Home carepandemicflu viet dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Ban o l m畛t b畛nh ph畛 bi畉n do si棚u vi
tr湛ng g但y n棚n. B畛nh ch畛 y畉u 畉nh h動畛ng 畉n
tr畉 em t畛 6 th叩ng 畉n 2 tu畛i. B畛nh th動畛ng
nh畉. Nhi畛u tr畉 em b畛 ban o v b狸nh ph畛c
m kh担ng c畉m th畉y b畛 b畛nh.
Concerns and discomforts of pregnancy vi dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Concerns and discomforts of pregnancy vi dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
Epidural pain relief for labor and delivery dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Epidural pain relief for labor and delivery dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Colonoscopy with bowel prep dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Colonoscopy with bowel prep dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
Crushing Ciprofloxacin pills for your child dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Crushing Ciprofloxacin pills for your child dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
El documento habla sobre la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado y su Reglamento. Explica que la ley busca maximizar el valor del dinero p炭blico y usar los recursos de manera eficiente y transparente. Tambi辿n describe los instrumentos de gesti坦n de contrataciones, el Plan Anual de Contrataci坦n, el expediente de contrataci坦n y los funcionarios y dependencias responsables como el Titular de la Entidad, el rgano Encargado de las Contrataciones y el Comit辿 Especial.
El documento define el acto administrativo como la declaraci坦n de voluntad realizada por la administraci坦n en el ejercicio de su potestad administrativa. Existen dos tipos principales de actos administrativos: los generales como las ordenanzas y reglamentos, y los subjetivos como las resoluciones. Los actos administrativos deben cumplir con ciertos requisitos como tener un objeto, voluntad, motivaci坦n y finalidad p炭blica de acuerdo con el procedimiento regular.
El documento describe el desarrollo del potencial humano como un proceso de mejoramiento de las capacidades de los individuos que componen una organizaci坦n. Este proceso incluye tres etapas: el dise単o de planes de desarrollo, la implementaci坦n de programas de capacitaci坦n y la evaluaci坦n del impacto en el desempe単o laboral. Adem叩s, explica que la cultura organizacional influye en el comportamiento de las personas y que los directivos pueden promover valores como el respeto y la motivaci坦n para crear un ambiente que favorezca el desarrollo del potencial humano
El documento habla sobre la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado y su Reglamento. Explica que la ley busca maximizar el valor del dinero p炭blico y usar los recursos de manera eficiente y transparente. Tambi辿n describe los instrumentos de gesti坦n de contrataciones, el Plan Anual de Contrataci坦n, el expediente de contrataci坦n y los funcionarios y dependencias responsables como el Titular de la Entidad, el rgano Encargado de las Contrataciones y el Comit辿 Especial.
El documento define el acto administrativo como la declaraci坦n de voluntad realizada por la administraci坦n en el ejercicio de su potestad administrativa. Existen dos tipos principales de actos administrativos: los generales como las ordenanzas y reglamentos, y los subjetivos como las resoluciones. Los actos administrativos deben cumplir con ciertos requisitos como tener un objeto, voluntad, motivaci坦n y finalidad p炭blica de acuerdo con el procedimiento regular.
El documento describe el desarrollo del potencial humano como un proceso de mejoramiento de las capacidades de los individuos que componen una organizaci坦n. Este proceso incluye tres etapas: el dise単o de planes de desarrollo, la implementaci坦n de programas de capacitaci坦n y la evaluaci坦n del impacto en el desempe単o laboral. Adem叩s, explica que la cultura organizacional influye en el comportamiento de las personas y que los directivos pueden promover valores como el respeto y la motivaci坦n para crear un ambiente que favorezca el desarrollo del potencial humano
When callbabysdoctor vi dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
When callbabysdoctor vi dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Red cross chart_1_viet dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Red cross chart_1_viet dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Drawing up one insulin dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Drawing up one insulin dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Giving Doxycycline pills to your child dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Giving Doxycycline pills to your child dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Ciprofloxacin suspension for babies dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Ciprofloxacin suspension for babies dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
Home carepandemicflu viet dich thuat phien dich cnn
1. Home Care for Pandemic Flu
When many people get a disease at the same time, it is called a
pandemic. Pandemic flu is caused when many people get sick or infected
from a new flu virus. Flu virus is spread through coughing and sneezing
by people who have the flu. The flu also spreads when a person touches
a surface or an object with the flu virus on it and then touches the eyes,
nose or mouth. Flu virus can live for up to 24 hours on a solid surface.
