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Dr. Jennifer Moore
2153 West Concord Place, #2
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: (773)458-8506 Email: jmoore6042@aol.com
Administrative Experience
Interim Principal September 2015-Present
Academy for Global Citizenship Chicago, IL
Curriculum Development: works with teachers and staff to ensure curriculum is aligned with Common Core State Standards and
is achieving school goals; reviews current curriculum and recommends changes based on performance data.
International Baccalaureate Program: establishes learning environment that reflects IB philosophies and practices; ensures that the
IB Learner Profile is established as a goal for each student to achieve; establishes partnerships with other PYP schools locally; and
engages in self-study for PYP reauthorization.
Professional Development: provides leadership in development, support, and effective implementation of schools instructional
program and services leading to academic success of all students through the International Baccalaureate program and
supporting curriculum; supervises and directs subject content personnel as assigned and ensures alignment and evaluation of
educational programs and services; responsible for benchmarking education and career development best practices including
measurement process, and alternative methods of delivery.
Financial Planning: plans for, allocates funding towards, and monitors educational resource needs.
Communications: maintains and enhances communication and seeks assistance from central office staff to improve performance;
works to maintain bidirectional, honest relationships with students, staff, parents, and community members based on mutual
trust and respect.
New Staff and Student Assimilation: orients and assists new staff members and new students and provides opportunities for their
input in the school program.
Community: encourages the use of community resources; cooperates with the community in the use of school facilities; interprets
the school program with the community; and maintains communication with community members.
Diverse Learners: ensures IEP meetings are being held on timely basis and that the needs of special education students are met,
and ensures that the needs of our English Language Learners are met.
Compliance: collaborates with CPS and ISBE to ensure that our school program is in alignment with our charter; and completes
documents requested by ISBE and CPS to explain and document our work.
Leading: provides the structures and opportunities for staff, families and students to engage in the democratic process of
governing our school.
Director of Curriculum and Instruction August 2014-August 2015
Academy for Global Citizenship Chicago, IL
Responsibilities included:
Coordination: developing our International Baccalaureate Program of Inquiry (curriculum development, ordering materials,
finalize assessments, etc.); creating and co-implementing an assessment framework for our school; coordinating school-wide
assessments; coordinating and leading professional development work (new staff, orientation, back to school professional
development, monthly professional development days, and ongoing coaching and intervention); and collaborating with other
coordinators around student data.
Teaching: providing direct instruction to students with various modes of learning to accommodate their different learning styles,
by using inquiry, real-life experiences, current events, information technology, the dramatic arts and other lively sources of
Instructional Strategies: supporting teachers in using many different types of instructional strategies including teaching through
inquiry, differentiating instruction (different learning styles and language backgrounds) and data-driven instruction.
Technology Integration: incorporating technology across all disciplines as much as possible, where appropriate; piloting a typing
program for first graders; and setting up a computer lab.
Professional Development: supporting teachers in curriculum and assessment, and assessing program needs; making a
curriculum and professional development plan for 2015-16; facilitating and participating on the Instructional Leadership Team;
creating and participating in our hiring process; collaborating with the principal to support professional growth cycle; providing
classroom based coaching and support based on teacher needs (including observation/feedback and modeling/reflection);
evaluating the effectiveness of the professional support that staff have received this year; and developing teachers knowledge of
inquiry instruction.
Curriculum Development: working closely with teachers to ensure that the taught curriculum is aligned with Common Core
Learning Standards, the IB PYP, and NGSS and is achieving the goals of the school; developing school-wide assessments; leading
curriculum planning meetings with teachers on a regular basis; documenting curriculum so that it is stored consistently across the
school; and collaborating with Dual Language Coordinator to do the same for Dual Language curricula.
Performance Assessment: working with teachers to set high and measurable goals for student achievement; evaluating student
progress in the instructional program; managing standardized testing; creating a pilot of non-cognitive student assessments;
introducing and supporting the piloting of a new portfolio of all around growth and achievement, according to the wellness
wheel; and co-creating a new school-wide report card.
Community: encouraging the use of community resources by staff; facilitating family workshops; cooperating with families in
welcoming them to our community; and organizing incoming family engagement for 2015-16 (workshops, family meetings).
Organizational Change: co-creating a research-based staff evaluation system; spearheading the implementation of democratic
school structures and processes, such as a School Planning and Management Team, Open Forums with the Principal, the Hiring
Committee, various curriculum committees, using consensus and voting as decision making processes, co-creating agendas, and
having meeting roles in order to share responsibility.
