3. Datasetについて(1)
? train_users.csv - the training set of
? test_users.csv - the test set of users
– id: user id
– date_account_created: the date of account
– timestamp_first_active: timestamp of the
first activity, note that it can be earlier
than date_account_created
or date_first_booking because a user can
search before signing up
– date_first_booking: date of first booking
– gender
– age
– signup_method
– signup_flow: the page a user came to signup
up from
– language: international
language preference
– affiliate_channel: what kind
of paid marketing
– affiliate_provider: where the
marketing is e.g. google,
craigslist, other
– first_affiliate_tracked: whats
the first marketing the user
interacted with before the
signing up
– signup_app
– first_device_type
– first_browser
– country_destination: this is
the target variable you are
to predict
4. Datasetについて(2)
? sessions.csv - web sessions log for users
– user_id: to be joined with the column 'id' in users table
– action
– action_type
– action_detail
– device_type
– secs_elapsed
? countries.csv - summary statistics of destination countries in
this dataset and their locations
? age_gender_bkts.csv - summary statistics of users' age group,
gender, country of destination
? sample_submission.csv - correct format for submitting your
5. Metricについて(1)
? The evaluation metric for this competition is NDCG (Normalized
discounted cumulative gain) @k where k=5. NDCG is calculated as:
? where reli is the relevance of the result at position i.
? IDCGk is the maximum possible (ideal) DCG for a given set of queries. All
NDCG calculations are relative values on the interval 0.0 to 1.0.
? For each new user, you are to make a maximum of 5 predictions on the
country of the first booking. The ground truth country is marked with
relevance = 1, while the rest have relevance = 0.
? For example, if for a particular user the destination is FR, then the
predictions become: