B畛nh vi畛n a khoa Qu畛c T畉 Thu C炭c t畛 ho l 畛a ch畛 畉u ti棚n v uy t鱈n t畉i H N畛i, 達 em t畛i cho ph畛 n畛 Vi畛t Nam nh畛ng ph動董ng ph叩p ph畉u thu畉t th畉m m畛 n但ng ng畛c ch畉y x畛, an ton v hi畛u qu畉 nh畉t mang l畉i s畛 t畛 tin v quy畉n r滴 cho ch畛 em ph畛 n畛.
El documento resume el contexto hist坦rico y las caracter鱈sticas principales del Renacimiento. Durante este per鱈odo, el hombre se situ坦 en el centro del mundo y la raz坦n se valor坦, dando lugar a grandes descubrimientos. La literatura renacentista se renov坦 con la poes鱈a l鱈rica y nuevos temas como el amor. Algunos de los escritores m叩s importantes fueron William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Miguel de Cervantes y Garcilaso de la Vega.
Las redes de comunicaci坦n permiten compartir informaci坦n entre computadoras de forma universal. Internet es una red descentralizada de redes interconectadas que usan protocolos TCP/IP para funcionar como una red l坦gica 炭nica a nivel mundial. Internet ofrece servicios como el correo electr坦nico, transferencia de archivos, World Wide Web y m叩s para comunicaci坦n e intercambio de informaci坦n entre usuarios.
B畛nh vi畛n a khoa Qu畛c T畉 Thu C炭c t畛 ho l 畛a ch畛 畉u ti棚n v uy t鱈n t畉i H N畛i, 達 em t畛i cho ph畛 n畛 Vi畛t Nam nh畛ng ph動董ng ph叩p ph畉u thu畉t th畉m m畛 n但ng ng畛c ch畉y x畛, an ton v hi畛u qu畉 nh畉t mang l畉i s畛 t畛 tin v quy畉n r滴 cho ch畛 em ph畛 n畛.
El documento resume el contexto hist坦rico y las caracter鱈sticas principales del Renacimiento. Durante este per鱈odo, el hombre se situ坦 en el centro del mundo y la raz坦n se valor坦, dando lugar a grandes descubrimientos. La literatura renacentista se renov坦 con la poes鱈a l鱈rica y nuevos temas como el amor. Algunos de los escritores m叩s importantes fueron William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Miguel de Cervantes y Garcilaso de la Vega.
Las redes de comunicaci坦n permiten compartir informaci坦n entre computadoras de forma universal. Internet es una red descentralizada de redes interconectadas que usan protocolos TCP/IP para funcionar como una red l坦gica 炭nica a nivel mundial. Internet ofrece servicios como el correo electr坦nico, transferencia de archivos, World Wide Web y m叩s para comunicaci坦n e intercambio de informaci坦n entre usuarios.
Pork expo 2013 o futuro pr坦ximo da carne su鱈na na vis達o de um dinossauro da s...Osler Desouzart
O documento discute as proje巽探es para a produ巽達o e com辿rcio global de carne su鱈na nos pr坦ximos 10 anos. A China deve se tornar o maior importador mundial de carne su鱈na, superando o Jap達o, medida que sua demanda interna continuar a crescer. O Brasil deve focar em abrir mercados como M辿xico, EUA, China e Coreia do Sul para exportar mais carne su鱈na. Biosseguran巽a ser叩 fundamental para manter o acesso a mercados como o Jap達o.
Isabella Cerri completed training through the CITI Program on research ethics. She achieved an overall score of 86% on modules covering topics like the Belmont Report, informed consent, privacy/confidentiality, and conflicts of interest. The training was required for her role as a social/behavioral researcher at Rutgers University, where she is affiliated with the Public Health department. Her certification is valid through September 2019.
