This document summarizes a study that estimated the smoking-attributable expenditures (SAEs) for people aged 35 or older in Taiwan in 2000 from the perspective of health insurers. The total SAE was estimated to be US$467.3 million, representing 8.5% of total medical expenditures for that population. Kidney disease, ischemic heart disease, and accidents accounted for the highest SAE costs. The study is an improvement over previous work as it used relative risk data from large cohort studies and health insurance claims data to estimate disease-specific expenditures. However, it did not account for costs of passive smoking or non-insurance expenditures.
This document discusses the need for a holistic platform to enable planning, assembly, and optimization across integrated circuit (IC), package, and printed circuit board (PCB) domains. Traditional "over the wall" design approaches are no longer sufficient due to increasing complexity. The document outlines capabilities of a next-generation co-design platform, including virtual die modeling, single-view connectivity management, and rule-based pin optimization, to improve design quality and reduce costs.
This document discusses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and its growing importance for wearable devices and the Internet of Things. It provides an overview of BLE specifications and roles, how devices communicate using advertising and connections, and how to implement BLE on Android. Examples of real-world BLE applications are given, including smart locks, beacons, smart plugs, and baby monitors. Code examples are also provided for scanning, connecting to, and reading data from BLE devices using Android APIs.
Responsive Web Design ˾W퓼gĸ£HH^ Media Queries ɜyΞĻߴ磬ṩmϲͬߴbõăcʽ
ļgǶȁɚw{YԴһԡݏԡhmƷ|ѻĂҪء}ʹҪؽBÌf Responsive Web ďԣKЄӾW퓞g[Чʡ
This document proposes methods for analyzing manga styles using image and text features. It extracts panel, screentone, character, and line features from manga pages. Latent Dirichlet Allocation is used to build a latent style model that represents manga as mixtures of latent style elements. The features and model are used to distinguish manga styles, retrieve artworks by the same artist or movement, and find artworks from the same period. Evaluation shows the panel, screentone, and line features effectively capture differences between manga styles.
An introductory to Unity3D engine for programmers who are already familiar with SDL, D3D, OpenGL, Ogre.. or so.
Open Data Open Source Platforms: _ԴYƽ̨ CKAN _lChengjen Lee
This document discusses using the open source CKAN platform for open data portals and sharing experiences customizing and implementing CKAN. It begins by introducing CKAN and its features for publishing, sharing, finding, and using open data. It then describes customizing CKAN for a Taiwanese open data portal including adding custom metadata fields, data validation, visualization plugins, localization, and harvesting from other data sources. The document concludes by discussing ways to contribute to CKAN such as through the development of new features, plugins, or translations.
Procasur Africa was invited to organize and chair the Break Out session on Successful Strategies of Land Access for the New Generations at the ILC organized Global Land Forum Break Out Session: Successful Strategies of Land Access for the New Generations, held in Dakar, Senegal on the 13th of May 2015.
The presentation covers the identification and analysis of successful strategies of land access for rural youth in different regions (specifically in Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa) by presenting main approaches, types of intervention and lessons learned from PROCASUR and the International Fund of Agricultural Development - IFAD's experiences;
Presents two good practices of land access for rural youth in Bolivia and Senegal; and
Approaches, strategies and policies to secure and promote youth access to land.
Please click on the following link! For more on Procasur Africa's work with Rural Youth and Agriculture in Africa:
This document summarizes key trends in B2B e-commerce. It finds that B2B online sales will account for 27% of total manufacturing trade worth $25 trillion by 2020. Several factors are driving growth in B2B e-commerce, including the migration to cloud platforms and expectations of online buying and selling. Research shows that B2B customers use search engines extensively in their research and decision making processes. Personalization, enhanced search capabilities, and integration with backend systems are important priorities for B2B customers and vendors.
Responsive Web Design ˾W퓼gĸ£HH^ Media Queries ɜyΞĻߴ磬ṩmϲͬߴbõăcʽ
ļgǶȁɚw{YԴһԡݏԡhmƷ|ѻĂҪء}ʹҪؽBÌf Responsive Web ďԣKЄӾW퓞g[Чʡ
This document proposes methods for analyzing manga styles using image and text features. It extracts panel, screentone, character, and line features from manga pages. Latent Dirichlet Allocation is used to build a latent style model that represents manga as mixtures of latent style elements. The features and model are used to distinguish manga styles, retrieve artworks by the same artist or movement, and find artworks from the same period. Evaluation shows the panel, screentone, and line features effectively capture differences between manga styles.
An introductory to Unity3D engine for programmers who are already familiar with SDL, D3D, OpenGL, Ogre.. or so.
Open Data Open Source Platforms: _ԴYƽ̨ CKAN _lChengjen Lee
This document discusses using the open source CKAN platform for open data portals and sharing experiences customizing and implementing CKAN. It begins by introducing CKAN and its features for publishing, sharing, finding, and using open data. It then describes customizing CKAN for a Taiwanese open data portal including adding custom metadata fields, data validation, visualization plugins, localization, and harvesting from other data sources. The document concludes by discussing ways to contribute to CKAN such as through the development of new features, plugins, or translations.
