder injuries occur in 1.6% of blunt trauma victims and are usually associated with pelvic fractures. Gross hematuria is present in most bladder injury cases. Urethral injuries in males are divided into those affecting the posterior urethra associated with pelvic fractures, and anterior injuries from blunt or penetrating trauma. Diagnosis is via retrograde cystography or urethrography. Most extraperitoneal bladder ruptures are now managed non-operatively with catheter drainage, while intraperitoneal ruptures require surgical repair. Urethral injuries may be treated with immediate surgical closure, catheter drainage
The document describes a technique for simplifying total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH). It outlines 10 key steps: 1) patient preparation and positioning, 2) insertion of a uterine manipulator, 3) abdominal entry and trocar placement, 4) dissection of uterine attachments, 5) mobilization of the bladder and posterior dissection, 6) securing the uterine artery, 7) separating the cervix from the vagina, 8) removing the uterus and adnexal tissue, 9) suturing the vaginal vault, and 10) suturing the ports. The technique emphasizes teamwork, careful dissection using bipolar cautery and scissors, and use of a simple uterine manipulator to aid visualization during
Pelvic organ prolapse is a common condition that can diminish quality of life. Signs include descent of the anterior vaginal wall, posterior vaginal wall, uterus, vaginal apex or perineum. Symptoms include vaginal bulging, pelvic pressure and splinting. Risk factors include vaginal childbirth. Treatment options include expectant management, pessaries, pelvic floor exercises, and surgery. Surgical options range from obliterative procedures that close the vagina to reconstructive procedures like sacrocolpopexy that repair prolapse.
Varicocele is the most common cause of male infertility. It occurs when the veins in the scrotum become enlarged and twisted. The condition is diagnosed through physical examination and Doppler ultrasound. Treatment options aim to disrupt the internal spermatic veins while preserving blood flow, with the most common approaches being inguinal, subinguinal, and microscopic surgery. Patients with higher grade varicoceles or abnormal sperm parameters are more likely to see improved fertility outcomes following treatment. While varicocele repair can improve sperm quality, not all patients will experience improved fertility, and subclinical varicoceles without physical signs do not generally require treatment.
Safe use of vasopressin in pelvic surgeries- dr sushila saini,jaipurSushila Saini
Vasopressin is a uterotonic drug that can be used during myomectomy surgery to reduce blood loss by causing vasoconstriction. When used properly with safe practices, it provides a bloodless surgical field and easy suturing with reduced blood loss. However, complications like bradycardia, cardiovascular collapse and death have been reported. The maximum safe total dose is debated but is recommended to be between 4-6 units. Care must be taken to avoid intravascular injection and not exceed safe dosages.
TRANSDERMAL HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION Prof. Aboubakr ElnasharAboubakr Elnashar
This document discusses transdermal hormonal contraception, specifically the Ortho Evra birth control patch. It provides advantages of transdermal delivery over oral contraceptives, including continuous drug levels and improved compliance. The patch contents and application instructions are described. Studies found side effects are similar to oral contraceptives, with high levels of satisfaction and compliance from users. Efficacy is similar to oral contraceptives, except in women over 90kg. The conclusion is the patch offers comparable effectiveness to pills with greater satisfaction and compliance due to easier use.
The document discusses pelvic fractures, their classification, causes, symptoms, diagnostic process, and treatment approaches. Some key points:
- Pelvic fractures account for 3% of skeletal fractures and are usually caused by minor trauma, with higher mortality from severe trauma due to hemorrhage.
- Fractures are classified based on location (e.g. sacrum), stability (intact ring, broken ring), and mechanism of injury (compression, shear).
- Diagnosis involves imaging like x-rays and CT scan to identify fracture patterns and instability.