El documento presenta la situaci坦n problema de la Batalla de Puebla como un desaf鱈o para los estudiantes. Explica que los estudiantes deben crear una representaci坦n mental de la situaci坦n considerando qui辿nes participaron y otros elementos relevantes, mientras que el maestro debe motivar el inter辿s y debate. Luego proporciona antecedentes sobre la batalla, como que M辿xico dej坦 de pagar sus deudas a Francia en 1861, lo que llev坦 a la batalla en Puebla entre los franceses y las fuerzas mexicanas lideradas por Ignacio Zar
La contrataci坦n directa es un instrumento de gesti坦n que permite a las entidades contratar bienes, servicios u obras sin un proceso de selecci坦n cuando se presentan supuestos reconocidos por ley como emergencias, desabastecimiento inminente, servicios personalizados o proveedor 炭nico. La contrataci坦n directa debe justificarse t辿cnica y legalmente y regularizarse dentro de los 10 d鱈as posteriores. Solo se permite para satisfacer necesidades actuales y urgentes, no administrativas o para cubrir necesidades anteriores.
Este documento describe los tipos de procesos de selecci坦n y resoluci坦n de controversias en el proceso de selecci坦n. Explica los diferentes tipos de procesos como licitaci坦n p炭blica, concurso p炭blico y adjudicaci坦n directa dependiendo del objeto y valor referencial. Tambi辿n detalla los montos aplicables, el proceso de selecci坦n seg炭n la relaci坦n de 鱈tems, y los pasos para la adjudicaci坦n de menor cuant鱈a, presentaci坦n de propuestas, evaluaci坦n, otorgamiento de la buena pro y soluci坦n de controversias.
Effects of robotic companionship on music enjoyment putriapriandi99
sumber :Guy Hoffman
Media Innovation Lab, School of Communication
IDC Herzliya
P.O.B 167, Herzliya 46150, Israel
Email: hoffman@idc.ac.il
Keinan Vanunu
School of Psychology
IDC Herzliya
P.O.B 167, Herzliya 46150, Israel
Email: kvanunu@idc.ac.il
[Annisa Putri]&[elvia Nur Anggreni]_[SK-40-01]_tugas2b
Concerns and discomforts of pregnancy vi dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Concerns and discomforts of pregnancy vi dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
Colonoscopy with bowel prep dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Colonoscopy with bowel prep dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
Epidural pain relief for labor and delivery dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Epidural pain relief for labor and delivery dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
When callbabysdoctor vi dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
When callbabysdoctor vi dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Red cross chart_1_viet dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Red cross chart_1_viet dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Home carepandemicflu viet dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Home carepandemicflu viet dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Drawing up one insulin dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Drawing up one insulin dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Giving Doxycycline pills to your child dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Giving Doxycycline pills to your child dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa, http:/cnntranslation.com
Ciprofloxacin suspension for babies dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Ciprofloxacin suspension for babies dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
Crushing Ciprofloxacin pills for your child dich thuat phien dich cnnmichaelscottmk
Crushing Ciprofloxacin pills for your child dich thuat phien dich cnn, c担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t phi棚n d畛ch CNN chuy棚n d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y h畛c, y t畉, y khoa,
1. Hysterectomy
A hysterectomy is a surgery to remove a womans uterus. The uterus
is one of the organs of the female reproductive system and is about the
size of a closed hand. You can no longer have children after you have
your uterus removed, and you will no longer have periods (menstruate).
If your ovaries are not removed, you will continue to make female
hormones. If your ovaries are removed, menopause will occur.
Fallopian Tube
There are different types of hysterectomy surgeries. Ask your doctor
what type of surgery you are having and if your cervix, tubes and ovaries
are being removed.
Vaginal hysterectomy the uterus is removed through the vagina.
No incision in the abdomen is needed.
Abdominal hysterectomy the uterus is removed through an
incision in the abdomen.
2. C畉t B畛 T畛 Cung
Ph畉u thu畉t c畉t b畛 t畛 cung c畛a ph畛 n畛 動畛c g畛i l hysterectomy. T畛 cung
l m畛t trong c叩c b畛 ph畉n c畛a h畛 sinh s畉n n畛 v c坦 k鱈ch th動畛c g畉n b畉ng
n畉m tay. Qu箪 b kh担ng c嘆n c坦 th畛 sanh con sau khi b畛 c畉t b畛 t畛 cung, v
c滴ng kh担ng c嘆n c坦 kinh nguy畛t n畛a. N畉u ch動a b畛 c畉t b畛 bu畛ng tr畛ng, th狸
qu箪 b v畉n ti畉p t畛c t畉o ra h畛cm担n n畛. N畉u b畛 c畉t bu畛ng tr畛ng th狸 s畉 b畛
m達n kinh.
