The document discusses how Web 2.0 tools can be used to engage today's students and change education. It recommends teachers build a personal learning network using social networks, blogs, microblogging, wikis, and social bookmarking. These tools allow learning to occur anywhere and help develop 21st century skills like communication, collaboration, and problem solving that employers desire.
Popplet is a web-based and iPad application that allows users to create visual representations of their ideas using graphic organizers, mind maps, and other diagrams. It can be used by students and teachers to organize concepts and by professionals for brainstorming and project planning. Users create "popples" or boxes that can contain text, images, or videos. Popplets can be shared collaboratively in real-time or kept private. Both free and paid subscription options are available.
ClassDojo is a tool that helps teachers develop positive character traits in students. It allows teachers to give students feedback points for behaviors like being helpful, participating, and completing homework. Students can earn or lose points depending on their actions. Teachers can also communicate with parents through the app to share students' progress. The document provides instructions on setting up ClassDojo accounts, determining which behaviors to focus on, and involving students and parents.
This document is a list of students from the 4th grade class of Cumhuriyet Elementary School who will be participating in a film about famous scientists. The list includes 22 students and the scientists they will represent, including Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Rosalind Franklin, and many others. It also provides a short thank you message at the end for watching the video, which will focus on primary school level science.
Popplet is a web-based and iPad application that allows users to create visual representations of their ideas using graphic organizers, mind maps, and other diagrams. It can be used by students and teachers to organize concepts and by professionals for brainstorming and project planning. Users create "popples" or boxes that can contain text, images, or videos. Popplets can be shared collaboratively in real-time or kept private. Both free and paid subscription options are available.
ClassDojo is a tool that helps teachers develop positive character traits in students. It allows teachers to give students feedback points for behaviors like being helpful, participating, and completing homework. Students can earn or lose points depending on their actions. Teachers can also communicate with parents through the app to share students' progress. The document provides instructions on setting up ClassDojo accounts, determining which behaviors to focus on, and involving students and parents.
This document is a list of students from the 4th grade class of Cumhuriyet Elementary School who will be participating in a film about famous scientists. The list includes 22 students and the scientists they will represent, including Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Rosalind Franklin, and many others. It also provides a short thank you message at the end for watching the video, which will focus on primary school level science.
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