- Treatment depends on factors like displacement, stability, and injury severity. It may involve stabilization, external fixation, angiography, or surgery like
This document discusses the use of laparoscopy in gynecologic oncology. It notes that laparoscopy can be used for procedures like hysterectomy, node dissection, and bowel surgery. Studies show laparoscopy provides benefits like improved vision, less morbidity, shorter hospital stays, and better patient satisfaction compared to open surgery. However, laparoscopy requires a learning curve and is still being evaluated for oncologic outcomes in some cancers. The document reviews evidence for laparoscopy in endometrial, ovarian, and cervical cancers. It concludes laparoscopy is feasible and effective for gynecologic oncology when performed by trained specialists, though more research is still needed.
This document discusses ovarian cysts and their effect on fertility. It covers various types of cysts including functional cysts, dermoid cysts, endometriomas, and cystadenomas. For most cyst types like functional and hemorrhagic cysts, the cyst itself generally does not affect fertility. However, larger dermoid cysts and endometriomas can reduce ovarian reserve by requiring larger cystectomies. Endometriomas also cause direct damage to the ovarian cortex from inflammation and fibrosis. Ovarian torsion from cysts can temporarily reduce ovarian reserve if blood flow is cut off for too long, but detorsion generally preserves ovarian function. The size, number, and risk of recurrence of the
Dr. Sundar Narayanan is a consultant in laparoscopic surgery and assisted reproduction. He has diplomas in laparoscopic surgery from Germany, MIS from France, and ART from Israel. The document provides an overview of the types of laparoscopic gynecological surgeries general surgeons can perform, including diagnostic and operative procedures for conditions affecting the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, pelvic side walls, and pelvic floor. Both conservative treatments and removal surgeries are discussed.
1. Cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP) occurs when a gestational sac implants at the site of a previous cesarean section scar and can lead to life-threatening complications if not treated.
2. Ultrasound is the primary diagnostic tool and shows the gestational sac located in the scar without connecting to the uterine cavity.
3. Treatment options include expectant management, medical management with methotrexate, and surgical management ranging from uterine curettage to hysterectomy. The goal is to terminate the pregnancy while preserving the uterus and future fertility.
This document provides biographical information on Prof. Narendra Malhotra, including his professional designations, affiliations, awards, publications, special interests, and tests for ovarian reserve. He is a professor, past president of several medical organizations, managing director of health care companies, and director of IVF clinics. He has authored or edited numerous medical publications on gynecology and obstetrics. His special research interests include high risk obstetrics, ultrasound, assisted reproductive technology, and genetics.
Laparoscopic repair of hernia- A Guide to Laparoscopic Hernia SurgeryDr Md Omar Tabrez
It includes all the essential details a Surgeon or Post graduate should know about the Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Anatomy and step by step Surgery along with illustrative pictures.
Herlyn Werner Wunderlich Syndrome, also known as OHVIRA syndrome, is a rare condition where there is a obstructed hemivagina with ipsilateral renal agenesis. It results from failure of the Mullerian ducts to properly fuse during gestation. The case report describes a 12-year old girl who presented with abdominal pain and was found to have a right hematocolpos and solitary left kidney, consistent with OHVIRA syndrome. She underwent vaginoscopy and incision of the vaginal septum to drain the hematocolpos.
Dr. Mahesh Patwardhan is famous gynechologist doctor in UK. He is good consultant providing on obstetrics and gynaecology in UK. He is best laproscopy surgen.
This document provides an overview of the key steps in a Cesarean section (CS) procedure. It discusses preoperative preparation including positioning the patient on their left side. It describes spinal or general anesthesia options. The surgical technique involves making a vertical or transverse abdominal incision and then a low transverse uterine incision. The infant is gently delivered and the cord is clamped. The placenta is then manually removed if not delivered spontaneously. The uterine incision is closed with absorbable sutures. In some cases a hysterectomy may be required as part of the procedure due to complications.
This case report describes a caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy in a 28-year old woman with two previous caesarean deliveries. Ultrasound found the gestational sac located in the lower uterine segment within the region of the previous caesarean scar. 3D imaging confirmed these findings. The differential diagnosis considered cervical ectopic pregnancy and missed abortion but color Doppler showed peripheral flow around the sac, confirming a caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy. Early detection of caesarean scar ectopic pregnancies by ultrasound is important to reduce risks of complications like hemorrhage which can require emergency hysterectomy.
