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Kelly J. Brittain
193 SE 1181Rd.
Knob Noster, MO 65335
To acquire a challenging position which will allow me to use my strong teamwork ethic, valuable
life experience, and to grow personally in a rewarding position.
Grace Baptist Church of Sunset Beach  August 2014 to June 2015
Childrens Ministry Leader: Coordinated ministry for children in the church and the surrounding
community. Organized activities and events for children not only to teach them about Christ but
to help them learn how to serve in their community, regionally and abroad. I also held training
events for lay leaders in children's ministry.
Anne Arundel County Public Schools  October 2012 to June 2014
Substitute Teacher: Responsible for filling in for elementary teachers in their absence. I
substitute taught for regular education teachers at Sunset Elementary School.
Arundel Baptist Association  March 2011 to June 2011
Secretary/Receptionist: Responsible for receptionist duties, creating monthly online newsletters,
coordinating events, and other office responsibilities.
College Parkway Baptist Church  May 2003 to September 2003
Youth Minister: Responsible for leading the youth group in Bible study, Sunday school lessons,
service projects, and other activities. I was also responsible for the childrens sermons during
Sunday morning worship.
Anne Arundel County Public Schools  2003 School Year
Substitute Teacher: Responsible for filling in for elementary teachers in their absence. I
substitute taught for music, art, and regular education teachers at Jacobsville Elementary and
Solley Elementary Schools.
The Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation 
August 1999 to February 2001
Service Learning Program Manager: Responsible for the Service Learning Program by training
teachers and students to link learning and intentional service to their community through an
identified service partner, as well as, reading service learning grants, and awarding grants to
schools K-12 in the Greater New Orleans area. I also coordinated a service celebration event in
September for schools by highlighting past years service projects, guest speakers, and awarding
grant checks to schools.
Kelly J. Brittain - Page 2
Volunteer and Information Agency  August 1998 to August 1999
Youth Services Program Manager: Responsible for managing the Brown Foundation Community
Service Awards Program, Youth Connection Service Council, and Summer of Service Day Camp.
Involved in helping teachers and students gain funding to create and be active in service learning
in their community.
First Baptist Church of New Orleans -- August 1996 to August 1998
Receptionist/Secretary: Responsible for receptionist duties, including telephone responsibilities
and office messages. Involved with, creating newsletters, Powerpoint media presentations, and
other office duties for ministerial staff.
Hannah More School, Baltimore -- August 1994 to August 1996
Teacher Assistant: Involved with teaching emotionally challenged Middle and High School
students. Responsible for assisting the art teacher with lessons and for creating lesson plans.
Substitute teaching responsibilities for other classes.
Hannah More School, Baltimore -- August 1993 to June 1994
One-on-One Aide: Responsible for giving individualized instruction and assistance to a student
with Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
Retail Star, Inc., St. Louis -- February 1991 to July 1993
Retail Manager: Responsible for overseeing and managing the operations of Super Toons, a
licensed cartoon products store.
Enterprise, Inc., St. Louis -- February 1991 to July 1991
Receptionist: Responsible for basic office and telephone skills in a division of Keefe Coffee and
Supply Company.
Maritz Travel Company, St. Louis -- April 1989 to November 1990
Corporate Travel Consultant: Responsible for making air, hotel, and car reservations and for
preparing itineraries. Experience working with the Monsanto Corporation account.
Jefferson College Pool, Hillsboro, Missouri -- September 1987 to May 1988
Lifeguard/Swimming Instructor: Responsible for overseeing the pool and teaching swimming
Kelly J. Brittain - Page 3
Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware  March 2001  Present
Ministers Wives Coordinator: Responsible for ministering to the needs of ministers wives and
their families and coordinating events. I have coordinated an event call Friday Night Unwind
during a ministers wives retreat where I develop fun, relaxing activities for 200 ministers wives,
which include, crafts, spa treatments, a caf辿, and venders.
School Volunteer  August 2007  Present
I have volunteered at my sons Preschools (Faith Baptist Preschool and Community Christian
Preschool) as well as my oldest sons school Monarch Academy and Sunset Elementary. I have
had the responsibilities of cutting out items, laminating, coping, and working with students in
various learning settings.
Other Volunteer Positions
Serving yearly at a Thanksgiving meal for the homeless, teaching Sunday School, teaching
Mission Friends, speaking at womens events, and coordinating womens events and set up.
Associates Degree: Catonsville Community College in general studies with a strong emphasis on
teacher education. I was a Phi Theta Kappa member and an honor student.
Trans World Travel Academy: Acquired PARS proficiency and travel agent skills such as quoting
and booking air, car, and hotel reservations, and modifying itineraries.
Festus R-6 School: Acquired High School Diploma in general studies.
* New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary: Acquired credits toward my Bachelor Degree. I
have a strong desire to finish my Bachelor Degree in the near future.
