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Hvad betyder et godt porteføljeoverblik for forretningen?, Keld Ellesgaard - ...Mediehuset Ingeniøren Live
Arla IT PMO's Senior Manager Keld Ellesgaard fortæller om mulighederne og gevinsterne ved at have en PPM løsning.
Baggrund for at se på ny PPM-løsning, og Arla ITs målsætning med et ny værktøj
PMO behov og værktøjsunderstøttelse vs. forretningens behov for gennemsigtighed, hastighed og fleksibilitet.
Kritiske succesfaktorer og fik vi dem opfyldt
Drift - hvordan strukturerer vi det?
Mikkel Nicolas Priess og Anne Mette Dahl Jensen, Frederiksberg Kommune
Med udgangspunkt i et helt konkret projekt præsenteres nogle af Frederiksbergs Kommunes udfordringer med drift af deres regnvandsanlæg. Derudover løfter
vi os op på et højere niveau og ser nærmere på, hvordan driften er organiseret, hvornår den inddrages, hvordan den overdrages og hvordan der arbejdes med
værktøjer, der hjælper med driften.
ERP-ansvarlig Claus Birkholm fra ingeniørfirmaet Alectia, en 700 mand stor virksomhed placeret i Virum, fortæller om processen i forhold til at vælge det rigtige nye ERP-system, og om hvorfor valget faldt på Deltek Maconomy.
Projektværktøjsdagen 2013 - Henrik Sølver, Director, Sales & Business Development, Itera
Vi kender det alle. Effektivitetskravene er store, konkurrencen skærpes dagligt, ledelsen kræver overblik og markedet samt vores organisationer ændres konstant. Moderne virksomheder og organisationer er projekttunge, og der er store udfordringer med projektrelateret data og den intellektuelle viden når projektdeltagerne flytter rundt, har vi fokus og prioriterer vi rigtigt?
Nationalt befæstelseskort ved hjælp af Machine Learning og geografiske data
Morten Revsbæk, Scalgo
Indlæggets fokus vil være på brugen af Machine Learning i udviklingen af Scalgo’s services. Morten vil give en kort introduktion til det nationale befæstelseskort og vandoplandsværktøj, samt give indblik i hvordan AI og Machine Learning har bidraget hertil. Herudover diskuterer mulighederne i at kombinere Machine Learning med geografiske data, til gavn for vandbranchen.
Hør om kundernes erfaringer med RamRisk og se, hvor let og enkelt den svære disciplin håndteres. Med RamRisk gøres det professionelt og kommunikationen med projektets interessenter sikres.
En hurtig gennemgang af 2015 hos Pitney Bowes med fokus på produkterne indenfor GIS, Location Intelligence og data.
Og et kort kig på nogle af vore planer for 2016.
Standardisering og effektivitet i IT afdelingenMicrosoft
Da DTU i 2007 skulle vælge et system til software udrulning og vedligehold på deres 8.500 klienter, faldt valget på System Center 2007. I mellemtiden er installationen opgraderet til System Center 2012 og IT funktionen i DTU Kemi har en stor del af driftsansvaret for den store software udrulningsplatform. DTU Kemi er selv godt 200 brugere. I dag bruger DTU Kemi Hyper-V, System Center VMM samt flere andre dele af System Center. På denne session kan du høre hvad der har drevet brugen af System Center samt få et bud på hvordan det har hjulpet IT funktionen i DTU Kemi
Projektværktøjsdagen 2013 - Henrik Sølver, Director, Sales & Business Development, Itera
Vi kender det alle. Effektivitetskravene er store, konkurrencen skærpes dagligt, ledelsen kræver overblik og markedet samt vores organisationer ændres konstant. Moderne virksomheder og organisationer er projekttunge, og der er store udfordringer med projektrelateret data og den intellektuelle viden når projektdeltagerne flytter rundt, har vi fokus og prioriterer vi rigtigt?