Timing of repair in bile duct injury is still debated and questioned. Delayed repair is considered standard practice whereas early repair in selected patients in specialist HPB units.
Hysteroscopy is a procedure used to view the inside of the uterus through a telescope-like device called a hysteroscope. Hysteroscopy offers a valuable extension to the gynecologists armamentarium.
Dx & Mx of urethral and bladder injuriesSCGH ED CME
This document discusses injuries to the bladder and urethra, providing details on diagnosis and management. It notes that bladder injuries occur in 1.6% of blunt trauma victims and are usually associated with pelvic fractures. Gross hematuria is present in most bladder injury cases. Urethral injuries in males are divided into those affecting the posterior urethra associated with pelvic fractures, and anterior injuries from blunt or penetrating trauma. Diagnosis is via retrograde cystography or urethrography. Most extraperitoneal bladder ruptures are now managed non-operatively with catheter drainage, while intraperitoneal ruptures require surgical repair. Urethral injuries may be treated with immediate surgical closure, catheter drainage
The document describes a technique for simplifying total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH). It outlines 10 key steps: 1) patient preparation and positioning, 2) insertion of a uterine manipulator, 3) abdominal entry and trocar placement, 4) dissection of uterine attachments, 5) mobilization of the bladder and posterior dissection, 6) securing the uterine artery, 7) separating the cervix from the vagina, 8) removing the uterus and adnexal tissue, 9) suturing the vaginal vault, and 10) suturing the ports. The technique emphasizes teamwork, careful dissection using bipolar cautery and scissors, and use of a simple uterine manipulator to aid visualization during
Pelvic organ prolapse is a common condition that can diminish quality of life. Signs include descent of the anterior vaginal wall, posterior vaginal wall, uterus, vaginal apex or perineum. Symptoms include vaginal bulging, pelvic pressure and splinting. Risk factors include vaginal childbirth. Treatment options include expectant management, pessaries, pelvic floor exercises, and surgery. Surgical options range from obliterative procedures that close the vagina to reconstructive procedures like sacrocolpopexy that repair prolapse.
Varicocele is the most common cause of male infertility. It occurs when the veins in the scrotum become enlarged and twisted. The condition is diagnosed through physical examination and Doppler ultrasound. Treatment options aim to disrupt the internal spermatic veins while preserving blood flow, with the most common approaches being inguinal, subinguinal, and microscopic surgery. Patients with higher grade varicoceles or abnormal sperm parameters are more likely to see improved fertility outcomes following treatment. While varicocele repair can improve sperm quality, not all patients will experience improved fertility, and subclinical varicoceles without physical signs do not generally require treatment.
Safe use of vasopressin in pelvic surgeries- dr sushila saini,jaipurSushila Saini
Vasopressin is a uterotonic drug that can be used during myomectomy surgery to reduce blood loss by causing vasoconstriction. When used properly with safe practices, it provides a bloodless surgical field and easy suturing with reduced blood loss. However, complications like bradycardia, cardiovascular collapse and death have been reported. The maximum safe total dose is debated but is recommended to be between 4-6 units. Care must be taken to avoid intravascular injection and not exceed safe dosages.
TRANSDERMAL HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION Prof. Aboubakr ElnasharAboubakr Elnashar
This document discusses transdermal hormonal contraception, specifically the Ortho Evra birth control patch. It provides advantages of transdermal delivery over oral contraceptives, including continuous drug levels and improved compliance. The patch contents and application instructions are described. Studies found side effects are similar to oral contraceptives, with high levels of satisfaction and compliance from users. Efficacy is similar to oral contraceptives, except in women over 90kg. The conclusion is the patch offers comparable effectiveness to pills with greater satisfaction and compliance due to easier use.
The document discusses pelvic fractures, their classification, causes, symptoms, diagnostic process, and treatment approaches. Some key points:
- Pelvic fractures account for 3% of skeletal fractures and are usually caused by minor trauma, with higher mortality from severe trauma due to hemorrhage.
- Fractures are classified based on location (e.g. sacrum), stability (intact ring, broken ring), and mechanism of injury (compression, shear).