V嘆i t畛 cung
T畛 cung
Bu畛ng tr畛ng
C畛 t畛 cung
m 畉o
C坦 nhi畛u lo畉i ph畉u thu畉t c畉t b畛 t畛 cung kh叩c nhau. H畛i b叩c s挑 xem qu箪
b ph畉i theo lo畉i ph畉u thu畉t no v c坦 b畛 c畉t b畛 c畛 t畛 cung, v嘆i t畛 cung
v bu畛ng tr畛ng kh担ng.
C畉t b畛 t畛 cung 動畛ng 但m 畉o (vaginal hysterectomy) - t畛 cung
動畛c c畉t b畛 qua 但m 畉o. Kh担ng c畉n r畉ch v畉t m畛 n董i b畛ng.
C畉t b畛 t畛 cung 動畛ng b畛ng (abdominal hysterectomy) - t畛 cung
動畛c c畉t b畛 qua v畉t m畛 n董i b畛ng.
Hysterectomy. Vietnamese.
3. Laparoscopic hysterectomy several small incisions are made in
the abdomen and the doctor works through these small incisions
using a laparoscope. This instrument makes it easier for the doctor to
see small areas during surgery. Other small instruments are used to
detach and remove the uterus.
ff Robotic hysterectomy It is very similar to a laparoscopic
hysterectomy. Instruments are more flexible and the doctor uses a
special camera to guide the instruments during surgery.
To Prepare
Tell your doctor all the medicines you are taking. Be sure to include
any prescription or over the counter medicines, vitamins and herbs.
ff You may be told not to take aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
for a few days before your surgery. If you take aspirin daily, do
not stop taking it without asking your doctor first.
ff If you are taking blood thinners or medicines to prevent clots,
check with the doctor who prescribed the medicine to see if you
should stop the medicine before surgery.
Ask your doctor if you should take your medicines the morning of
your surgery. If so, take them with small sips of water only.
Do not eat or drink anything, including water, after midnight before
your surgery.
If you have any allergies to medicines, foods or other things, tell the
staff before your surgery.
An adult family member or friend will need to take you home when
you leave the hospital. It is not safe for you to drive or leave alone.
4. C畉t b畛 t畛 cung soi qua b畛ng (laparoscopic hysterectomy) b叩c s挑
r畉ch vi v畉t m畛 nh畛 n董i b畛ng d湛ng 畛ng soi 畛 b畛ng. D畛ng c畛 ny gi炭p
b叩c s挑 d畛 dng th畉y 動畛c nh畛ng ch畛 nh畛 trong l炭c ph畉u thu畉t. C叩c
d畛ng c畛 nh畛 kh叩c 動畛c d湛ng 畛 t叩ch v c畉t b畛 t畛 cung.
ff C畉t b畛 t畛 cung b畉ng robot (Robotic hysterectomy) G畉n gi畛ng
v畛i c畉t b畛 t畛 cung soi qua b畛ng. C叩c d畛ng c畛 uy畛n chuy畛n h董n v
b叩c s挑 d湛ng m叩y ch畛p h狸nh 畉c bi畛t 畛 d畉n 動畛ng cho nh畛ng d畛ng
c畛 ny trong l炭c ph畉u thu畉t.
Chu畉n b畛
Cho b叩c s挑 bi畉t m畛i lo畉i thu畛c qu箪 v畛 ang d湛ng. Nh畛 cho bi畉t b畉t c畛
lo畉i thu畛c theo toa hay b叩n t畛 do, vitamin v th畉o d動畛c.
ff B叩c s挑 y棚u c畉u qu箪 b kh担ng d湛ng thu畛c aspirin ho畉c ibuprofen
(Advil, Motrin) vi ngy tr動畛c khi ph畉u thu畉t. N畉u qu箪 b d湛ng
thu畛c aspirin hng ngy, kh担ng n棚n ng動ng d湛ng thu畛c ny n畉u
ch動a h畛i tr動畛c 箪 ki畉n c畛a b叩c s挑.
ff N畉u qu箪 b d湛ng thu畛c lo達ng m叩u hay thu畛c ngn ng畛a c畛c
m叩u 担ng, h畛i b叩c s挑 達 k棚 toa thu畛c xem qu箪 b c坦 n棚n ng動ng
d湛ng thu畛c ny tr動畛c khi ph畉u thu畉t kh担ng.
