El documento habla sobre la importancia de honrar y expresar aprecio hacia los padres, especialmente el d鱈a del padre. Aunque tradicionalmente se enfatizaba m叩s a las madres, es importante reconocer los sacrificios de los padres que trabajan arduamente para apoyar a sus familias. El autor recuerda a su propio padre, don Antonio Z炭単iga Alva, maestro que cabalgaba largas distancias para visitar a su familia y asegurar el bienestar de sus hijos a trav辿s de la educaci坦n.
El documento analiza el declive del deporte peruano en las Olimpiadas, atribuy辿ndolo a la falta de capital humano, infraestructura, organizaci坦n y financiamiento debido a la mala gesti坦n pol鱈tica. A pesar del esfuerzo de atletas como In辿s Melchor, Per炭 ha disminuido su participaci坦n ol鱈mpica mientras que otros pa鱈ses de la regi坦n mejoran. Las medallas requieren de planificaci坦n a largo plazo m叩s que de apoyo espor叩dico.
Como residente chiquiano en Lima, perm鱈tanme compartir con ustedes el significado de estar lejos del lugar donde nacimos y vivimos y ahora residimos en la capital de la rep炭blica. Muchos hemos caminado con dolor el sendero del desarraigo, el dejar tras nuestros pasos, nuestra hermosa casita de cocina tibia y humeante, nuestro pueblo y sus calles, hermosos nevados, prodigas chacras.
Conflicto de corea y la responsabilidad de los lideresZuniga Agustin
Para explicar c嘆mo surgen l狸deres como el presidente de Corea del Norte, para poner en peligro la vida de mucha gente, se propone la idea que hay mucho de la responsabilidad de los LIDERES de los partidos pol狸ticos, entre otros. No deber鱈an los jovenes alinearse con estos l狸deres o partidos.
Los aplausos tronaron en todos los costados del auditorio, los asistentes parados le dieron la bienvenida al veterano profesor Peter Higgs (ingles), porque su propuesta te坦rica estar鱈a a punto de ser corroborada, la existencia del bos坦n de Higgs. El cient鱈fico, tambale坦, se sonroj坦 con cierta inocencia y humildad, y solo atin坦 a agradecer y secarse algunas l叩grimas inoportunas que pretendieron denunciar su emoci坦n y alegr鱈a;
The document provides a summary of a business plan for a proposed computer shop called "AC Computer Shop" in Bocaue, Bulacan, Philippines. The summary includes details on the shop name, single proprietor ownership, proposed location near schools and offices, and long-term objectives of being competitive and profitable. Market strategies include distributing fliers, signage, and offering promotional rates. The feasibility analysis covers capital requirements, profit potential, job creation, and ability to compete. Customer demand for internet services has grown substantially in recent years.
Hace 84 a単os en Jirc叩n, el barrio emblem叩tico m叩s musical y deportivo de Chiqui叩n, naci坦 don Alejandro Aldave Montoro. La m炭sica, estuvo en sus venas aun antes de nacer, pues su padre fue nada menos que el forjador de las bandas de m炭sicos en la provincia,油 de Bolognesi, nos referimos al hist坦rico don Florentino Aldave Calder坦n, junto a esa sabia musical, la disciplina al trabajo y el amor a su pr坦jimo, que hoy le admiramos, 油fue forjada y alimentada por su madre do単a Sof鱈a Montoro Ram鱈rez
Estar con amigos bolivianos docentes de f鱈sica e investigadores, nos anim坦 a compartir parte de nuestra experiencia. Ellos est叩n por construir un reactor nuclear de investigaci坦n, qu辿 buena oportunidad para compartir nuestra experiencia buena y mala. Es parte del trabajo.
When callbabysdoctor vi dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
When callbabysdoctor vi dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Red cross chart_1_viet dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Red cross chart_1_viet dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Home carepandemicflu viet dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Home carepandemicflu viet dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Epidural pain relief for labor and delivery dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Epidural pain relief for labor and delivery dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Drawing up one insulin dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Drawing up one insulin dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Giving Doxycycline pills to your child dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Giving Doxycycline pills to your child dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Concerns and discomforts of pregnancy vi dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Concerns and discomforts of pregnancy vi dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
Colonoscopy with bowel prep dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Colonoscopy with bowel prep dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
Ciprofloxacin suspension for babies dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Ciprofloxacin suspension for babies dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
Crushing Ciprofloxacin pills for your child dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Crushing Ciprofloxacin pills for your child dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
When callbabysdoctor vi dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
When callbabysdoctor vi dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Red cross chart_1_viet dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Red cross chart_1_viet dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Home carepandemicflu viet dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Home carepandemicflu viet dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Epidural pain relief for labor and delivery dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Epidural pain relief for labor and delivery dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Drawing up one insulin dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Drawing up one insulin dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Giving Doxycycline pills to your child dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Giving Doxycycline pills to your child dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Concerns and discomforts of pregnancy vi dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Concerns and discomforts of pregnancy vi dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
Colonoscopy with bowel prep dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Colonoscopy with bowel prep dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
Ciprofloxacin suspension for babies dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Ciprofloxacin suspension for babies dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
Crushing Ciprofloxacin pills for your child dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Crushing Ciprofloxacin pills for your child dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
1. Cho qu箪 v畛.
T担i mu畛n h畛i qu箪 v畛 vi c但u v畛 h動 h畛ng nh c畛a
v ti s畉n c畛a qu箪 v畛 sau c董n th畉m h畛a.