Procasur Africa was invited to organize and chair the Break Out session on Successful Strategies of Land Access for the New Generations at the ILC organized Global Land Forum Break Out Session: Successful Strategies of Land Access for the New Generations, held in Dakar, Senegal on the 13th of May 2015.
The presentation covers the identification and analysis of successful strategies of land access for rural youth in different regions (specifically in Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa) by presenting main approaches, types of intervention and lessons learned from PROCASUR and the International Fund of Agricultural Development - IFAD's experiences;
Presents two good practices of land access for rural youth in Bolivia and Senegal; and
Approaches, strategies and policies to secure and promote youth access to land.
Please click on the following link! For more on Procasur Africa's work with Rural Youth and Agriculture in Africa:
This document summarizes key trends in B2B e-commerce. It finds that B2B online sales will account for 27% of total manufacturing trade worth $25 trillion by 2020. Several factors are driving growth in B2B e-commerce, including the migration to cloud platforms and expectations of online buying and selling. Research shows that B2B customers use search engines extensively in their research and decision making processes. Personalization, enhanced search capabilities, and integration with backend systems are important priorities for B2B customers and vendors.
vߺ飺FܛЃrֵҡtwMVC v
SignalR һOӋ Web ͨӍܘ˶N_ Server c EndPoint BYʽ (Long PoolingServer Sent EventWebSocket)
h ASP.NET MVC \ SignalR جF̨й܇ӑBʾČ^̣ԏЌWԓڑóʽOӋ\ SignalR ͨӍʽ_ͬrʹϾsȻϵyϵyᣬչʾc Azure YʹϵyõߵĿԡ
30. ǰ10API (2012)
1. Google API Earch, maps, social networking, email. Following REST, XML and XSLT standards, Google APIs are designed to be easy-to-use and stable. 2. Facebook API 3. Twitter API Ŀǰthe best way to discover whats new in your world, Twitter is a real-time information network that continues to allow millions of people to connect and share information for free.
31. ǰ10API (2012)
4. Amazon API https://affiliate-
Originally a mere bookseller, marketplace leader selling anything from cat food to web applications
and both Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2 web services
both a REST and SOAP interface. Using the Amazon S3 API is a convenient way to expand data storage and leverage other professional web applications. Amazon EC2 is a server farm rental service
5. Salesforce API
32. ǰ10API (2012)
5. Salesforce API
Salesforce is a leading CRM solution that gives businesses the information and tools necessary to gain and nurture customers. a SOAP Web Services API, REST API, Bulk API, Metadata API, Apex, and Visualforce.
6. YouTube API
The biggest video-sharing website, which enables people to integrate the video content and functionality
provides both a YouTube Data API and a YouTube Player API,
33. ǰ10API (2012)
7. WordPress API One of the most popular content management systems around, connect with its system via installable WordPress plugins, annel. use a WordPress API key to manage security of their WordPress API plugin. 8. Box API is a content management system with diverse capabilities to fulfill file management needs in the cloud.
34. ǰ10API (2012)
9. Flickr API
One of the webs most popular photo sharing systems amongst friends,
Flickr offers storage, organization, and display of digital photos. The Flickr API including integration with other social apps. Flickr also encourages programmers to converse, share, and curate using the Flickr API.
10. Dropbox API
Dropbox is a collaborative tool that allows for file/document management and sharing across both personal and professional needs.
48. SOAP vs. REST
?Based on Standards,
?Only accessed by software,
?Allow description of complex data structure in request and response,
?Geared to simplicity,
?A browser can be a client,
?Request as complex as a URL can be,
58. Open API gܘ
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^Integration Server ռY
Yԣ춷ɢʽYώMS SQL Server
59. Open API gܘ
ĿǰiCulutre ṩServer Side գ^ Http+RESTFul API Y ȡؑ
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60. ĻOpen API gܘ
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70. 70
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iCulture Open API
71. 71
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72. 72
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73. 73
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iCulture Open API
74. 74
[{"name":"{ز ","representImage":"","intro":"۔ {زַ֡QزR븮ﶼԪRλ춽_ fA^ֶ̖dǬ¡ʮ꡴Ԫһ꡵ ʮ꡴Ԫһ꡵ޡԱ~εʽR B֮LBYИ֮LRдRһǬ ¡ʮɏRvʷPS ","type":"1.1","level":"ֱݠж ۔","address":"245̖ ","longitude":"121.500823","latitude":"25.036762","openTime":"ȫ ","arriveWay":"","registerDateValue":"1985/08/19","headCityName":"_ ","srcWebsite":"","buildingYearName":"Ǭ¡g ","buildingCreateWestYear":"1760","name_eng":"Monga Dizang Temple","intro_eng":"Monga Dizang Temple, a 3rd-grade historical site, is also known as Dizangwang Temple, serving the worship of the city god and Tiandu Yuanshuai. It was located at present-day #245, Xichang Street, Wanhua District iCulture Open API