The signs of seasonal flu are fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy
nose, muscle aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have
vomiting and diarrhea. The signs of pandemic flu are the same, but they
may be more severe and affect more people. If you or a loved one has
signs of pandemic flu, stay home and avoid contact with others.
If you are caring for a loved one during a pandemic, take steps to protect
yourself and others. Listen for information from local and state officials
on how to care for a person ill with the flu.
Gather these supplies to prepare for pandemic flu:
N95 facemasks (one for each person)
Alcohol based hand sanitizer
Paper towels
A disinfectant cleaner or a cleaner with bleach
A box of disposable gloves
Cans of soup and broth
Fluids with electrolytes and vitamins such as sports drinks like
Gatorade, Powerade or Pedialyte (for children)
Fever reducing medicine such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
2. Chm S坦c T畉i Gia cho C炭m 畉i
Khi nhi畛u ng動畛i c湛ng l炭c b畛 m畛t b畛nh, th狸 b畛nh ny 動畛c g畛i l 畉i d畛ch.
C炭m 畉i d畛ch l do ng動畛i b畛 b畛nh ho畉c b畛 nhi畛m t畛 m畛t lo畉i si棚u vi c炭m
m畛i. Si棚u vi c炭m lan truy畛n qua c董n ho v nh畉y m滴i t畛 ng動畛i b畛 c炭m.
C炭m c滴ng c坦 th畛 lan truy畛n khi m畛t ng動畛i s畛 vo b畛 m畉t ho畉c 畛 v畉t
no 達 nhi畛m si棚u vi v sau 坦 s畛 vo m畉t, m滴i ho畉c mi畛ng c畛a h畛. Si棚u
vi c炭m c坦 th畛 s畛ng 畉n 24 ti畉ng 畛ng h畛 tr棚n m畛t b畛 m畉t c畛ng.
C叩c d畉u hi畛u c畛a c炭m m湛a l s畛t, ho, au c畛 h畛ng, ch畉y m滴i ho畉c ngh畉t
m滴i, nh畛c c董 b畉p, nh畛c 畉u, b畛 l畉nh v m畛t m畛i. M畛t s畛 ng動畛i b畛 坦i m畛a
v ti棚u ch畉y. Tri畛u ch畛ng c炭m 畉i d畛ch c滴ng t動董ng t畛 nh動 v畉y, nh動ng
ch炭ng c坦 th畛 n畉ng h董n v 畉nh h動畛ng nhi畛u ng動畛i h董n. N畉u qu箪 v畛 ho畉c
m畛t ng動畛i th但n c坦 tri畛u ch畛ng b畛 c炭m 畉i d畛ch, th狸 n棚n 畛 nh v tr叩nh
ti畉p x炭c v畛i ng動畛i kh叩c.
N畉u qu箪 v畛 ang chm s坦c m畛t ng動畛i th但n trong th畛i gian c坦 畉i d畛ch,
th狸 ph畉i lm m畛t s畛 i畛u 畛 b畉o v畛 m狸nh v ng動畛i kh叩c. H達y nghe th担ng
tin t畛 c叩c vi棚n ch畛c 畛a ph動董ng ho畉c ti畛u bang v畛 c叩ch chm s坦c ng動畛i
b畛 c炭m.
Thu th畉p nh畛ng v畉t li畛u sau 但y 畛 chu畉n b畛 cho tr畉n c炭m
畉i d畛ch:
Nhi畛t k畉
Kh畉u trang che m畉t N95 (m畛t c叩i cho m畛i ng動畛i)
X b担ng
Thu畛c di畛t tr湛ng ch湛i tay c坦 c畛n
Khn gi畉y
Gi畉y lau m畉t
Thu畛c t畉y u畉 ho畉c thu畛c c畛 r畛a c坦 ch畉t t畉y
M畛t h畛p bao tay xi m畛t l畉n
S炭p v canh h畛p
Home Care for Pandemic. Vietnamese
3. Do not give aspirin or aspirin-based products to children. It may
cause a rare, but serious illness called Reyes syndrome.