Nationalt befæstelseskort ved hjælp af Machine Learning og geografiske data
Morten Revsbæk, Scalgo
Indlæggets fokus vil være på brugen af Machine Learning i udviklingen af Scalgo’s services. Morten vil give en kort introduktion til det nationale befæstelseskort og vandoplandsværktøj, samt give indblik i hvordan AI og Machine Learning har bidraget hertil. Herudover diskuterer mulighederne i at kombinere Machine Learning med geografiske data, til gavn for vandbranchen.
Hør om kundernes erfaringer med RamRisk og se, hvor let og enkelt den svære disciplin håndteres. Med RamRisk gøres det professionelt og kommunikationen med projektets interessenter sikres.
En hurtig gennemgang af 2015 hos Pitney Bowes med fokus på produkterne indenfor GIS, Location Intelligence og data.
Og et kort kig på nogle af vore planer for 2016.
Standardisering og effektivitet i IT afdelingenMicrosoft
Da DTU i 2007 skulle vælge et system til software udrulning og vedligehold på deres 8.500 klienter, faldt valget på System Center 2007. I mellemtiden er installationen opgraderet til System Center 2012 og IT funktionen i DTU Kemi har en stor del af driftsansvaret for den store software udrulningsplatform. DTU Kemi er selv godt 200 brugere. I dag bruger DTU Kemi Hyper-V, System Center VMM samt flere andre dele af System Center. På denne session kan du høre hvad der har drevet brugen af System Center samt få et bud på hvordan det har hjulpet IT funktionen i DTU Kemi
Smarter Commerce, Salg og Marketing, Thomas Steglich-AndersenIBM Danmark
The document discusses smarter commerce and running a business more efficiently. It outlines key areas like marketing, procurement, order management, supply chain, fulfillment, and service. It also shows how customers can research, order, change, track and return products across different channels like stores, websites, calls, and mobile. The goal is running the business smarter through better brand relationships, procurement, order management, supply chain visibility, production planning, inventory analytics, and operational efficiency.
IBM is placing a strong emphasis on mobile technologies and applications. The document discusses IBM's MobileFirst initiative which provides tools to help organizations create more personalized, efficient and secure mobile interactions. It highlights growth in mobile transactions, devices, apps and users. IBM acquired 10 companies since 2006 and doubled its 2013 investment in mobile to strengthen its capabilities. The Worklight platform allows developing cross-platform hybrid and native mobile apps using a common codebase. It provides tools for testing, analytics, push notifications, and app distribution to enterprises.
The document discusses several topics related to smart cities and the Internet of Things (IoT), including developing solutions to track sea containers, optimize construction projects using RFID tags, and challenge banks to implement digital marketing. It also discusses trends in IoT such as the growing number of connected devices. The document advocates addressing problems through new technologies and taking on challenges in an innovation perspective.
Echo.it is an internal social media and engagement platform that helps companies align employee actions with strategic goals. It allows employees to share stories of their daily actions and how they further company strategies. Managers can use Echo.it to emphasize desired behaviors, provide recognition, and gain insights into organizational engagement. Employees are invited to a customized platform on Echo.it to share actions in categories related to company values and priorities. Their contributions are then aggregated into engagement statistics and recognition rewards to inspire further aligned actions across the organization. Echo.it offers a SaaS solution that is quick to set up and fully automated to launch and retain users.
The document discusses IBM's Big Data Platform for turning large and complex data into business insights. It provides an overview of key big data challenges faced by organizations and how the IBM platform addresses these challenges through solutions that handle the volume, velocity, variety and veracity of big data. These solutions include analytics, data warehousing, streaming analytics and Hadoop technologies. Use cases are presented for big data exploration, enhancing customer views, security intelligence, operations analysis and augmenting data warehouses.
Smarter Workforce Solutions focuses on helping employees transition to new tools and ways of working by changing mindsets and organizational culture, not just tools. Ginni Rometty notes that in a social enterprise, your value comes from the knowledge you share with others, not just what you accumulate yourself.