- Diagnosis involves imaging like x-rays and CT scan to identify fracture patterns and instability.
- Treatment depends on factors like displacement, stability, and injury severity. It may involve stabilization, external fixation, angiography, or surgery like
This document discusses the use of laparoscopy in gynecologic oncology. It notes that laparoscopy can be used for procedures like hysterectomy, node dissection, and bowel surgery. Studies show laparoscopy provides benefits like improved vision, less morbidity, shorter hospital stays, and better patient satisfaction compared to open surgery. However, laparoscopy requires a learning curve and is still being evaluated for oncologic outcomes in some cancers. The document reviews evidence for laparoscopy in endometrial, ovarian, and cervical cancers. It concludes laparoscopy is feasible and effective for gynecologic oncology when performed by trained specialists, though more research is still needed.
This document discusses ovarian cysts and their effect on fertility. It covers various types of cysts including functional cysts, dermoid cysts, endometriomas, and cystadenomas. For most cyst types like functional and hemorrhagic cysts, the cyst itself generally does not affect fertility. However, larger dermoid cysts and endometriomas can reduce ovarian reserve by requiring larger cystectomies. Endometriomas also cause direct damage to the ovarian cortex from inflammation and fibrosis. Ovarian torsion from cysts can temporarily reduce ovarian reserve if blood flow is cut off for too long, but detorsion generally preserves ovarian function. The size, number, and risk of recurrence of the
Dr. Sundar Narayanan is a consultant in laparoscopic surgery and assisted reproduction. He has diplomas in laparoscopic surgery from Germany, MIS from France, and ART from Israel. The document provides an overview of the types of laparoscopic gynecological surgeries general surgeons can perform, including diagnostic and operative procedures for conditions affecting the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, pelvic side walls, and pelvic floor. Both conservative treatments and removal surgeries are discussed.
1. Cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP) occurs when a gestational sac implants at the site of a previous cesarean section scar and can lead to life-threatening complications if not treated.
2. Ultrasound is the primary diagnostic tool and shows the gestational sac located in the scar without connecting to the uterine cavity.
3. Treatment options include expectant management, medical management with methotrexate, and surgical management ranging from uterine curettage to hysterectomy. The goal is to terminate the pregnancy while preserving the uterus and future fertility.
This document provides biographical information on Prof. Narendra Malhotra, including his professional designations, affiliations, awards, publications, special interests, and tests for ovarian reserve. He is a professor, past president of several medical organizations, managing director of health care companies, and director of IVF clinics. He has authored or edited numerous medical publications on gynecology and obstetrics. His special research interests include high risk obstetrics, ultrasound, assisted reproductive technology, and genetics.
Laparoscopic repair of hernia- A Guide to Laparoscopic Hernia SurgeryDr Md Omar Tabrez
It includes all the essential details a Surgeon or Post graduate should know about the Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Anatomy and step by step Surgery along with illustrative pictures.
Herlyn Werner Wunderlich Syndrome, also known as OHVIRA syndrome, is a rare condition where there is a obstructed hemivagina with ipsilateral renal agenesis. It results from failure of the Mullerian ducts to properly fuse during gestation. The case report describes a 12-year old girl who presented with abdominal pain and was found to have a right hematocolpos and solitary left kidney, consistent with OHVIRA syndrome. She underwent vaginoscopy and incision of the vaginal septum to drain the hematocolpos.
Dr. Mahesh Patwardhan is famous gynechologist doctor in UK. He is good consultant providing on obstetrics and gynaecology in UK. He is best laproscopy surgen.
This document provides an overview of the key steps in a Cesarean section (CS) procedure. It discusses preoperative preparation including positioning the patient on their left side. It describes spinal or general anesthesia options. The surgical technique involves making a vertical or transverse abdominal incision and then a low transverse uterine incision. The infant is gently delivered and the cord is clamped. The placenta is then manually removed if not delivered spontaneously. The uterine incision is closed with absorbable sutures. In some cases a hysterectomy may be required as part of the procedure due to complications.
