The document discusses employees' suggestion schemes, which allow employees to submit ideas for improving their organizations. It provides background on the origins of suggestion schemes, noting the first programs implemented by the British Navy and shipyards in the 1700-1800s. Suggestion schemes aim to improve processes, productivity, quality and reduce costs and errors by tapping into the knowledge and perspectives of employees. An effective suggestion scheme has a clear process for submitting, reviewing and implementing ideas, and recognizes and rewards employees for contributions. Regular measurement of metrics like suggestions implemented and cost savings help ensure the program is achieving its goals.
The document discusses the importance and benefits of an Employees' Suggestion Scheme, noting that good ideas can come from anyone regardless of education, age, or physical condition. It provides details on how suggestion schemes work, including common processes, measurements of success, and examples of leading companies that implement suggestion schemes globally and in India. The document advocates for establishing suggestion schemes in organizations to improve processes and productivity by leveraging employees' grassroots knowledge and diverse perspectives.
The document discusses employees' suggestion schemes (ESS), which allow employees to submit ideas for improving their organizations. It notes that good ideas can come from employees regardless of their education, age, or physical condition. ESS are widely adopted around the world to improve processes and reduce costs. The text provides examples of successful ESS programs and outlines typical processes for implementing and measuring an ESS.
The document proposes implementing a Lean approach at a lab to improve productivity, reduce waste, and establish a Lean culture. It recommends a hybrid consulting model involving diagnostic assessments, training staff on Lean tools and methods, conducting improvement projects under consultant guidance, and cultural changes to sustain results. This approach aims to quickly generate results to gain buy-in for a longer-term Lean transformation applying the culturalization model to all staff. The proposal compares models and outlines the consultants' roles, credentials, and examples of significant ROI other clients have achieved through Lean interventions.
This document discusses implementing Lean in service industries and ensuring sustainability. It compares hierarchical and self-governing models of Lean rollout. The self-governing model, which focuses on employee engagement, learning by doing, and building internal capability, leads to the best opportunity for sustainability compared to the hierarchical, top-down approach.
Codeweavers Development - The Toyota WayPaul Boocock
The document outlines the 14 principles of the Toyota Way, which is Toyota's management philosophy and set of methods. The principles focus on eliminating waste, continuous improvement, problem-solving, respect for people, and building a learning organization. Some key principles include using pull systems to avoid overproduction, standardizing processes, visual controls, respecting suppliers, consensus-based decision making, and relentless reflection to drive organizational learning. The goal is to produce high-quality vehicles with fewer defects through engaged employees and efficient processes.
Introduction to Quality Circles, Total Quality Management (TQM), objectives, structure, process, techniques, tools, facts and myths on quality circles.
The document discusses lean transformation and the lean global network. It provides:
1) An overview of the Lean Global Network which is a network of institutes working to bring lean thinking and practices to their countries to improve organizational performance, raise living standards, and enable more fulfilling work.
2) A model for lean transformation which involves aligning an organization's purpose, processes, and people development to create value. It emphasizes clear communication of purpose, continuous process improvement, and building capabilities.
3) Questions organizations should consider around clearly defining their purpose and problem to solve, improving processes, developing employee capabilities, exhibiting the right leadership behaviors, and assessing underlying assumptions.
Lean Leadership for Executives: Initial findings from LGN Research by David Brunt shown at the Lean Summit 2012 - Learning - Educating - Sharing on 27/28 November
Low Carbon Scotland Mind Fit Renewables 25th February 2015 FinalKeith Willett
The document discusses using a "Hearts and Minds Solution" to engage employees and achieve management buy-in for sustainability initiatives like increasing renewable energy use. It notes that successful organizations are those that engage all employees and demonstrate positive attitudes. The solution aims to prevent "Behavioral Waste" by aligning systems and behaviors to achieve organizational goals like helping Low Carbon Scotland exceed its targets through small, incremental changes that have a big impact.
This presentation provides an exective overview of how to plan and implement lean improvements in manufacturing. It identifies and discusses the seven elements considered critical to lean implementation success.
1. The document discusses Toyota's approach to developing effective teams through a long-term philosophy of respecting people and continuous improvement.
2. Toyota focuses on developing exceptional individuals and effective teamwork through leadership training, group problem-solving processes, and applying theories of internal and external motivation.
3. Building a culture of respect and continuous learning is emphasized as the key to Toyota's success in developing high-performing teams.