The document describes NumaConnect, a technology that tightly couples commodity servers into a single large system with shared memory, I/O, and a single operating system image. Key features include cache coherent global shared memory accessible by all CPUs, a shared I/O subsystem, and support for various APIs. NumaConnect uses custom NumaChip ASICs and a high-speed interconnect fabric to create a unified memory address space across servers at cluster prices. It can scale to thousands of nodes with hundreds of thousands of cores and petabytes of shared memory. Benchmark results show NumaConnect delivers low latency, high bandwidth, and excellent scaling for applications.
Mellanox is a leading provider of high-performance interconnect solutions including InfiniBand and Ethernet technologies. It has over 1,200 employees worldwide and reported record revenue in 2012 of $500.8 million, up 93% year-over-year. Mellanox's interconnect solutions reduce application wait times for data and increase ROI on data center infrastructure.
The document discusses Intel's HPC portfolio and roadmap update. It provides an overview of the new Intel Xeon E5-2600 v2 processor family, highlighting its efficiency, performance, and security features. The Xeon E5-2600 v2 is expected to deliver up to 30% more performance using the same or less power compared to the previous generation. It offers up to 12 cores, 30MB of cache, and support for the latest I/O and memory technologies to provide powerful and efficient processing for modern data centers.
IBM general parallel file system - introductionIBM Danmark
The document provides information about IBM's General Parallel File System (GPFS) 3.5 and introduces the GPFS Storage Server (GSS). It summarizes that GPFS is a scalable high-performance file management system that can scale from 1 to 8192 nodes. The GSS is a new storage solution using IBM servers and JBOD storage to provide high capacity and performance storage in a scalable building block approach. The GSS has no storage controllers and provides a single integrated storage solution built on GPFS software.
The document discusses IBM's NeXtScale computing platform. Key points include:
- NeXtScale uses a modular, scale-out architecture based on a dense 6U chassis that can hold 12 half-width server or expansion nodes.
- The initial compute node, the nx360 M4, is a 1U half-width server optimized for HPC workloads with support for Intel's latest Xeon processors.
- Native expansion options include a storage node that holds up to 32TB and a PCI node to support GPUs and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors.
- NeXtScale is positioned as the successor to IBM's iDataPlex platform, offering greater flexibility, density, and
Future of Power: PowerLinux - Jan Kristian NielsenIBM Danmark
This presentation discusses IBM's PowerLinux offering, which combines the Power architecture with the Linux operating system. It highlights:
- New PowerLinux 7R4, 7R2, and 7R1 systems optimized for data-intensive and Java workloads
- Over 1,600 IBM software applications and 2,500+ third party applications certified or optimized for PowerLinux
- An IBM Big Data solution using PowerLinux servers and InfoSphere BigInsights for Hadoop-based analytics
Future of Power: Power Strategy and Offerings for Denmark - Steve SibleyIBM Danmark
IBM is promoting its Power Systems as optimized for big data, analytics, mobile, social, and cloud workloads. Key highlights include Power Systems providing a flexible, secure infrastructure to support next generation applications and analytics on big data. IBM also emphasizes partnerships with software vendors and the open innovation through the OpenPOWER consortium to deliver client choice and drive down costs.
Future of Power: Big Data - Søren RavnIBM Danmark
This document discusses big data and provides an overview of key concepts:
- Big data is defined as datasets that are too large or complex for traditional data management tools to handle. It is characterized by volume, velocity, and variety.
- Big data comes from a variety of sources like social media, sensors, web logs, and transaction systems. It is growing rapidly due to the digitization of information.
- Big data can be used for applications like enhancing customer insights, optimizing operations, and extending security and intelligence capabilities. Example use cases are described.
- Architecting solutions for big data requires handling its scale and integrating diverse data types and sources. Both traditional and new analytics approaches are needed.
