El documento describe las actividades de un grupo de estudiantes para preparar y cuidar su propio huerto escolar. Primero pintaron y acondicionaron los contenedores para las plantas, y luego plantaron verduras y hierbas tanto de semillas como de plantines, incluyendo lechugas, habichuelas, guisantes y cebollas. Cada clase los estudiantes regaban y desherbaron el huerto, y tomaron medidas para protegerlo de p叩jaros y caracoles. Al final cosecharon algunos de sus cultivos, como lechugas, ce
Este documento describe los factores que afectan la cantidad de ox鱈geno disuelto en el agua, incluyendo la temperatura, salinidad, presi坦n atmosf辿rica, actividad biol坦gica, y turbulencia. Explica que la cantidad de ox鱈geno disuelto es importante para procesos como la fotos鱈ntesis, oxidaci坦n-reducci坦n, y descomposici坦n de materia org叩nica.
Peggy Waters has over 30 years of experience in quality assurance, auditing, and project management. She currently works as a Quality Assurance Specialist for the Defense Health Agency, where her responsibilities include quality analysis, process documentation, auditing, and reporting. Previously, she held quality analyst roles at General Dynamics and Visa, where she gained experience with standards such as ISO, CMMI, and Lean Six Sigma. She has a secret security clearance and expertise in areas like risk management, systems engineering, and program management.
Jing is a free computer program developed by TechSmith Corporation that allows users to take screenshots and record screencasts of up to 5 minutes to share online. It can be used for educational purposes like recording feedback while grading papers or sharing snapshots with students. Jing works on both Mac and Windows computers and creates a folder to automatically save captured images and videos locally.
Este documento describe varias herramientas web 2.0 como Skype, Google Docs, Wikipedia, WordPress y redes sociales que permiten compartir informaci坦n, interactuar y colaborar entre usuarios como creadores de contenido. Algunas de estas herramientas incluyen servicios en la nube para crear documentos y archivos en l鱈nea, subir videos y presentaciones, y crear p叩ginas web y mapas mentales.
This document contains photos of various areas within St. John's College at UBC, including the courtyard when viewed from the Social Lounge, the Social Lounge itself, a seminar room, and a lecture hall.
This portfolio outlines F叩bio Turri's work developing technologies for inhalatory anesthesia, oxygen therapy, respiratory ventilation, and cardiopulmonary assistance. Some of the key projects include electronic vaporizers for various anesthetic gases, a portable veterinary anesthesia system, an ICU ventilator, an implantable axial flow rotary blood pump, extracorporeal heat exchangers, and membrane blood oxygenators. Many of the projects were completed for clients such as Novitech, Takaoka, and the Heart Institute at the University of S達o Paulo.
The Upfront is not just a concept for major broadcasters but in fact can help create more sustainable, predictable business models for all digital media. Atlanta Journal Constitutions Eric Myers shows how to create a calendar of event driven editorial coverage that can align independent content with client initiatives well in advance. He demonstrates how the AJC team creates a guide and system that allows clients and publishers to appropriately plan resources around content needs throughout the calendar year and deepen their business partnership over the long term.
The document outlines the strategic plan for the Financial and Resource Operations (FRO) department at UBC. It discusses three key priorities: 1) Delivering extraordinary campus experiences through investments in technology, infrastructure, and campus services; 2) Achieving operating excellence through organizational effectiveness, summer campus use, and risk management; and 3) Building a deep talent pool across UBC through an integrated staff model, hiring and development, and health and well-being initiatives. The plan aims to help UBC address provincial funding cuts and global competition through revenue diversification, financial sustainability, and delivering an outstanding learning and working environment.
1. O documento apresenta resolu巽達o de exemplos sobre controle adaptativo de sistemas em tempo discreto e cont鱈nuo.
2. Inclui modelagem matem叩tica de sistemas lineares e s鱈ntese de controladores PID e de dois graus de liberdade usando t辿cnicas de cancelamento e n達o cancelamento de zeros.
