Al World Business Forum 2007 Giuliano Noci ha spiegato in cosa consiste l'Italian Style, sottolineando i punti di contatto con il "made in Italy" e mettendo in luce le varibili competitive.
ARMA Canada 2012 - Govern Yourselves Accordingly - Practical Information Gove...Greg Clark
The document discusses information governance strategies and models. It argues that a one-size-fits-all hierarchical governance model is not effective and different models should be applied based on business needs and types of information. Co-governance and self-governance models that involve users in creating rules are more likely to achieve compliance. The key is focusing on enabling information exchange, making the right behaviors easy, and embedding governance through good processes rather than strict rules.
Concetta Galante - Il nuovo consumatore di oggi tra tradizione e multicanalitPersonalive srl
Intervento di Concetta Galante, Senior Client Team Manager, ACNielsen Italia, all'evento del 30 marzo 2007 "Marketing Reloaded: slogan o vero cambiamento?"
The document summarizes the findings of a study on how social media can help technology companies build relationships with IT buyers and decision makers. The study found that the IT committee actively seeks insights and conversations with vendors on social media like LinkedIn. It also found that the vendor shortlist is very exclusive, with only 3 vendors typically making the cut. The study concludes that tech companies need to engage with IT decision makers on LinkedIn and other social platforms through valuable content in order to build long-term relationships, earn spots on important shortlists, and generate leads.
The document discusses how individuals can become media moguls in the digital age. It outlines how media production, distribution, and communication have changed from old media to new digital media. Specifically, it notes that digital media allows for two-way, interactive communication that is location-independent, easily accessible, and often free. The document then recommends how individuals can build their social capital online through platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and blogs. It presents the CRISP model for effective social media use, which emphasizes coherence, relevance, interactivity, simplicity, and pervasiveness. Finally, it provides details about the consulting firm Paul Writer and its services in helping clients define marketing, branding, and communication strategies for
This study examined the effects of belongingness and synchronicity on cooperative learning. 171 students participated in constructive controversy discussions either face-to-face, synchronously online, or asynchronously online. They also received manipulations of belongingness (acceptance, mild rejection, control). Results showed that initial belongingness had positive effects on cooperation, motivation and technology perceptions. However, belongingness did not fully offset the negative effects of asynchronous discussions, which had poorer outcomes than face-to-face or synchronous discussions. The findings suggest belongingness is important but synchronicity also significantly impacts cooperative learning.
8 tips for navigating through stylesightberklibrary
These tips were provided by librarians who attended a Stylesight webinar to help other librarians learn to use the Stylesight database. The tips include how to create personal workspaces and folders to save images and reports, the different trend reports available on Stylesight, best ways to browse by images or reports, searching or browsing the image library, and types of materials and subcategories available. It is also noted that Stylesight is primarily used for images rather than text, and browsing content is generally better than searching. Tutorials are available for those who missed the training.
Op 10 november 2010 heeft MVO Nederland een bijeenkomst georganiseerd rondom Het Nieuwe Werken. 50 aanwezigen zijn actief aan de slag gegaan met dit onderwerp samen met experts van Finext, Conclusion, Microsoft, Ahrend en TNO.
Katie led a wellness event workout sponsored by Student Counselors and SDCL, where Greg Ieraci and Professor Orenberg participated in the intense workout. For Memorial Day, the library displayed interviews from Berkeley College veterans in the Veterans History Project and provided a link to the video. Bonnie created a display for Family Wellness Month featuring items picked by Eugene.
This document summarizes sessions from a conference that focused on bringing educational technology tools into the classroom. It discusses 10 ideas presented, including using wikis, flow charts, mobile scavenger hunts, and video projects to engage students. The document also covers getting feedback before implementing changes, finding mentors, using social media to learn, and apps for surveying users and requesting library assistance.
Whats going on at your campus may vol. 6berklibrary
This document provides a summary of events and displays at various campus libraries in May. It includes summaries of Choose Privacy Week at WPK, new initiatives at NWK to have weekly positive moments, displays at Paramus for Stress Month and Cinco de Mayo, off-campus March of Dimes and poetry events, and displays at Woodbridge for Poetry and Health Awareness Month. It also describes displays at Westchester for Mental Health Month, improvements to a study room, and a bookmobile used to collect surveys and check out materials. The document utilizes photos and captions submitted by various librarians to illustrate library events and activities throughout the month.