The document presents a training and development programme at Godrej. It discusses Godrej's mission to operate reliable businesses that delight customers in India and abroad. It then outlines several training programmes Godrej implemented between 1995-2003, including Total Quality Management to develop a positive culture, Parivartan to motivate employees, Gallop to develop professionals, and English language programmes to improve skills. The training programmes aimed to develop attitudes, skills, knowledge, and bring strategic recommendations. Benefits included improved productivity, reduced absenteeism, and confidence for employees.
Lean thinking is a business methodology that aims to provide a new way to think about how to organize human activities to deliver more benefits to society and value to individuals while eliminating waste.
Hoshin promotion demystifying the x-matrix - manos5S Supply
The document summarizes a presentation on demystifying the Hoshin Kanri or policy deployment X-matrix. It discusses how to properly complete an X-matrix including filling out the main sections of initiatives/projects, targets/metrics, focus strategies, and key players/interactions. It provides an example of a high-level X-matrix and explains how the sections are related and how drilling down into lower level X-matrices can help implement strategies and tactics.
Awareness Lecture Series - Continuous Improvement Transformation.
A Guide to Continuous Improvement Transformation: Concepts, Processes, Implementation
Springer Series: Management for Professionals
Handbook on Continuous Improvement Transformation: The Lean Six Sigma Framework and Systematic Methodology for Implementation
The document discusses the key differences between a traditional organization structure and a Lean organization structure. It emphasizes that Lean is not just about tools, but requires an overall Lean vision focused on developing people, problem awareness, problem solving techniques, and improving performance. The four phases of Lean transformation are outlined, moving from organizational development to continuous improvement across the entire enterprise. Key elements of an effective Lean vision include improving quality, cost, delivery, problem solving, and developing a problem-solving mindset in people.
El gobierno de Alberto Fujimori entre 1990 y 2000 se caracteriz坦 por ser un r辿gimen autoritario y dictatorial. Fujimori implement坦 medidas econ坦micas neoliberales pero tambi辿n suspendi坦 la constituci坦n y disolvi坦 el congreso en 1992. Su gobierno estuvo marcado por violaciones a los derechos humanos y acusaciones de corrupci坦n, particularmente relacionadas a su asesor Vladimiro Montesinos. Las protestas en su contra aumentaron hasta que Fujimori renunci坦 por fax desde Jap坦n en el 2000.
Introduction to Quality Circles, Total Quality Management (TQM), objectives, structure, process, techniques, tools, facts and myths on quality circles.
The document discusses lean transformation and the lean global network. It provides:
1) An overview of the Lean Global Network which is a network of institutes working to bring lean thinking and practices to their countries to improve organizational performance, raise living standards, and enable more fulfilling work.
2) A model for lean transformation which involves aligning an organization's purpose, processes, and people development to create value. It emphasizes clear communication of purpose, continuous process improvement, and building capabilities.
3) Questions organizations should consider around clearly defining their purpose and problem to solve, improving processes, developing employee capabilities, exhibiting the right leadership behaviors, and assessing underlying assumptions.
Lean Leadership for Executives: Initial findings from LGN Research by David Brunt shown at the Lean Summit 2012 - Learning - Educating - Sharing on 27/28 November
Low Carbon Scotland Mind Fit Renewables 25th February 2015 FinalKeith Willett
The document discusses using a "Hearts and Minds Solution" to engage employees and achieve management buy-in for sustainability initiatives like increasing renewable energy use. It notes that successful organizations are those that engage all employees and demonstrate positive attitudes. The solution aims to prevent "Behavioral Waste" by aligning systems and behaviors to achieve organizational goals like helping Low Carbon Scotland exceed its targets through small, incremental changes that have a big impact.
This presentation provides an exective overview of how to plan and implement lean improvements in manufacturing. It identifies and discusses the seven elements considered critical to lean implementation success.
1. The document discusses Toyota's approach to developing effective teams through a long-term philosophy of respecting people and continuous improvement.
2. Toyota focuses on developing exceptional individuals and effective teamwork through leadership training, group problem-solving processes, and applying theories of internal and external motivation.
3. Building a culture of respect and continuous learning is emphasized as the key to Toyota's success in developing high-performing teams.
