2015 Upload Campaigns Calendar - ݺߣShareݺߣShareEach month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your ݺߣShares, and share your expertise with the world!
What to Upload to ݺߣShareݺߣShareNot sure what to share on ݺߣShare?
ݺߣShares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. We’ve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
Getting Started With ݺߣShareݺߣShareݺߣShare is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on ݺߣShare, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.
La Iliada y la Odisea ilustrada por Marcia WilliamsLuís RoviraComic
Parts del PdRLuís RoviraParts de Projecte de Recerca
Lectures kent campoamorLuís RoviraDiscursos de Victoria Kent i Clara Campoamor en el debat del sufragi femení a les Corts Constituents de la Segona República, l'octunre de 1931.
La part-dels-angels-dossierLuís Rovira1) A World Health Organization study of 41 countries found that British teenagers rank among the worst in the world for binge drinking.
2) The study from 2001 showed that Britain had the second highest levels of underage drinking among 15-year-olds, slightly better than the most recent data expected to rank Britain fourth highest.
3) British teenagers also have high rates of cannabis use compared to other developed countries, though condom use among teens has increased, possibly due to safe sex education.
2015 Upload Campaigns Calendar - ݺߣShareݺߣShareEach month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your ݺߣShares, and share your expertise with the world!
What to Upload to ݺߣShareݺߣShareNot sure what to share on ݺߣShare?
ݺߣShares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. We’ve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
Getting Started With ݺߣShareݺߣShareݺߣShare is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on ݺߣShare, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.
Parts del PdRLuís RoviraParts de Projecte de Recerca
Lectures kent campoamorLuís RoviraDiscursos de Victoria Kent i Clara Campoamor en el debat del sufragi femení a les Corts Constituents de la Segona República, l'octunre de 1931.
La part-dels-angels-dossierLuís Rovira1) A World Health Organization study of 41 countries found that British teenagers rank among the worst in the world for binge drinking.
2) The study from 2001 showed that Britain had the second highest levels of underage drinking among 15-year-olds, slightly better than the most recent data expected to rank Britain fourth highest.
3) British teenagers also have high rates of cannabis use compared to other developed countries, though condom use among teens has increased, possibly due to safe sex education.
Un llibre:
LEROY SALERNI,O. Química de fàrmacs naturals i sintètics. Barcelona: Edicions
Universitàries Catalanes, 1982.
CASSANY, Daniel. La cuina de l’escriptura. Barcelona: Empúries, 1993
Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d’Agricultura Ramaderia i Pesca. Manual de
gestió dels purins i de la seva reutilització agrícola. Barcelona 1996.
Una enciclopèdia:
Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana, 1970-1983 (VI) pp 3576-
Un diccionari:
Diccionari castellà-català. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana, 1985
Un treball:
PRAT I BOFILL, Fortià. Qualitat de les aigües subterrànies de la comarca d’Osona.
Torelló, setembre de 1.999. Inèdit
Una revista:
KOUBEK, E. and STEWART, A.E. “The Analysis of Sulfur in Coal”. Journal of Chemical
Education. 69 (5), 1992, A146.
CAMPS, Oriol. “Fem l’article”. Llengua i administració [Barcelona] 13 (juny 1985), p. 6
Un article de premsa:
ARGEMÍ, Lluís. “Què passa a la Unió Soviètica”. Avui [Barcelona] 4711, (11.12.90), p.13
Una normativa:
R.D. 1138/1990, de 14 de setembre. Reglamentación Técnico-Sanitaria para el
abastecimiento y control de calidad de las aguas potables de consumo público. BOE núm
226 de 20 de setembre de 1990, pp 27.488 - 27.497
2. Una adreça d’internet:
Càlcul d’emissions de CO2 per activitats domèstiques i de transport:
www.iclei.org/iclei/co2calc.htm. ICLEI, Juny 2001
Un vídeo:
CSN (Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear). Vigilancia Radiológica Ambiental en España.
Madrid 1993. Enregistrament de vídeo
Un CD:
Enciclopèdia Catalana S.A. Rutes de Catalunya. 14 Osona. Barcelona 1999.
Enregistrament en C.D.