Falls prevention and the role of the pharmacistRichard Harris
This document discusses the role of pharmacists in falls prevention. It notes that patients on four or more medications are at greater risk of falls, and that regular medication reviews play an important part in reducing this risk. The document outlines pharmacist interventions like screening for polypharmacy, assessing individual fall risk factors, prioritizing high-risk medications, and modifying treatment regimens through recommendations and education. It provides an example case study of a patient at risk of falls and how a pharmacist could support medication optimization through alternative prescribing and adherence support.
This document discusses polypharmacy in the elderly, defined as using more than 5 medications. It notes that polypharmacy prevalence increases with age, reaching 50% in those over 65. Consequences can include adverse drug reactions, reduced quality of life, and increased healthcare costs. Pharmacokinetic changes in aging like decreased liver and kidney function must be considered. The Beers Criteria provide guidance on inappropriate medications in elders. Interventions to reduce polypharmacy risk include regular medication reviews, educating patients, and using a personal health record.
This document discusses pharmacologic considerations for geriatric patients. It covers how physiological changes in aging can impact drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. Specifically, it notes decreased gastric acidity, gastrointestinal blood flow and renal function in elderly patients. This can affect the bioavailability and clearance of various drugs. It emphasizes that age-related changes in pharmacokinetics require monitoring major drug classes like sedatives, cardiovascular drugs and antimicrobials in geriatric patients. Noncompliance is also a challenge due to factors like forgetfulness and prior experiences. Simplifying drug regimens can help improve medication adherence in the elderly.
Needs assessments carried out by social workers evaluate an elderly person's living conditions, independent living skills, financial situation, family support, and needs for services. This determines if they require domiciliary care at home, attendance at day centers which provide activities and meals, or placement in residential or nursing homes that provide 24-hour care, meals, activities, and assistance with daily tasks.
1) The global population of people over age 60 is nearly 700 million currently and is expected to reach 2 billion by 2050, outpacing the number of children.
2) In the Philippines, there are over 4.5 million senior citizens comprising nearly 6% of the population as of 2009.
3) Elderly people face issues like abuse, neglect, loneliness due to loss of spouse and friends, poverty, declining health, and discrimination.
Here are the key steps I would take:
1. Return to Mrs. Veena immediately to inform her of the error and assess for any allergic reaction symptoms. Her safety is the top priority.
2. Notify the physician right away about the error so they can determine the appropriate treatment and monitoring plan for Mrs. Veena.
3. Fill out an incident report per hospital policy documenting exactly what occurred, the medications involved, actions taken, patient assessment and outcome.
4. Review the situation to understand what factors may have contributed to the error so I can learn and help prevent similar mistakes going forward. Proper documentation and reporting of all errors is important for quality improvement.
5. Apologize to
Elder abuse refers to the mistreatment and exploitation of older adults. It can include physical, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse, as well as neglect by caregivers or others in a trusting relationship.
Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri bölümü Öğretmen Eğitiminde Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Dersi kapsamında hazırlanmıştır
This document is a list of students from the 4th grade class of Cumhuriyet Elementary School who will be participating in a film about famous scientists. The list includes 22 students and the scientists they will represent, including Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Rosalind Franklin, and many others. It also provides a short thank you message at the end for watching the video, which will focus on primary school level science.
Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri bölümü Öğretmen Eğitiminde Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Dersi kapsamında hazırlanmıştır
This document is a list of students from the 4th grade class of Cumhuriyet Elementary School who will be participating in a film about famous scientists. The list includes 22 students and the scientists they will represent, including Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Rosalind Franklin, and many others. It also provides a short thank you message at the end for watching the video, which will focus on primary school level science.
1. Aurasma Nedir?
*Aura : Aurasma yazılımı ile oluşturulan her bir materyale verilen ad.
Aurasma artırılmış gerçeklik yazılımı, 2011 yılında Autonomy yazılım şirketi
tarafından tanıtılmıştır. Bu yazılım sayesinde fotoğrafların içine videolar
gömerek gerçekliği artırmak ve fotoğrafları zenginleştirilmiş birer öğrenme
materyaline dönüştürmek mümkün. Hal böyleyken bir şeyler öğrenmek veya
öğretmek de çok zevkli ve daha kalıcı hale getirilebiliyor.