H畛i b叩c s挑 xem qu箪 b c坦 ph畉i u畛ng thu畛c vo bu畛i s叩ng th畛c hi畛n
ph畉u thu畉t kh担ng. N畉u c坦, ch畛 u畛ng thu畛c v畛i t畛ng h畛p n動畛c nh畛.
畛ng n hay u畛ng b畉t c畛 th畛 g狸, k畛 c畉 n動畛c, t畛 sau n畛a 棚m c畛a 棚m
tr動畛c khi ph畉u thu畉t.
N畉u b畛 d畛 畛ng v畛i thu畛c, th畛c n hay nh畛ng th畛 kh叩c, h達y cho nh但n
vi棚n bi畉t tr動畛c khi ph畉u thu畉t.
Ng動畛i l畛n trong gia 狸nh ho畉c b畉n th但n c畉n 動a qu箪 b v畛 nh khi
xu畉t vi畛n. Qu箪 b l叩i xe ho畉c r畛i kh畛i b畛nh vi畛n m畛t m狸nh th狸 kh担ng
an ton.
Hysterectomy. Vietnamese.
5. During Surgery
You will wear a hospital gown.
An IV (intravenous) tube is put in a vein in your arm for giving
medicines and fluids.
You will be taken on a cart to the operating room and then helped
onto a table.
Medicine is given in your IV to keep you asleep and free from pain.
You will have a catheter that drains urine from your bladder. This
tube is often removed the morning after your surgery.
Another tube may be put in through your nose and is passed down to
your stomach to remove fluids so that you will not feel sick to your
stomach. This tube is often taken out before you leave the recovery
The surgery area or abdomen is cleaned.
Your uterus is removed. Your cervix, tubes and ovaries may also be
Any incisions are closed with stitches, staples or special tapes called
A bandage is put over the incisions.
After Surgery
In the Hospital
You are taken to the recovery room where you are watched closely
until you wake up and are doing well.
Your breathing, blood pressure and pulse are checked often.
6. Trong l炭c ph畉u thu畉t
Qu箪 b s畉 m畉c 叩o chong b畛nh nh但n.
Qu箪 b 動畛c 畉t m畛t 畛ng vo trong t挑nh m畉ch n董i c叩nh tay 畛 ch鱈ch
thu畛c v truy畛n ch畉t l畛ng.
Qu箪 b 動畛c 動a 畉n ph嘆ng ph畉u thu畉t b畉ng xe 畉y r畛i 畛 l棚n n畉m
tr棚n bn ph畉u thu畉t.
Qu箪 b 動畛c ch鱈ch thu畛c vo t挑nh m畉ch 畛 ng畛 v kh担ng th畉y au.
Qu箪 b 動畛c 畉t 畛ng d畉n l動u n動畛c ti畛u t畛 bng quang. 畛ng ny
th動畛ng 動畛c l畉y ra vo bu畛i s叩ng sau khi ph畉u thu畉t.
Qu箪 b c滴ng c坦 th畛 動畛c lu畛n m畛t 畛ng kh叩c qua m滴i r畛i i xu畛ng
畉n bao t畛 畛 h炭t ch畉t l畛ng v kh担ng b畛 c畉m gi叩c n担n nao trong bao
t畛. 畛ng ny th動畛ng 動畛c l畉y ra tr動畛c khi qu箪 b r畛i kh畛i ph嘆ng h畛i
V湛ng ph畉u thu畉t ho畉c b畛ng 動畛c ch湛i s畉ch.
T畛 cung 動畛c c畉t b畛. C畛 t畛 cung, v嘆i t畛 cung v bu畛ng tr畛ng c滴ng c坦
th畛 動畛c c畉t b畛.
M畛i v畉t m畛 動畛c kh辿p k鱈n b畉ng ch畛 may, inh k畉p ho畉c bng d叩n 畉c
bi畛t g畛i l steri-strips.
Bng v畉t m畛 l畉i.