The document provides tips for marketing on a frugal budget. It recommends (1) thinking narrowly to focus offerings on a specific audience or niche, (2) owning the ecosystem by controlling related areas, and (3) creating your own marketing channels through customized media, awards, and building a customer community. It also suggests prioritizing insights over information to provide thought leadership, and leveraging online channels where target audiences spend time using a hub-and-spoke strategy. The overall message is that marketing can be effective with limited funds by taking a targeted approach and controlling your messaging.
Andrea Boaretto - Mobile alla conquista della creativit: un'impresa impossib...Personalive srl
Nell'ambito dell'evento "Happy Marketing" organizzato da AISM il 26 ottobre 2010, Andrea Boaretto ha partecipato con una presentazione sul Mobile. Nell'intervento viene messo in luce il ruolo del Mobile per i consumatori multicanale, la crescita del Mobile Internet in Italia e lo stato del Mobile Marketing.
Do you like making hiring mistakes? Of course not; theyre not fun.
Getting the right (or wrong) people on your team can make (or break) your business, but its tricky to get this right. In fact, all the innovation over the past 30 years (job boards, hiring software) hasnt impacted employee hiring success in a material way. Average employee tenure has been dropping like a stone and employee turnover rates continue relatively unchanged. Hiring mistakes are so accepted that money-back guarantees have become table stakes for any recruiter.
But there IS a better way. In this session, well review some epic hiring mistakes and how to avoid them ... also how you can hire great people who will stick around a long time and help increase the value of your business.
Este documento resume varios temas relacionados con la salud, las enfermedades y los factores que afectan la salud. Explica que la salud depende del bienestar f鱈sico, mental y social de una persona, y que puede verse afectada por factores gen辿ticos, biol坦gicos, ambientales y personales. Luego describe varios tipos de enfermedades como las infecciosas, los trastornos alimenticios, las enfermedades hereditarias y cong辿nitas, y los trastornos mentales.
Bernadette's day at Berkeley College library included:
- Delivering an information literacy session and making minor changes to her presentation.
- Investigating an overdue textbook and discussing the late policy with the student and Bill.
- Covering a tele-conference class split between two campuses, engaging both groups of students.
- Filling in at the circulation desk when other student workers called out sick and helping students with research and formatting questions.
Giuliano Noci - Social Network e B2B: quali opportunit?Personalive srl
Atti dell'intervento di Giuliano Noci al seminario "Ma nel B2B si pu嘆 fare marketing con i social network? - Riflessioni con Giuliano Noci e Marcus Starke" organizzato dalla School of Management del Politecnico di Milano e Sap Italy il 17 luglio 2012 a Milano.
Twitter hashtag #socialb2b
Backwards Design & Melding In-Class and Online PedagogiesAndy Saltarelli
This document summarizes a presentation on melding in-class and online pedagogies. The presenters are from Virtual University Design and Technology at Michigan State University. They discuss their philosophy of starting with authentic pedagogical problems rather than technological solutions. They emphasize backwards design, identifying big ideas and essential questions, and connecting concepts. The presentation provides examples and templates for developing big ideas and concept maps for a course. Attendees are guided through an activity to create a draft concept map for one of their courses. Various low- and web-based tools for concept mapping are also introduced.
This document summarizes sessions from a conference that focused on bringing educational technology tools into the classroom. One session discussed using tools like wikis, flow charts, and mobile scavenger hunts to engage students and make them content creators. Another session emphasized getting feedback before implementing changes, having a plan to address potential problems, finding mentors, and using "lazy consensus" to approve changes with few objections. A third session discussed using tools like LibraryThing and BookGlutton to provide book recommendations and encourage reading.
Op 10 november 2010 heeft MVO Nederland een bijeenkomst georganiseerd rondom Het Nieuwe Werken. 50 aanwezigen zijn actief aan de slag gegaan met dit onderwerp samen met experts van Finext, Conclusion, Microsoft, Ahrend en TNO.
Whats going on at your campus july vol 10berklibrary
The document provides updates from various campus libraries. It describes Olympic events that took place at the Paramus campus, including athletic competitions and trivia. It also shares photos and details about new displays at several libraries, including comics and graphic novels at White Plains, fitness materials for the Olympics, and reorganizing DVDs by genre at Woodland Park. The Woodbridge library also has an Olympic contest display.
