1) To edit footage in Adobe Premier Pro CS6, you first need to import footage from an SD card into a folder on your hard drive. Then open Premier Pro CS6 and start a new project, selecting the correct video, audio, and frame rate settings to match your footage.
2) Once your project is created, you can drag your footage from the media browser into the timeline to begin editing. You can cut clips, add transitions and effects, and overlay titles.
3) When you have finished editing, you render your project by setting export settings for video, audio, and file format (usually H.264 mp4), then clicking export. This will create a video file of your edited
This document provides an overview of ethical leadership and decision-making using the core values of the PTA. It discusses how to determine what is ethical versus legal, and how to advance the vision and mission of the PTA at all levels. The document outlines common ethical principles from various religions and cultures, establishes the PTA's ethical "triple test" for decisions, and reviews the National PTA's basic policies which provide guidelines for ethical and nonpartisan work.
This document discusses NewSQL databases. It begins with an introduction that describes how enterprises need both reliable transaction processing and the ability to perform analytics on large datasets. This requires different database strategies that are often in conflict.
The document then provides details on NewSQL databases, including that they aim to overcome constraints of SQL and NoSQL databases. Key features of NewSQL databases are described, such as how they store data and provide security and support for big data. NewSQL databases are compared to SQL and NoSQL databases based on several parameters like ACID properties, storage, performance, consistency, and more. Overall, the document analyzes the rise of NewSQL databases as an attempt to achieve the benefits of both traditional SQL and No
El documento describe c坦mo la tecnolog鱈a como la televisi坦n y los medios han innovado las vidas humanas y c坦mo organizan sus vidas de diferentes maneras debido a su presencia. Tambi辿n discute c坦mo en 1980 las computadoras solo se pod鱈an usar por 45 minutos y eran lentas para buscar informaci坦n, y c坦mo el internet moderno ha hecho que todo sea m叩s f叩cil de encontrar. Adem叩s, advierte que nos hemos vuelto demasiado dependientes del internet y ya no usamos libros, exploramos temas o compartimos en familia como sol鱈amos hacerlo.
El documento describe c坦mo la tecnolog鱈a como la televisi坦n y los medios han innovado las vidas humanas y c坦mo organizan sus vidas de diferentes maneras debido a su presencia. Tambi辿n discute c坦mo en 1980 las computadoras solo se pod鱈an usar por 45 minutos y eran lentas para buscar informaci坦n, y c坦mo el internet moderno ha hecho que todo sea m叩s f叩cil de encontrar. Adem叩s, advierte que nos hemos vuelto demasiado dependientes del internet y ya no usamos libros, exploramos temas o compartimos en familia como sol鱈amos hacerlo.
The document discusses interviews conducted with Muslim female students at Makerere University who choose to follow the Islamic dress code. It describes the types of modest clothing worn, such as jilbabs, abayas, long skirts and long-sleeved tops. The interviews aimed to understand why these students opt for this dress despite challenges in their environment. One student recounted being made to unveil before being allowed to sit for an exam. The document also notes that while Muslim women must dress modestly at all times, they are permitted to uncover before male family members like husbands, brothers, fathers and sons.
El documento presenta un proyecto de investigaci坦n realizado por dos estudiantes, Hern叩ndez Wendy y Graterol Isabel, bajo la supervisi坦n del profesor Cruz Ram坦n Guerra en la Universidad Pedag坦gica Experimental Libertador. El proyecto eval炭a los resultados de subir una presentaci坦n a un blog y comparte los enlaces a los blogs de las estudiantes donde se public坦 el contenido.
Dokumen tersebut berisi ringkasan tentang berbagai tugas dan sumbangan guru seperti jemputan konsultasi, penulisan artikel, penyertaan dalam aktiviti, borang penilaian mengajar, dan cadangan untuk penambahbaikan.
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness classified as a mood disorder that causes severe shifts in mood between depression and mania. During depressive episodes, people experience sadness, crying, loss of energy and suicidal thoughts, while manic episodes involve excessive happiness, irritability, racing thoughts and grand plans. There are different types of bipolar disorder defined by the severity and frequency of mood episodes. The exact causes are unknown but genetics and environmental triggers are believed to play a role. Treatment involves medications, psychotherapy and lifestyle management to control mood symptoms and enable people to live normal lives.
This document profiles the intended audience for a modernized film noir project. It suggests that the target age range is 15-30 year olds, as they will appreciate the up-to-date storyline dealing with modern issues like homosexuality and a teacher-student relationship. Both males and females are expected to be interested - males for the violence and females for the romance. The ideal audience members would be educated individuals who can understand the complex plot and possibly relate to having a crush on a teacher, and who enjoy meaningful films and social interaction.