Check with a doctor before giving cold medicines for flu signs to
children 4 years old or younger.
Caring for a Loved One
Call your doctor to report your loved ones flu signs. Your doctor
will give you advice about home care or tell you if emergency care is
Write down the date, time, fever, signs, medicines given and dosage.
Make a note when his or her flu signs change.
Give plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, which can be serious.
Make sure the ill person drinks plenty of fluids, ice and foods such as
soup and broth at the first signs of the flu. If your loved one has
diarrhea or vomiting, give fluids that contain electrolytes and
vitamins. If fluids make nausea worse, give one sip at a time until his
or her nausea improves.
Medicines to ease the signs of the flu, such as antiviral medicines,
may be ordered by your doctor.
To help reduce a fever give:
Plenty of fluids.
A fever reducing medicine, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
Do not give aspirin to anyone younger than 18 years old.
A sponge bath with lukewarm water for fever.
Be sure all family members get enough rest.
Avoid alcohol and tobacco products to stay healthy.
Call your doctor again if your loved one has:
A fever over 104 degrees Fahrenheit (F) or 40 degrees Celsius (C) for
adults or children over 2 years
A fever over 102 degrees F or 38.9 degrees C for babies 3 to 24
4. Ch畉t l畛ng c坦 ch畉t i畛n ph但n v sinh t畛 nh動 th畛c u畛ng th畛 thao
Gatorade, Powerade hc Pedialyte (cho tr畉 em)
Thu畛c lm b畛t s畛t nh動 acetaminophen ho畉c ibuprofen
畛ng cho tr畉 em u畛ng aspirin ho畉c c叩c s畉n ph畉m c坦 ch畛a
aspirin. i畛u ny c坦 th畛 g但y b畛nh r畉t hi畉m nh動ng nghi棚m tr畛ng 動畛c
g畛i l h畛i ch畛ng Reye.
H達y ki畛m l畉i v畛i b叩c s挑 tr動畛c khi cho tr畉 em 動畛c b畛n tu畛i ho畉c nh畛
h董n c坦 d畉u hi畛u b畛 c炭m d湛ng thu畛c tr畛 c畉m.
Chm s坦c ng動畛i th但n
G畛i b叩c s挑 畛 b叩o c叩o tri畛u ch畛ng c畉m c炭m c畛a ng動畛i th但n. B叩c s挑
s畉 ch畛 b畉o qu箪 v畛 c叩ch chm s坦c t畉i gia ho畉c cho bi畉t n畉u c畉n chm
s坦c kh畉n c畉p.
Vi畉t xu畛ng ngy gi畛 b畛 s畛t, tri畛u ch畛ng, thu畛c cho u畛ng v li畛u
l動畛ng. Ghi nh畉n khi tri畛u ch畛ng c炭m c畛a em thay 畛i.
Cho d湛ng nhi畛u ch畉t l畛ng 畛 ngn ng畛a b畛 m畉t n動畛c, i畛u c坦 th畛
nguy hi畛m. Nh畉c ng動畛i b畛nh u畛ng nhi畛u ch畉t l畛ng, n動畛c 叩 v th畛c
n nh動 s炭p v canh khi m畛i c坦 tri畛u ch畛ng. Khi ng動畛i th但n th動董ng b畛
ti棚u ch畉y ho畉c 坦i m畛a, h達y cho u畛ng ch畉t l畛ng c坦 ch畛a ch畉t i畛n
ph但n v sinh t畛. N畉u ch畉t l畛ng lm bu畛n n担n th棚m, cho nh畉p t畛ng
h畛m cho 畉n khi b畛t bu畛n n担n.
B叩c s挑 c坦 th畛 b畉t u畛ng thu畛c 畛 gi畉m tri畛u ch畛ng c畉m c炭m, ch畉ng
h畉n nh動 thu畛c kh叩ng si棚u vi.
H畉 s畛t b畉ng c叩ch cho:
U畛ng nhi畛u ch畉t l畛ng.
U畛ng thu畛c lm b畛t s畛t, nh動 acetaminophen ho畉c ibuprofen.
畛ng cho ai nh畛 h董n 18 tu畛i d湛ng aspirin.
T畉m b畛n d湛ng mi畉ng b畛t bi畛n v n動畛c 但m 畉m khi b畛 s畛t.
畛 cho m畛i ng動畛i trong gia 狸nh ngh畛 ng董i 畉y 畛.
Tr叩nh d湛ng ch畉t c坦 r動畛u v thu畛c l叩 畛 gi畛 cho m狸nh 動畛c kh畛e
Home Care for Pandemic. Vietnamese
5. A fever of 100.4 degrees F or 38 degrees C for babies less than 3
months of age
A fever of 100.4 degrees F or 38 degrees C for three days for
children ages 6 months or older
Children of any age who have a seizure with fever. Seizures happen
when a child between 6 months and 6 years of age have a temperature
greater than 100.4 degrees F or 38 degrees C.
A cough that produces thick mucus
Signs of dehydration such as dry mouth or great thirst
Flu signs that get better and then get worse
Worsening of other medical conditions such as heart disease or
Call 911 or go to the emergency department if your loved
one has:
Confusion or dizziness
Problems with breathing
Chest pain
Blue or gray skin color
A stiff neck
No ability to move an arm or leg
To prevent the spread of the flu virus to others:
Have the infected person and caregiver wear a facemask.
Wash your hands with soap and warm water before and after
providing care or touching items that may have germs on
Wash your hands briskly for 15 seconds.
6. G畛i b叩c s挑 m畛t l畉n n畛a n畉u:
Ng動畛i l畛n ho畉c tr畉 tr棚n 2 tu畛i b畛 s畛t tr棚n 104 畛 Fahrenheit (F) ho畉c
40 畛 Celsius (C)
Tr畉 t畛 3 th叩ng 畉n 24 th叩ng b畛 s畛t tr棚n 102 畛 F ho畉c 38.9 畛 C
Tr畉 d動畛i 3 th叩ng b畛 s畛t 100.4 畛 F ho畉c 38 畛 C
Tr畉 t畛 6 th叩ng ho畉c l畛n h董n b畛 s畛t 100.4 畛 F ho畉c 38 畛 C trong ba
Tr畉 畛 b畉t c畛 tu畛i no b畛 畛ng kinh v s畛t. Khi tr畉 t畛 6 th叩ng 畉n 6
tu畛i b畛 畛ng kinh c坦 nhi畛t 畛 cao h董n 100.4 畛 F ho畉c 38 畛 C.
Ho c坦 d畛ch nh畉y 畉c
C坦 tri畛u ch畛ng b畛 m畉t n動畛c nh動 kh担 mi畛ng ho畉c th畉t kh叩t n動畛c
Th畉y b畛nh c炭m 動畛c 畛 h董n nh動ng sau 坦 l畉i tr畛 n棚n t畛 h董n
B畛 b畛nh kh叩c nh動 b畛nh tim ho畉c ti畛u 動畛ng n畉ng th棚m
G畛i 911 ho畉c i 畉n ban kh畉n c畉p n畉u ng動畛i th但n:
B畛i r畛i ho畉c ch坦ng m畉t
Th畛 kh坦 khn
au ng畛c.
Mu da tr畛 n棚n xanh ho畉c x叩m
C畛 b畛 c畛ng
Kh担ng th畛 c畛 畛ng tay ho畉c ch但n
B畛 畛ng kinh
畛 ngn l但y lan si棚u vi c叩m c炭m cho ng動畛i kh叩c:
Cho ng動畛i b畛 nhi畛m v ng動畛i chm s坦c mang kh畉u trang
che m畉t.
R畛a tay v畛i x b担ng v n動畛c 畉m tr動畛c v sau khi chm s坦c
ho畉c 畛ng nh畛ng th畛 c坦 th畛 c坦 m畉m b畛nh.
R畛a tay k畛 trong 15 gi但y.
Home Care for Pandemic. Vietnamese
7. D畛ch v畛 d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y t畉/y h畛c/y khoa C担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t CNN
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