Assistant Principal July 2004  July 2006
Lowell Elementary School Chicago, IL
Responsibilities included: providing instructional support to 57 teachers in grades pre K through 8; collaborating with teachers to
create shared decision making structures and processes within the school; leading staff development on community building,
reading instruction, math instruction, science instruction, classroom management, and social emotional needs of students;
creating and maintaining weekly bulletins to teachers; creating daily communication posters for staff; monitoring student
performance through the analysis of student scores on school wide monthly assessments in reading, writing, and math problem
solving; creating individual staff development plans based on the needs of teachers and implementing these plans; providing
individual instructional support to teachers; working with community partners to create a community school; leading committees
to develop opportunities for teachers and staff to have a voice in school governance; monitoring teachers weekly academic
planning sheets; monitoring teachers lesson plans; meeting with families and students; monitoring student discipline; structuring
the special education program; creating organizational systems within the school; providing teachers with cognitive coaching;
modeling instruction for teachers; allocating funding; and monitoring the school budget.
Literacy Coordinator, Pre K - 8 August 2003  June 2004
Chase Elementary School Chicago, IL
Responsibilities included: providing staff development in reading and writing to 42 teachers in grades pre K through 8;
providing staff development on guided reading and literacy centers to teachers in grades K-6; participating in and providing staff
development on Junior Great Books; teaching model lessons for teachers in grades pre K through 8 in reading and writing
instruction; monitoring monthly reading and writing test prompts given on a school-wide basis; teaching struggling readers in
pull-out programs; collaborating with teachers on how to use assessment to drive their instruction in reading and writing;
collaborating with school counselor to analyze standardized test data; collaborating with Student and Staff Support Team and
individual teachers to design programs that support students in need of additional academic support; designing and
implementing supplementary educational programs for struggling readers during the school day; designing and implementing
supplementary literacy programs for special education and bilingual students both before and after school; planning Family
Literacy Nights; collaborating with a community agency to provide parent leadership training; creating a family home tutoring
program; writing and implementing grants; collaborating with the principal in supervising the Chase/CHASI Community School;
meeting with teachers individually and in grade level teams to plan standards-based instruction; collaborating with the principal,
assistant principal, and teachers in developing a standards-based lesson plan for teachers; attending monthly Literacy
Coordinator meetings; and providing individual and whole school staff development as needed on classroom management,
literacy centers, classroom organization, assessment and additional topics.
Apprentice Principal September 2002  June 2003
Chase Elementary School Chicago, IL
Volunteered to work alongside the principal to learn the responsibilities of running a school and was eventually hired.
Responsibilities included: being the Bilingual Lead Teacher and assuming all associated administrative responsibilities;
coordinating, developing, and monitoring the parent involvement program; facilitating a staff study group in writing; modeling
lessons for teachers; providing teachers with feedback and guidance in literacy instruction; creating a Community School with an
oversight committee that services over 500 students and 200 parents a year; writing grants; monitoring the implementation of
specialized grants; managing an After School Bilingual Dropout Prevention grant; creating a Student and Staff Support Team
which provided staff with an outlet to discuss issues they are facing in relation to student progress; creating a Parent Action
Committee which fostered the involvement of parents at every level of school function; providing parents with training and
feedback on ways to develop their own literacy skills; creating committees to monitor the School Improvement Plan; creating a
portfolio to document principals activities to the Local School Council; attending monthly Area Instructional Officer meetings
with area principals; evaluating staff perceptions of the implementation of the Comer School Development Program; learning the
Chicago Public Schools budgeting process; and attending and presenting at professional development workshops.
Science Materials Center Director September - October 1998
Discovery Science Museum/Beckman Foundation Santa Ana, CA
Created a science materials resource center for Orange County public and private schools; created an accounting system for an
annual budget of $500,000.00; developed physical layout of center; organized staff development; hired staff; and purchased
shelving, furniture, science units and consumable materials.
Science Assessment and Projects Specialist September 1996 - July 1997
Cambridge Public Schools/Education Development Center Cambridge, MA
Collaborated with K-6 classroom teachers on assessing student understandings of science concepts; supported teachers in using a
variety of assessment methods in order to promote assessment as a tool for instruction; co-taught first grade science unit with
classroom teacher; and collaborated with K-6 science staff developers, teachers, and scientists to create a kindergarten sand and
water science unit.
Project Manager August 1994 - September 1996
Cambridge Public Schools/Education Development Center Cambridge, MA
Managed a National Science Foundation Teacher Enhancement Project (Habits of Mind: Science in Cambridge) that facilitated the
implementation of inquiry science education in all Cambridge elementary schools; organized city-wide events, teacher
workshops, and projects for the Science Department; coordinated the city-wide MIT/Cambridge Science Expo for two years;
coordinated the planning and execution of science unit workshops for 300 classroom teachers throughout the school year; worked
with consultants, 7 Science Staff Development Teachers, and 30 Liaison Classroom Teachers; supervised undergraduate interns;
facilitated communication among 80 science staff K-9 and external agencies; initiated and provided forums for parent workshops
on science education.
Consulting Experience
Design Thinking Program Consultant July 2013
WowKids Bogota, Colombia
Responsibilities included collaborating with 5 passionate thinkers to create an afterschool program for children, focused on
helping them develop design thinking skills.
Social-Emotional Consultant July 2012, July 2013
Norwood Park School, Prescott Elementary School Chicago, IL
Responsibilities included providing two-day workshops to incoming staff on how to create a socially supportive learning
environment for children in grades PK-8 and working with a team of teachers to plan year-long professional development around
school culture.
School Consultant August 2006-August 2011
New Schools Project, Erikson Institute Chicago, IL
Responsibilities included consulting in over ten Chicago Public Schools. At these sites, responsibilities varied, based on site
needs, but included: coaching a total of 100 teachers and teacher assistants on how to provide a socially and emotionally
supportive environment for students and staff; providing school-wide staff development on issues related to social-emotional
learning; modeling developmentally appropriate lessons for teachers; providing school-wide staff development on building
parent partnerships; providing school-wide staff development on literacy instruction; helping teachers to analyze student data;
collaborating with the principals, assistant principals, and counselors on developmentally appropriate discipline practices;
meeting with teachers, parents, and the principals to support the success of individual students; cognitively coaching principals
and teachers; providing parent and family workshops on schooling; developing and facilitating teacher study groups; and
teaching literacy courses for over 300 K-8 teachers.
Teaching Experience
Second Grade Hybrid Teacher August 2013  August 2014
Academy for Global Citizenship Chicago, IL
The principal and I designed this position based on the needs of the school community. I co-taught a second grade class of 25
students and engaged in administrative work. My partner teacher and I took turns teaching in 6 week blocks throughout the
school year. When teaching in the classroom, I implemented Responsive Classroom practices to create a caring and supportive
classroom environment; wrote curriculum; taught literacy, math, and science and social studies focused inquiry units; created
assessments and used student data to inform my instruction; built solid, bidirectional relationships with students families;
collaborated with my partner teacher, teaching assistant, and grade level partner teacher; and collaborated with Spanish and
Wellness teachers.
When I was out of the classroom for 6 week blocks and my partner teacher was in the classroom, I provided coaching to new staff;
professional development on inquiry instruction; and conducted an appreciative inquiry into the culture and climate of our
school, which resulted in the creation of my role in 2014-2015 as Professional Development and Curriculum Coordinator.
Fourth Grade Teacher, Fifth Grade Teacher August 2011  August 2013
Academy for Global Citizenship Chicago, IL
Responsibilities included: teaching 24 9 and 10 year olds using the International Baccalaureate philosophy; using assessment to
drive instructional decision-making; writing curriculum; planning and implementing units of inquiry aligned with the schools IB
program; creating an Exhibition process for fifth graders; teaching yoga and meditation to students; implementing Responsive
Classroom and Love and Logic approach to classroom management; using Common Core Standards to guide instruction;
implementing a balanced literacy instructional framework; teaching Singapore Math curriculum; teaching Math Investigations;
providing science and research opportunities for students; designing and carrying out field trip experiences for students that were
grounded in social studies, science, and literacy content; collaborating with colleagues to implement interdisciplinary experiences
for students; providing professional development to colleagues, including National Board coaching; collaborating with
community members, students, and their families to fundraise for grade-level trip to Washington, D.C.; and collaborating with
parents for student success through ongoing meetings and communication.
Adjunct Instructor 2009-2011
Erikson Institute Chicago, IL
Taught graduate level classes on Reflective Teaching, Teaching Methods, and National Boards Certification class.
Third Grade Teacher August 2001  July 2002
Alain Locke Charter Academy Chicago, IL
Taught 20 students in a self-contained classroom; developed student centered lessons using a variety of grouping techniques;
collaborated with teacher assistants and Americorps volunteers; used state and school standards to develop content rich
instruction; collaborated with administrators and colleagues to improve the quality of services provided to students; held
monthly parent/student events, including writing presentations and plays; frequently met with parents to build strong,
communicative relationships; collaborated with support staff to provide inclusion services for students with special needs;
provided extra assistance to students with challenges in mathematics; and individualized instruction to meet the needs of the
Ninth Grade Summer School Teacher Summer 2007
Saint Patrick High School Chicago, IL
Taught incoming ninth grade students about reading strategies they would be expected to use during their high school career.
Collaborated with at-risk counselor to administer individual reading assessments and provide recommendations for remediation.
Second Grade Teacher November 1998 - August 2001
Jane Adams Elementary School Long Beach, CA
Taught 20 English language learners in a self-contained classroom; provided developmentally appropriate, rigorous instruction in
all subject areas; collaborated and co-taught with colleagues; used data-based instruction; taught science through inquiry;
prepared students for standardized testing; modified lessons for new English language learners and students with special needs;
created school-wide documents to facilitate student data analysis; developed classroom management lessons to be used during
the first 20 days of school that were used school-wide; initiated and completed an action research project study with colleagues to
examine how race and ethnicity impact classroom instruction using action research; served as a new teacher coach; and worked
with parents on a on a monthly basis through whole class forums, general parenting issues, and how to best advocate for their
First Grade Teacher August 1997  June 1998
Colegio Bennett Cali, Colombia
Taught English as a Foreign Language to 27 students in an English bilingual school; used inquiry instruction to teach English,
math, science, and social studies; developed an individualized education plan for each student; assessed students using portfolios,
performance assessments, written prompts, and anecdotal records; collaborated with a full time assistant on teaching, learning
and evaluation; and built relationships with parents through conferences several times a year as well as monthly meetings.
Educational History
Doctorate of Education September 2007-October 2011
Pepperdine University Malibu, CA
Degree Focus: Organization Change
Dissertation Title: Exploring the Moral Underground: Self-Organizing Teachers in the Complex Adaptive System of a School
Masters of Education June 2002-August 2003
DePaul University Chicago, IL
Specialization: Educational Leadership
Integrative Paper: Is it Possible for Schools to Meet Students Many Needs? An Overview of the School Development Program
and the Developmental Pathways
Masters of Education January 1994 - November 1995
Lesley College Cambridge, MA
Specialization: Urban Education Reform
Thesis: Creating Partnership Parent Involvement in Urban Elementary Schools: Why and How It Should Happen
Bachelor of Arts September 1990 - December 1993
Hampshire College Amherst, MA
Specialization: Early Childhood Education and Family Studies
Thesis: Gauging Teacher Effectiveness in First Grade Classrooms
Substantial credit coursework and professional development coursework through UCLA Extension, California State University at
Dominguez Hills, Long Beach Unified School District, and Universite de Valle. 1997-2001
National Board Teacher Certification  Master Teacher in Early and Middle Childhood - Literacy
Type 75 Illinois General Administrative Certificate
Type 03 Illinois Self Contained General Education K-3
Earthwatch Teacher Fellowship, Maternal Health and Nutrition in Zimbabwe, 1999
Volunteer Work
Teacher Coach at St. Patrick High School: I volunteered one day a week to support teachers in modifying their instruction to
meet the needs of struggling students. I taught a course on classroom management and building healthy teacher-student
Professional Development Presentations
Complex Adaptive Systems in Schools presentation at National Association of Multicultural Education, 2011
How to Help Your Child Parent Workshop Series, led multiple presentations at LaSalle II Magnet School, 2009
Cognitive Coaching, co-led a presentation on the concept of cognitive coaching for New Schools Network principals, Fall 2007.
Social Emotional Learning and Literacy, led a workshop for Chicago Public School teachers beginning the National Board
Certification Process, July 2007.
Comer in the Classroom, led a workshop presentation to 120 teachers and administrators at mini-101 School Leadership
Conference, Midwest Regional Training Center for Comer Schools, Youth Guidance, Yale University Child Study Center, Corpus
Christi Independent School District, Corpus Christi, TX, January 2005.
Differentiating Instruction, led two workshop presentations to 45 teachers and administrators at the Williams Multiplex,
Chicago, IL, November 2004.
Mapping Curriculum, led two-day workshop for teachers and administrators for Lowndes County Schools, Lowndes County,
AL, June 2004.
Guided Reading: Implementing It, 10-week course for staff, Chase Elementary School, Chicago, IL, 2003.
The Comer Model at Chase, co-led workshop presentation at 101 School Leadership Conference, Midwest Regional Training
Center for Comer Schools, Youth Guidance, Yale University Child Study Center, Chicago, IL, April 2003.
Effective Instruction, co-led workshop presentations to staff at Jane Adams Elementary School, Long Beach, CA., Spring and
Fall 2001.
Classroom Management Strategies in the Elementary School Classroom, co-led workshop presentation for staff members at Jane
Adams Elementary School, Long Beach, CA, August 2001.
Ethnicity in the Classroom, workshop presentation for 60 staff members at Jane Adams Elementary School, Long Beach, CA,
August 1999.
Assessing Hands-on Science, workshop presentation for K-6 classroom teachers from Cambridge Public Schools and staff from
Education Development Center, Cambridge, MA, June 1997.
Habits of Mind: Science in Cambridge, co-led presentation at the National Science Teachers Association Convention, St. Louis,
MO, March 1996.
Intermediate Spanish; excellent communication (verbal and written) and creative problem-solving skills; strong organizational
and computer skills; outstanding analytical and critical thinking skills; exceptional interpersonal skills; enthusiastic; and
extremely thorough and thoughtful.

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  • 1. 1 Dr. Jennifer Moore 2153 West Concord Place, #2 Chicago, IL 60647 Phone: (773)458-8506 Email: jmoore6042@aol.com Administrative Experience Interim Principal September 2015-Present Academy for Global Citizenship Chicago, IL Curriculum Development: works with teachers and staff to ensure curriculum is aligned with Common Core State Standards and is achieving school goals; reviews current curriculum and recommends changes based on performance data. International Baccalaureate Program: establishes learning environment that reflects IB philosophies and practices; ensures that the IB Learner Profile is established as a goal for each student to achieve; establishes partnerships with other PYP schools locally; and engages in self-study for PYP reauthorization. Professional Development: provides leadership in development, support, and effective implementation of schools instructional program and services leading to academic success of all students through the International Baccalaureate program and supporting curriculum; supervises and directs subject content personnel as assigned and ensures alignment and evaluation of educational programs and services; responsible for benchmarking education and career development best practices including measurement process, and alternative methods of delivery. Financial Planning: plans for, allocates funding towards, and monitors educational resource needs. Communications: maintains and enhances communication and seeks assistance from central office staff to improve performance; works to maintain bidirectional, honest relationships with students, staff, parents, and community members based on mutual trust and respect. New Staff and Student Assimilation: orients and assists new staff members and new students and provides opportunities for their input in the school program. Community: encourages the use of community resources; cooperates with the community in the use of school facilities; interprets the school program with the community; and maintains communication with community members. Diverse Learners: ensures IEP meetings are being held on timely basis and that the needs of special education students are met, and ensures that the needs of our English Language Learners are met. Compliance: collaborates with CPS and ISBE to ensure that our school program is in alignment with our charter; and completes documents requested by ISBE and CPS to explain and document our work. Leading: provides the structures and opportunities for staff, families and students to engage in the democratic process of governing our school. Director of Curriculum and Instruction August 2014-August 2015 Academy for Global Citizenship Chicago, IL Responsibilities included: Coordination: developing our International Baccalaureate Program of Inquiry (curriculum development, ordering materials, finalize assessments, etc.); creating and co-implementing an assessment framework for our school; coordinating school-wide assessments; coordinating and leading professional development work (new staff, orientation, back to school professional development, monthly professional development days, and ongoing coaching and intervention); and collaborating with other coordinators around student data. Teaching: providing direct instruction to students with various modes of learning to accommodate their different learning styles, by using inquiry, real-life experiences, current events, information technology, the dramatic arts and other lively sources of knowledge. Instructional Strategies: supporting teachers in using many different types of instructional strategies including teaching through inquiry, differentiating instruction (different learning styles and language backgrounds) and data-driven instruction. Technology Integration: incorporating technology across all disciplines as much as possible, where appropriate; piloting a typing program for first graders; and setting up a computer lab. Professional Development: supporting teachers in curriculum and assessment, and assessing program needs; making a curriculum and professional development plan for 2015-16; facilitating and participating on the Instructional Leadership Team; creating and participating in our hiring process; collaborating with the principal to support professional growth cycle; providing
  • 2. 2 classroom based coaching and support based on teacher needs (including observation/feedback and modeling/reflection); evaluating the effectiveness of the professional support that staff have received this year; and developing teachers knowledge of inquiry instruction. Curriculum Development: working closely with teachers to ensure that the taught curriculum is aligned with Common Core Learning Standards, the IB PYP, and NGSS and is achieving the goals of the school; developing school-wide assessments; leading curriculum planning meetings with teachers on a regular basis; documenting curriculum so that it is stored consistently across the school; and collaborating with Dual Language Coordinator to do the same for Dual Language curricula. Performance Assessment: working with teachers to set high and measurable goals for student achievement; evaluating student progress in the instructional program; managing standardized testing; creating a pilot of non-cognitive student assessments; introducing and supporting the piloting of a new portfolio of all around growth and achievement, according to the wellness wheel; and co-creating a new school-wide report card. Community: encouraging the use of community resources by staff; facilitating family workshops; cooperating with families in welcoming them to our community; and organizing incoming family engagement for 2015-16 (workshops, family meetings). Organizational Change: co-creating a research-based staff evaluation system; spearheading the implementation of democratic school structures and processes, such as a School Planning and Management Team, Open Forums with the Principal, the Hiring Committee, various curriculum committees, using consensus and voting as decision making processes, co-creating agendas, and having meeting roles in order to share responsibility. Assistant Principal July 2004 July 2006 Lowell Elementary School Chicago, IL Responsibilities included: providing instructional support to 57 teachers in grades pre K through 8; collaborating with teachers to create shared decision making structures and processes within the school; leading staff development on community building, reading instruction, math instruction, science instruction, classroom management, and social emotional needs of students; creating and maintaining weekly bulletins to teachers; creating daily communication posters for staff; monitoring student performance through the analysis of student scores on school wide monthly assessments in reading, writing, and math problem solving; creating individual staff development plans based on the needs of teachers and implementing these plans; providing individual instructional support to teachers; working with community partners to create a community school; leading committees to develop opportunities for teachers and staff to have a voice in school governance; monitoring teachers weekly academic planning sheets; monitoring teachers lesson plans; meeting with families and students; monitoring student discipline; structuring the special education program; creating organizational systems within the school; providing teachers with cognitive coaching; modeling instruction for teachers; allocating funding; and monitoring the school budget. Literacy Coordinator, Pre K - 8 August 2003 June 2004 Chase Elementary School Chicago, IL Responsibilities included: providing staff development in reading and writing to 42 teachers in grades pre K through 8; providing staff development on guided reading and literacy centers to teachers in grades K-6; participating in and providing staff development on Junior Great Books; teaching model lessons for teachers in grades pre K through 8 in reading and writing instruction; monitoring monthly reading and writing test prompts given on a school-wide basis; teaching struggling readers in pull-out programs; collaborating with teachers on how to use assessment to drive their instruction in reading and writing; collaborating with school counselor to analyze standardized test data; collaborating with Student and Staff Support Team and individual teachers to design programs that support students in need of additional academic support; designing and implementing supplementary educational programs for struggling readers during the school day; designing and implementing supplementary literacy programs for special education and bilingual students both before and after school; planning Family Literacy Nights; collaborating with a community agency to provide parent leadership training; creating a family home tutoring program; writing and implementing grants; collaborating with the principal in supervising the Chase/CHASI Community School; meeting with teachers individually and in grade level teams to plan standards-based instruction; collaborating with the principal, assistant principal, and teachers in developing a standards-based lesson plan for teachers; attending monthly Literacy Coordinator meetings; and providing individual and whole school staff development as needed on classroom management, literacy centers, classroom organization, assessment and additional topics.
  • 3. 3 Apprentice Principal September 2002 June 2003 Chase Elementary School Chicago, IL Volunteered to work alongside the principal to learn the responsibilities of running a school and was eventually hired. Responsibilities included: being the Bilingual Lead Teacher and assuming all associated administrative responsibilities; coordinating, developing, and monitoring the parent involvement program; facilitating a staff study group in writing; modeling lessons for teachers; providing teachers with feedback and guidance in literacy instruction; creating a Community School with an oversight committee that services over 500 students and 200 parents a year; writing grants; monitoring the implementation of specialized grants; managing an After School Bilingual Dropout Prevention grant; creating a Student and Staff Support Team which provided staff with an outlet to discuss issues they are facing in relation to student progress; creating a Parent Action Committee which fostered the involvement of parents at every level of school function; providing parents with training and feedback on ways to develop their own literacy skills; creating committees to monitor the School Improvement Plan; creating a portfolio to document principals activities to the Local School Council; attending monthly Area Instructional Officer meetings with area principals; evaluating staff perceptions of the implementation of the Comer School Development Program; learning the Chicago Public Schools budgeting process; and attending and presenting at professional development workshops. Science Materials Center Director September - October 1998 Discovery Science Museum/Beckman Foundation Santa Ana, CA Created a science materials resource center for Orange County public and private schools; created an accounting system for an annual budget of $500,000.00; developed physical layout of center; organized staff development; hired staff; and purchased shelving, furniture, science units and consumable materials. Science Assessment and Projects Specialist September 1996 - July 1997 Cambridge Public Schools/Education Development Center Cambridge, MA Collaborated with K-6 classroom teachers on assessing student understandings of science concepts; supported teachers in using a variety of assessment methods in order to promote assessment as a tool for instruction; co-taught first grade science unit with classroom teacher; and collaborated with K-6 science staff developers, teachers, and scientists to create a kindergarten sand and water science unit. Project Manager August 1994 - September 1996 Cambridge Public Schools/Education Development Center Cambridge, MA Managed a National Science Foundation Teacher Enhancement Project (Habits of Mind: Science in Cambridge) that facilitated the implementation of inquiry science education in all Cambridge elementary schools; organized city-wide events, teacher workshops, and projects for the Science Department; coordinated the city-wide MIT/Cambridge Science Expo for two years; coordinated the planning and execution of science unit workshops for 300 classroom teachers throughout the school year; worked with consultants, 7 Science Staff Development Teachers, and 30 Liaison Classroom Teachers; supervised undergraduate interns; facilitated communication among 80 science staff K-9 and external agencies; initiated and provided forums for parent workshops on science education. Consulting Experience Design Thinking Program Consultant July 2013 WowKids Bogota, Colombia Responsibilities included collaborating with 5 passionate thinkers to create an afterschool program for children, focused on helping them develop design thinking skills. Social-Emotional Consultant July 2012, July 2013 Norwood Park School, Prescott Elementary School Chicago, IL Responsibilities included providing two-day workshops to incoming staff on how to create a socially supportive learning environment for children in grades PK-8 and working with a team of teachers to plan year-long professional development around school culture.
  • 4. 4 School Consultant August 2006-August 2011 New Schools Project, Erikson Institute Chicago, IL Responsibilities included consulting in over ten Chicago Public Schools. At these sites, responsibilities varied, based on site needs, but included: coaching a total of 100 teachers and teacher assistants on how to provide a socially and emotionally supportive environment for students and staff; providing school-wide staff development on issues related to social-emotional learning; modeling developmentally appropriate lessons for teachers; providing school-wide staff development on building parent partnerships; providing school-wide staff development on literacy instruction; helping teachers to analyze student data; collaborating with the principals, assistant principals, and counselors on developmentally appropriate discipline practices; meeting with teachers, parents, and the principals to support the success of individual students; cognitively coaching principals and teachers; providing parent and family workshops on schooling; developing and facilitating teacher study groups; and teaching literacy courses for over 300 K-8 teachers. Teaching Experience Second Grade Hybrid Teacher August 2013 August 2014 Academy for Global Citizenship Chicago, IL The principal and I designed this position based on the needs of the school community. I co-taught a second grade class of 25 students and engaged in administrative work. My partner teacher and I took turns teaching in 6 week blocks throughout the school year. When teaching in the classroom, I implemented Responsive Classroom practices to create a caring and supportive classroom environment; wrote curriculum; taught literacy, math, and science and social studies focused inquiry units; created assessments and used student data to inform my instruction; built solid, bidirectional relationships with students families; collaborated with my partner teacher, teaching assistant, and grade level partner teacher; and collaborated with Spanish and Wellness teachers. When I was out of the classroom for 6 week blocks and my partner teacher was in the classroom, I provided coaching to new staff; professional development on inquiry instruction; and conducted an appreciative inquiry into the culture and climate of our school, which resulted in the creation of my role in 2014-2015 as Professional Development and Curriculum Coordinator. Fourth Grade Teacher, Fifth Grade Teacher August 2011 August 2013 Academy for Global Citizenship Chicago, IL Responsibilities included: teaching 24 9 and 10 year olds using the International Baccalaureate philosophy; using assessment to drive instructional decision-making; writing curriculum; planning and implementing units of inquiry aligned with the schools IB program; creating an Exhibition process for fifth graders; teaching yoga and meditation to students; implementing Responsive Classroom and Love and Logic approach to classroom management; using Common Core Standards to guide instruction; implementing a balanced literacy instructional framework; teaching Singapore Math curriculum; teaching Math Investigations; providing science and research opportunities for students; designing and carrying out field trip experiences for students that were grounded in social studies, science, and literacy content; collaborating with colleagues to implement interdisciplinary experiences for students; providing professional development to colleagues, including National Board coaching; collaborating with community members, students, and their families to fundraise for grade-level trip to Washington, D.C.; and collaborating with parents for student success through ongoing meetings and communication. Adjunct Instructor 2009-2011 Erikson Institute Chicago, IL Taught graduate level classes on Reflective Teaching, Teaching Methods, and National Boards Certification class. Third Grade Teacher August 2001 July 2002 Alain Locke Charter Academy Chicago, IL Taught 20 students in a self-contained classroom; developed student centered lessons using a variety of grouping techniques; collaborated with teacher assistants and Americorps volunteers; used state and school standards to develop content rich instruction; collaborated with administrators and colleagues to improve the quality of services provided to students; held monthly parent/student events, including writing presentations and plays; frequently met with parents to build strong, communicative relationships; collaborated with support staff to provide inclusion services for students with special needs;
  • 5. 5 provided extra assistance to students with challenges in mathematics; and individualized instruction to meet the needs of the students. Ninth Grade Summer School Teacher Summer 2007 Saint Patrick High School Chicago, IL Taught incoming ninth grade students about reading strategies they would be expected to use during their high school career. Collaborated with at-risk counselor to administer individual reading assessments and provide recommendations for remediation. Second Grade Teacher November 1998 - August 2001 Jane Adams Elementary School Long Beach, CA Taught 20 English language learners in a self-contained classroom; provided developmentally appropriate, rigorous instruction in all subject areas; collaborated and co-taught with colleagues; used data-based instruction; taught science through inquiry; prepared students for standardized testing; modified lessons for new English language learners and students with special needs; created school-wide documents to facilitate student data analysis; developed classroom management lessons to be used during the first 20 days of school that were used school-wide; initiated and completed an action research project study with colleagues to examine how race and ethnicity impact classroom instruction using action research; served as a new teacher coach; and worked with parents on a on a monthly basis through whole class forums, general parenting issues, and how to best advocate for their children. First Grade Teacher August 1997 June 1998 Colegio Bennett Cali, Colombia Taught English as a Foreign Language to 27 students in an English bilingual school; used inquiry instruction to teach English, math, science, and social studies; developed an individualized education plan for each student; assessed students using portfolios, performance assessments, written prompts, and anecdotal records; collaborated with a full time assistant on teaching, learning and evaluation; and built relationships with parents through conferences several times a year as well as monthly meetings. Educational History Doctorate of Education September 2007-October 2011 Pepperdine University Malibu, CA Degree Focus: Organization Change Dissertation Title: Exploring the Moral Underground: Self-Organizing Teachers in the Complex Adaptive System of a School Masters of Education June 2002-August 2003 DePaul University Chicago, IL Specialization: Educational Leadership Integrative Paper: Is it Possible for Schools to Meet Students Many Needs? An Overview of the School Development Program and the Developmental Pathways Masters of Education January 1994 - November 1995 Lesley College Cambridge, MA Specialization: Urban Education Reform Thesis: Creating Partnership Parent Involvement in Urban Elementary Schools: Why and How It Should Happen Bachelor of Arts September 1990 - December 1993 Hampshire College Amherst, MA Specialization: Early Childhood Education and Family Studies Thesis: Gauging Teacher Effectiveness in First Grade Classrooms Substantial credit coursework and professional development coursework through UCLA Extension, California State University at Dominguez Hills, Long Beach Unified School District, and Universite de Valle. 1997-2001
  • 6. 6 Certifications National Board Teacher Certification Master Teacher in Early and Middle Childhood - Literacy Type 75 Illinois General Administrative Certificate Type 03 Illinois Self Contained General Education K-3 Awards Earthwatch Teacher Fellowship, Maternal Health and Nutrition in Zimbabwe, 1999 Volunteer Work Teacher Coach at St. Patrick High School: I volunteered one day a week to support teachers in modifying their instruction to meet the needs of struggling students. I taught a course on classroom management and building healthy teacher-student relationships. Professional Development Presentations Complex Adaptive Systems in Schools presentation at National Association of Multicultural Education, 2011 How to Help Your Child Parent Workshop Series, led multiple presentations at LaSalle II Magnet School, 2009 Cognitive Coaching, co-led a presentation on the concept of cognitive coaching for New Schools Network principals, Fall 2007. Social Emotional Learning and Literacy, led a workshop for Chicago Public School teachers beginning the National Board Certification Process, July 2007. Comer in the Classroom, led a workshop presentation to 120 teachers and administrators at mini-101 School Leadership Conference, Midwest Regional Training Center for Comer Schools, Youth Guidance, Yale University Child Study Center, Corpus Christi Independent School District, Corpus Christi, TX, January 2005. Differentiating Instruction, led two workshop presentations to 45 teachers and administrators at the Williams Multiplex, Chicago, IL, November 2004. Mapping Curriculum, led two-day workshop for teachers and administrators for Lowndes County Schools, Lowndes County, AL, June 2004. Guided Reading: Implementing It, 10-week course for staff, Chase Elementary School, Chicago, IL, 2003. The Comer Model at Chase, co-led workshop presentation at 101 School Leadership Conference, Midwest Regional Training Center for Comer Schools, Youth Guidance, Yale University Child Study Center, Chicago, IL, April 2003. Effective Instruction, co-led workshop presentations to staff at Jane Adams Elementary School, Long Beach, CA., Spring and Fall 2001. Classroom Management Strategies in the Elementary School Classroom, co-led workshop presentation for staff members at Jane Adams Elementary School, Long Beach, CA, August 2001.
  • 7. 7 Ethnicity in the Classroom, workshop presentation for 60 staff members at Jane Adams Elementary School, Long Beach, CA, August 1999. Assessing Hands-on Science, workshop presentation for K-6 classroom teachers from Cambridge Public Schools and staff from Education Development Center, Cambridge, MA, June 1997. Habits of Mind: Science in Cambridge, co-led presentation at the National Science Teachers Association Convention, St. Louis, MO, March 1996. Skills Intermediate Spanish; excellent communication (verbal and written) and creative problem-solving skills; strong organizational and computer skills; outstanding analytical and critical thinking skills; exceptional interpersonal skills; enthusiastic; and extremely thorough and thoughtful.