Integrative Genomics Viewer, popularly known as IGV, is one of the popular tools to visualize High-throughput sequencing data alignment and genome alteration (SNV, InDel) in an interactive mode. This tutorial gives a basic understanding of IGV interface and NGS data browsing.
The document appears to be a research paper discussing the relationship between weight (g) and distance (cm) when objects are thrown. It contains several scatter plots with data points showing the weight and distance of different objects. The paper suggests running regression analysis on the data to determine the linear relationship between weight and distance. Additional analysis may include investigating the effects of other variables like air resistance.
- The document contains the results of an experiment with multiple data points plotted as dots across various x and y-axis values.
- There are a large number of data points densely plotted in the graph, with some outliers at the edges.
- The data points are recorded measurements from an experiment, but no other context is provided about the experiment, variables, or what is being measured.
This document outlines course material for a phylogenetics and sequence analysis course. It discusses building phylogenetic trees using distance, parsimony, and maximum likelihood methods. It also covers statistical methods like Bayesian phylogenetics for calculating trees. Software for building trees and summarizing results are presented, including MrBayes, BEAST, and DendroPy. The document provides guidance on evaluating convergence and summarizing Bayesian analyses. Model selection using programs like jModelTest and proper formatting of input sequence data are also covered.
The document discusses computational methods for predicting orthologs, or genes in different species that evolved from a common ancestral gene. It describes three main approaches: graph-based, tree-based, and rearrangement-based. The most popular method is bidirectional best hit (BBH), which identifies orthologs as the best reciprocal matches between species. The document also proposes a new method called BBH-LS that combines BBH with a local synteny score to improve ortholog prediction accuracy. It presents results testing various methods on human-mouse and human-rat datasets that suggest BBH-LS performs better than existing alternatives.
De novo genome assembly - T.Seemann - IMB winter school 2016 - brisbane, au ...Torsten Seemann
This document discusses de novo genome assembly, which is the process of reconstructing long genomic sequences from many short sequencing reads without the aid of a reference genome. It is challenging due to factors like short read lengths, repetitive sequences that complicate the assembly graph, and sequencing errors. The goals of assembly are to produce contiguous sequences with high completeness and correctness by resolving overlaps between reads into consensus sequences. Metrics like N50, core gene content, and read remapping are used to assess assembly quality.
The document appears to be a research paper discussing the relationship between weight (g) and distance (cm) when objects are thrown. It contains several scatter plots with data points showing the weight and distance of different objects. The paper suggests running regression analysis on the data to determine the linear relationship between weight and distance. Additional analysis may include investigating the effects of other variables like air resistance.
- The document contains the results of an experiment with multiple data points plotted as dots across various x and y-axis values.
- There are a large number of data points densely plotted in the graph, with some outliers at the edges.
- The data points are recorded measurements from an experiment, but no other context is provided about the experiment, variables, or what is being measured.
This document outlines course material for a phylogenetics and sequence analysis course. It discusses building phylogenetic trees using distance, parsimony, and maximum likelihood methods. It also covers statistical methods like Bayesian phylogenetics for calculating trees. Software for building trees and summarizing results are presented, including MrBayes, BEAST, and DendroPy. The document provides guidance on evaluating convergence and summarizing Bayesian analyses. Model selection using programs like jModelTest and proper formatting of input sequence data are also covered.
The document discusses computational methods for predicting orthologs, or genes in different species that evolved from a common ancestral gene. It describes three main approaches: graph-based, tree-based, and rearrangement-based. The most popular method is bidirectional best hit (BBH), which identifies orthologs as the best reciprocal matches between species. The document also proposes a new method called BBH-LS that combines BBH with a local synteny score to improve ortholog prediction accuracy. It presents results testing various methods on human-mouse and human-rat datasets that suggest BBH-LS performs better than existing alternatives.
De novo genome assembly - T.Seemann - IMB winter school 2016 - brisbane, au ...Torsten Seemann
This document discusses de novo genome assembly, which is the process of reconstructing long genomic sequences from many short sequencing reads without the aid of a reference genome. It is challenging due to factors like short read lengths, repetitive sequences that complicate the assembly graph, and sequencing errors. The goals of assembly are to produce contiguous sequences with high completeness and correctness by resolving overlaps between reads into consensus sequences. Metrics like N50, core gene content, and read remapping are used to assess assembly quality.
15. 多型解析すると何ができる?
GWAS (genome-wide association study)-log10(Pvalue)
コンセンサス C A T G A G T A T C G A T T T A C T
- - - - - - - - - - - - - A - - - C
- - - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - C
- - - T - - A - - G - - G - - - - -
- C - - - - - C - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - A - - - - - C - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - G - - G T -
- - - - T - A - - G - - G - A G T -
- - - T - - A C - G - - G - - G T -
- C - - - - - - - - - C G - - G - -
- - - - - A A - - - - C - - - G - -
36. 1.RAD-seq(宮城県のギンザケ)
n = 89 n = 61
家系1 家系2
多型のコール or
連鎖地図作製 R/qtl
De novo
Reference map +
Hiseq2000 1 lane