DevRel Meetup in Tokyo #7 #devreljp 発表資料
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The document summarizes the song "Sky Pilot" by Eric Burdon & The Animals. It was released in 1968 about an army chaplain and his feelings for soldiers he blessed before they went to war in Vietnam. The song was written to express how the band felt about the young men sent to fight in Vietnam. The song highlights the human cost of the war, with 58,000 American soldiers killed and 300,000 left with troubled futures.
This document contains an English vocabulary and grammar reinforcement exercise. It includes multiple choice questions testing vocabulary like verbs for electronics and computers. It also has exercises matching words to definitions and completing sentences with conditional verb forms. The document aims to reinforce English vocabulary and grammar concepts through a variety of short exercises.
Open educational resources (OER) provide opportunities for affordable education by reducing textbook costs and allowing wide access to educational materials from top universities. However, finding and ensuring the quality of OER can be challenging given that the educational establishment and public are still unfamiliar with OER. While OER aim to share best practices globally, their future impact remains uncertain as adoption has been slow.
El documento describe programas municipales para fomentar la participación de jóvenes en actividades de ocio. Propone tres niveles de acción: estratégico a través de un plan joven municipal, táctico mediante la transversalidad en el trabajo diario, y operativo a través de programas como Gazte Klik, Gazte Factory y Gauekoak. Estos programas ofrecen espacios acondicionados, asesoramiento, apoyo económico y seguimiento para que los jóvenes participen en actividades de ocio de forma responsable y compartida
- Replay Solutions automates 30% of the software lifecycle using its patented ReplayDIRECTOR technology which records application executions at runtime with minimal overhead.
- ReplayDIRECTOR provides automated issue reproduction, bridging development, operations, QA and support teams. It allows issues to be reproduced instantly on any workstation without requiring application servers, databases or load.
- The presentation highlights how ReplayDIRECTOR can be used across various teams and use cases like development, operations, customer support to automate issue diagnosis and rapidly locate root causes.
Promise and perils : Qualitative research in our connected, mobile worldThe Added Value Group
This document discusses the promise and perils of using mobile technologies for qualitative research. It can provide more immediate access to participants in their natural environments. However, mobile research requires significant preparation to design engaging tasks and get meaningful contributions from participants. Researchers must also work to extract insightful findings from the varied media like videos, photos, and audio collected from mobile devices. While mobile offers opportunities, researchers need to guide participants' experiences and carefully analyze the diverse data collected to provide actionable insights.
Planning of a field operational test on navigation systems: Implementation an...euroFOT
The document summarizes two pre-studies conducted to help plan a field operational test comparing navigation systems. Study 1 was a questionnaire of 147 drivers that found owners of navigation systems drove more and were more likely to take unfamiliar routes. Study 2 tested data collection and analysis algorithms by having 10 drivers complete routes with and without navigation, finding the algorithms could detect differences but needed improvement to reduce errors. The pre-studies aimed to inform sample selection and analysis methods for the larger field operational test.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins in the brain which elevate mood and reduce stress levels.
This document contains code for a Jenkins pipeline that defines stages for compiling, testing, packaging, deploying, and smoke testing a build. It also contains code to send notifications to Typetalk if the build fails. Additional code shows how to fetch pull request branches from a Git remote and check if a pull request is open for a given branch.
Continuous integration is a software engineering practice where developers frequently integrate code changes into a central repository. It aims to improve quality and reduce delivery time by implementing quality control checks at small increments rather than after all development is complete. Continuous integration tools like Jenkins can be configured through scripts to continuously build projects and send email notifications on failures to improve feedback loops.
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT