El gobierno de Canad叩 prohibi坦 las mamaderas de policarbonato debido a que uno de sus ingredientes, el bisfenol-A, es t坦xico y puede causar cambios de comportamiento y neurol坦gicos en los ni単os expuestos a 辿l. Estudios en animales mostraron que los ni単os menores de 18 meses son los m叩s vulnerables. Aunque los adultos no corren peligro, el gobierno canadiense tambi辿n est叩 preocupado por los revestimientos internos de latas de alimentos para ni単os que contienen bisfenol-A. El gobierno
El documento critica fuertemente a los montoneros, a quienes acusa de cometer cr鱈menes de terrorismo y asesinatos durante la d辿cada de 1970 en Argentina. Argumenta que la dictadura militar fue una consecuencia de las atrocidades cometidas por los montoneros y que ahora, bajo el gobierno de Kirchner, est叩n tratando nuevamente de imponer el socialismo a trav辿s de la violencia y la mentira. Denuncia que Kirchner protege a asesinos y que busca venganza contra quienes lucharon contra el terrorismo monton
El documento presenta diferentes conceptos para trabajar las habilidades sociales como el pensamiento positivo, la generosidad, la amabilidad, la confianza y la flexibilidad. El pensamiento positivo se refiere a ver las cosas desde una perspectiva m叩s optimista. La generosidad implica ayudar a los dem叩s sin esperar nada a cambio. La amabilidad se refiere a ser afable y afectuoso de manera espont叩nea. La confianza se refiere a la seguridad en uno mismo y en los dem叩s. Y la flexibilidad permite aceptar
El documento describe la actividad industrial en Espa単a, incluyendo los principales sectores industriales como el metal-mec叩nico, qu鱈mico, de bienes de capital y alimentos. Explica que la industria transforma materias primas en productos para el consumo o fabricaci坦n y que Espa単a ocupa el octavo lugar mundial en producci坦n industrial a pesar de que la importancia de la industria se ha reducido con el crecimiento de los servicios. Tambi辿n presenta informaci坦n sobre la empresa automotriz SEAT.
Este documento presenta un curso b叩sico sobre seguridad y salud laboral para los trabajadores del sector sanitario. El curso cubre los derechos y obligaciones de los trabajadores, los principales riesgos laborales como agentes biol坦gicos y qu鱈micos, y las medidas preventivas para hacer frente a dichos riesgos.
Definition of solidification, Cooling Curves of metal and alloy, Nucleation and Crystal Growth.
Reference: Material Science and Engineering, William Callister
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design
Patterns are formalized best practices that the programmer must implement in the application.
El documento habla sobre la carrera de electr坦nica y telecomunicaciones. Explica que la electr坦nica se ocupa de los circuitos que permiten los avances tecnol坦gicos y que utiliza la f鱈sica para calcular circuitos y telecomunicaciones. Tambi辿n menciona que la telecomunicaci坦n estudia c坦mo se conectan los dispositivos que la gente usa para comunicarse a nivel local y global.
Una encuesta de 5 preguntas explor坦 las razones por las cuales los estudiantes abandonan sus estudios en una universidad t辿cnica en Manab鱈, Ecuador. Los resultados mostraron que la mayor鱈a de los encuestados (37%) ten鱈an a alguien en su familia que no complet坦 sus estudios. La raz坦n m叩s com炭n para abandonar los estudios fue problemas econ坦micos, reportado por el 80% de los encuestados. Solo el 12% abandon坦 debido a problemas de drogas o alcohol, y el 27% prefiri坦 trabajar en lugar de estudiar.
Log Engineering: Towards Systematic Log Mining to Support the Development of ...SAIL_QU
This document presents the thesis work on systematic log mining to support the development of ultra-large scale systems. There are five key findings from prior log mining research: 1) Little focus on logs in source code; 2) Little use of logs from development; 3) Ad hoc log transformation; 4) Lack of scalability; 5) Limited use for software development activities. The thesis proposes two parts: 1) Study challenges of understanding and evolving logs; 2) Approaches using logs to support development like testing and deployment verification. Evaluation shows logs provide insights into defects and an approach using execution sequences from logs precisely verifies big data application deployments with 86% effort reduction.
Iniciativa del Senador Luis Humberto Fern叩ndez sobre coaliciones entre indepe...Senadores PRD
Iniciativa del Senador Luis Humberto Fern叩ndez sobre coaliciones entre independientes y partidos pol鱈ticos.
Los medios impresos como peri坦dicos, diarios y revistas se caracterizan por pasar por un proceso de impresi坦n. Los peri坦dicos llegan a casi todos los estratos sociales y cubren diferentes temas y tendencias pol鱈ticas, mientras que las revistas son de car叩cter m叩s accesible y se enfocan en diferentes temas especializados. La publicidad en televisi坦n, radio, exteriores e internet tambi辿n son importantes medios publicitarios.
A study on service quality at hotel nookJOSHUA ANDREW
The document discusses a study conducted on service quality and customer satisfaction at a hotel in Madurai, India. The study used a descriptive research design with primary data collected through questionnaires and interviews and secondary data from sources like the internet, books, and hotel records. Various statistical tools were used to analyze the data, finding that most customers were satisfied with factors like cleanliness, food quality, and safety, but some areas could be improved like employee communication skills. The conclusions recommend improving free services and training to further enhance customer satisfaction.
Modeling the Performance of Ultra-Large-Scale Systems Using Layered SimulationsSAIL_QU
This document discusses modeling the performance of ultra-large-scale systems using layered simulations. It presents a three-layered simulation model consisting of a world view layer, component layer, and physical layer. This model allows performance to be evaluated at different levels of abstraction. Two case studies are described that apply this modeling approach: one identifies a CPU bottleneck in an RSS cloud system, and another compares centralized versus distributed monitoring of a large-scale system. The layered simulation model enables performance to be evaluated earlier in the development process and helps different stakeholders understand performance impacts.
Large-Scale Empirical Studies of Mobile AppsSAIL_QU
The document discusses large-scale empirical studies of mobile apps. It describes a dataset of over 500,000 app versions and 200,000 apps that was crawled from the Google Play store in 2011. The dataset includes app files, metadata, and information on software reuse within apps. The rating system for apps is also examined, noting that global ratings are more resilient than version ratings, which can be influenced by only a small number of raters. Most apps recover from rating drops within a few versions. Factors like app size and code reuse are found to correlate with rating increases. As over 90% of apps are free to download, many developers rely on in-app advertisements to generate revenue. Different ad serving models like ad networks,
Supporting Software Evolution Using Adaptive Change PropagationSAIL_QU
This document discusses an approach to adaptive change propagation using heuristics. It proposes tracking the performance of different change propagation heuristics over time and selecting the best performing heuristic for each entity in a Best Heuristic Table (BHT). An empirical study of open source projects found the adaptive heuristics approach achieved higher precision than traditional static heuristics, identifying relevant changed entities 23% more accurately. Over time, as projects evolved, the most effective heuristic was often recording historical changes. Integrating improved historical heuristics into the approach increased performance further, with adaptive heuristics coming within 91-93% of the optimal heuristic.
El documento presenta diferentes conceptos para trabajar las habilidades sociales como el pensamiento positivo, la generosidad, la amabilidad, la confianza y la flexibilidad. El pensamiento positivo se refiere a ver las cosas desde una perspectiva m叩s optimista. La generosidad implica ayudar a los dem叩s sin esperar nada a cambio. La amabilidad se refiere a ser afable y afectuoso de manera espont叩nea. La confianza se refiere a la seguridad en uno mismo y en los dem叩s. Y la flexibilidad permite aceptar
El documento describe la actividad industrial en Espa単a, incluyendo los principales sectores industriales como el metal-mec叩nico, qu鱈mico, de bienes de capital y alimentos. Explica que la industria transforma materias primas en productos para el consumo o fabricaci坦n y que Espa単a ocupa el octavo lugar mundial en producci坦n industrial a pesar de que la importancia de la industria se ha reducido con el crecimiento de los servicios. Tambi辿n presenta informaci坦n sobre la empresa automotriz SEAT.
Este documento presenta un curso b叩sico sobre seguridad y salud laboral para los trabajadores del sector sanitario. El curso cubre los derechos y obligaciones de los trabajadores, los principales riesgos laborales como agentes biol坦gicos y qu鱈micos, y las medidas preventivas para hacer frente a dichos riesgos.
Definition of solidification, Cooling Curves of metal and alloy, Nucleation and Crystal Growth.
Reference: Material Science and Engineering, William Callister
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design
Patterns are formalized best practices that the programmer must implement in the application.
El documento habla sobre la carrera de electr坦nica y telecomunicaciones. Explica que la electr坦nica se ocupa de los circuitos que permiten los avances tecnol坦gicos y que utiliza la f鱈sica para calcular circuitos y telecomunicaciones. Tambi辿n menciona que la telecomunicaci坦n estudia c坦mo se conectan los dispositivos que la gente usa para comunicarse a nivel local y global.
Una encuesta de 5 preguntas explor坦 las razones por las cuales los estudiantes abandonan sus estudios en una universidad t辿cnica en Manab鱈, Ecuador. Los resultados mostraron que la mayor鱈a de los encuestados (37%) ten鱈an a alguien en su familia que no complet坦 sus estudios. La raz坦n m叩s com炭n para abandonar los estudios fue problemas econ坦micos, reportado por el 80% de los encuestados. Solo el 12% abandon坦 debido a problemas de drogas o alcohol, y el 27% prefiri坦 trabajar en lugar de estudiar.
Log Engineering: Towards Systematic Log Mining to Support the Development of ...SAIL_QU
This document presents the thesis work on systematic log mining to support the development of ultra-large scale systems. There are five key findings from prior log mining research: 1) Little focus on logs in source code; 2) Little use of logs from development; 3) Ad hoc log transformation; 4) Lack of scalability; 5) Limited use for software development activities. The thesis proposes two parts: 1) Study challenges of understanding and evolving logs; 2) Approaches using logs to support development like testing and deployment verification. Evaluation shows logs provide insights into defects and an approach using execution sequences from logs precisely verifies big data application deployments with 86% effort reduction.
Iniciativa del Senador Luis Humberto Fern叩ndez sobre coaliciones entre indepe...Senadores PRD
Iniciativa del Senador Luis Humberto Fern叩ndez sobre coaliciones entre independientes y partidos pol鱈ticos.
Los medios impresos como peri坦dicos, diarios y revistas se caracterizan por pasar por un proceso de impresi坦n. Los peri坦dicos llegan a casi todos los estratos sociales y cubren diferentes temas y tendencias pol鱈ticas, mientras que las revistas son de car叩cter m叩s accesible y se enfocan en diferentes temas especializados. La publicidad en televisi坦n, radio, exteriores e internet tambi辿n son importantes medios publicitarios.
A study on service quality at hotel nookJOSHUA ANDREW
The document discusses a study conducted on service quality and customer satisfaction at a hotel in Madurai, India. The study used a descriptive research design with primary data collected through questionnaires and interviews and secondary data from sources like the internet, books, and hotel records. Various statistical tools were used to analyze the data, finding that most customers were satisfied with factors like cleanliness, food quality, and safety, but some areas could be improved like employee communication skills. The conclusions recommend improving free services and training to further enhance customer satisfaction.
Modeling the Performance of Ultra-Large-Scale Systems Using Layered SimulationsSAIL_QU
This document discusses modeling the performance of ultra-large-scale systems using layered simulations. It presents a three-layered simulation model consisting of a world view layer, component layer, and physical layer. This model allows performance to be evaluated at different levels of abstraction. Two case studies are described that apply this modeling approach: one identifies a CPU bottleneck in an RSS cloud system, and another compares centralized versus distributed monitoring of a large-scale system. The layered simulation model enables performance to be evaluated earlier in the development process and helps different stakeholders understand performance impacts.
Large-Scale Empirical Studies of Mobile AppsSAIL_QU
The document discusses large-scale empirical studies of mobile apps. It describes a dataset of over 500,000 app versions and 200,000 apps that was crawled from the Google Play store in 2011. The dataset includes app files, metadata, and information on software reuse within apps. The rating system for apps is also examined, noting that global ratings are more resilient than version ratings, which can be influenced by only a small number of raters. Most apps recover from rating drops within a few versions. Factors like app size and code reuse are found to correlate with rating increases. As over 90% of apps are free to download, many developers rely on in-app advertisements to generate revenue. Different ad serving models like ad networks,
Supporting Software Evolution Using Adaptive Change PropagationSAIL_QU
This document discusses an approach to adaptive change propagation using heuristics. It proposes tracking the performance of different change propagation heuristics over time and selecting the best performing heuristic for each entity in a Best Heuristic Table (BHT). An empirical study of open source projects found the adaptive heuristics approach achieved higher precision than traditional static heuristics, identifying relevant changed entities 23% more accurately. Over time, as projects evolved, the most effective heuristic was often recording historical changes. Integrating improved historical heuristics into the approach increased performance further, with adaptive heuristics coming within 91-93% of the optimal heuristic.