The document presents a training and development programme at Godrej. It discusses Godrej's mission to operate reliable businesses that delight customers in India and abroad. It then outlines several training programmes Godrej implemented between 1995-2003, including Total Quality Management to develop a positive culture, Parivartan to motivate employees, Gallop to develop professionals, and English language programmes to improve skills. The training programmes aimed to develop attitudes, skills, knowledge, and bring strategic recommendations. Benefits included improved productivity, reduced absenteeism, and confidence for employees.
Lean thinking is a business methodology that aims to provide a new way to think about how to organize human activities to deliver more benefits to society and value to individuals while eliminating waste.
Hoshin promotion demystifying the x-matrix - manos5S Supply
The document summarizes a presentation on demystifying the Hoshin Kanri or policy deployment X-matrix. It discusses how to properly complete an X-matrix including filling out the main sections of initiatives/projects, targets/metrics, focus strategies, and key players/interactions. It provides an example of a high-level X-matrix and explains how the sections are related and how drilling down into lower level X-matrices can help implement strategies and tactics.
Awareness Lecture Series - Continuous Improvement Transformation.
A Guide to Continuous Improvement Transformation: Concepts, Processes, Implementation
Springer Series: Management for Professionals
Handbook on Continuous Improvement Transformation: The Lean Six Sigma Framework and Systematic Methodology for Implementation
The document discusses the key differences between a traditional organization structure and a Lean organization structure. It emphasizes that Lean is not just about tools, but requires an overall Lean vision focused on developing people, problem awareness, problem solving techniques, and improving performance. The four phases of Lean transformation are outlined, moving from organizational development to continuous improvement across the entire enterprise. Key elements of an effective Lean vision include improving quality, cost, delivery, problem solving, and developing a problem-solving mindset in people.
El gobierno de Alberto Fujimori entre 1990 y 2000 se caracteriz坦 por ser un r辿gimen autoritario y dictatorial. Fujimori implement坦 medidas econ坦micas neoliberales pero tambi辿n suspendi坦 la constituci坦n y disolvi坦 el congreso en 1992. Su gobierno estuvo marcado por violaciones a los derechos humanos y acusaciones de corrupci坦n, particularmente relacionadas a su asesor Vladimiro Montesinos. Las protestas en su contra aumentaron hasta que Fujimori renunci坦 por fax desde Jap坦n en el 2000.
Asia es el continente m叩s grande y poblado de la Tierra. Se caracteriza por su gran tama単o, diversidad de paisajes como monta単as, mesetas, llanuras y costas recortadas, y por albergar una gran variedad de climas y culturas. Algunos de sus principales r鱈os son el Ganges, Yangts辿 e Indo.
El documento describe los principios econ坦micos de la colonizaci坦n espa単ola en Am辿rica, incluyendo el mercantilismo, monopolio y control del comercio. Tambi辿n describe las formas de trabajo forzado como la mita minera y obrajera. Finalmente, detalla la miner鱈a, particularmente la plata de Potos鱈, y el comercio colonial a trav辿s del puerto del Callao.
Este documento define los recursos naturales como bienes y servicios proporcionados por la naturaleza que son valiosos para las sociedades humanas. Explica que los recursos naturales se clasifican en renovables, no renovables e inagotables. Los recursos renovables como la flora y fauna tienen ciclos de regeneraci坦n, mientras que los no renovables como los combustibles f坦siles y minerales son finitos. Adem叩s, se単ala que los recursos naturales son esenciales para sostener la vida y que su sobreexplotaci坦n o mal uso puede
La cuenca amaz坦nica es la mayor del mundo, abarcando varios pa鱈ses de Sudam辿rica y conteniendo una gran diversidad de vida silvestre y recursos naturales. Los pa鱈ses firmaron el Tratado de Cooperaci坦n Amaz坦nica para preservar la regi坦n y promover su desarrollo sostenible.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de desastres naturales, incluyendo desastres meteorol坦gicos como huracanes, tornados, tormentas, heladas y sequ鱈as; desastres topogr叩ficos como inundaciones, avalanchas y deslizamientos; y el fen坦meno de El Ni単o. Explica conceptos clave como peligro, vulnerabilidad y riesgo, y c坦mo estos conducen a desastres cuando se manifiestan fen坦menos naturales. Tambi辿n brinda detalles sobre algunos desastres espec鱈ficos como huracanes, torn
