Monitor skole er en undersøkelse av elevers bruk av IKT, deres valg og utvikling av læringsstrategier og deres læringsutbytte (digitale kompetanse).
Presentation in the national congress Escuela 2.0 organized by the Ministry of Education in Madrid. SMART Technologies distributed by groupVision was one of the major players in this massive deployment of technology in public education in Spain.
The document describes the activities of an individual on a given day. It lists that they rode a bike, played cards, painted, took a bath, slept late, went dancing, sang a song, played soccer, took some pictures, played a video game, and stole some money. It then provides a series of yes or no questions to check if the individual performed each of the activities, with the reader selecting the correct response.
The document describes a person's daily activities on Game 4. It lists that the person had lunch, took a bus, sent an email, brushed their teeth, went climbing, went shopping, drove their car, drank some water, ate some pizza, listened to music, flew to Miami, and ran in the park.
The document appears to be an English grammar exercise that provides sentences using past tense verbs and asks the student to identify whether the sentences are correct or incorrect uses of the past tense verbs. It includes examples like "Did he cleaned the windows?" and checks the student's understanding of sentences like "He stood up" and "She rode on a horse".
Welcome to The Front Door! Started in Jay Markiewicz's Introduction to Entrepreneurship class at VCU and mentored by Cara Dickens, The Front Door is an website that serves as an access point to the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Central Virginia for starting and existing businesses, providing resources and tools for ideas, growth, and development.
Imporcol presentó formalmente su empresa a Manuel Lozano, gerente de la compañÃa, describiendo su misión de importar productos de alta calidad a precios competitivos y su visión de convertirse en el proveedor lÃder en el mercado para el próximo año.
IKT i skole og barnehage - perspektiver for mastergradsstudenterGeir Ottestad
IKTsenterets Monitor-studier for skole og barnehage presenteres sammen med våre ressurser og relevate problemstillinger for mastergradsstudenter i IKT og læring. Foredrag holdt ved HSH august 2014
Presentation in the national congress Escuela 2.0 organized by the Ministry of Education in Madrid. SMART Technologies distributed by groupVision was one of the major players in this massive deployment of technology in public education in Spain.
The document describes the activities of an individual on a given day. It lists that they rode a bike, played cards, painted, took a bath, slept late, went dancing, sang a song, played soccer, took some pictures, played a video game, and stole some money. It then provides a series of yes or no questions to check if the individual performed each of the activities, with the reader selecting the correct response.
The document describes a person's daily activities on Game 4. It lists that the person had lunch, took a bus, sent an email, brushed their teeth, went climbing, went shopping, drove their car, drank some water, ate some pizza, listened to music, flew to Miami, and ran in the park.
The document appears to be an English grammar exercise that provides sentences using past tense verbs and asks the student to identify whether the sentences are correct or incorrect uses of the past tense verbs. It includes examples like "Did he cleaned the windows?" and checks the student's understanding of sentences like "He stood up" and "She rode on a horse".
Welcome to The Front Door! Started in Jay Markiewicz's Introduction to Entrepreneurship class at VCU and mentored by Cara Dickens, The Front Door is an website that serves as an access point to the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Central Virginia for starting and existing businesses, providing resources and tools for ideas, growth, and development.
Imporcol presentó formalmente su empresa a Manuel Lozano, gerente de la compañÃa, describiendo su misión de importar productos de alta calidad a precios competitivos y su visión de convertirse en el proveedor lÃder en el mercado para el próximo año.
IKT i skole og barnehage - perspektiver for mastergradsstudenterGeir Ottestad
IKTsenterets Monitor-studier for skole og barnehage presenteres sammen med våre ressurser og relevate problemstillinger for mastergradsstudenter i IKT og læring. Foredrag holdt ved HSH august 2014
Best academic solution presentation san francisco 2 4-14Kjetil Idås
The Norwegian Virtual Mathschool project involved 427 highly motivated Norwegian students aged 15-16 taking virtual math classes. The students came from all parts of Norway and participated in 16 synchronous virtual classes, each with one teacher. Students were provided laptops, internet access, books, and virtual math lessons at no cost. Lessons included text, video clips, exercises, simulations, and games. Students received 48 virtual lessons totaling around 45 minutes each and had synchronous lessons twice a week for 30 minutes each session. The project aimed to increase math motivation through virtual learning experiences supported by math software and computer algebra systems.
Hva er en virtuell skole? Novemberkonferansen 2012Kjetil Idås
Informasjon om prosjektet "Den virtuelle matematikkskolen" hvor 350 flinke matematikkelever følger matematikk 1T på internett i en synkrom virtuell skolem
Hva skjer med norsk skole når klasserommet flyttes ut på internett? 2013Kjetil Idås
7 år med laptop i klasserommet - hva har vi lært?, Helsinki 2010
Kjetil Idås
Horten Videregående Skole, Norge
14. Skatteordninger og læreplaner IKT-innovatorer
Grunnleggende ferdigheter:
1. Hjemme PC ordningen (1994)
Ã… kunne uttrykke seg muntlig
Ã… kunne uttrykke seg skriftlig
Ã… kunne lese
Ã… kunne regne
Å kunne bruke digitale verktøy .
2. Skolereformer ’94 og ’06
15. Konsekvenser::
1. IKT inn i alle fag
2. Gratis PC til elevene
3. Gratis bøker til elevene
4. IKT på eksamen
- 2 delt eksamen
Og en totalt ny
• Undervisningssituasjon
• Lærerjobb
• Skole
• Organisasjon
• + et enormt opplæringsbehov