A r辿sztvevk egybehangz坦 v辿lem辿nye az, hogy minden hasonl坦 kezdem辿nyez辿s, minden ilyen jelleg撤 旦sszefog叩s hasznos 辿s 端dv旦zlend Magyarorsz叩gon, 炭gyhogy k辿szen 叩llnak arra, hogy vel端k egy端tt, k旦z旦sen tegy端nk hozz叩 a szakma siker辿hez, csin叩ljuk, 辿s legyen folytat叩s!
Poziteam tm nyitott m撤hely elm撤_辿m叩sz_tm projekt_140410Tibor Gyulay
A POZITEAM Tud叩smenedzsment Nyitott M撤hely辿n bemutatott prezent叩ci坦 az ELM徹/MSZ Csoport TM projektj辿nek tan叩csad坦i gyors (nem teljesk旦r撤) 辿rt辿kel辿se. Elad坦: Gyulay Tibor
A Debreceni Okleveles K旦zgazd叩sz Klub az 1999-es alakul叩s叩t k旦veten 2014-ben 炭j鱈totta meg eln旦ks辿g辿t 辿s tags叩g叩t. A k旦zgy撤l辿sre az 炭j eln旦ks辿g elk辿sz鱈tette a v鱈zi坦j叩t, amelyek megval坦s鱈t叩s叩n - a tags叩ggal 辿s a t叩mogat坦kkal k旦z旦sen - dolgozni fog a k旦vetkez 辿vekben.
Projektmenedzsment - A megval坦s鱈t叩s tudom叩nyaM叩t辿 Rab
A projektmenedzsment a megval坦s鱈t叩s tudom叩nya. Nem el辿g az 旦tlet, minden a kivitelez辿sen m炭lik. Ennek az 旦sszefoglal坦j叩t tartalmazza ez a bemutat坦, valamint n辿h叩ny h鱈res ember ide vonatkoz坦 id辿zet辿t. Az elad叩st a www.igendebrecen.hu k辿pz辿s keret辿ben tartottam a r辿sztvev startup csapatoknak, feladatok 叩t端ltet辿s辿vel egy端tt, amelyeket benne hagytam a prezent叩ci坦ban.
Tweets FARA Regional Youth Workshop on CAADP implementation - Day 2Nawsheen Hosenally
This document summarizes tweets from Day 2 of the FARA Regional Youth Workshop on CAADP. It includes tweets discussing the event, trends from the event (#farayouth, #youth, etc.), and presentations/discussions around engaging youth in agriculture and the CAADP process. Key points included recognizing the potential role of youth, challenges like negative perceptions of agriculture and lack of support, and a draft communiqu辿 calling for full youth empowerment in CAADP implementation.
ViennaPharmacia is an Austrian joint venture company that produces and sells food supplements, drugs, and other pharmaceutical products. It uses tested recipes, often from old reproductions, to develop natural and effective products. The company manages the entire production process from organizing recipes to packaging and delivery. It offers private label production and exports products internationally through a network of partners in many countries. All products are manufactured according to GMP and HACCP quality standards. Two highlighted products are Peaceful Sleep, which contains valerian and other extracts to promote sleep, and Ginger Kids, a ginger extract supplement proven safe and effective for children ages 3 and up.
La pel鱈cula documental La Educaci坦n Prohibida cuestiona las l坦gicas de la escolarizaci坦n moderna y promueve un nuevo paradigma educativo centrado en experiencias no convencionales que fomenten el aprendizaje, el amor, el respeto y la libertad; la pel鱈cula fue realizada por j坦venes para visibilizar diferentes enfoques educativos y alimentar un debate social sobre las bases de la escuela.
La pel鱈cula documental "La Educaci坦n Prohibida" explora ideas sobre una educaci坦n basada en el amor, el respeto, el aprendizaje y la libertad, y visibiliza experiencias educativas alternativas que desaf鱈an el modelo tradicional de la escuela.
El servicio de Nerja est叩 recibiendo mejoras por parte de la energ辿tica que p...El_Blog_De_La_Energia
La empresa energ辿tica que preside Borja Prado ha invertido en mejorar la calidad del servicio en la zona de Nerja.
Bright Green Island-Bornholm - Lene Gronning - April 2010Burton Lee
The document summarizes key information about Bornholm, Denmark:
1) Bornholm is an island located in the Baltic Sea, 37km from Sweden and 180km from Copenhagen, with an area of 588km2 and 42,800 inhabitants.
2) The Baltic Sea region encompasses 9 countries with 85 million people, 15 million of whom live within 10km of the coast, and shares a cultural heritage.
3) Bornholm aims to be a "Bright Green Island" through initiatives focused on renewable energy, sustainability, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
This document discusses the evolution of terrorism from the Cold War era to the modern era. It describes how terrorism shifted from largely state-sponsored groups during the Cold War to today's decentralized religious extremist groups like Al Qaeda. The new terrorism utilizes globalization, technology, and asymmetric warfare to conduct high-impact attacks. The document also examines strategies for countering modern terrorism, including homeland security efforts, covert operations, disrupting financing, and identifying transnational terrorist networks.
O documento descreve os modelos de air handler Vortex e Vortex Pro da Carrier, destacando suas caracter鱈sticas como sistemas modulares, isolamento t辿rmico e ac炭stico, f叩cil manuten巽達o e capacidade de atender projetos de climatiza巽達o comerciais e industriais.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, an online presentation tool. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging presentations.
Short summary of the background behind the evolution of Hungarian e-Health startup landscape. First I highlighted a fact than show a startup example. Also at the end there is the Debrecen (Hungary's second biggest city) example of a working startup ecosystem.
Projektmenedzsment - A megval坦s鱈t叩s tudom叩nyaM叩t辿 Rab
Az !gen Debrecen (www.igendebrecen.hu) k辿pz辿s keret辿ben tartott elad叩som, amely a projektmenedzsment h叩rom l辿pcsfok叩t mutatja be: v鱈zi坦, menedzsment 辿s GTD.
Onno de vrij (sas) better decision making 12-10Wim Assink
The document discusses various topics relating to risk modeling including:
1. Organizations are at different levels of analytical maturity, ranging from immature approaches to mature structured processes.
2. Regulators are pushing banks to improve model governance, deploy models faster, and use more models to make decisions. This will be a long process of change.
3. The expected credit loss approach under new IFRS 9 accounting standards will require banks to estimate future losses for financial assets, increasing provisions and creating more volatility, affecting profit, equity, capital ratios. Banks must balance compliance and optimal financial impact.
A presentation on the development of geothermal energy use in the Philippines. Presented as part of the Ring of Fire programme jointly implemented by EDC and WWF Philippines
Tweets FARA Regional Youth Workshop on CAADP implementation - Day 2Nawsheen Hosenally
This document summarizes tweets from Day 2 of the FARA Regional Youth Workshop on CAADP. It includes tweets discussing the event, trends from the event (#farayouth, #youth, etc.), and presentations/discussions around engaging youth in agriculture and the CAADP process. Key points included recognizing the potential role of youth, challenges like negative perceptions of agriculture and lack of support, and a draft communiqu辿 calling for full youth empowerment in CAADP implementation.
ViennaPharmacia is an Austrian joint venture company that produces and sells food supplements, drugs, and other pharmaceutical products. It uses tested recipes, often from old reproductions, to develop natural and effective products. The company manages the entire production process from organizing recipes to packaging and delivery. It offers private label production and exports products internationally through a network of partners in many countries. All products are manufactured according to GMP and HACCP quality standards. Two highlighted products are Peaceful Sleep, which contains valerian and other extracts to promote sleep, and Ginger Kids, a ginger extract supplement proven safe and effective for children ages 3 and up.
La pel鱈cula documental La Educaci坦n Prohibida cuestiona las l坦gicas de la escolarizaci坦n moderna y promueve un nuevo paradigma educativo centrado en experiencias no convencionales que fomenten el aprendizaje, el amor, el respeto y la libertad; la pel鱈cula fue realizada por j坦venes para visibilizar diferentes enfoques educativos y alimentar un debate social sobre las bases de la escuela.
La pel鱈cula documental "La Educaci坦n Prohibida" explora ideas sobre una educaci坦n basada en el amor, el respeto, el aprendizaje y la libertad, y visibiliza experiencias educativas alternativas que desaf鱈an el modelo tradicional de la escuela.
El servicio de Nerja est叩 recibiendo mejoras por parte de la energ辿tica que p...El_Blog_De_La_Energia
La empresa energ辿tica que preside Borja Prado ha invertido en mejorar la calidad del servicio en la zona de Nerja.
Bright Green Island-Bornholm - Lene Gronning - April 2010Burton Lee
The document summarizes key information about Bornholm, Denmark:
1) Bornholm is an island located in the Baltic Sea, 37km from Sweden and 180km from Copenhagen, with an area of 588km2 and 42,800 inhabitants.
2) The Baltic Sea region encompasses 9 countries with 85 million people, 15 million of whom live within 10km of the coast, and shares a cultural heritage.
3) Bornholm aims to be a "Bright Green Island" through initiatives focused on renewable energy, sustainability, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
This document discusses the evolution of terrorism from the Cold War era to the modern era. It describes how terrorism shifted from largely state-sponsored groups during the Cold War to today's decentralized religious extremist groups like Al Qaeda. The new terrorism utilizes globalization, technology, and asymmetric warfare to conduct high-impact attacks. The document also examines strategies for countering modern terrorism, including homeland security efforts, covert operations, disrupting financing, and identifying transnational terrorist networks.
O documento descreve os modelos de air handler Vortex e Vortex Pro da Carrier, destacando suas caracter鱈sticas como sistemas modulares, isolamento t辿rmico e ac炭stico, f叩cil manuten巽達o e capacidade de atender projetos de climatiza巽達o comerciais e industriais.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, an online presentation tool. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging presentations.
Short summary of the background behind the evolution of Hungarian e-Health startup landscape. First I highlighted a fact than show a startup example. Also at the end there is the Debrecen (Hungary's second biggest city) example of a working startup ecosystem.
Projektmenedzsment - A megval坦s鱈t叩s tudom叩nyaM叩t辿 Rab
Az !gen Debrecen (www.igendebrecen.hu) k辿pz辿s keret辿ben tartott elad叩som, amely a projektmenedzsment h叩rom l辿pcsfok叩t mutatja be: v鱈zi坦, menedzsment 辿s GTD.
Onno de vrij (sas) better decision making 12-10Wim Assink
The document discusses various topics relating to risk modeling including:
1. Organizations are at different levels of analytical maturity, ranging from immature approaches to mature structured processes.
2. Regulators are pushing banks to improve model governance, deploy models faster, and use more models to make decisions. This will be a long process of change.
3. The expected credit loss approach under new IFRS 9 accounting standards will require banks to estimate future losses for financial assets, increasing provisions and creating more volatility, affecting profit, equity, capital ratios. Banks must balance compliance and optimal financial impact.
A presentation on the development of geothermal energy use in the Philippines. Presented as part of the Ring of Fire programme jointly implemented by EDC and WWF Philippines
A kis- 辿s k旦z辿pv叩llalatok kommunik叩ci坦ja - konferencia
Idpont: 2014. november 14.
Helysz鱈n: Pannon Egyetem, Gazdas叩gtudom叩nyi Kar
Dr. Koll叩r Csaba - Dr. Po坦r J坦zsef: Tal叩ljuk ki 炭jra a menedzsment tan叩csad叩st - kommunik叩ci坦s kih鱈v叩sok
This research was carried out by a student organization called nowUpresent! at Corvinus University focusing on the students' presentation skills and habits. We at nowUpresent! seek to understand how people present and why they present in that way. By doing so, we hope to get a better understanding of their presentation worlds and thus we can help them develop, succeed and influence more and more people.
3. Hogyan is n辿z ki az !gen Debrecen?
Az !gen Debrecen egy innov叩tor 辿s startupper k辿pz辿s. 12 hetes, intenz鱈v,
gyakorlati feladatokra, 辿s k旦zvetlen szakmai tud叩sra 辿p端l.
A k辿pz辿sre hetente, minden kedden 18.00 坦r叩t坦l ker端l sor. Egy gyakorlati
alapokra 辿p端l elad叩s, majd konkr辿t feladatmegold叩s 辿s mentor叩l叩s jellemzi
ezeket a tal叩lkoz坦kat.
Az elad坦k gyakorl坦 端zletemberek, startupperek 辿s innov叩torok, akiktl
nem sz叩raz tank旦nyvi anyagot kapsz, hanem a mindennapokban haszn叩lhat坦
A k辿pz辿s alatt folyamatosan mentorok seg鱈tenek, akiketTe v叩lasztasz!
Csapatokba szervezdve fogtok 3 h坦nap alatt egy projekten dolgozni.A
k辿pz辿s v辿g辿n a legjobb projektet egy z叩r坦 versenyen v叩lasztja ki egy kock叩zati
tk辿sekbl 辿s 端zletemberekbl 叩ll坦 zs撤ri, valamint a k旦z旦ns辿g.
4. Mentorok, elad坦k
o brah叩m L叩szl坦: National Instruments
o rv叩n辿 Dr.V叩nyi Georgina: team coach
o Bor Gergely: mobil 端zlet叩gvezet, Corvex Zrt.
o Farkas Istv叩n: Butiq, PizzaVespa 辿s Subway
端gyvezet, r辿sztulajdonos
o G旦nczi P辿ter: online marketing, akvap坦nia
o Gyarmati G叩bor: Szinapszis c辿gcsoport
alap鱈t坦, tulajdonos
o Hegymegi Istv叩n: Hun辿p Zrt. igazgat坦s叩gi
tag, 辿p鱈t辿szm辿rn旦k
o Hild Imre: iCATAPULT 端gyvezet
o John Graham: Link Global Solution alap鱈t坦
o Kalm叩r Erika: Kommunik叩ci坦s szak辿rt
o Karancsi Lilla
o Kiss kos: t叩rsadalmi v叩llalkoz坦
o MesterTomi: adatlabor.hu alap鱈t坦
o Moln叩r Istv叩n Andr叩s: DBH SeedStar
inkub叩tor vezet
o Nagy Barna: Kreat鱈vVonalak alap鱈t坦
o P坦ser Zolt叩n: EDC DebrecenV叩ros- 辿s
Gazdas叩gfejleszt辿si K旦zpont igazgat坦
o Dr. Prokisch J坦zsef: egyetemi docens 辿s
o Style and Blog csapata: Glamour women
of the year 2014, v divat bloggerei
o Szokolay rs: v叩ros fejleszt
o Szobonya P辿ter: kock叩zati tke szak辿rt
o Katon叩n辿 dr. Kov叩cs Judit, Rab M叩t辿,
T坦th L叩szl坦: szervezk
5. Felv辿teli folyamat
1. Online jelentkez辿s: www.igendebrecen.hu regisztr叩ci坦
szeptember 20-ig!
2. Szem辿lyes interj炭: Az !gen Debrecen egy gyakorlati
feladatokra 辿p端l k辿pz辿s, 鱈gy fontos, hogy a jelentkezket
megismerj端k, 辿s t辿nyleg a legelsz叩ntabbakkal tudj a
projektek megval坦s鱈t叩s叩n dolgozni. Ez辿rt lesz egy
szem辿lyes, maximum 15 perces besz辿lget辿s端nk minden
jelentkezvel. Az eredm辿nyekrl mindenkit ki辿rtes鱈t端nk 1
napon bel端l.
6. Els kurzus, csapatok
Az !gen Debrecen k辿pz辿sben r辿sztvevk辿nt elsz旦r is
csatlakozol egy projekt旦tlethez (ha egy辿ni jelentkez
vagy), illetve egy辿ni jelentkezket kell az 旦tleted
megval坦s鱈t叩s叩hoz gy撤jtened (ha 旦tletgazdak辿nt vagy
csapatk辿nt jelentkezel).
A csapatok alakul叩s叩t seg鱈tj端k, az els alkalom a
bemutatkoz叩sr坦l, projekt旦tletek bemutat叩s叩r坦l sz坦l, 辿s
lesz egy heted, hogy m辿rlegeld hov叩 is szeretn辿l
csatlakozni, vagy 辿pp kikbl 叩lljon a csapatod.
7. Elad叩sok = gyakorlat
A csapatok kialak鱈t叩sa ut叩n kezddhet a projektmunka.