The professor holds up a glass of water in class and asks students to guess its weight, which varies from 50g to 125g. He then asks what would happen if he held the glass up for longer periods, like minutes, hours or days. The students note that his arm would begin to ache and could even become numb or require hospitalization. However, the weight of the glass did not change. The professor explains that life's problems are like the glass - they seem manageable at first but can paralyze us if dwelled upon. It is important to 'put the glass down' by not stressing over challenges when going to sleep, so that one feels fresh and able to handle issues the next day.
MVO is verandering. Hoe zorgen werknemers voor beweging? Kasteel seminar SBI ...Glenn van der Burg
Op 4 april heb ik een korte presentatie geven aan een groep leden van diverse Ondernemingsraden bij SBI training en advies. Aanwezigen van NS, SaraLee, Haskoning .e.d. Samen hebben we gesproken over de rol van de OR in de inbedding van MVO in organisaties.
In questa brochure sono contenuti e descritti i vantaggi dell'utilizzo del marchio d'identit brain IN italy.
Il marchio brain IN italy 竪 rivolto alle aziende, ai consumatori e agli investitori.
8 tips for navigating through stylesightberklibrary
These tips were provided by librarians who attended a Stylesight webinar to help other librarians learn to use the Stylesight database. The tips include how to create personal workspaces and folders to save images and reports, the different trend reports available on Stylesight, best ways to browse by images or reports, searching or browsing the image library, and types of materials and subcategories available. It is also noted that Stylesight is primarily used for images rather than text, and browsing content is generally better than searching. Tutorials are available for those who missed the training.
Op 10 november 2010 heeft MVO Nederland een bijeenkomst georganiseerd rondom Het Nieuwe Werken. 50 aanwezigen zijn actief aan de slag gegaan met dit onderwerp samen met experts van Finext, Conclusion, Microsoft, Ahrend en TNO.
Katie led a wellness event workout sponsored by Student Counselors and SDCL, where Greg Ieraci and Professor Orenberg participated in the intense workout. For Memorial Day, the library displayed interviews from Berkeley College veterans in the Veterans History Project and provided a link to the video. Bonnie created a display for Family Wellness Month featuring items picked by Eugene.
This document summarizes sessions from a conference that focused on bringing educational technology tools into the classroom. It discusses 10 ideas presented, including using wikis, flow charts, mobile scavenger hunts, and video projects to engage students. The document also covers getting feedback before implementing changes, finding mentors, using social media to learn, and apps for surveying users and requesting library assistance.
Whats going on at your campus may vol. 6berklibrary
This document provides a summary of events and displays at various campus libraries in May. It includes summaries of Choose Privacy Week at WPK, new initiatives at NWK to have weekly positive moments, displays at Paramus for Stress Month and Cinco de Mayo, off-campus March of Dimes and poetry events, and displays at Woodbridge for Poetry and Health Awareness Month. It also describes displays at Westchester for Mental Health Month, improvements to a study room, and a bookmobile used to collect surveys and check out materials. The document utilizes photos and captions submitted by various librarians to illustrate library events and activities throughout the month.
The document provides tips for marketing on a frugal budget. It recommends (1) thinking narrowly to focus offerings on a specific audience or niche, (2) owning the ecosystem by controlling related areas, and (3) creating your own marketing channels through customized media, awards, and building a customer community. It also suggests prioritizing insights over information to provide thought leadership, and leveraging online channels where target audiences spend time using a hub-and-spoke strategy. The overall message is that marketing can be effective with limited funds by taking a targeted approach and controlling your messaging.
Andrea Boaretto - Mobile alla conquista della creativit: un'impresa impossib...Personalive srl
Nell'ambito dell'evento "Happy Marketing" organizzato da AISM il 26 ottobre 2010, Andrea Boaretto ha partecipato con una presentazione sul Mobile. Nell'intervento viene messo in luce il ruolo del Mobile per i consumatori multicanale, la crescita del Mobile Internet in Italia e lo stato del Mobile Marketing.
Do you like making hiring mistakes? Of course not; theyre not fun.
Getting the right (or wrong) people on your team can make (or break) your business, but its tricky to get this right. In fact, all the innovation over the past 30 years (job boards, hiring software) hasnt impacted employee hiring success in a material way. Average employee tenure has been dropping like a stone and employee turnover rates continue relatively unchanged. Hiring mistakes are so accepted that money-back guarantees have become table stakes for any recruiter.
But there IS a better way. In this session, well review some epic hiring mistakes and how to avoid them ... also how you can hire great people who will stick around a long time and help increase the value of your business.
Este documento resume varios temas relacionados con la salud, las enfermedades y los factores que afectan la salud. Explica que la salud depende del bienestar f鱈sico, mental y social de una persona, y que puede verse afectada por factores gen辿ticos, biol坦gicos, ambientales y personales. Luego describe varios tipos de enfermedades como las infecciosas, los trastornos alimenticios, las enfermedades hereditarias y cong辿nitas, y los trastornos mentales.
Bernadette's day at Berkeley College library included:
- Delivering an information literacy session and making minor changes to her presentation.
- Investigating an overdue textbook and discussing the late policy with the student and Bill.
- Covering a tele-conference class split between two campuses, engaging both groups of students.
- Filling in at the circulation desk when other student workers called out sick and helping students with research and formatting questions.
Giuliano Noci - Social Network e B2B: quali opportunit?Personalive srl
Atti dell'intervento di Giuliano Noci al seminario "Ma nel B2B si pu嘆 fare marketing con i social network? - Riflessioni con Giuliano Noci e Marcus Starke" organizzato dalla School of Management del Politecnico di Milano e Sap Italy il 17 luglio 2012 a Milano.
Twitter hashtag #socialb2b
Backwards Design & Melding In-Class and Online PedagogiesAndy Saltarelli
This document summarizes a presentation on melding in-class and online pedagogies. The presenters are from Virtual University Design and Technology at Michigan State University. They discuss their philosophy of starting with authentic pedagogical problems rather than technological solutions. They emphasize backwards design, identifying big ideas and essential questions, and connecting concepts. The presentation provides examples and templates for developing big ideas and concept maps for a course. Attendees are guided through an activity to create a draft concept map for one of their courses. Various low- and web-based tools for concept mapping are also introduced.
This document summarizes sessions from a conference that focused on bringing educational technology tools into the classroom. One session discussed using tools like wikis, flow charts, and mobile scavenger hunts to engage students and make them content creators. Another session emphasized getting feedback before implementing changes, having a plan to address potential problems, finding mentors, and using "lazy consensus" to approve changes with few objections. A third session discussed using tools like LibraryThing and BookGlutton to provide book recommendations and encourage reading.
Op 10 november 2010 heeft MVO Nederland een bijeenkomst georganiseerd rondom Het Nieuwe Werken. 50 aanwezigen zijn actief aan de slag gegaan met dit onderwerp samen met experts van Finext, Conclusion, Microsoft, Ahrend en TNO.
Whats going on at your campus july vol 10berklibrary
The document provides updates from various campus libraries. It describes Olympic events that took place at the Paramus campus, including athletic competitions and trivia. It also shares photos and details about new displays at several libraries, including comics and graphic novels at White Plains, fitness materials for the Olympics, and reorganizing DVDs by genre at Woodland Park. The Woodbridge library also has an Olympic contest display.
The professor holds up a glass of water in class and asks students to guess its weight, which varies from 50g to 125g. He then asks what would happen if he held the glass up for longer periods, like minutes, hours or days. The students note that his arm would begin to ache and could even become numb or require hospitalization. However, the weight of the glass did not change. The professor explains that life's problems are like the glass - they seem manageable at first but can paralyze us if dwelled upon. It is important to 'put the glass down' by not stressing over challenges when going to sleep, so that one feels fresh and able to handle issues the next day.
MVO is verandering. Hoe zorgen werknemers voor beweging? Kasteel seminar SBI ...Glenn van der Burg
Op 4 april heb ik een korte presentatie geven aan een groep leden van diverse Ondernemingsraden bij SBI training en advies. Aanwezigen van NS, SaraLee, Haskoning .e.d. Samen hebben we gesproken over de rol van de OR in de inbedding van MVO in organisaties.
In questa brochure sono contenuti e descritti i vantaggi dell'utilizzo del marchio d'identit brain IN italy.
Il marchio brain IN italy 竪 rivolto alle aziende, ai consumatori e agli investitori.
Il documento affronta il tema del cos竪 il made in Italy e di quali contenuti debba essere portatore affinch辿 il sistema Paese possa avere la considerazione che merita nelle decisioni di acquisto dei consumatori del mondo. Allinterno sono state riportate le puntuali considerazioni di alcuni interessanti studi, tesi di giovani talenti italiani e dati di alcune ricerche di Enti e associazioni che si sono confrontati con il tema.
Design e creativit Made in Italy. Intervista a Silvano Guglielmazzi, Diretto...Free Your Talent
Design e creativit Made in Italy. Intervista a Silvano Guglielmazzi, Direttore Marketing prodotto e comunicazione, Alessi S.p.A. a cura di Sherin Baggio, Gabriele Ferrari, Andrea Marano, Andrea Staffiere - Master in Marketing Management 2016-2017
In this presentation, we analyze the economical and financial results of an important italian wine brand and suggest some strategies to improve the management
Heero partecipa al Glocal Brand Awards, presentando al Brand Festival di Jesi, il progetto di comunicazione sviluppato per Verdicchio. L'obiettivo ottenere una comunicazione "super partes", riconoscibile e che riposizionasse il brand nell'immaginario dei potenziali consumatori.
Nuovo logo, nuovo look,
nuova collezione, nuovo stile.
La tradizione si rinnova senza perdere il suo
spirito originale e il filone del suo successo:
il made in Italy che tutto il mondo celebra.
Nessun compromesso, una filiera certificata in
tutti i suoi prodotti, attenzione ai dettagli,
concreti e pratici per tutte le esigenze, siano
esse di promozione che collezioni moda.
Tutto questo significa Vesti, semplicemente.
New logo, new look, new collection, new style.
Tradition renews itself without losing its original
spirit and the trend of its success: made in Italy
that the whole world celebrates.
No compromises, an industry that certifies all of
its products, the attention to detail and practical
for every need, whether they are promotional or
fashion collections. All of the above simply
means Vesti.
Per info chiamare al n. 0039 3939959249 Sig. Speranza Benedetto
Investor pitch del progetto ItaliaWorldWide, dai uno sguardo al portale Stiamo portando l'eccellenza italiana in tutto il mondo.
Investor pitch ItaliaWorldWide Project, take a look
We are bringing all the best of Italy in any single part of the world.
Exportaci坦n en China dise単ado para las empresas y los profesionales: La nueva frontera de su empresa en China. China sigue creciendo. Los datos as鱈 lo reflejan: China tiene la mayor tasa de crecimiento en comparaci坦n con otras econom鱈as avanzadas y emergentes y se ha convertido en el segundo pa鱈s en tener un impacto en el PIB mundial. Para aglutinar las oportunidades que este mercado puede ofrecer, en profunda evoluci坦n, se cre坦 MEDITERRANEAN CENTRE como plataforma para las empresas Catalana y Italianas que se plantean implementar estrategias para exportar a China y tienen que tener un socio que puede proporcionar conocimientos diversos a las peculiaridades del mercado chino. Para m叩s detalles sobre nuestra nueva OFICINA DE REPRESENTACIN OFICIAL en Asia, en la nueva ciudad de Shenzhen, a unos 40 km de HONG KONG, la informaci坦n se pueden obtener con tan s坦lo enviar un e-mail con sus referencias a APERTURA DE NUEVAS OFICINAS noviembre 2014
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bankjotinlywood
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Wintermunirinkuah
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albersuxhcablende
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbiobrohepner
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
Introduction to Programming with C++ 3rd Edition Liang Test Banktoblerleunis
Introduction to Programming with C++ 3rd Edition Liang Test Bank
Introduction to Programming with C++ 3rd Edition Liang Test Bank
Introduction to Programming with C++ 3rd Edition Liang Test Bank
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Mollekoloohgazari67
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Engineering Economy Sullivan Wicks Koelling 15th Edition Test Bankgadevshahma
