This very short document contains a single word - "SAILING" - repeated multiple times with spaces in between. It seems to be representing the repetitive motion and sound of sailing through the use of typography rather than extensive prose. The final word "END" suggests the document is marking the conclusion of a sailing experience or activity.
Presentation by Phil Smart to the Geotourism Workshop of SEGRA 2015 about the Gondwana Fossil Walk and other geotourism developments at Ulladulla, New South Wales
Articulo que intenta demostrar en un modelo linear mixto de efectos al azar, que las variables edad, sexo y estado nutricional de un paciente coinfectado VIH/TB influyen en la recuperación del CD4
Presentation from Francisco Sanchez Pons at parallel session on FOTseuroFOT
The document discusses the requirements and development of a data logging system for the EuroFOT field trial. It describes:
1) The EuroFOT challenge of collecting vehicle and driver behavior data from nearly 1,000 vehicles over 12 months.
2) The mechanical, electrical, and functional requirements for the data logging system, including size, power needs, data formats, and wireless capabilities.
3) The evolution of the CTAG datalogger from version 1.0 to 2.0 to meet EuroFOT's needs, such as adding 4 CAN channels, GPRS, and remote firmware updates.
4) Test results showing the version 2.0 datalogger met requirements and was selected
- Raw foods are more nutritious than cooked foods as they retain more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients. Cooking can result in up to 100% loss of some nutrients.
- Eating a carbohydrate-rich meal rather than a high-protein meal allows for more tryptophan to enter the brain and increase serotonin levels. Tryptophan must compete with other amino acids.
- Inflammation, stress, lack of nutrients, and allergies can all contribute to depression by impacting brain chemistry and function. Maintaining a diet of raw foods and avoiding animal products and dairy can help reduce these factors.
This document provides instructions for saving a PowerPoint presentation as a movie file and uploading it to the Safari Montage platform so that it can be viewed seamlessly within Safari without needing to launch PowerPoint. The key steps are to set transitions in PowerPoint, save the presentation as a movie file, log into Safari Montage, upload the movie file, add it to a playlist, and then it will play like any other movie in Safari Montage.
Technology Products as Timeshare VS Reading and SportsBilal Ahmad
Technology has been an important part of human evolution and development since ancient times when humans discovered how to create fire, tools, and domesticate animals. Today, technology has advanced greatly and is a major part of modern life, with devices like cell phones, laptops, DVD players, and tablets that provide access to the internet. While technology has benefits like convenience, connectivity, and access to information, it also presents drawbacks such as overdependence, social isolation, and negative health and psychological effects when not balanced with real-world social activities.
This very short document contains a single word - "SAILING" - repeated multiple times with spaces in between. It seems to be representing the repetitive motion and sound of sailing through the use of typography rather than extensive prose. The final word "END" suggests the document is marking the conclusion of a sailing experience or activity.
Presentation by Phil Smart to the Geotourism Workshop of SEGRA 2015 about the Gondwana Fossil Walk and other geotourism developments at Ulladulla, New South Wales
Articulo que intenta demostrar en un modelo linear mixto de efectos al azar, que las variables edad, sexo y estado nutricional de un paciente coinfectado VIH/TB influyen en la recuperación del CD4
Presentation from Francisco Sanchez Pons at parallel session on FOTseuroFOT
The document discusses the requirements and development of a data logging system for the EuroFOT field trial. It describes:
1) The EuroFOT challenge of collecting vehicle and driver behavior data from nearly 1,000 vehicles over 12 months.
2) The mechanical, electrical, and functional requirements for the data logging system, including size, power needs, data formats, and wireless capabilities.
3) The evolution of the CTAG datalogger from version 1.0 to 2.0 to meet EuroFOT's needs, such as adding 4 CAN channels, GPRS, and remote firmware updates.
4) Test results showing the version 2.0 datalogger met requirements and was selected
- Raw foods are more nutritious than cooked foods as they retain more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients. Cooking can result in up to 100% loss of some nutrients.
