451782Al Baha UniversityThis document summarizes research on the electro-thermal and semiconductivity properties of a natural sintered complex carbonate ore for potential thermo-technological applications. The ore was subjected to sintering treatments at temperatures between 573-1273 K. Analysis showed the sintered ore exhibited increased electrical conductivity with higher sintering temperatures due to electron recombination processes. The formation of Fe3O4 at high temperatures induced crystallinity, producing a more ordered crystal structure. Electrical conduction occurred through free or n-type electrons in the conduction band, with electron hopping between Fe2+ and Fe3+ being the main charge carriers.
BKW Budget Presentation 2012-13bkwschoolsThe document provides information from a 2012-2013 community budget forum for the Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central School District. It outlines the district's budget development process, assumptions for the upcoming years including increases to health insurance and state aid, proposed staffing changes that reduce costs, the technology plan, historical state aid amounts, efforts to reduce costs through bids and mergers, and upcoming budget dates.
The Legacy of AlexanderssclasstorremarAlexander the Great spread Greek culture throughout his vast empire. After his death, Greeks settled across lands from Egypt to India, blending their culture with local customs. This mixing of Greek and other civilizations like Egyptian and Persian would flourish for centuries in the Hellenistic world. The city of Alexandria exemplified this blending of cultures, housing people of many backgrounds and becoming a major center of learning and commerce.
iEnglish workshop 4dearjiliThe document discusses pros and cons of living in big cities versus small towns. It includes perspectives from Anita, who likes living in Paris, and Bob, who likes living in Tokyo. Big cities are said to offer more opportunities for work, entertainment, shopping and education. However, small towns are described as more peaceful with less pollution. The document asks the reader whether they agree more with Anita and Bob's perspective on big cities or the benefits listed for small towns.
ݺߣs day twoAkhmad HambaliThis document provides an overview of topics covered in a two-day LTE training session, including:
1. An introduction to LTE radio procedures such as initial access, downlink physical channels, and cell search.
2. Details on synchronization signals like the primary and secondary synchronization signals that help devices find and synchronize to cells.
3. Descriptions of downlink reference signals and the system information broadcast channel that provide essential configuration details to devices.
RoyaltyshaquirajeyasinghThe document discusses how media representations of royalty have changed over time from very formal and traditional portrayals focusing on authority, etiquette and ceremony to more informal depictions that emphasize their celebrity status and modernize their public image. Earlier depictions showed royalty in elaborate formal attire, following strict rules of conduct and tradition, whereas more recent works portray them in a more casual light and involve humor through parody.
Cadmun economics proyectMarce BravoThe document discusses two potential merchandise ideas - a CADMUN water bottle and cell phone case. It presents the results of a customer survey about these product ideas. The survey asked questions to gauge customer interest, what price people would pay, which products they use more, and which they would prefer. The document suggests that the survey results will help them decide which product idea to pursue.
Analysis of banking risks and the role of insurance indust aanglo99This document analyzes the risks faced by banks in their operations and the role of the insurance industry in managing these risks. It discusses that banks take on risks by lending money and engaging in other activities like leasing and project financing. These risks include interest rate risk, volatility risk, inflation risk, credit risk, and regulatory risk. The insurance industry helps absorb some of these risks faced by banks by providing insurance policies for fire, theft, legal expenses, credit, and fidelity guarantees. The document concludes that banking risks need to be properly managed through insurance mechanisms to prevent problems that could distress banks and potentially cause failures. It recommends that banks utilize insurance coverage and advice to reduce their risks.
AJ LeBlanc "Video Search Engine Optimization"Sean BradleyThe document discusses video search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and provides a case study of their implementation for Rick Case Honda. It recommends using video pre-roll ads to target local car buyers on popular websites and platforms. A case study showed that using targeted CR-V videos increased the dealership's monthly trade-in volume by 41%. It also recommends video SEO best practices like proper video tagging and regular uploads to maximize organic search rankings. Metrics from the Rick Case Honda campaign showed it achieved over 118,000 unique viewers and a 1.78% click-through rate within budget.
Alexander the GreatssclasstorremarAlexander the Great became king of Macedonia at age 20 after his father Phillip II had conquered most of Greece. Alexander then embarked on a massive military campaign, conquering the vast Persian Empire and advancing into India, expanding the Macedonian Empire farther than any before. Though dying young, Alexander established Greek influence across much of the known world through his military genius and conquests.
CatossclasstorremarCato the Younger was a Roman politician and follower of Stoic philosophy known for his stubbornness, tenacity, and moral integrity. As a young man, he displayed signs of stubbornness and a desire to free Rome from dictatorship. He chose to live simply according to Stoic principles after inheriting wealth. As a military commander and politician, Cato opposed corruption and fought against Caesar and his triumvirate. Ultimately, he committed suicide rather than live under Caesar's rule.
RoyaltyshaquirajeyasinghThe document discusses how media representations of royalty have changed over time from very formal and traditional portrayals focusing on authority, etiquette and ceremony to more informal depictions that emphasize their celebrity status and modernize their public image. Earlier depictions showed royalty in elaborate formal attire, following strict rules of conduct and tradition, whereas more recent works portray them in a more casual light and involve humor through parody.
Cadmun economics proyectMarce BravoThe document discusses two potential merchandise ideas - a CADMUN water bottle and cell phone case. It presents the results of a customer survey about these product ideas. The survey asked questions to gauge customer interest, what price people would pay, which products they use more, and which they would prefer. The document suggests that the survey results will help them decide which product idea to pursue.
Analysis of banking risks and the role of insurance indust aanglo99This document analyzes the risks faced by banks in their operations and the role of the insurance industry in managing these risks. It discusses that banks take on risks by lending money and engaging in other activities like leasing and project financing. These risks include interest rate risk, volatility risk, inflation risk, credit risk, and regulatory risk. The insurance industry helps absorb some of these risks faced by banks by providing insurance policies for fire, theft, legal expenses, credit, and fidelity guarantees. The document concludes that banking risks need to be properly managed through insurance mechanisms to prevent problems that could distress banks and potentially cause failures. It recommends that banks utilize insurance coverage and advice to reduce their risks.
AJ LeBlanc "Video Search Engine Optimization"Sean BradleyThe document discusses video search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and provides a case study of their implementation for Rick Case Honda. It recommends using video pre-roll ads to target local car buyers on popular websites and platforms. A case study showed that using targeted CR-V videos increased the dealership's monthly trade-in volume by 41%. It also recommends video SEO best practices like proper video tagging and regular uploads to maximize organic search rankings. Metrics from the Rick Case Honda campaign showed it achieved over 118,000 unique viewers and a 1.78% click-through rate within budget.
Alexander the GreatssclasstorremarAlexander the Great became king of Macedonia at age 20 after his father Phillip II had conquered most of Greece. Alexander then embarked on a massive military campaign, conquering the vast Persian Empire and advancing into India, expanding the Macedonian Empire farther than any before. Though dying young, Alexander established Greek influence across much of the known world through his military genius and conquests.
CatossclasstorremarCato the Younger was a Roman politician and follower of Stoic philosophy known for his stubbornness, tenacity, and moral integrity. As a young man, he displayed signs of stubbornness and a desire to free Rome from dictatorship. He chose to live simply according to Stoic principles after inheriting wealth. As a military commander and politician, Cato opposed corruption and fought against Caesar and his triumvirate. Ultimately, he committed suicide rather than live under Caesar's rule.
La Dea Eterna - La Dea IsideZaira GiulianelliA detailed, research essay on the goddess Isis. Myths, culture and mysteries revealed. This book narrates her origins and takes you across thousands of years of secrets unveiled, as the name Isis unfolds and takes many forms and touches many religions. Feasts, celebrations and traditions which still today are customary in many nations.