El documento describe las tres cuencas hidrogr叩ficas principales de Per炭: la Cuenca del Pac鱈fico, formada por 53 r鱈os en la vertiente occidental de los Andes que desembocan en el oc辿ano Pac鱈fico; la Cuenca del Amazonas, con r鱈os como el Mara単坦n y Ucayali que tienen su origen en los Nudos de Pasco y Vilcanota y desembocan en el Amazonas; y la Cuenca del Titicaca, que incluye r鱈os como el Ramis y el Desaguadero que drenan el lago
La sociedad del Virreinato Peruano era jer叩rquica, clasista y racista. Estaba dividida legalmente en dos rep炭blicas: la Rep炭blica de Espa単oles, que agrupaba a los espa単oles en el sector dominante, y la Rep炭blica de Indios, que comprend鱈a a los ind鱈genas como sector dominado y sujetos de derecho como menores de edad. Los negros no estaban clasificados y eran considerados objetos. La sociedad tambi辿n se divid鱈a 辿tnicamente en blancos, indios y negros, y socialmente en arist坦cratas, pleb
El documento define el crecimiento y desarrollo econ坦mico, y describe las desigualdades entre el mundo desarrollado y subdesarrollado. Explica que el crecimiento se refiere al aumento del PIB, mientras que el desarrollo tambi辿n considera el bienestar humano y ambiental. Adem叩s, detalla los mecanismos como la deuda externa y el dominio de las multinacionales que han causado y mantenido la pobreza en el mundo subdesarrollado.
The Quality Circle "OMKAR" identified that observation memos from construction project inspections were often delayed, defeating their purpose, and solved this problem through identifying root causes and implementing foolproof solutions. This improved work quality and brightened the department's image while also benefiting employees through skills growth, work flexibility, teamwork opportunities, and motivation to improve work culture, self-improvement, and creativity. Another Quality Circle reduced accidents on a highway connecting New Mumbai by analyzing accident data, identifying causes, and implementing solutions like lane markings and signage that eliminated accidents at targeted locations.
The document discusses concepts related to continuous quality improvement in manufacturing, including Just-in-Time (JIT) production, kaizen, gemba, and muda. JIT aims to increase efficiency by reducing waste of materials, time and effort. Kaizen refers to ongoing, incremental improvements involving employees. Gemba means the real workplace or production floor where value is added. Muda means any non-value adding waste that should be eliminated, such as overproduction or unnecessary motion. Quality circles, employee involvement, and eliminating waste are emphasized as part of an overall philosophy of continuous improvement.
Quality circles are voluntary groups of employees that meet regularly to identify, analyze, and solve work-related problems. They were first established in Japan in 1962 and aim to improve quality and productivity through employee participation. Quality circles typically have a structure that includes a steering committee, coordinator, facilitator, and circle members. They use various problem-solving techniques like brainstorming, cause-and-effect analysis, and data collection/analysis to identify issues, generate solutions, and implement approved changes. When properly implemented, quality circles can increase productivity, quality, and employee morale.
Quality circles are voluntary groups of employees that meet regularly to identify, analyze, and solve work-related problems. They were first established in Japan in 1962 and aim to improve quality and productivity through employee participation. Quality circles typically have a structure that includes a steering committee, coordinator, facilitator, circle leader, and members. They use various problem-solving techniques like brainstorming, cause-and-effect diagrams, and data analysis to identify issues, generate solutions, and implement approved changes. When properly implemented, quality circles can increase productivity, quality, and employee morale.
The document outlines the 14 management principles of the Toyota Way. It describes how Toyota Motor Corporation established these principles based on their philosophy and practices developed since 1940. The principles focus on long-term thinking, eliminating waste, developing people, problem-solving, and continuous improvement. Adopting these principles through a culture of respect, challenge, and teamwork can help any organization achieve success like Toyota.
Collaborative Innovation for all Companies | Innovation Management SystemAL Consulting
Collaborative innovation provides a framework for continuous improvement by leveraging individual and collective intelligence. It aims to reduce waste by stimulating unexpressed ideas and ensuring their implementation generates progress. Leaders must learn how to manage this potential for sustainable competitiveness. Convincing SMEs to adopt collaborative innovation requires generating attention, interest, desire and action using ideas inspired by the AIDA marketing method.
Vygantas Kazlauskas - How Agile saved Christmas in EstoniaAgile Lietuva
In Estonia, Omniva delivers 18 million parcels per year. In 2018, we set the goal to completely renew our information system by Christmas which is our busiest time of the year. We also opened a brand new logistics centre with the most modern automated sorting line in the Baltics. Without Agile, Christmas could have been very sad in Estonia
The document discusses human resource development and quality circles. It defines quality circles as small voluntary groups of employees that meet regularly to identify and solve work-related problems. The goals are to improve quality, productivity, and employee satisfaction. Quality circles have been successfully implemented in many Indian companies like BHEL and Hero Honda. They have led to benefits like reduced costs, defects, and improved processes, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. The key requirements for success include support from top management and a cooperative workplace culture where employees feel empowered to contribute to organizational improvement.
Quality circles are small voluntary groups of employees that meet regularly to identify, analyze, and solve work-related problems. Their goal is to improve quality, productivity, and efficiency. Quality circles enable employees to utilize their skills and expertise to tackle challenges. They are a form of participatory management that also aims to develop human resources and utilize problem-solving techniques.
This document discusses process innovation tools for organizations. It outlines the benefits of three tools: TRIZ, which solves problems by understanding conflicts and better using resources; breaking assumptions, which leads to innovative solutions by challenging current assumptions; and SCAMPER, which keeps thoughts about current processes open through brainstorming, such as substituting or combining elements. The document explains that these tools allow radical changes beyond just process improvements and can improve organizations' chances of achieving process excellence.
This document discusses process innovation tools for organizations. It outlines the benefits of three tools: TRIZ, which solves problems by understanding conflicts and better using resources; breaking assumptions, which leads to innovative solutions by challenging current assumptions; and SCAMPER, which keeps thoughts about current processes open through brainstorming, such as substituting or combining elements. The document explains that these tools allow radical changes beyond just process improvements and can improve organizations' chances of achieving process excellence.
This document discusses process innovation tools and their benefits. It outlines three tools - TRIZ, breaking assumptions, and SCAMPER. TRIZ helps solve problems by understanding conflicts and better using resources. Breaking assumptions leads to innovative solutions by challenging current thinking. SCAMPER prompts new ideas through substituting, combining, or modifying existing processes. Process innovation tools allow organizations to radically improve processes rather than just incrementally change them.
This document discusses process innovation tools. It outlines the benefits of TRIZ, breaking assumptions, and SCAMPER for process excellence. Process excellence is often unsuccessful due to a failure to understand entire processes. Using process innovation tools can improve success rates by focusing on innovating, not just improving, processes. TRIZ helps solve problems by understanding conflicts and resources. Breaking assumptions leads to innovative solutions by challenging current thinking. SCAMPER prompts new ideas through substituting, combining, and modifying existing processes.
- Total Quality Management (TQM) is a philosophy involving customer satisfaction, employee involvement, and continuous improvement. It uses tools like control charts and the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle.
- Six Sigma is a data-driven approach to process improvement originally developed by Motorola to reduce defects. It uses a five-step methodology of Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.
- Quality circles involve small groups of employees who meet regularly to identify and solve work-related problems in order to improve organizational performance and motivate employees. They aim to enhance quality, productivity, safety, and reduce costs.
Know about the Lean common mistakes for a cultural change, and the Toyota Way model for the Lean Transformation, see a case example and some systems explanations.
The Xstrops Consulting Advantage July 2015Rajiv Saxena
Xstrops Consulting is a global consulting firm that provides business strategy, operational excellence, leadership coaching, and talent management services. They help clients transform their businesses, strengthen organizations, accelerate learning and development, and achieve quality and innovation. Xstrops works with global corporations, startups, and organizations across industries. Their team of experts partners with clients to meet strategic and operational needs.
This Toolkit was created by ex-McKinsey, Deloitte and BCG Management Consultants after more than 4,000 hours of work. It summarizes our combined 100+ years of experience advising executive teams around the world. And it includes all the Frameworks, Best Practices & Templates required to successfully implement an operating model and organization design initiative, and make your strategy happen.
This Powerpoint presentation is only a small preview of our Toolkit. You can download the entire Toolkit in Powerpoint and Excel at
The Operating Model and Organization Design Toolkit includes frameworks, tools, templates, tutorials, real-life examples, video training, and best practices to help you:
-Make your strategy happen and boost your companys performance
Successfully implement an operating model and organization design initiative with our simple and comprehensive 7-phase approach
-(I) Carry out your business case for change: (1) Situation, key challenge and proposed solution, (2) Project objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs), (3) Project scope, approach and team, (4) Key activities and deliverables, (5) Strategic alignment, (6) Value: project initial investment, project costs, additional revenue generated, cost savings, cash flows and net present value, (7) Ease of implementation
-(II) Define your operating model and organization design: (1) Capability management, (2) Structure and governance, (3) Culture, (4) Talent management, (5) Processes, (6) Technology, (6) Culture
-(III) List your potential initiatives for each pillar
-(IV) Create your business cases and financial models to assess potential initiatives
-(V) Prioritize, plan and implement your projects: (1) Project prioritization, (2) Business roadmap, (3) Governance, (4) Dashboards, (5) Project implementation: agile methodology, design thinking and traditional methodology, (6) Continuous improvement (7) Post projects evaluation and lessons learnt, (8) Post program evaluation and lessons learnt
-(VI) Define and implement your change management strategy and internal communication strategy: (1) Change management strategy, (2) Change management plans, (3) Implementation, tracking and progress management, (4) Effective communication
-(VII) Engage your stakeholders effectively: (1) Stakeholder analysis, (2) Stakeholder engagement strategy, (3) Stakeholder engagement detailed plan
This document provides an overview of quality circles, including:
- A definition of quality circles as volunteer groups that identify and solve work-related problems to improve organizational performance.
- A brief history noting their creation in Japan in 1962 and later spread internationally.
- An explanation of the need for quality circles to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction in both public and private sectors.
- Details on the typical structure of quality circles including roles for members, leaders, facilitators, coordinators, and management oversight.
- The process quality circles follow including problem identification, analysis, solution selection, and presenting recommendations to management.
- Potential benefits like reduced errors, improved teamwork and communication, and cost reductions
Innovation Management Support - Accialini Training & ConsultingNicola Accialini
Accialini Training & Consulting provides support in Innovation Management. Please visit our website or send us an email at for additional info.
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Agile Transformation Journey in Saudi Public IT Sector (By Sultan Al Suhaibani)Agile Days Middle East
This presentation would cover lessons learned in trying to adopt Agile working practices within the Saudi public sector. We will discuss what has worked and more so what has not worked.
The realities of high-pressure delivery commitments and how to secure executive buy-in to support such teams.
We will take the opportunity to share what Agile practices and techniques are being applied and how business teams are succeeding in their adoption of Agile.
We will also shed light on how public sector can meet their Vision 2030 objectives for effective governance through fostering collaboration, embracing transparency and engaging everyone, which are hallmarks of Agile.
2. Rig Veda says
Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
Aa No Bhadra Kratavo Yantu Vishwatah
Let us receive good thoughts
and ideas from all directions
3. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
Good ideas are not dependent upon
e.g. Kabir, Tulsi, Meera, Narsinh Mehta
or Arya Bhatt did not attend schools,
e.g. Sant Gyaneshwar died at age of 23,
Adi Sankaracharya and Swami Vivekanand
died at age of 32,
Physical condition
e.g. Helen Keller was deaf, dumb and blind.
So, let us not shy away from inviting ideas from
young, illiterate/semi-literate and physically weak.
4. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
Employees ideas are very important, as -
They have real knowledge
because they work at grass root level,
They encounter the problems
and they have probable solutions,
They come from different background
hence, management gets another perspective.
5. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
Inviting and using employees suggestions
is very proven and widely adopted mechanism
for improvement since long, all over the world.
6. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
The first recorded suggestion program was implemented
in 1770 by the British Navy. It was to give safe way
to express ideas of solders without fear of punishment.
The first physical box to collect ideas appeared at
William Denny & Brothers shipyard in Scotland in 1880.
In 1892, NCR became the first US company to implement
a company-wide suggestion program. The concept was the
'hundred-headed brain', developed by CEO John Patterson.
Suggestion boxes became popular in the manufacturing
sector in WW II and the post-war years. They became
part of the total quality movement and an integral part
of cost, safety and quality improvement initiatives.
7. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
International Labour Organisation
promotes this mechanism under
its Factory Improvement Program (FIP).
Government of India, under its
Ministry of Labour and Employment,
through Director General, Factory Advice
Service and Labour Institutes( DGFASLI ),
promotes this, and every year, declares 28
Vishwakarma Rashtriya Purashkars ( VRP ).
Employees Suggestion Scheme
10. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
Helpful voluntary Indian Organisation
INSSAN is the油 professional support network dedicated to assisting
organisations to create, maintain and reinforce their
Employees Suggestion Scheme.油
INSSAN is managed by a team of Suggestion Scheme Practitioners
with hands on experience and is the only Indian Professional Body in this field.油
INSSAN works with organisations in all areas of Indian Industry
both in the private and public arena in manufacturing, financial and
services sector, and it maintains close links with sister associations overseas.油
INSSAN operates a country wide consultancy services providing guidance
and advice relating to the implementation and development
of Employee Involvement Programmes.油
11. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
Companies having Suggestion Schemes are office bearers and members,
like Tata Power, M & M, Godfrey Phillips, BPCL, RCF, IPCA Lab., Siemens,
Kansai Narolac, Escorts Tractors, Dalmia Cement, L & T, SAIL, BHEL, ITC,
Munjal Shova, Caparo Engineering, Special Steels, Phillips India, Tata Steel, etc.
Helpful voluntary Indian Organisation
It has three operating Chapters at Delhi NCR, Tamilnadu and Jharkhand,
and a fourth Chapter in Western Region has been recently inaugurated
on 25th
July, 2010, covering Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa and Madhya Pradesh.
It regularly publishes a Bi-monthly INSSAN Bulletin.
For more information, visit
15. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
Suggestion Scheme is a very methodical tool
Typically, the process involves workers writing their suggestions
on a predefined format and placing it in a box that is easily accessible.
A designated employee empties the box/es regularly, preferably once
a week, and lists all suggestions.
A committee then decides which suggestions to implement and
acknowledges to Suggestor.
Due recognition and rewards are given to suggestors.
16. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
For value added suggestions -
It should consists of 3 parts
What is current method for existing
What is new improvement suggested,
What benefit will arise
17. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
ESS typical
Block Diagram Receiving suggestions
Non-useful Semi-useful Useful
ROI & Action plan
Implement & Reward
Further evaluate
19. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
What is a Suggestion ?
a) Increased Production, Higher Productivity or improvement in Products or
their design;
b) Improvement in methods, machinery, equipment or tools and layouts
process and procedures;
c) Reduction of Costs, wastes or spillage;
d) Reduction in the frequency of idle time or repairs and maintenance of
machinery, equipment or tools;
e) Improvement in working environmental conditions including removal of
hazards to health and possibilities of accidents;
f) Increase in the utility, quality, yield or output of products;
g) Conservation of materials, energy or time in processes or their utilization
for better purpose;
h) Import Substitution;
i) Any suggestion, which is beneficial to the Company.
Any idea / Suggestion related to -
20. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
What is a not Suggestion ?
Any idea / Suggestion related to -
a) All problems of planning, capital intensive schemes
or works development and management in their sense;
b) Govt. policies and other activities beyond the control of the management;
c) Complaints and grievances, additional facilities / benefits/ amenities;
d) Collective bargaining matters / management policy matters;
e) Suggestions without solution;
f) Suggestion simultaneously initiated by and in line with
the management thinking;
g) Common idea floating around;
h) Routine maintenance and normal services.
21. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
If you want to manage, you have to control.
If you want to control, you have to measure.
Measurements will show whether you are
efficient and effective in Scheme implementation.
22. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
Efficiency Measures
Suggestions / week,
Suggestions / month,
Suggestions / year,
Suggestions / employee / year,
No. of recognition / rewards granted,
Effectiveness Measures
% Suggestions implemented,
No. of gainful process changes,
/ $ Saved,
Waste reduction,
Accident reduction, pollution reduction,
Cycle time reduction,
Improved customer satisfaction etc. etc.
23. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
Benchmark figures
Toyota has started implementing Suggestion Scheme
since 1950 and has achieved following measures
last year
1 Million ( 10 Lakhs ) suggestions / year,
37 suggestion / employee / year,
% Suggestions implemented = 87 %,
Saving = $ 2000 / employee / year
( = 1,00,000 / emp. / yr. )
(Published 1991 )
24. Excellence unLimited, Rajkot
Indian Benchmarking Suggestion Scheme Performance
Source : INSSAN Bulletin 2003 (avg. of 22 companies)
Item All India
Best in-Class Tata Steel
Idea / person 2.7 39.97
( TVS Suzuki )
Employee Involvement 64% 100%
Accepted/ Generated 67% 100%
( TVS, Maruti, BEL )
Implemented/ Accepted 95% 100%
Savings in Rs. / Employee 32016 1,86,764
( Maruti )