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This document provides a historical overview of studies conducted on the Philippine education system from 1925 to 2012, which found inadequacies in the basic education curriculum. It then outlines the key features and implementation timeline of the K-12 basic education reform launched in 2012, which extended the K-6 elementary and 4-year high school system to include 2 additional years of senior high school. The reform aims to enhance the curriculum, offer specializations, and better prepare students for higher education or the workforce. However, some argue the reform will increase financial burden on families and government without necessarily improving education quality.
This document discusses different types of tests including true/false, short answer, essay, and matching tests. It provides details on each type, including guidelines for constructing them and advantages/disadvantages. True/false tests can assess basic knowledge but have high guessing rates. Short answer tests reduce guessing and assess lower-level thinking but are time-consuming to score. Essay tests measure higher-order skills but are difficult to score reliably. Matching tests are easy to construct and score but often assess trivial information. Proper construction and clear guidelines are important for all test types.
para sa mga nag hahanap oh gustong makuha ang file na ito maari lamang pong mag register ng account dito sa SLIDESHARE,pag katapos non ay iconfirm muna sa inyong email para ito ay maisave oh maidownload ng tama.
kung may katanungan po kayo maari lamang na mag email sa account na ito:
maraming SALAMAT PO!
This document provides a historical overview of studies conducted on the Philippine education system from 1925 to 2012, which found inadequacies in the basic education curriculum. It then outlines the key features and implementation timeline of the K-12 basic education reform launched in 2012, which extended the K-6 elementary and 4-year high school system to include 2 additional years of senior high school. The reform aims to enhance the curriculum, offer specializations, and better prepare students for higher education or the workforce. However, some argue the reform will increase financial burden on families and government without necessarily improving education quality.
This document discusses different types of tests including true/false, short answer, essay, and matching tests. It provides details on each type, including guidelines for constructing them and advantages/disadvantages. True/false tests can assess basic knowledge but have high guessing rates. Short answer tests reduce guessing and assess lower-level thinking but are time-consuming to score. Essay tests measure higher-order skills but are difficult to score reliably. Matching tests are easy to construct and score but often assess trivial information. Proper construction and clear guidelines are important for all test types.
1.- Idatzi Z (zibilizazioa) eta E (estatua)
Kultura eta bizimodu berdineko lurraldea
Gobernu bera duten lurraldeak
2.- Bilatu ideia nagusiak
Non sortu zen zibilizazio grekoa?
Greziako zibilizazioa Mediterraneo itsasoko ekialdeko muturrean sortu
Zein lurraldek osatzen zuten?
Balkanetako penintsularen hegoaldean,Egeo itsasoko eta Itsaso
Jonikoko uharteetan,Asia txikiko kostaldean eta Mendebaldejo
3.- Interpretatu testua
Zergatik grekoek zenbait estatutan banatzen ziren?
Zergatik diogu Mediterraneoa funtsezkoa zela greziarrentzat?
4.- Hausnartu
Antzinako greziarrak helenoen izenez ezagutzen ziren. Nondik
dator izen hori?
5.- Ulertu
Zer ziren polisak?
Bereiztu polis demokratikoa eta polis aristokratikoa
Zer da hedapen koloniala?
6.- Bilatu ideia nagusiak
2. Zein ziren garai arkaikoko ezaugarriak?
a) Greziarren ........ biltzen ziren
b) Sortu zuten
7.- Interpretatu dokumentuak.
a) Kokatu
Atenas eta Esparta
b) Idatzi beste
polis batzuen
c) Non zeuden
8.- Antolatu informazioa.
Egin greziar hedapenari buruzko eskema
Kausak Etapak Ondorioak
Hedapen greziarra
3. 9.- Bilatu ideia nagusiak.
Lotu esaldi bakoitza dagokion gerrarekin:
a) Polisak batu persiarren aurka borrokatzeko
b) Polisak bi bandotan banandu eta aurrez aurre borrokatu.
Zein polis zen indartsuena K. a. V.mendean.?
Zergatik borrokatu zuten Atenas eta Espartak?
Zer gertatu zen Maraton batailan?
10.- Antolatu informazioa.
Gerra Medikoei buruzko eskema
Kausak Garapena Ondorioak
Lehenengoa Bigarrena
11.- Azaldu nortzuk ziren:
Gerra Medikoak
4. Dario I
12.- Zeri buruzkoak dira ondorengo definizioak?
a) Kultura grekoa eta ekialdeko elementuen fusioa
b) Alexandro Handiaren inperioa zatitu ziren erresumak.
13- Hausnartu:
Zein zen K.a. IV.mendeko pertsonaiarik ospetsuena? Zergatik zen
14.- Zein izan zen, zure ustez, faktore garrantzitsuena Mazedoniaren
hedapena azaltzeko? Eman arrazoiak.
Diplomatikoa Mekatal faktorea Militarra
5. 15.- Deskribatu ordenan Alexandro Handiak jarraitutako ibilbedea
16.- Lotu metr坦poli eta kolonia baten arteko desberdintasunak. Eman
bakoitzaren adibide bat.
Metropoli Kolonia