This case report describes a caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy in a 28-year old woman with two previous caesarean deliveries. Ultrasound found the gestational sac located in the lower uterine segment within the region of the previous caesarean scar. 3D imaging confirmed these findings. The differential diagnosis considered cervical ectopic pregnancy and missed abortion but color Doppler showed peripheral flow around the sac, confirming a caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy. Early detection of caesarean scar ectopic pregnancies by ultrasound is important to reduce risks of complications like hemorrhage which can require emergency hysterectomy.
Timing of repair in bile duct injury is still debated and questioned. Delayed repair is considered standard practice whereas early repair in selected patients in specialist HPB units.
Hysteroscopy is a procedure used to view the inside of the uterus through a telescope-like device called a hysteroscope. Hysteroscopy offers a valuable extension to the gynecologists armamentarium.
Cos'竪 un'ernia inguinale? Storia ed attualit della terapia chirurgicaSalvatore Cuccomarino
Cos'竪 un'ernia inguinale, storia della chirurgia dell'ernia, tecnica di Trabucco, tecnica laparoscopica TAPP
What is an inguinal hernia, history of hernia surgery, Trabucco technique, TAPP technique
Presa in carico del paziente con LMC e gestione della terapia a medio e lungo...ASMaD
This document discusses cardiovascular risk management from the perspective of a vascular surgeon. It summarizes the author's experience treating patients with chronic myeloid leukemia who developed vascular complications. The main points are:
1) Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia often have multi-level vascular disease involving the carotid, renal, mesenteric, and lower extremity arteries.
2) Endovascular interventions had high restenosis and failure rates, while open surgeries resulted in better mid-term patency but higher amputation rates.
3) An aggressive surgical approach along with intensive medical management and follow-up is needed for these high-risk patients due to their underlying disease and risk factors. A multidisciplinary team approach
I meccanismi del danno gastrico e la patologia H. Pylori correlataASMaD
Presentazione a cura del Dottor Vincenzo De Francesco - "Malattia da reflussogastroesofageo e infezione da Helicobacter Pylori: old topics?" - Roma 11/05/2019
Ph impedenziometria nella MRGE: quando, come e perch竪ASMaD
Presentazione a cura della Dottoressa Francesca Galeazzi - "Malattia da reflussogastroesofageo e infezione da Helicobacter Pylori: old topics?" - Roma 11/05/2019
This document discusses the classification of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and challenges in classifying patients. It notes that while some patients with typical GERD symptoms respond to treatment, they remain unclassified and may not actually have GERD. A single classification system based on symptoms and endoscopy does not capture all clinical conditions related to GERD. Patients who do not respond to PPIs should be referred to a gastroenterologist. Some GERD patients have significant esophageal motility issues. Those who do not respond to PPIs may require an esophageal biopsy. Some PPI responders actually have eosinophilic esophagitis. Some GERD patients have multiple gastrointestinal comor
Cambiamenti di popolazione e flussi migratori: cambiano anche le malattie met...ASMaD
Presentazione a cura della Dottoressa Migneco Maria Giuseppina - "Incontri endocrinologici AME LAzio - L'endocrinologia nel SSN: prospettive e nuove problematiche" - Roma 17/12/2018
Tiroide: chi decide quale intervento e per chi?ASMaD
Presentazione a cura del Dottor Bellotti Carlo - "Incontri endocrinologici AME LAzio - L'endocrinologia nel SSN: prospettive e nuove problematiche" - Roma 17/12/2018