- Eating a carbohydrate-rich meal rather than a high-protein meal allows for more tryptophan to enter the brain and increase serotonin levels. Tryptophan must compete with other amino acids.
- Inflammation, stress, lack of nutrients, and allergies can all contribute to depression by impacting brain chemistry and function. Maintaining a diet of raw foods and avoiding animal products and dairy can help reduce these factors.
This document provides instructions for saving a PowerPoint presentation as a movie file and uploading it to the Safari Montage platform so that it can be viewed seamlessly within Safari without needing to launch PowerPoint. The key steps are to set transitions in PowerPoint, save the presentation as a movie file, log into Safari Montage, upload the movie file, add it to a playlist, and then it will play like any other movie in Safari Montage.
Technology Products as Timeshare VS Reading and SportsBilal Ahmad
Technology has been an important part of human evolution and development since ancient times when humans discovered how to create fire, tools, and domesticate animals. Today, technology has advanced greatly and is a major part of modern life, with devices like cell phones, laptops, DVD players, and tablets that provide access to the internet. While technology has benefits like convenience, connectivity, and access to information, it also presents drawbacks such as overdependence, social isolation, and negative health and psychological effects when not balanced with real-world social activities.
Chef Design & Cooking Graphics
Hai mai pensato a quante similitudini esistano tra il lavoro dello Chef in cucina ed il Graphic Designer?
Colori. Forme. Layout. Textures. Contrasti. Emozioni. Sensi.
Termini chiave che si fondono sul fronte unico della Creatività... cosa succederebbe se l'ispirazione giusta o il metodo di lavoro al quale riferirsi fosse proprio quello di uno Chef?
Ecco un webinar molto speciale dedicato a chi è in cerca di nuove chiavi di lettura per il proprio lavoro, di una ispirazione creativa diversa dal solito e, soprattutto, dedicato a chi ha capito che davvero uno Chef in cucina e un Graphic Designer hanno molto in comune ;)
Dalla mia bacheca Pinterest a tanti sfiziosi esempi scopriremo insieme come essere dei bravi creativi dentro (ma soprattutto) fuori dalla cucina, in modo inaspettato.
NOVITA'! Da giugno 2016 questo webinar è stato convertito in una serie di lezioni pratiche.
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Agile Project Management with Scrum. A buzzword breakfast?
I briefly presented the core values of Agile Project Management and the basics of Scrum to get an idea of how to implement Agile with it.
Food for thoughts and discussion.
Nice meetup by the way. Thanks for having me!
The document discusses the verb "to be" which is used to describe people, things, and locations. It has three conjugations: am, is, and are. Examples of usage are provided for the different subjects and forms.
Introduction to Social Media for filmmakersSales Hub Pro
A brief introduction to the idea of using social media and the internet to tell stories through the medium of film and television. The slides are a collection of ideas and references that are useful for anyone working with narrative, storytelling and writing for various mediums. Andrew McAvinchey with slides and links from many sources including Stephanie Spiro who provided the slides on Twitter use
This document provides an introduction to orthomolecular medicine and discusses its key principles. It notes that nutritional deficiencies can impact brain function and mental health. Specific vitamins and minerals that are important for mood include B vitamins, vitamin A, folate, vitamin B12, and amino acids. The document warns of side effects from antidepressant medications and discusses alternative nutritional approaches to treating conditions like depression.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins in the brain which elevate mood and reduce stress levels.
This document contains code for a Jenkins pipeline that defines stages for compiling, testing, packaging, deploying, and smoke testing a build. It also contains code to send notifications to Typetalk if the build fails. Additional code shows how to fetch pull request branches from a Git remote and check if a pull request is open for a given branch.
Continuous integration is a software engineering practice where developers frequently integrate code changes into a central repository. It aims to improve quality and reduce delivery time by implementing quality control checks at small increments rather than after all development is complete. Continuous integration tools like Jenkins can be configured through scripts to continuously build projects and send email notifications on failures to improve feedback loops.
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT