Formulir PSB SD 2015/2016 www.mautidakmauharusmau.blogspot.comSekolah Dasar
Formulir Penerimaan Siswa Baru SD Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016 ini berupa file *doc, sehingga kita dapat mengeditnya dengan mudah.
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Formulir PSB SD 2015/2016 www.mautidakmauharusmau.blogspot.comSekolah Dasar
Formulir Penerimaan Siswa Baru SD Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016 ini berupa file *doc, sehingga kita dapat mengeditnya dengan mudah.
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El documento define los cinco elementos fundamentales de la comunicaci坦n: el emisor, el receptor, el mensaje, el c坦digo y el canal. Explica que el emisor es quien transmite el mensaje, el receptor es quien lo recibe e interpreta, el mensaje es la informaci坦n transmitida, el c坦digo es el lenguaje utilizado y el canal es el medio a trav辿s del cual se transmite el mensaje.
Mata kuliah ini membahas sistem bilangan real dan konsep barisan, termasuk sifat-sifat aljabar dan urutan bilangan real, konsep limit dan kekonvergenan barisan. Mata kuliah ini terdiri dari 16 pertemuan dengan materi seperti interval, himpunan, teorema-teorema bilangan real dan barisan, serta ujian tengah dan akhir semester.
The document describes a mathematical model of an econometric military production function that measures the effectiveness of an interdiction campaign. The model defines variables like fighter attack sorties and gunship sorties that impact the reduction in enemy throughput. The model shows that reducing throughput is maximized when the marginal productivities of different fighter attack sorties are equal. An optimal allocation of 48.3% for X2 sorties, 28% for X3, and 23.7% for X4 is determined. The production function can then be simplified to show reduction in throughput as a function of these optimal allocations.
Este documento discute conceptos b叩sicos relacionados con im叩genes digitales como p鱈xeles, mapas de bits, vectores, profundidad de color, tama単o de imagen, resoluci坦n y caracter鱈sticas de c叩maras fotogr叩ficas. Explica que una imagen digital est叩 compuesta de una matriz num辿rica de p鱈xeles y que un p鱈xel es la unidad m鱈nima de color. Tambi辿n describe las diferencias entre im叩genes rasterizadas y vectoriales, y los factores que afectan la calidad de imagen como profundidad de color, tama
This very short document promotes an upcoming discovery in Bondowoso, Indonesia, describing it as having extraordinary tropical beauty. Bondowoso itself is described as amazing. The document includes a link to a blog about "bocahpunk-alaman" but provides little other context or information.
This document outlines a group project assignment for a construction industry course. Students will be randomly assigned to interview professionals from various construction roles about their company, background, and involvement in projects. They must then create an 8-12 page magazine summarizing what they learned from the interview about the professional's roles and responsibilities. Students will submit a video of the interview and a printed and digital copy of their magazine. They will also complete a peer assessment evaluating each group member's contributions to the project. The goal is for students to understand different construction professional roles and how teams collaborate on projects.
El documento describe el Teorema de Pit叩goras y varias demostraciones posibles de este teorema. Explica que el teorema establece que en un tri叩ngulo rect叩ngulo, el cuadrado de la hipotenusa es igual a la suma de los cuadrados de los catetos. A continuaci坦n, presenta brevemente algunas de las demostraciones hist坦ricas del teorema, incluyendo las de Pit叩goras, Anaricio, Liu Hui, Perigal y Ozanam.
La contabilidad estudia, mide y analiza el patrimonio de organizaciones y personas para ayudar en la toma de decisiones y control mediante la presentaci坦n sistem叩tica e informaci坦n 炭til. Produce informaci坦n cuantitativa y cualitativa en unidades monetarias sobre transacciones y eventos econ坦micos para facilitarla a partes interesadas. Su objetivo es suministrar informaci坦n sobre resultados pasados y presentes que sea 炭til para la toma de decisiones sobre el control y estimaciones de resultados futuros.
El documento discute los problemas relacionados con la mala alimentaci坦n en la sociedad. Se単ala que la mala alimentaci坦n ha aumentado en los 炭ltimos a単os debido al uso err坦neo de los alimentos y la falta de actividad f鱈sica. Una encuesta encontr坦 que solo el 9% de las familias comen comida saludable y hacen ejercicio regularmente. El documento tambi辿n presenta el caso de una joven de 19 a単os que sufre de anorexia y est叩 siendo tratada en una cl鱈nica psiqui叩trica.
es una diapositiva sobre slideshare donde explica sus caracter鱈sticas, funciones, y la utilidad para nosotros los estudiantes. Ademas encontraras una serie de pasos para usar este programa.
Este documento describe los sensores 坦pticos, que detectan propiedades f鱈sicas o qu鱈micas transform叩ndolas en se単ales el辿ctricas utilizando la interacci坦n entre la luz y la materia. Los sensores 坦pticos tienen ventajas como bajo costo, posibilidad de control remoto y formar redes, y son 炭tiles para mejorar la detecci坦n de propiedades en una variedad de aplicaciones.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang adab bergaul dengan keluarga. Adab-adab tersebut meliputi saling menziarahi, berkomunikasi dengan sopan, dan bekerjasama dalam kebaikan. Menjaga adab tersebut membuat hubungan keluarga harmonis dan mendapat keberkatan. Sebaliknya, perilaku kasar dan tidak menghormati anggota keluarga dapat merusak hubungan dan membawa akibat buruk bagi diri sendiri maupun keluarga.
Videojuegos y mundos de ficci坦n. De Super Mario a Portal - Contenido e ndiceAntonio Jos辿 Planells
Contenido e 鱈ndice del libro "Videojuegos y mundos de ficci坦n. De Super Mario a Portal" de Antonio J. Planells, publicado por Ediciones C叩tedra en enero de 2015.
