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The document discusses overcoming fears and anxieties. It encourages believing in oneself, not being afraid, and removing worries and fears starting now. It advises shining one's light on the world and not letting worries hold you back from living fully.
This document discusses rational expressions and how to simplify them. It explains that to simplify a rational expression, you factor the numerator and denominator and divide out common factors. Examples are provided to demonstrate this process. Exercises are included for the reader to practice simplifying rational expressions.
SUSE Manager 3 y SaltStack
Presentaci坦n incluida en el evento OpenExpo 2016. 2 Junio 2016
En esta presentaci坦n se plantea la problem叩tica de la gesti坦n de sistemas linux cuando el n炭mero de servidores crece. Para atender a estos entornos se han creado herramientas de gesti坦n centralizada como SUSE Manager. SUSE Manager viene integrado con el lenguaje de gesti坦n de la configuraci坦n Salt, que permite gestionar los servidores y las cargas de trabajo de una forma program叩tica, adapt叩ndose perfectamente a la forma de trabajo en entornos DevOps.
Javier Mart鱈nez Nohales, Responsable T辿cnico en SUSE Spain
This document contains the name Kenneth Velez, the course BUS 470, and the date 4/5/11. It also includes a link to a YouTube video by the user KevinButlerVP with an unspecified title. In 3 sentences or less, this provides the essential identifying information about the document.
This document presents a seminar on the hygienic and sanitary practices of street food vendors in Nairobi, Kenya. It discusses the objectives and methodology of the study, which examined the acquisition of food preparation skills, place of food preparation, environmental surroundings, and methods for storing leftovers among street food vendors. The results show that most vendors acquired cooking skills through observation rather than formal training. Foods were prepared in unhygienic stalls and surroundings. The discussion recommends that all food handlers receive basic hygiene training to ensure proper practices are followed.
This document promotes the ministry of MegaRevivalOutreach and encourages harvest through evangelism efforts. It shares Bible verses about fields being ripe for harvest and testimonies of revival in Ethiopia. The document requests prayer for nations and outreach, provides ways to send prayer requests, and invites people to follow the ministry on social media.
Needle roller bearings parameter from Chik bearingCHIK BEARING
Needle roller bearings have a smaller cross-section but higher load-bearing capacity than other types of bearings. They are compact in size and suitable for applications where space is limited. Needle roller bearings are commonly used in packaging, printing, woodworking, textile, and mining machinery due to their ability to withstand oscillation and perform under severe conditions. This document provides specifications for various models of NA and NA2RS series needle roller bearings, including dimensions, load ratings, speeds, and weights.
Daniel J. Duffy is a CPA with extensive experience as a senior-level accounting executive and controller, specializing in areas like auditing, financial planning, accounting, budgeting, and expense control. He has overseen accounting functions for companies with revenues up to $63 million and has streamlined processes to reduce costs and improve financial reporting. Duffy holds an MBA and BS in Accounting and has experience in industries including staffing, affordable housing development, homebuilding, real estate management, and HVAC services.
Muito Al辿m de Containers: Arquitetura de um PaaS open source baseado em Go, D...Fabiano Franz
This document discusses the architecture of an open source Platform as a Service (PaaS) based on Go, Docker, and Kubernetes. It introduces OpenShift v2 and v3, which use containers, Docker, Kubernetes for orchestration, and RHEL/Atomic hosts. It provides overviews of key Kubernetes concepts like pods, services, controllers, labels, and nodes. The document suggests Docker, Kubernetes, and Go as the technologies underpinning the PaaS and invites questions from the audience.
Eficien釘a comunicrii organiza釘ie, este una dintre cheile succesului. Oamenii sunt diferi釘i i comunic diferit. Cum s identificm care sunt barierele de comunicare i cum s le eliminm este un proces dificil, dar absolut necesar pentru succesul oraniza釘iei
18-19 iulie, Bucuresti
Obiectivul Evolutiv este sa recreeze, intr-o sala de curs, un ecosistem de business veridic, in care participantii sa poata vedea pe loc impactul 鍖nanciar al propriilor strategii si decizii si sa-si poata exersa simtul afacerii, invatand atat din experientele proprii si din cele ale colegilor.
Ghid practic pentru creterea implicrii angajailorElena Badea
Implicarea angajailor (engagement ) desemneaz ataamentul emoional pe care angajaii unei companii 樽l au pentru companie i obiectivele acesteia. Cu alte cuvinte este indicatorul care arat c但t le pas angajailor de rolul lor i de obiectivele de cretere ale companiei.
SUSE Manager 3 y SaltStack
Presentaci坦n incluida en el evento OpenExpo 2016. 2 Junio 2016
En esta presentaci坦n se plantea la problem叩tica de la gesti坦n de sistemas linux cuando el n炭mero de servidores crece. Para atender a estos entornos se han creado herramientas de gesti坦n centralizada como SUSE Manager. SUSE Manager viene integrado con el lenguaje de gesti坦n de la configuraci坦n Salt, que permite gestionar los servidores y las cargas de trabajo de una forma program叩tica, adapt叩ndose perfectamente a la forma de trabajo en entornos DevOps.
Javier Mart鱈nez Nohales, Responsable T辿cnico en SUSE Spain
This document contains the name Kenneth Velez, the course BUS 470, and the date 4/5/11. It also includes a link to a YouTube video by the user KevinButlerVP with an unspecified title. In 3 sentences or less, this provides the essential identifying information about the document.
This document presents a seminar on the hygienic and sanitary practices of street food vendors in Nairobi, Kenya. It discusses the objectives and methodology of the study, which examined the acquisition of food preparation skills, place of food preparation, environmental surroundings, and methods for storing leftovers among street food vendors. The results show that most vendors acquired cooking skills through observation rather than formal training. Foods were prepared in unhygienic stalls and surroundings. The discussion recommends that all food handlers receive basic hygiene training to ensure proper practices are followed.
This document promotes the ministry of MegaRevivalOutreach and encourages harvest through evangelism efforts. It shares Bible verses about fields being ripe for harvest and testimonies of revival in Ethiopia. The document requests prayer for nations and outreach, provides ways to send prayer requests, and invites people to follow the ministry on social media.
Needle roller bearings parameter from Chik bearingCHIK BEARING
Needle roller bearings have a smaller cross-section but higher load-bearing capacity than other types of bearings. They are compact in size and suitable for applications where space is limited. Needle roller bearings are commonly used in packaging, printing, woodworking, textile, and mining machinery due to their ability to withstand oscillation and perform under severe conditions. This document provides specifications for various models of NA and NA2RS series needle roller bearings, including dimensions, load ratings, speeds, and weights.
Daniel J. Duffy is a CPA with extensive experience as a senior-level accounting executive and controller, specializing in areas like auditing, financial planning, accounting, budgeting, and expense control. He has overseen accounting functions for companies with revenues up to $63 million and has streamlined processes to reduce costs and improve financial reporting. Duffy holds an MBA and BS in Accounting and has experience in industries including staffing, affordable housing development, homebuilding, real estate management, and HVAC services.
Muito Al辿m de Containers: Arquitetura de um PaaS open source baseado em Go, D...Fabiano Franz
This document discusses the architecture of an open source Platform as a Service (PaaS) based on Go, Docker, and Kubernetes. It introduces OpenShift v2 and v3, which use containers, Docker, Kubernetes for orchestration, and RHEL/Atomic hosts. It provides overviews of key Kubernetes concepts like pods, services, controllers, labels, and nodes. The document suggests Docker, Kubernetes, and Go as the technologies underpinning the PaaS and invites questions from the audience.
Eficien釘a comunicrii organiza釘ie, este una dintre cheile succesului. Oamenii sunt diferi釘i i comunic diferit. Cum s identificm care sunt barierele de comunicare i cum s le eliminm este un proces dificil, dar absolut necesar pentru succesul oraniza釘iei
18-19 iulie, Bucuresti
Obiectivul Evolutiv este sa recreeze, intr-o sala de curs, un ecosistem de business veridic, in care participantii sa poata vedea pe loc impactul 鍖nanciar al propriilor strategii si decizii si sa-si poata exersa simtul afacerii, invatand atat din experientele proprii si din cele ale colegilor.