There are some questions I need to ask you about damage to your home and property after the disaster.
2. T担i c坦 t畛ng c但u h畛i tr棚n vn b畉n cho qu箪 v畛. Ch炭ng
t担i s畉 動a ra nhi畛u l畛a ch畛n tr畉 l畛i cho a s畛 c叩c c但u
h畛i. Xin 叩nh d畉u ho畉c vi畉t c但u tr畉 l畛i 畛 ch炭ng t担i
bi畉t nh畛ng th畛 m qu箪 v畛 c畉n. N畉u qu箪 v畛 kh担ng ch畉c
v畛 c但u h畛i ho畉c c叩ch tr畉 l畛i m畛t c但u no, xin 叩nh d畉u
vo 担 Kh担ng ch畉c tr棚n t畛 gi畉y.
I have each question written for you. We will give you answer choices for most questions. Please point to the answer or write an
answer so we can find out what help you might need. If you are not sure about a question or how to answer the question, please point
to Not sure on the sheet.
3. Qu箪 v畛 li棚n quan 畉n lo畉i th畉m h畛a no?
H畛a ho畉n R嘆 r畛 kh鱈 畛t
M畉t i畛n Trn, 畛 h坦a ch畉t
B達o hay l畛c xo叩y Th畉m h畛a sinh h畛c
Ch畉t n畛 hay bom Th畛 kh叩c kh担ng c坦
trong danh s叩ch ny
L滴 l畛t Kh担ng ch畉c
What type of disaster were you involved in?
縁Fire 縁Gas leak
縁Power outage 縁Chemical spill
縁Storm or tornado 縁Biological disaster
縁Explosion or bombing 縁Other not on this list
縁Flood 縁Not sure
4. Qu箪 v畛 畉n 但y m畛t m狸nh?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Did you come here alone?
No Not sure Yes
5. Qu箪 v畛 c坦 ng動畛i trong gia 狸nh hay b畉n b竪
kh叩c v畛i qu箪 v畛 kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Do you have other family member or friends with you?
No Not sure Yes
6. N畉u c坦, th狸 qu箪 v畛 c坦 th畛 b叩o cho t担i bi畉t ho畉c
vi畉t t棚n tu畛i c畛a h畛 動畛c kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
If yes, can you tell me or write their names and ages?
No Not sure Yes
7. Hi畛n nay qu箪 v畛 ang c動 ng畛 畛 但u?
T畉i nh c畛a ch炭ng t担i
T畉i nh hng x坦m ho畉c b畉n b竪
Nh t畉m
Kh叩ch s畉n
Kh担ng ch畉c
Where are you staying now?
At our home
With a neighbor or friend
Not sure
8. Qu箪 v畛 c坦 m畉u gi畉y ID c坦 ghi 畛a ch畛 th畉m
h畛a tr棚n 坦 kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
N畉u c坦 Xin cho t担i xem.
Do you have a piece of identification with the disaster address on it?
No Not sure Yes
If yes, please show me.
9. Qu箪 v畛 s畛ng trong lo畉i nh no?
Nh ri棚ng
Nh c担ng 担
Cn h畛
Nh di d畛ng
Th畛 kh叩c
Kh担ng ch畉c
What kind of building do you live in?
Mobile home
Not sure
10. Cho t担i bi畉t v畛 nh c畛a qu箪 v畛.
Ton b畛 c叩c ph嘆ng 畛u 畛 m畛t t畉ng hay t畉ng 1
C坦 nhi畛u ph嘆ng 畛 2 t畉ng
C坦 nhi畛u ph嘆ng 畛 3 t畉ng hay nhi畛u h董n
C坦 t畉ng h畉m
Tell me about your house.
All rooms are on 1 floor or 1 level
There are rooms on 2 levels
There are rooms on 3 or more levels
There is a basement
11. 畛a ch畛
Xin cho t担i bi畉t hay cho xem nh畛ng gi畉y t畛 c坦 ghi
畛a ch畛 ho畉c vi畉t 畛a ch畛 tr棚n gi畉y.
Kh担ng ch畉c
Please tell me or show me something with the address, or write the address on paper.
Not sure
12. C坦 bao nhi棚u ng動畛i s畛ng trong nh c畛a qu箪 v畛?
Xin cho t担i bi畉t hay vi畉t s畛 tr棚n gi畉y.
Kh担ng ch畉c
How many people live in your home?
Please tell me or write a number on the paper
Not sure
13. Qu箪 v畛 c坦 n坦i chuy畛n v畛i m畛i ng動畛i s畛ng trong nh
c畛a qu箪 v畛 sau c董n th畉m h畛a kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Have you been able to talk to all the people that live at your home since the disaster?
No Not sure Yes
14. Qu箪 v畛 l ch畛 hay thu棚 m動畛n ch畛 畛?
Thu棚 m動畛n
Thu棚 畛 n畛i th畉t
Kh担ng ch畉c
Do you own or rent where you live?
Rent with furniture
Not sure
15. Nh c畛a hay ti s畉n c畛a qu箪 v畛 c坦 b畛 h動 h畛ng
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Was your home or property damaged?
No Not sure Yes
16. M畛c 畛 h動 h畛ng nh c畛a c畛a qu箪 v畛.
B畛 ph叩 h畛y
H動 h畛ng nhi畛u
H動 h畛ng 鱈t
Kh担ng h動 h畛ng
Kh担ng ch畉c
Rate the amount of damage to your home.
Major Damage
Minor Damage
No Damage
Not sure
17. C坦 h動 h畛ng nh畛ng ph畉n b棚n ngoi nh c畛a qu箪 v畛
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Is there damage to the outside parts of your home?
No Not sure Yes
18. N畉u c坦, th狸 h動 h畛ng nh畛ng ph畉n no?
M叩i nh
畛ng kh坦i
V叩n 畛p hay t動畛ng b棚n ngoi
C畛a s畛
Nh畛ng ph畉n kh叩c kh担ng c坦 trong danh s叩ch ny
Kh担ng ch畉c
If yes, what parts were damaged?
Siding or outside walls
Other parts not on this list
Not sure
19. C坦 h動 h畛ng b棚n trong nh kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Was there damage inside the home?
No Not sure Yes
20. C坦 th畛c ph畉m b畛 ph叩 h畛y hay h動 h畛ng kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Was food destroyed or lost?
No Not sure Yes
21. C坦 畛 d湛ng nh b畉p b畛 ph叩 h畛y hay h動 h畛ng
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Were kitchen utensils destroyed or lost?
No Not sure Yes
22. C坦 畛 n畛i th畉t ph嘆ng kh叩ch b畛 ph叩 h畛y kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Was living room furniture destroyed?
No Not sure Yes
23. C坦 畛 n畛i th畉t ph嘆ng ng畛 b畛 ph叩 h畛y kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Was bedroom furniture destroyed?
No Not sure Yes
24. C坦 qu畉n 叩o b畛 ph叩 h畛y kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Was clothing destroyed?
No Not sure Yes
25. C坦 khn tr畉i gi動畛ng (t畉m ra) b畛 ph叩 h畛y kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Were bed sheets destroyed?
No Not sure Yes
26. C坦 khn t畉m b畛 ph叩 h畛y kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Were bathroom towels destroyed?
No Not sure Yes
27. Qu箪 v畛 c坦 b畛 m畉t m叩t thu畛c men no kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Did you lose any medicines?
No Not sure Yes
28. Qu箪 v畛 c坦 c畉n thu畛c men no ngay b但y gi畛 kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Do you need any medicines right away?
No Not sure Yes
29. Qu箪 v畛 c坦 c畉n thu畛c men no tr動畛c kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Do you need any medicines soon?
No Not sure Yes
30. Qu箪 v畛 c坦 th畛 cho t担i bi畉t c叩c lo畉i thu畛c 達 d湛ng
hay cho t担i xem danh s叩ch t棚n thu畛c kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Can you tell me the medicines you take or show me a list of the names?
No Not sure Yes
31. C坦 ng動畛i no trong gia 狸nh l h畛c sinh kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
N畉u c坦 th狸 h畛c 畛 但u?
Is anyone in the family a student?
No Not sure Yes
If yes, where?
32. Qu箪 v畛 c坦 b畉o hi畛m nh 畛 c畛a m狸nh kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Do you have insurance for your house?
No Not sure Yes
33. Qu箪 v畛 c坦 b畉o hi畛m 畛 n畛i th畉t v 畛 d湛ng c叩
nh但n c畛a m狸nh kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
Do you have insurance for your furniture and belongings?
No Not sure Yes
34. Qu箪 v畛 c坦 em theo gi畉y t畛 b畉o hi畛m kh担ng?
Kh担ng Kh担ng ch畉c C坦
N畉u c坦, xin cho t担i xem nh畛ng gi畉y t畛 ny.
Do you have your insurance papers with you?
No Not sure Yes
If yes, please show them to me.
35. L畛i t畛c gia h畛 c畛a qu箪 v畛 thu畛c ph畉n no?
$0 $4,999 $40,000 $59,999
$5,000 $9,999 $60,000 tr畛 l棚n
$10,000 $19,999 Kh担ng ch畉c
$20,000 $39,999
What is the range of income for your household?
$0 $4,999 $40,000 $59,999
$5,000 $9,999 $60,000 or more
$10,000 $19,999 Not sure
$20,000 $39,999
36. D畛ch v畛 d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y t畉/y h畛c/y khoa C担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t CNN
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