Lo straniero nella storiaPrimo LeviUnità di apprendimento, a cura di Luca Cangioli, Domiziana Granatiero, Marta Mercuri, Beatrice Molteni, Elisabetta Villa - 2C scientifico 2013/14
2. L
“ ’età dell’oro era un’epoca caratterizzata
dall’assenza di guerre, di leggi poiché non ce ne
era bisogno, dall’abbondanza e dalla parsimonia
e dalla collaborazione tra gli uomini che
vivevano in armonia e amore ed erano
caratterizzati da un’innocenza primordiale; in
questa società che integrava soggetti diversi e
che credeva che tutto avvenisse per volontà
divina vi era la giovinezza eterna e la salute
poiché nessuno era afflitto da alcuna malattia.”
3. «L’âge d’or était une époque caractérisée par
l’absence des guerres, des lois car il n’y avait pas
besoin, par l’abondance et la épargne et par la
collaboration entre les hommes que vivait en
harmonie et amour et ils était caractérisé par une
innocence primordial; dans cette société que
intégrait sujets différents et que croyait que tous
arrive pour volonté divine il y avait la jeunesse
éternel et la santé car personne était touché par
aucune maladie. »
4. Possiamo ritrovare questi elementi nel film “Fantasia”
creato dalla Walt Disney nel 1940.
On peut retrouver ces éléments dans les film
« Fantasia » crée par Walt Disney en 1940.
5. Ma li possiamo ritrovare anche nel primo capitolo del
libro “ Il mondo nuovo “ scritto da Aldous Huxley.
Ma on peut les retrouver aussi dans le premier
chapitre du livre « le nouveau monde » écrit par
Aldous Huxley.
Ma si può veramente definire età dell’oro?
Mais on peut la vraiment définir “ âge d’or “ ?
6. Aldous Leonard Huxley è nato a Godalming il 26 luglio 1894 ed è
morto a il 22 novembre 1963: è stato uno scrittore britannico.Famoso
per i suoi romanzi di fantascienza, ha inoltre pubblicato saggi,
racconti brevi, poesie e racconti di viaggio. Huxley completò il suo
primo romanzo, mai pubblicato, all'età di diciassette anni ed iniziò a
scrivere seriamente appena passati i vent'anni. Scrisse grandi romanzi
sugli aspetti disumanizzanti del progresso scientifico - il più famoso
dei quali è Il mondo nuovo (Brave new world) - e su temi pacifisti
(Eyeless in Gaza). Huxley fu fortemente influenzato da F. Matthias
Alexander e lo incluse come personaggio tra le pagine di Eyeless in
Gaza. A partire dalla fine della sua vita Huxley è stato considerato, in
alcuni circoli accademici, un leader del pensiero moderno e un
intellettuale del più alto rango.
7. Il britannico Aldous Huxley scrisse romanzi su temi
pacifisti e sugli aspetti disumanizzanti del progresso
scientifico; con “il modo nuovo” si dichiarò esponente
della letteratura distopica, caratterizzata da testi
basati su una società attuale che spostano l’interesse
su un’epoca o luogo distanti da noi.
Le Britannique Aldous Huxley a écrit romans sur
thèmes pacifistes et sur les aspects déshumanisante
du progrès scientifique; avec “ le nouveau monde “ il
s’est déclaré exposant de la littérature dystopique,
caractérisé par textes basés sur une société actuelle
que déplacent l’intérêt sur un ’époque ou un lieu loin
de nous.
9. In questa scena si può notare la grande ricchezza
di cui gode la città e che le persone collaborano tra
loro vivendo in armonia e amore senza essere
governati da leggi; nessuno è malato, credono nel
fatto che tutto avvenga per volontà divina e sono
caratterizzati da un’innocenza primordiale.
Dans cette scène on peut voir la richesse jouissait
par la ville et que les gens collaborent entre eux en
vivant en harmonie et amour sans être gouvernés
per des lois; personne est malade, ils croient que
tous arrive par volonté divine et ils sont caractérisés
par une innocence primordial.
10. Fin
Irene Barinci
Francesca Bonicoli
Elisa Vignale
(4^ b LN)