Minden alkalommal egy adott t辿mak旦rt fogunk
k旦rbej叩rni egy szakember vezet辿s辿vel.A tal叩lkoz坦
gyakorlati jelleg撤 lesz, a k辿rdez辿s nem hogy
megengedett, hanem egyenesen t叩mogatott. NINCS
ROSSZ KRDS, a c辿l, hogy meg辿rtsd mi kell ahhoz,
hogy az 旦tletedet sikerre vigy辿tek.
Minden alkalomra egy gyakorlati feladattal fogunk
k辿sz端lni, hogy ne csak meg辿rts辿tek a t辿m叩t, hanem a
gyakorlatban is alkalmazz叩tok!
9. Mentor叩l叩s
Az elad坦k mellett mentorok fogj叩k seg鱈teni a munk叩d!
Ha b叩rmiben elakadtok, nem 辿rtitek, vagy csak
辿rdekelne egy olyan valaki v辿lem辿nye, aki m叩r volt
abban a cipben, amibenTe, 辿s j坦l j旦tt ki belle, akkor a
mentorok seg鱈teni fognak.
Mentorok a szervezk, illetve a honlapon felt端ntetett
端zletemberek, szak辿rtk, innov叩torok, v叩llalkoz坦k,
coachok. Te v叩lasztasz, hogy kitl szeretn辿l seg鱈ts辿get
10. Csapatmunka
A projekted megval坦s鱈t叩s叩hoz kulcst辿nyez a
A keddi k辿pz辿si napok mellett a h辿t t旦bbi napj叩n is a
csapatoddal egy端tt fogtok dolgozni a projekten. Nem
k旦telezen, tan坦ra jelleggel, de szigor炭an megk旦vetelt
h叩zi feladatok v辿grehajt叩s叩val. A csapat a kulcsa a
11. Verseny
A k辿pz辿s v辿g辿n egy versenyen fog eldlni melyik projekt
nyeri meg a fd鱈jat!
Fd鱈jk辿nt a r辿szv辿teli d鱈jak 20%-a ker端l vissza a nyertes
A verseny zs撤rij辿t kock叩zati tkebefektetk 辿s
端zletemberek fogj叩k alkotni, akik am炭gy is vad叩sznak az
鱈g辿retes 旦tletekre!
A zs撤ri d旦nt辿s辿t kieg辿sz鱈ti a k旦z旦ns辿gszavaz叩s, ahol a
k旦z旦ns辿getTe hozod! Min辿l t旦bb embert mozgatsz meg,
ann叩l t旦bben szavaznak r叩tok. Ez direkt egy nem egyenl
verseny, gyzz旦n az, aki az 辿letben is a legt旦bb embert
meg tudja mozgatni!
12. Akiknek m叩r siker端lt
K旦z旦ss辿gi iroda
2014 szeptember辿ben indult 旦tletk辿nt a k旦z旦ss辿gi iroda.
2015 j炭lius叩ban megnyitott a Piac utc叩n, 8-12 fnek, wifi,
nyomtat坦, konyha, inspir叩l坦 t辿r.
Rugalmas havi 辿s f辿lhavi irodab辿rlet, teremb辿rl辿s.
Havonta: HUB-m撤hely, 端zleti reggeli, HUB-parti.
Automatiz叩lt adatmozgat叩s web叩ruh叩zak 辿s 端gyviteli
rendszerek k旦z旦tt
2014 szeptemberben indult az !gen Debrecen k辿pz辿s辿n
M叩ra t旦bb, mint 1 tucat 端gyfel端k van
F辿l 辿v alatt a csapat cashflow pozit鱈v lett
Glut辿nmentes p辿kmanufakt炭ra
2015 febru叩rj叩ban m辿g csak egy recept 辿s 旦tlet volt
2015 augusztus叩ban c辿gg辿 v叩lt
Minden napi s端t辿s端ket marad辿ktalanul eladj叩k
Saj叩t s端t旦d辿t 辿p鱈tenek 200 nm-en
45 r辿sztvev | 10 csapat | Egy辿ni felt旦r karrier utak
13. Jelentkezz!
Az !gen Debrecen k辿pz辿sre ezen a linken tudsz jelentkezni:
Ha b叩rmi k辿rd辿sed lenne, keress minket a
debrecen@igenegyesulet.hu email c鱈men
vagy a +36.70.466.8634-es telefonsz叩mon.
Jelentkez辿si hat叩rid szeptember 20!