Sau khi ph畉u thu畉t
畛 b畛nh vi畛n
Qu箪 b 動畛c chuy畛n 畉n ph嘆ng h畛i s畛c 畛 theo d探i s叩t cho 畉n khi
th畛c gi畉c v h畛i s畛c.
Qu箪 b 動畛c th動畛ng xuy棚n ki畛m tra nh畛p th畛, huy畉t 叩p v nh畛p tim.
Hysterectomy. Vietnamese.
7. If you are staying at the hospital, you will be taken to your room.
A pad will be placed between your legs in case you have vaginal
You also may have special stockings on your legs while you are in
bed to help prevent blood clots.
The staff may teach you how to cough, deep breathe and use an
incentive spirometer. An incentive spirometer is a device used to help
you take deep breaths. These exercises help open the airways of the
lungs and prevent pneumonia. If you have abdominal incisions, place
a pillow or a folded blanket over your incisions for support when
deep breathing or coughing. Do these exercises every 1 to 2 hours
while you are awake.
You will be given medicine to control your pain. Tell your nurse if
you have pain.
The IV is used to give you medicine and fluids until you are able to
eat and drink well. You may be given a few ice chips if you are not
sick to your stomach.
You will be given clear liquids at first and then slowly progress to
regular foods.
Your bandage will be removed the day after surgery. Your incision
may have:
ff Stitches that dissolve on their own.
ff Staples which are often taken out a few days after surgery.
ff Steri-strips that come off on their own in 7 to 10 days.
If you have a vaginal hysterectomy, you will not have an incision.
For your safety, when you leave the hospital, you will need to have
an adult family member or friend take you home. You should have
someone stay with you for at least the first 24 hours you are home.
8. N畉u n畉m l畉i b畛nh vi畛n, qu箪 b 動畛c 動a v畛 ph嘆ng c畛a b畛nh vi畛n.
M畛t bng g畉c 動畛c 畉t 畛 gi畛a hai ch但n trong tr動畛ng h畛p qu箪 b b畛
ch畉y m叩u 但m 畉o.
Qu箪 b c滴ng c坦 th畛 mang lo畉i v畛 畉c bi畛t vo ch但n trong khi n畉m
tr棚n gi動畛ng 畛 ngn ng畛a b畛 c畛c m叩u 担ng.
Nh但n vi棚n s畉 d畉y qu箪 b c叩ch ho, h鱈t th畛 s但u v s畛 d畛ng ph畉 dung k畉.
Ph畉 dung k畉 l m畛t d畛ng c畛 gi炭p h鱈t th畛 s但u. C叩c bi t畉p ny gi炭p m畛
th担ng 動畛ng th畛 trong ph畛i v ngn ng畛a b畛 vi棚m ph畛i. N畉u qu箪 b
c坦 v畉t m畛 n董i b畛ng, n棚n 畉p nh畉 v畉t m畛 ny b畉ng g畛i ho畉c m畛n khi h鱈t
th畛 s但u ho畉c ho. Th畛c hnh c叩c bi t畉p ny m畛i 1 畉n 2 gi畛 trong l炭c
Qu箪 b 動畛c cho d湛ng thu畛c 畛 gi畉m au. B叩o cho y t叩 bi畉t n畉u b畛
畛ng 畉t trong t挑nh m畉ch 動畛c d湛ng 畛 ch鱈ch thu畛c v truy畛n ch畉t
l畛ng cho 畉n khi qu箪 b c坦 th畛 n u畛ng b狸nh th動畛ng. Qu箪 b c坦 th畛
動畛c cho ng畉m vi m畉u n動畛c 叩 n畉u kh担ng b畛 n担n nao bao t畛.
畉u ti棚n qu箪 b 動畛c cho d湛ng ch畉t l畛ng d畛 ti棚u h坦a r畛i d畉n d畉n 畉n
th畛c n th担ng th動畛ng.
Bng v畉t m畛 動畛c th叩o ra vo ngy h担m sau sau khi ph畉u thu畉t. V畉t
m畛 c畛a qu箪 b c坦 th畛 c坦:
ff Ch畛 may t畛 ti棚u m畉t.
ff inh k畉p, th動畛ng 動畛c l畉y ra vi ngy sau khi ph畉u thu畉t.
ff Bng d叩n steri-strips t畛 ti棚u m畉t trong t畛 7 畉n 10 ngy.
