Teacch programme for Autism spectrum DisorderHeba Essawy, MD
The TEACCH program aims to help people with autism live and work more effectively through structured teaching methods. It was established in 1966 as part of the University of North Carolina and provides diagnosis, individualized education programs, social skills training, and parent training. The TEACCH method emphasizes a structured physical environment, scheduled activities, and visual cues to improve skills and modify environments to accommodate needs. It uses the Psychoeducational Profile to assess developmental abilities and behaviors through performance tests and caregiver reports to develop individualized plans.
The document discusses communication skills and effective communication. It defines communication as the exchange of information through various senses and channels. It emphasizes that communication skills are important for careers and personal relationships. Effective communication involves sending clear, concise messages and properly understanding messages received through various verbal, nonverbal, and paraverbal means. Barriers to communication like organizational issues or personal attitudes can interfere with the exchange of information.
Education Without Borders Brochure in TurkishBaar Karata
A brochure about the Comenius Project called "Education Without Borders" between ROC Flevoland MBO College and R端t端 Ak脹n Techniqual and Vocational High School
This document is a list of students from the 4th grade class of Cumhuriyet Elementary School who will be participating in a film about famous scientists. The list includes 22 students and the scientists they will represent, including Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Rosalind Franklin, and many others. It also provides a short thank you message at the end for watching the video, which will focus on primary school level science.
This document is a list of students from the 4th grade class of Cumhuriyet Elementary School who will be participating in a film about famous scientists. The list includes 22 students and the scientists they will represent, including Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Rosalind Franklin, and many others. It also provides a short thank you message at the end for watching the video, which will focus on primary school level science.
1. Dalaman Cumhuriyet
聴lkokulu Erasmus+ Projesi
TC Avrupa Birlii Bakanl脹脹 AB Eitim ve Gen巽lik Programlar脹 Merkezi Bakanl脹脹n脹n son bavuru
tarihi 4 ubat 2015olan Erasmus+ KA101-Bireylerin renme Hareketlilii teklif 巽ar脹s脹na cevap
vererek proje yazan kurumumuzun 2015-1-TR01-KA101-016513 nolu
retici ve Elenceli Dijital Becerilerin Temelini 聴lkokulda At脹yoruzprojesi IPA destei alarak
hibeye hak kazanm脹t脹r.
2. 01.01.2016da balay脹p, 31.12.2016da
bitecek proje i巽inilk 旦nce haz脹rl脹klar balad脹.
Projemizin balang脹巽 巽al脹mas脹 olarak ilk 旦nce 聴spanyan脹n Sevilla ehrinde
Idevelop kurs salay脹c脹s脹 ile s旦zleme yap脹larak ICT for teachingkursuna
kat脹l脹m yap脹lmas脹 planland脹.n haz脹rl脹k olarak 04.01.2016 ve 15.01.2016
tarihleri aras脹nda g旦revli 旦retmen arkadalar脹m脹z taraf脹ndan okulumuzda
bilgisayar, ingilizce ve proje tan脹t脹m derslar脹 verildi.