This document summarizes the mid-semester exam results for the Civics course for class XII IPS 2 in the odd semester. It provides details such as the date of the exam, number of questions, minimum passing grade, scores and percentages achieved by each of the 31 students. Based on their results, it identifies whether each student passed, needs remedial classes or needs to retake the exam. In summary, it analyzes and reports on the performance of students in the mid-semester exam for the Civics course.
This document summarizes the mid-semester exam results for the Civics course for class XII IPS 1 in the odd semester. It shows the scores of 34 students on 10 questions with a maximum score of 40 points. 26 students or 78% passed, 8 students or 23% failed and need remedial classes, and none needed make-up exams. The headmaster and teacher signed off on the results.
1. This document analyzes the mid-semester exam results for the Arts subject in grade 12 IPA 3 for the odd semester.
2. 34 students took the 10 question test and scores ranged from 58-100% with the class average being 81%.
3. Based on the results, 29 students passed, 5 students needed remedial help, and none needed to retake the exam.
This document summarizes the results of a mid-semester exam in Cultural Arts for 12th grade students. It shows that 35 students took the 10 question exam, with a passing score of 73%. 22 students passed, 13 required remedial lessons, and no students needed to retake the exam. The highest score was 100% and the class average was 72% of the maximum possible score.
This document summarizes the mid-semester exam results for the Civics subject of class XII IPA 1 for the odd semester. It shows the scores of 33 students on 10 questions with a KKM (minimum competency criteria) of 73. Most students scored above the KKM and were considered to have passed, while a few students scored below and will need to take remedial exams or repeat the exam. The overall class pass rate was 78% with 28 students passing and 5 needing remedial exams.
This document summarizes the mid-semester exam results for the Islamic Education subject of class X.3 in the odd semester. There were 31 students who took 10 questions with a total score of 23 points. 5 students passed with scores over 70, the passing threshold. 25 students scored under 70 and need to take remedial exams. The average student score was 47% of the maximum possible score, meaning most students need remedial help to improve.
This document summarizes the mid-semester exam results for the Islamic Education subject in class X.2 for the odd semester. There were 32 students who took a 10 question test with a maximum score of 100. 18 students passed, achieving a score of 70 or higher. 13 students needed to take remedial lessons, and 1 student needed to retake the entire exam. The class's average score was 69% of the maximum possible score.
This document analyzes the mid-semester exam results for the Islamic religious education subject of class X.1 in the odd semester. It shows the exam questions, scores, and learning outcomes of each of the 32 students. 68% of students passed the exam, while the remaining 32% failed and will need to take remedial classes or retake the exam. The headmaster and subject teacher signed off on the results.
1. This document analyzes the mid-semester exam results for Arabic class of grade 12 IPS 2 held on October 20, 2012.
2. Of the 31 students who took the exam, 11 students passed with a score of 70 or higher while 20 students failed and need to remediate.
3. The highest possible total score was 3100 but the students only achieved 1836 points on average, equivalent to 59% mastery of the material.
1. This document analyzes the mid-semester exam results for Arabic class of 12th grade class 1 in the odd semester. There were 10 questions worth a total of 40 points.
2. Out of the 34 students, 12 students passed with a score of 70% or higher, while 22 students did not pass and need remedial classes.
3. The highest total score achieved was 36 points (90%) while the lowest was 1 point (3%). The class average score was 50% of the maximum possible score.
This document summarizes the mid-semester exam results for Arabic language class of 12th grade class 3 for the odd semester. There were 10 questions on the exam taken by 34 students. The passing grade was 70. Most students (63%) passed the exam while 16 students needed remedial help. The highest score was 100 and the lowest was 12. Overall student scores met 63% of the maximum possible total score.
This document summarizes the mid-semester exam results for Arabic language class of 12th grade class XII IPA 2. There were 10 questions with a total score of 40 points. Of the 35 students, 12 students passed, 22 students needed remedial classes, and 1 student needed a make-up exam. The class overall achieved 52% of the maximum possible score, with the highest individual student score being 95% and the lowest being 5%.
This document summarizes the mid-semester exam results for Arabic class of 12th grade class 1 in the odd semester. There were 10 questions with a total score of 40 points. Of the 33 students, 16 students or 66% passed, 17 students or 51% needed to retake the exam, and 0 students needed a make-up exam. The highest score was 100% and the lowest was 38%. Most students scored between 50-80% with an average score of 66% of the maximum possible score.
Nomor Pendaftaran :
Nama : ........................................................................................................
Tempat Tanggal Lahir : ........................................................................................................
Alamat : ........................................................................................................
Asal Sekolah : ........................................................................................................
Nilai UN :
Nomor UN :
Pilihan Sekolah :
1. Pilihan I : SMA Negeri Plus Sukowono Kode :
2. Pilihan II : .............................................................................. Kode :
3. Pilihan III : .............................................................................. Kode :
Jember, .........Juni 2013
Pendaftar/ Peserta
Catatan : Diisi sesuai data yang benar
Nomor Pendaftaran :
Nama : ........................................................................................................
Tempat Tanggal Lahir : ........................................................................................................
Alamat : ........................................................................................................
Asal Sekolah : ........................................................................................................
Nilai UN :
Nomor UN :
Pilihan Sekolah :
1. Pilihan I : SMA Negeri Plus Sukowono Kode :
2. Pilihan II : .............................................................................. Kode :
3. Pilihan III : .............................................................................. Kode :
Jember, .........Juni 2013
Pendaftar/ Peserta
Catatan : Diisi sesuai data yang benar
0 2 - 0 1 7 -
- - -
0 2 - 0 1 7 -
- - -
2 0
2 0
2 0
Untuk Peserta
2 0
2 0
2 0 1 7
Untuk Panitia