Engineering Economy Sullivan Wicks Koelling 15th Edition Test Bank
Engineering Economy Sullivan Wicks Koelling 15th Edition Test Bank
Engineering Economy Sullivan Wicks Koelling 15th Edition Test Bank
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Suedementogge
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendallalawamajina
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlentiteuxprasil
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
2. Come mai ci poniamo il problema?
Progressiva apertura alle importazioni dalla Cina (industria
della moda)
Indebolimento del dollaro
Concorrenza dei Paesi emergenti
Esplosione dei mercati dei nuovi ricchi
Lenorme valore, sia in termini di contenuti che di immagine,
L l i i t i i t ti h i i
dellitalianit nel mondo
3. Ha ancora senso parlare
di Made in Italy? (1/2)
1. Le i d italiane si stanno
L aziende i li i
muovendo verso una logica di
2. La marca, pi湛 che la qualit
intrinseca di prodotto diventa
elemento di rassicurazione e di
coinvolgimento su scala globale
3. Lesperienza 竪 uno degli
elementi maggiormente
valorizzati dal consumatore post-
4. Ha ancora senso parlare
di Made in Italy? (2/2)
o Limmagine d ll l si 竪 rafforzata nel tempo ed 竪 di
dellItalia ff l d diventata sinonimo
i i
di qualit della vita, buon gusto, qualit ed eleganza.
o Questa operazione ha visto spesso gli operatori stranieri quali
promotori di questa nuova identit.
o LItalian Style 竪 diventato un concetto molto pi湛 ampio di quello del
L Italian
semplice prodotto made in Italy e di maggior valore per le aziende che
lo sappiano sfruttare.
5. Che cosa 竪 lItalian Style.
Le caratteristiche di artigianalit e elevata qualit del prodotto
ele ata q alit
possono non bastare pi湛 in chiave prospettica
Diventa quindi rilevante la capacit di sviluppare esperienze
uniche con il cliente, in grado di:
valorizzare identit specifiche dellimpresa,
in coerenza con i valori della Country of Origin (CoO) o della Country
of Design (CoD) valori chiave del vivere in Italia, interpretare la vita
6. Italian Style vs. Made in Italy
Ch cosa c竪 di comune?
竪 ?
Centralit del CoO / CoD
In che cosa sono diversi?
Made in Italy Italian Style
Significato del CoO
Categorie di prodotto
Driver del valore
St t i core
7. Come si crea lItalian Style:
un approccio integrato
Identificare le associazioni al paese dorigine;
Definire la loro rilevanza rispetto alla categoria
g ;
merceologica e al target;
Trasformare le associazioni in moduli di esperienza
percepibili dal cliente;
Sviluppare un progetto integrato per la costruzione
pp p g g p
di unesperienza basata sul concetto di Italian Style.
8. Come si crea lItalian Style:
Identificare le associazioni paese
Analisi dei media e ricostruzione del profilo dimmagine
Analisi delle attuali offerte Italian Style nei diversi paesi e
coerenza con i driver della marca
Identificazione di key driver per lo sviluppo di una marca
Italian Style
10. Come si crea lItalian Style:
Definire la rilevanza delle associazioni paese rispetto alla
categoria merceologica e al target
Universal Different
Segment Segment
11. Come si crea lItalian Style:
Trasformare le associazioni in moduli di esperienza
percepibili dal cliente
12. Il caso Illy Caff竪 (1/2)
Illy allestero fa leva sul
perfezionismo e la cura
dei particolari
nellesperienza di bere il
e espe e a d be e
caff竪 secondo lo stile
Enfasi sulla qualit
superiore dell ultimate
espresso experience
basata sullattenzione ad
ogni singolo dettaglio nel
bere un buon caff竪
allitaliana, dalla selezione
dei chicchi al design della
tazza e degli accessori
t d li i
13. Il caso Illy Caff竪 (2/2)
Vendita di accessori correlati allItalian Style nellesperienza di bere
il caff辿 e consigli per migliorare tale esperienza, volti ad educare il
14. Italian Style:
non dimentichiamoci de:
Le leve tradizionali
L l t di i li
Il controllo della produzione rappresenta un elemento chiave
di competitivit
Le economie di scala sono in molti casi condicio sine qua non
per la competitivit di impresa
La scelta del canale di distribuzione 竪 elemento
fondamentale del successo di una strategia di entrata in un
nuovo mercato/paese
Un nuovo modo di fare marketing
Limplementazione di progetti CRM costituisce un driver
fondamentale della valorizzazione dellItalian Style
Il Web 2.0 pu嘆 giocare un ruolo importante