Future of Power: IBM PureFlex - Kim MortensenIBM Danmark
IBM offers a portfolio of integrated systems designed to improve IT efficiency, accelerate applications and analytics, and simplify cloud infrastructure. This includes PureFlex and Flex System which tightly integrate compute, storage, networking and management. PureSystems provide expertise through pre-integrated solutions and patterns that simplify tasks. Clients benefit from higher performance, utilization and lower costs through integration and automation.
Future of Power: IBM Trends & Directions - Erik RexIBM Danmark
This document provides an overview of IBM i trends and directions presented at a conference on September 4, 2013. It discusses new Power7+ servers with higher frequencies and more L3 cache providing better price/performance. It also outlines IBM i roadmap commitments, new technology refreshes, and strategies around virtualization, availability, security and simplification to focus on business needs. Customer input and priorities are reviewed to guide IBM i investment themes around solutions for today and the future.
Future of Power: HaÌŠndtering af nye teknologier - Kim EscherichIBM Danmark
This document discusses the opportunity for growth and innovation in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain. It defines the key aspects of an instrumented, interconnected and intelligent IoT. Examples are given of IoT innovations and use cases, such as using sensor data to improve bus transportation performance and help retailers track inventory in real time. The challenges of IoT are also addressed, such as how to generate insights from the vast amounts of data.
Future of Power - Lars Mikkelgaard-JensenIBM Danmark
This document is the Global Benchmark Report 2013 authored by Lars Mikkelgaard-Jensen. It discusses topics like Europe's economic stagnation and unemployment rates. It also discusses trends in big data, mobile technology, and social media transforming businesses. The report notes that Linux is planned for the majority of big data workloads and many mission critical applications by 2017. It presents IBM Power systems as an open platform that can support new applications in areas like big data analytics, cognitive computing, and industry solutions while providing choice, flexibility and availability on-premise or through the cloud. The report encourages inspiration and exploring what is possible with Power systems and its OpenPOWER consortium.
3. A/S Storebælt - 130 employes (2011)
Market IT and Accounts Technical Finance
Department Department Department Department
(27) (30) (57) (8)
6. The Storebælt Link Storebælt toll station
Total road traffic 2011
Total number of passages 11 mio
Average daily traffic 30.000
Max daÃly traffic 48.000
7. Formål med vedligeholdssystemet
 Kommunikation mellem parterne
 Planlægning og styring af aktiviteter
 Sikre lovmæssige krav overholdes
 Grundlag for budget, udbud og afregning
 Dokumentation for udført vedligehold
 Grundlag for statistik og analyser
8. Valg af styringssystem for D&V
• Eget udviklet system kontra standardsystem
• Ét eller flere IT systemer
• IT system leverandør organisation
• Fleksibelt system – brugerflade og rapporter mv.
• Baseret på standard software
9. Implementering af system
• Pilot projekt
• Implementeringsprojekt
• Undervisning / kurser
• Superbrugere
• CAD/Meridian/MAXIMO brugergruppemøder
17. Udvikling af MAXIMO
MAXIMO koordineringsgruppe:
 Repræsentanter fra alle driftsområder (8)
 Behandler og prioriterer ændringer og forbedringer
 Maximo service anmodninger (MSA) ca. 300 på 3 år
 Formidle information om MAXIMO i eget driftsområde
 4 møder per år
18. Dokumentationsomfang
Vej området
210 meter • 2.000.000 sider –
teknisk dokumentation
• 35.000 CAD tegninger
• Video, foto og data
• 20.000 sider –
D&V manual ~
1000 Procedurer og instrukser
10 meter
• 3.000 CAD tegninger
• Vedligeholds records
19. Grundlag for vedligehold
Implementering af vedligehold
o G-on nøgle (foto)
o Hot spot på storebæltsforbindelsen
20. Dokumentstyring MAXIMO – Meridian link
 Linke dokumentation som er nødvendig for udførelsen (Centralt)
• Instruks
• Testplan
• Tegning
 Tilknytte resultatdokumentation til en arbejdsordre (Lokalt)
• Foto
• Skitse
• Testcertifikat