Tiroide: Integrazione tra elementi nutriacetici e farmacologia: utile o inutile?ASMaD
Presentazione a cura del Dottor Roberto Cesareo - "Incontri endocrinologici AME LAzio - L'endocrinologia nel SSN: prospettive e nuove problematiche" - Roma 17/12/2018
L'ecografia tiroidea: strumento cruciale nella gestione clinica?ASMaD
Presentazione a cura del Dottor Guglielmi Rinaldo - "Incontri endocrinologici AME LAzio - L'endocrinologia nel SSN: prospettive e nuove problematiche" - Roma 17/12/2018
Il chirurgo e la tiroide oggi un rapporto in crisi?ASMaD
Presentazione a cura del Dottor Luca Piantoni e del Dottor Francesco Pedicini - "TIROIDE 2018 Nuovi approcci diagnostici e terapeutici" - Roma 24/11/2018
Presentazione a cura della Dottoressa Rosella Pasqualoni e del dottor Gregorio Reda - "TIROIDE 2018 Nuovi approcci diagnostici e terapeutici" - Roma 24/11/2018
3. Imaging
US: endoanale, transperineale, trans-vaginale
- Visualizzazione del tragitto fistoloso in rapporto al complesso sfinteriale
- Implementazione diagnostica con H2O2 e tecnica 3D
- Estensione tragitto e rapporti con strutture adiacenti
RM: bobine endocoil / phased-array
- ampia risoluzione contrasto ed elevata panoramicit
- identificazione strutture muscolari
- localizzazione ascessi, estensione tragitto, strutture muscolari adiacenti
TC: - ridotta risoluzione contrasto,
-no distinzione tragitto dalle strutture muscolari
RX Fistolografia: Sensibilit 88%; Specificit
- no distinzione tra fistola attiva e tessuto di granulazione
- no identificazione strutture muscolari
4. Bartram et al, AJR 97
Consente di evidenziare correttamente le lesioni
a carico della parete anteriore del retto
Il canale anale non 竪 modificato durante lo studio
della parete anteriore nella sua porzione distale
Lesioni sfinteriali, traumi, ascessi, neoplasie
Studi dinamici
11. Tecnologia : Radiale elettronica
Raggio di curvatura : 6R
Apertura campo di vista : 360 属
Profondita min/max : 0-170mm
HF(alta frequenza e banda larga )
Color : SI
Power doppler / direzionale : SI
Doppler PW : SI
Imaging armonico di contrasto : SI
Diametro asta : 12 mm
Lunghezza asta : 19 oppure 33 cm
Caratteristiche Tecnologiche:
Paziente in decubito laterale sinistro
Esplorazione digitale del retto
Sonda introdotta per circa 10-14 cm
Clistere al mattino
Nessuna sedazione
1. Interfaccia acqua
2. muscolaris mucosae
3. Sottomucosa
4. Muscolaris propria
5. Interfaccia parete
retto e grasso
Spessore della parete: 2-3 mm
Cenni di anatomia
Canale anale: Lunghezza 3,5-4 cm
Rivestito da due formazioni muscolari:
- sfintere interno
- sfintere esterno
Giunzione ano-rettale che comprende:
- porzione prossimale di ambedue gli
- fionda del muscolo pubo-rettale,
parte del muscolo elevatore dellano
Cenni di anatomia
Sfintere anale esterno:
Muscolo striato volontario
Suddiviso in tre porzioni:
- sottocutanea (circonda lorifizio anale
- superficiale (si estende dal coccige al
corpo del perineo)
- profonda (fusa con i fasci muscolari
dellelevatore dellano)
Sfintere anale interno:
Muscolo liscio involontario
Spazio intersfinterico:
Spazio tra sfintere anale interno ed esterno
occupato da fibre muscolari lisce e striate
che arrivano a costituire il muscolo
corrugatore della cute anale
Il canale anale 竪 pi湛 lungo negli uomini che nelle donne
per una maggior lunghezza dello SAE
Le misure (ore 3 e ore 9 ) nella parte media del canale
anale sono:
spessore medio 1.8 mm
2.4-2.7 mm < 55 aa
2..8-3.5 mm > 55 aa
Lo SAI > 4 mm dovrebbe essere sempre considerato
spessore medio 8.6 mm uomini
spessore medio 7.7 mm donne
44. Lo spessore parietale normale 竪 < 3 mm, e tende
ad aumentare dal tenue prossimale al tenue distale
( da 1,6 mm nel digiuno a 2 mm nell'ileo distale )
Anita I: Recent advances in small-bowel imaging: a review. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 2001;
Pallotta N: Small Intestine Contrast Ultrasonography. J Ultrasound Med 2000