Ghid practic pentru creterea implicrii angajailorElena Badea
Implicarea angajailor (engagement ) desemneaz ataamentul emoional pe care angajaii unei companii 樽l au pentru companie i obiectivele acesteia. Cu alte cuvinte este indicatorul care arat c但t le pas angajailor de rolul lor i de obiectivele de cretere ale companiei.
Parcurgand prezentarea, puteti sa va lamuriti daca vi se potriveste profesia de life coach (consilier pentru dezvoltare personala). Confident Training & Consulting organizeaza traininguri profesionale, sustinute de traineri cu experienta.
Viziualizati aici workshop-ul:
Principii de marketing 樽n vremuri de crizElena Badea
Sunt vremuri incerte pentru toat lumea. Cu o recesiune iminent, tentaia de a reduce bugetul de marketing este mare. Acest lucru ar putea avea un impact i mai mare asupra oportunitilor viitoare. Prin urmare, pivotarea strategiei de marketing pentru a v asigura c rm但nei relevani pentru consumatori este foarte important. Odat cu ordonanele militare succesive i restricionarea activitilor, multe companii sunt obligate s-i reg但ndeasc modul 樽n care 樽i desfoar activitatea. Msurile de distanare social determin mutarea comportamentelor de cumprare preponderent 樽n mediul online.
Sunt vremuri incerte pentru toat lumea. Cu o recesiune iminent, tentaia de a reduce bugetul de marketing este mare. Acest lucru ar putea avea un impact i mai mare asupra oportunitilor viitoare. Prin urmare, pivotarea strategiei de marketing pentru a v asigura c rm但nei relevani pentru consumatori este foarte important. Odat cu ordonanele militare succesive i restricionarea activitilor, multe companii sunt obligate s-i reg但ndeasc modul 樽n care 樽i desfoar activitatea. Msurile de distanare social determin mutarea comportamentelor de cumprare preponderent 樽n mediul online.
Notiunea de feed-back desemneaza acele raspunsuri ale receptorului
care formeaza si deformeaza mesajul ulterior al emitatorului. Emitatorul devine
receptor, iar receptorul devine noul emitator.
Feed-back-ul pozitiv Feed-back-ul negativ
樽ncurajeaza comportamentul 樽ncearca sa schimbe comunicarea
comunicational care se sau chiar sa o 樽ntrerupa.
Pentru a fi eficace, feedback-ul trebuie
sa fie constructiv. Cele trei reguli de baz pentru
un feedback eficace sunt:
1. Feedback-ul eficace este specific, nu
2. Feedback-ul eficace este 樽ntotdeauna
concentrat pe o actiune specific, nu pe
3. Feedback-ul eficace se d imediat dup ce
ac釘iunea respectiv s-a produs.
Pentru Client
Ajuta clientul sa controleze in mod eficient
procesul comunicational cu compania aleasa,
conducand in acelasi timp la o valorizare a timpului
si bugetului.
Oferind firmei feedback concret si
obiectiv, relatia va deveni productiva si eficienta.
Pentru Companie
則 Organizatiile produc publicitate la un nivel superior daca se
aliaza cu clientul in oferirea la timp de feedback constructiv si
則 Bucla de feedback ii ajuta pe oamenii de creatie sa isi ajusteze si
armonizeze ideile fata de nevoile clientului, conducand astfel la
realizarea unei strategii de comunicare de succes.
則 De asemenea, feedback-ul ajuta companiile sa se adapteze
schimbarilor care pot interveni din partea clientului.
則 Obiectivele clientului si organizatiei nu pot fi atinse decat prin
comunicare reciproca si constanta.
Exista multe moduri de a
realiza acest lucru:
* Prin formulare tiparite
* Prin telefon
* Prin posta
* Prin Email
* Evenimente informale
Acordarea de feedback produce plus
valoare prin importanta pe care o are
pentru calitatea si cantitatea de informatie
transmisa sau primita, prin aportul
indiscutabil la obtinerea unei variante de
intelegere si actiune superioare asupra
procesului, prin cresterea nivelului de
incredere fata de indivizi, echipe si
organizatie pe ansamblu si nu in ultimul
rand prin dezvoltarea profesionala de care