3. Aborda exemplos de sistemas de segunda ordem, determina巽達o de par但metros de controle, equa巽探es de Diophantus e implementa巽達o de leis de controle.
The Onion's Foolproof Guide to Branded ContentMediaPost
Rick Hamann, Chief Creative Officer of Onion Inc., will share the secret formula for creating the world's greatest branded content. In addition to overseeing Onion, Inc.s various properties and creative endeavors, Hamann heads up in-house creative services agency, Onion Labs, which combines the best comedy writers and marketing talent to create advertising content worthy of The Onion name.
Jetlore Founder, Eldar Sadikov, Presents at eTail West, 2016Jetlore
The document discusses the shift from transactional to relationship commerce. It notes that top performing e-commerce companies have customers that order 2x more frequently, with averages orders 50% higher in value, and customer lifetime values that are 5x higher than average. Relationship commerce focuses on building user profiles and personalized experiences through tools like loyalty programs, product recommendations, and personalized communications like emails. The key aspects of relationship commerce are maximizing logged-in traffic, having users invest in profiles, and offering engaging personalized experiences across the site and communications channels.
Presentation - Work Instruction Sheet, Heating RoomTana Naknonhun
Working Past - Time :
Advise & Work Instruction Sheet, Heating Room
at Partnership Thepthip Bakery 2002, Khon kaen
With Teacher and Friend in my major about 8 people
El documento describe las actividades de un grupo de estudiantes para preparar y cuidar su propio huerto escolar. Primero pintaron y acondicionaron los contenedores para las plantas, y luego plantaron verduras y hierbas tanto de semillas como de plantines, incluyendo lechugas, habichuelas, guisantes y cebollas. Cada clase los estudiantes regaban y desherbaron el huerto, y tomaron medidas para protegerlo de p叩jaros y caracoles. Al final cosecharon algunos de sus cultivos, como lechugas, ce
Este documento describe los factores que afectan la cantidad de ox鱈geno disuelto en el agua, incluyendo la temperatura, salinidad, presi坦n atmosf辿rica, actividad biol坦gica, y turbulencia. Explica que la cantidad de ox鱈geno disuelto es importante para procesos como la fotos鱈ntesis, oxidaci坦n-reducci坦n, y descomposici坦n de materia org叩nica.
Peggy Waters has over 30 years of experience in quality assurance, auditing, and project management. She currently works as a Quality Assurance Specialist for the Defense Health Agency, where her responsibilities include quality analysis, process documentation, auditing, and reporting. Previously, she held quality analyst roles at General Dynamics and Visa, where she gained experience with standards such as ISO, CMMI, and Lean Six Sigma. She has a secret security clearance and expertise in areas like risk management, systems engineering, and program management.
Jing is a free computer program developed by TechSmith Corporation that allows users to take screenshots and record screencasts of up to 5 minutes to share online. It can be used for educational purposes like recording feedback while grading papers or sharing snapshots with students. Jing works on both Mac and Windows computers and creates a folder to automatically save captured images and videos locally.
Este documento describe varias herramientas web 2.0 como Skype, Google Docs, Wikipedia, WordPress y redes sociales que permiten compartir informaci坦n, interactuar y colaborar entre usuarios como creadores de contenido. Algunas de estas herramientas incluyen servicios en la nube para crear documentos y archivos en l鱈nea, subir videos y presentaciones, y crear p叩ginas web y mapas mentales.
This document contains photos of various areas within St. John's College at UBC, including the courtyard when viewed from the Social Lounge, the Social Lounge itself, a seminar room, and a lecture hall.