This document discusses growing diversity and inclusiveness within PTAs. It begins by outlining workshop learning objectives around understanding diversity, its value, and engaging diverse populations. It then provides statistics showing PTAs currently lack diversity in ethnicity, gender, geography and income. The text defines diversity and discusses the importance of inclusion and cultural sensitivity. It suggests evaluating meetings, events, communications and leadership for diversity. Overall, the document aims to promote diversity within PTAs and provides resources and next steps toward more diverse and welcoming membership and leadership.
1) To edit footage in Adobe Premier Pro CS6, you first need to import footage from an SD card into a folder on your hard drive. Then open Premier Pro CS6 and start a new project, selecting the correct video, audio, and frame rate settings to match your footage.
2) Once your project is created, you can drag your footage from the media browser into the timeline to begin editing. You can cut clips, add transitions and effects, and overlay titles.
3) When you have finished editing, you render your project by setting export settings for video, audio, and file format (usually H.264 mp4), then clicking export. This will create a video file of your edited
This document provides an overview of ethical leadership and decision-making using the core values of the PTA. It discusses how to determine what is ethical versus legal, and how to advance the vision and mission of the PTA at all levels. The document outlines common ethical principles from various religions and cultures, establishes the PTA's ethical "triple test" for decisions, and reviews the National PTA's basic policies which provide guidelines for ethical and nonpartisan work.
This document discusses NewSQL databases. It begins with an introduction that describes how enterprises need both reliable transaction processing and the ability to perform analytics on large datasets. This requires different database strategies that are often in conflict.
The document then provides details on NewSQL databases, including that they aim to overcome constraints of SQL and NoSQL databases. Key features of NewSQL databases are described, such as how they store data and provide security and support for big data. NewSQL databases are compared to SQL and NoSQL databases based on several parameters like ACID properties, storage, performance, consistency, and more. Overall, the document analyzes the rise of NewSQL databases as an attempt to achieve the benefits of both traditional SQL and No
El documento describe c坦mo la tecnolog鱈a como la televisi坦n y los medios han innovado las vidas humanas y c坦mo organizan sus vidas de diferentes maneras debido a su presencia. Tambi辿n discute c坦mo en 1980 las computadoras solo se pod鱈an usar por 45 minutos y eran lentas para buscar informaci坦n, y c坦mo el internet moderno ha hecho que todo sea m叩s f叩cil de encontrar. Adem叩s, advierte que nos hemos vuelto demasiado dependientes del internet y ya no usamos libros, exploramos temas o compartimos en familia como sol鱈amos hacerlo.
El documento describe c坦mo la tecnolog鱈a como la televisi坦n y los medios han innovado las vidas humanas y c坦mo organizan sus vidas de diferentes maneras debido a su presencia. Tambi辿n discute c坦mo en 1980 las computadoras solo se pod鱈an usar por 45 minutos y eran lentas para buscar informaci坦n, y c坦mo el internet moderno ha hecho que todo sea m叩s f叩cil de encontrar. Adem叩s, advierte que nos hemos vuelto demasiado dependientes del internet y ya no usamos libros, exploramos temas o compartimos en familia como sol鱈amos hacerlo.
The document discusses interviews conducted with Muslim female students at Makerere University who choose to follow the Islamic dress code. It describes the types of modest clothing worn, such as jilbabs, abayas, long skirts and long-sleeved tops. The interviews aimed to understand why these students opt for this dress despite challenges in their environment. One student recounted being made to unveil before being allowed to sit for an exam. The document also notes that while Muslim women must dress modestly at all times, they are permitted to uncover before male family members like husbands, brothers, fathers and sons.
El documento presenta un proyecto de investigaci坦n realizado por dos estudiantes, Hern叩ndez Wendy y Graterol Isabel, bajo la supervisi坦n del profesor Cruz Ram坦n Guerra en la Universidad Pedag坦gica Experimental Libertador. El proyecto eval炭a los resultados de subir una presentaci坦n a un blog y comparte los enlaces a los blogs de las estudiantes donde se public坦 el contenido.
Dokumen tersebut berisi ringkasan tentang berbagai tugas dan sumbangan guru seperti jemputan konsultasi, penulisan artikel, penyertaan dalam aktiviti, borang penilaian mengajar, dan cadangan untuk penambahbaikan.
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness classified as a mood disorder that causes severe shifts in mood between depression and mania. During depressive episodes, people experience sadness, crying, loss of energy and suicidal thoughts, while manic episodes involve excessive happiness, irritability, racing thoughts and grand plans. There are different types of bipolar disorder defined by the severity and frequency of mood episodes. The exact causes are unknown but genetics and environmental triggers are believed to play a role. Treatment involves medications, psychotherapy and lifestyle management to control mood symptoms and enable people to live normal lives.
This document profiles the intended audience for a modernized film noir project. It suggests that the target age range is 15-30 year olds, as they will appreciate the up-to-date storyline dealing with modern issues like homosexuality and a teacher-student relationship. Both males and females are expected to be interested - males for the violence and females for the romance. The ideal audience members would be educated individuals who can understand the complex plot and possibly relate to having a crush on a teacher, and who enjoy meaningful films and social interaction.
This document discusses growing diversity and inclusiveness within PTAs. It begins by outlining workshop learning objectives around understanding diversity, its value, and engaging diverse populations. It then provides statistics showing PTAs currently lack diversity in ethnicity, gender, geography and income. The text defines diversity and discusses the importance of inclusion and cultural sensitivity. It suggests evaluating meetings, events, communications and leadership for diversity. Overall, the document aims to promote diversity within PTAs and provides resources and next steps toward more diverse and welcoming membership and leadership.
This document provides information and tips for preventing theft in a PTA organization. It begins by defining theft, fraud, and embezzlement. It then discusses signs that theft may be occurring, such as delayed reports or lifestyle changes in individuals handling money. The document presents the "fraud triangle" concept and explains why theft occurs due to opportunity, motivation, and rationalization. It provides 10 tips for fraud prevention, such as conducting annual audits. Finally, it discusses what to do if theft is suspected, including gathering documentation and contacting authorities and insurers. The overall message is that theft can damage a PTA's reputation and programs.
The document outlines the steps a team leader would take when conducting an MSB operation in the Philippines, including: mentally preparing for leaving home and the challenges of the mission; arriving in the Philippines and encountering the human tragedy and chaos after a disaster; managing logistics and coordinating their team during the operation; and ultimately leaving the Philippines and returning home after completing their work.
1.- Idatzi Z (zibilizazioa) eta E (estatua)
Kultura eta bizimodu berdineko lurraldea
Gobernu bera duten lurraldeak
2.- Bilatu ideia nagusiak
Non sortu zen zibilizazio grekoa?
Greziako zibilizazioa Mediterraneo itsasoko ekialdeko muturrean sortu
Zein lurraldek osatzen zuten?
Balkanetako penintsularen hegoaldean,Egeo itsasoko eta Itsaso
Jonikoko uharteetan,Asia txikiko kostaldean eta Mendebaldejo
3.- Interpretatu testua
Zergatik grekoek zenbait estatutan banatzen ziren?
Zergatik diogu Mediterraneoa funtsezkoa zela greziarrentzat?
4.- Hausnartu
Antzinako greziarrak helenoen izenez ezagutzen ziren. Nondik
dator izen hori?
5.- Ulertu
Zer ziren polisak?
Bereiztu polis demokratikoa eta polis aristokratikoa
Zer da hedapen koloniala?
6.- Bilatu ideia nagusiak
2. Zein ziren garai arkaikoko ezaugarriak?
a) Greziarren ........ biltzen ziren
b) Sortu zuten
7.- Interpretatu dokumentuak.
a) Kokatu
Atenas eta Esparta
b) Idatzi beste
polis batzuen
c) Non zeuden
8.- Antolatu informazioa.
Egin greziar hedapenari buruzko eskema
Kausak Etapak Ondorioak
Hedapen greziarra
3. 9.- Bilatu ideia nagusiak.
Lotu esaldi bakoitza dagokion gerrarekin:
a) Polisak batu persiarren aurka borrokatzeko
b) Polisak bi bandotan banandu eta aurrez aurre borrokatu.
Zein polis zen indartsuena K. a. V.mendean.?
Zergatik borrokatu zuten Atenas eta Espartak?
Zer gertatu zen Maraton batailan?
10.- Antolatu informazioa.
Gerra Medikoei buruzko eskema
Kausak Garapena Ondorioak
Lehenengoa Bigarrena
11.- Azaldu nortzuk ziren:
Gerra Medikoak
4. Dario I
12.- Zeri buruzkoak dira ondorengo definizioak?
a) Kultura grekoa eta ekialdeko elementuen fusioa
b) Alexandro Handiaren inperioa zatitu ziren erresumak.
13- Hausnartu:
Zein zen K.a. IV.mendeko pertsonaiarik ospetsuena? Zergatik zen
14.- Zein izan zen, zure ustez, faktore garrantzitsuena Mazedoniaren
hedapena azaltzeko? Eman arrazoiak.
Diplomatikoa Mekatal faktorea Militarra
5. 15.- Deskribatu ordenan Alexandro Handiak jarraitutako ibilbedea
16.- Lotu metr坦poli eta kolonia baten arteko desberdintasunak. Eman
bakoitzaren adibide bat.
Metropoli Kolonia