N畉u tr畉i qua th畛 thu畉t c畉t b畛 t畛 cung 動畛ng 但m 畉o, th狸 qu箪 b kh担ng
c坦 v畉t m畛 no.
Khi xu畉t vi畛n, qu箪 b c畉n c坦 ng動畛i l畛n trong gia 狸nh ho畉c b畉n th但n
動a v畛 nh cho an ton. Qu箪 b c滴ng c畉n c坦 ng動畛i t炭c tr畛c b棚n c畉nh
m狸nh trong 鱈t nh畉t 24 gi畛 sau khi v畛 畉n nh.
Hysterectomy. Vietnamese.
9. At Home
Take your medicine as directed.
Schedule a follow-up visit with your doctor. You will need to see
your doctor in 4 to 6 weeks.
Wash any incisions gently with soap and water and pat dry. You may
take a shower or sponge bath, but do not take tub baths.
A small amount of vaginal discharge is normal for 2 to 4 weeks after
surgery. Change the pad every few hours. Wash the vaginal area with
soap and water and pat dry.
Do not put anything in your vagina until your doctor checks you.
ff Do not douche.
ff Do not have sexual intercourse.
ff Do not use tampons.
Activity Limits
Limit your activities for 4 to 6 weeks.
Do not lift over 10 pounds for at least 2 weeks.
You may do light housework such as washing dishes and cooking.
Do not do strenuous activities, such as vacuuming or exercising for at
least 2 weeks.
Do not drive for 2 weeks, but you can ride in a car for short trips.
Go up and down stairs slowly, one step at a time.
Take walks. Starting with short distances. Slowly increase how long
and fast you walk.
10. V畛 nh
D湛ng thu畛c theo ch畛 畛nh.
L畉y h畉n kh叩m theo d探i v畛i b叩c s挑. Qu箪 b c畉n i kh叩m b叩c s挑 trong t畛
4 畉n 6 tu畉n.
R畛a nh畉 nhng v畉t m畛 b畉ng x b担ng v n動畛c r畛i lau ch畉m ch畉m nh畉
cho kh担 r叩o. Qu箪 b c坦 th畛 t畉m v嘆i sen ho畉c d湛ng s畛p t畉m, nh動ng
畛ng t畉m trong b畛n.
C坦 l動畛ng nh畛 ch畉t d畛ch 但m 畉o ti畉t ra l i畛u b狸nh th動畛ng trong t畛 2
畉n 4 tu畉n sau khi ph畉u thu畉t. Thay kh畛i g畉c m畛i vi gi畛. R畛a v湛ng
但m 畉o b畉ng x b担ng v n動畛c r畛i ch畉m ch畉m nh畉 cho kh担 r叩o.
Kh担ng n棚n 畉t b畉t c畛 th畛 g狸 vo 但m 畉o cho 畉n khi b叩c s挑 kh叩m qu箪
ff Kh担ng n棚n th畛t r畛a.
ff Kh担ng n棚n giao h畛p.
ff Kh担ng n棚n d湛ng tm b担ng v畛 sinh.
Ho畉t 畛ng n棚n h畉n ch畉
H畉n ch畉 ho畉t 畛ng trong 4 畉n 6 tu畉n.
Kh担ng n棚n n但ng v畉t n畉ng h董n 10 c但n Anh (4.5 kg) trong 鱈t nh畉t 2
Qu箪 b c坦 th畛 lm vi畛c nh nh畉 nhng nh動 r畛a ch辿n d挑a v n畉u n.
Kh担ng n棚n lm nh畛ng c担ng vi畛c v畉t v畉, nh動 h炭t b畛i ho畉c t畉p luy畛n
trong 鱈t nh畉t 2 tu畉n.
Kh担ng n棚n l叩i xe trong 2 tu畉n, nh動ng qu箪 b c坦 th畛 i xe h董i cho
hnh tr狸nh ng畉n.
L棚n xu畛ng c畉u thang ch畉m r達i, b動畛c t畛ng b動畛c m畛t.
i b畛. Kh畛i 畉u b畉ng qu達ng 動畛ng ng畉n. Tng d畉n qu達ng 動畛ng v
t畛c 畛 i.
Hysterectomy. Vietnamese.
11. Other Issues
If your ovaries are taken out, you may have signs of menopause such
as hot flashes, vaginal dryness or mood changes.
It is common to have many feelings after surgery. You may feel sad,
fearful, nervous or angry. Share these feelings with your loved ones
and friends to help you cope as you recover. If the sadness does not
go away after a few weeks, talk to your doctor.
Your looks will not change after this surgery. There are no physical
changes except that you may have a scar from your incision.
Your surgery should not affect your ability to have sex or the way you
or your partner feel while having sex. Ask your doctor when you may
resume sexual activity and discuss any concerns you may have about
Call your doctor right away if you have:
Shaking, chills or a temperature over 101 degrees F or 38 degrees C
An incision that is swollen, red, has drainage or comes apart
Bleeding from your incisions
Pain, warmth or tenderness in your legs
Heavy vaginal bleeding, soaking 2 to 3 pads in one hour
Vaginal drainage with an odor
Trouble urinating
Burning when you urinate or feel a need to urinate often
Skin that is itchy, swollen or has a rash
Severe mood swings or feel depressed
12. V畉n 畛 kh叩c
N畉u bu畛ng tr畛ng 動畛c c畉t b畛, qu箪 b c坦 th畛 c坦 d畉u hi畛u c畛a th畛i k畛
m達n kinh nh動 n坦ng ran ng動畛i, kh担 但m 畉o ho畉c thay 畛i t但m tr畉ng.
Qu箪 b c坦 nhi畛u x炭c c畉m sau khi ph畉u thu畉t l i畛u b狸nh th動畛ng.
Qu箪 b c坦 th畛 hay bu畛n, s畛 h達i, n坦ng n畉y ho畉c t畛c gi畉n. T但m s畛 v畛i
nh畛ng ng動畛i th但n y棚u v b畉n th但n v畛 c叩c x炭c c畉m ny s畉 gi炭p qu箪 b
thanh th畉n khi h畛i ph畛c. N畉u n畛i 但u s畉u kh担ng t畛 kh畛i sau vi tu畉n,
th狸 bn v畛i b叩c s挑.
V畉 ngoi c畛a qu箪 b s畉 kh担ng thay 畛i sau th畛 thu畉t ny. Kh担ng c坦
thay 畛i th但n th畛 no ngoi tr畛 qu箪 b c坦 th畛 c坦 v畉t s畉o n董i v畉t m畛.
Th畛 thu畉t ny kh担ng 畉nh h動畛ng 畉n kh畉 nng giao h畛p ho畉c kho叩i
c畉m c畛a qu箪 b hay b畉n t狸nh trong l炭c giao h畛p. H畛i b叩c s挑 xem khi
no qu箪 b c坦 th畛 giao h畛p tr畛 l畉i v bn th畉o m畛i th畉c m畉c v畛 t狸nh
d畛c v畛i h畛.
G畛i cho b叩c s挑 ngay l畉p t畛c n畉u qu箪 b b畛:
Run r畉y, 畛n l畉nh ho畉c s畛t cao h董n 101 畛 F hay 38 畛 C
V畉t m畛 b畛 s動ng, 畛ng 畛, ch畉y n動畛c vng ho畉c bung ra
Ch畉y m叩u n董i v畉t m畛
au, th畉y 畉m ho畉c au khi 畉n vo n董i ch但n
Ch畉y nhi畛u m叩u t畛 但m 畉o, 動畛t 畉m t畛 2 畉n 3 bng g畉c trong m畛t
N動畛c r畛 ra t畛 但m 畉o c坦 m湛i
Kh坦 i ti畛u
B畛ng r叩t khi i ti畛u ho畉c th畉y hay b畛 m畉c ti畛u
Da b畛 ng畛a, s動ng ph湛 ho畉c n畛i m畛 ay
Thay 畛i t但m tr畉ng nghi棚m tr畛ng ho畉c th畉y bu畛n n畉n
Hysterectomy. Vietnamese.
13. D畛ch v畛 d畛ch thu畉t ti li畛u y t畉/y h畛c/y khoa C担ng ty d畛ch thu畉t CNN
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