This portfolio outlines F叩bio Turri's work developing technologies for inhalatory anesthesia, oxygen therapy, respiratory ventilation, and cardiopulmonary assistance. Some of the key projects include electronic vaporizers for various anesthetic gases, a portable veterinary anesthesia system, an ICU ventilator, an implantable axial flow rotary blood pump, extracorporeal heat exchangers, and membrane blood oxygenators. Many of the projects were completed for clients such as Novitech, Takaoka, and the Heart Institute at the University of S達o Paulo.
The Upfront is not just a concept for major broadcasters but in fact can help create more sustainable, predictable business models for all digital media. Atlanta Journal Constitutions Eric Myers shows how to create a calendar of event driven editorial coverage that can align independent content with client initiatives well in advance. He demonstrates how the AJC team creates a guide and system that allows clients and publishers to appropriately plan resources around content needs throughout the calendar year and deepen their business partnership over the long term.
The document outlines the strategic plan for the Financial and Resource Operations (FRO) department at UBC. It discusses three key priorities: 1) Delivering extraordinary campus experiences through investments in technology, infrastructure, and campus services; 2) Achieving operating excellence through organizational effectiveness, summer campus use, and risk management; and 3) Building a deep talent pool across UBC through an integrated staff model, hiring and development, and health and well-being initiatives. The plan aims to help UBC address provincial funding cuts and global competition through revenue diversification, financial sustainability, and delivering an outstanding learning and working environment.
1. O documento apresenta resolu巽達o de exemplos sobre controle adaptativo de sistemas em tempo discreto e cont鱈nuo.
2. Inclui modelagem matem叩tica de sistemas lineares e s鱈ntese de controladores PID e de dois graus de liberdade usando t辿cnicas de cancelamento e n達o cancelamento de zeros.
3. Aborda exemplos de sistemas de segunda ordem, determina巽達o de par但metros de controle, equa巽探es de Diophantus e implementa巽達o de leis de controle.
The Onion's Foolproof Guide to Branded ContentMediaPost
Rick Hamann, Chief Creative Officer of Onion Inc., will share the secret formula for creating the world's greatest branded content. In addition to overseeing Onion, Inc.s various properties and creative endeavors, Hamann heads up in-house creative services agency, Onion Labs, which combines the best comedy writers and marketing talent to create advertising content worthy of The Onion name.
Jetlore Founder, Eldar Sadikov, Presents at eTail West, 2016Jetlore
The document discusses the shift from transactional to relationship commerce. It notes that top performing e-commerce companies have customers that order 2x more frequently, with averages orders 50% higher in value, and customer lifetime values that are 5x higher than average. Relationship commerce focuses on building user profiles and personalized experiences through tools like loyalty programs, product recommendations, and personalized communications like emails. The key aspects of relationship commerce are maximizing logged-in traffic, having users invest in profiles, and offering engaging personalized experiences across the site and communications channels.
Presentation - Work Instruction Sheet, Heating RoomTana Naknonhun
Working Past - Time :
Advise & Work Instruction Sheet, Heating Room
at Partnership Thepthip Bakery 2002, Khon kaen
With Teacher and Friend in my major about 8 people
Lany passat vam
mesurar i posar les
torretes de fusta. I les
vam pintar de diferents
colors. Quan ja es van
assecar vam posar la
terra. Al cap dun
temps vam posar les
tanques, i les vam
Hem plantat moltes coses. Algunes les hem
trasplantat i altres les hem plantat com les
mongetes.Tamb辿 hem plantat: porros,
maduixeres, alls, p竪sols, espinacs, enciam...
Vam collir molts tipus
de verdures: espinacs,
enciam, col-i-flor.
Tamb辿 vam plantar
pastanagues, per嘆 no
van cr辿ixer. A la
classe les vam sortejar.
De cada verdura en
mengem parts
diferents de la
pastanaga en mengem
les arrels, del p竪sol en
mengem la llavor, de
lenciam mengem la
Ha sigut molt divertit
perqu竪 hem anat
mirant i hem vist com
Ha sigut molt divertit
perqu竪 hem anat
mirant i hem vist com