Kelly J. Brittain - Page 4
Peggy Peek (Friend), 119 Warren Ave., Baltimore, MD 21230 Ph: 443-878-7192
Sherrie Brown (Friend), 994 9th
St., Pasadena, MD 21122 Ph: 410-255-0013
Tina Bouzon (Former Co-worker), 320 Hammond Hwy., Metairie, LA 70005 Ph: 504-834-3433

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Kelly's Resume

  • 1. Kelly J. Brittain 193 SE 1181Rd. Knob Noster, MO 65335 OBJECTIVE To acquire a challenging position which will allow me to use my strong teamwork ethic, valuable life experience, and to grow personally in a rewarding position. EXPERIENCE Grace Baptist Church of Sunset Beach August 2014 to June 2015 Childrens Ministry Leader: Coordinated ministry for children in the church and the surrounding community. Organized activities and events for children not only to teach them about Christ but to help them learn how to serve in their community, regionally and abroad. I also held training events for lay leaders in children's ministry. Anne Arundel County Public Schools October 2012 to June 2014 Substitute Teacher: Responsible for filling in for elementary teachers in their absence. I substitute taught for regular education teachers at Sunset Elementary School. Arundel Baptist Association March 2011 to June 2011 Secretary/Receptionist: Responsible for receptionist duties, creating monthly online newsletters, coordinating events, and other office responsibilities. College Parkway Baptist Church May 2003 to September 2003 Youth Minister: Responsible for leading the youth group in Bible study, Sunday school lessons, service projects, and other activities. I was also responsible for the childrens sermons during Sunday morning worship. Anne Arundel County Public Schools 2003 School Year Substitute Teacher: Responsible for filling in for elementary teachers in their absence. I substitute taught for music, art, and regular education teachers at Jacobsville Elementary and Solley Elementary Schools. The Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation August 1999 to February 2001 Service Learning Program Manager: Responsible for the Service Learning Program by training teachers and students to link learning and intentional service to their community through an identified service partner, as well as, reading service learning grants, and awarding grants to schools K-12 in the Greater New Orleans area. I also coordinated a service celebration event in September for schools by highlighting past years service projects, guest speakers, and awarding grant checks to schools. EXPERIENCE cont.
  • 2. Kelly J. Brittain - Page 2 Volunteer and Information Agency August 1998 to August 1999 Youth Services Program Manager: Responsible for managing the Brown Foundation Community Service Awards Program, Youth Connection Service Council, and Summer of Service Day Camp. Involved in helping teachers and students gain funding to create and be active in service learning in their community. First Baptist Church of New Orleans -- August 1996 to August 1998 Receptionist/Secretary: Responsible for receptionist duties, including telephone responsibilities and office messages. Involved with, creating newsletters, Powerpoint media presentations, and other office duties for ministerial staff. Hannah More School, Baltimore -- August 1994 to August 1996 Teacher Assistant: Involved with teaching emotionally challenged Middle and High School students. Responsible for assisting the art teacher with lessons and for creating lesson plans. Substitute teaching responsibilities for other classes. Hannah More School, Baltimore -- August 1993 to June 1994 One-on-One Aide: Responsible for giving individualized instruction and assistance to a student with Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Retail Star, Inc., St. Louis -- February 1991 to July 1993 Retail Manager: Responsible for overseeing and managing the operations of Super Toons, a licensed cartoon products store. Enterprise, Inc., St. Louis -- February 1991 to July 1991 Receptionist: Responsible for basic office and telephone skills in a division of Keefe Coffee and Supply Company. Maritz Travel Company, St. Louis -- April 1989 to November 1990 Corporate Travel Consultant: Responsible for making air, hotel, and car reservations and for preparing itineraries. Experience working with the Monsanto Corporation account. Jefferson College Pool, Hillsboro, Missouri -- September 1987 to May 1988 Lifeguard/Swimming Instructor: Responsible for overseeing the pool and teaching swimming lessons. Kelly J. Brittain - Page 3
  • 3. VOLUNTEER Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware March 2001 Present Ministers Wives Coordinator: Responsible for ministering to the needs of ministers wives and their families and coordinating events. I have coordinated an event call Friday Night Unwind during a ministers wives retreat where I develop fun, relaxing activities for 200 ministers wives, which include, crafts, spa treatments, a caf辿, and venders. School Volunteer August 2007 Present I have volunteered at my sons Preschools (Faith Baptist Preschool and Community Christian Preschool) as well as my oldest sons school Monarch Academy and Sunset Elementary. I have had the responsibilities of cutting out items, laminating, coping, and working with students in various learning settings. Other Volunteer Positions Serving yearly at a Thanksgiving meal for the homeless, teaching Sunday School, teaching Mission Friends, speaking at womens events, and coordinating womens events and set up. EDUCATION Associates Degree: Catonsville Community College in general studies with a strong emphasis on teacher education. I was a Phi Theta Kappa member and an honor student. Trans World Travel Academy: Acquired PARS proficiency and travel agent skills such as quoting and booking air, car, and hotel reservations, and modifying itineraries. Festus R-6 School: Acquired High School Diploma in general studies. * New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary: Acquired credits toward my Bachelor Degree. I have a strong desire to finish my Bachelor Degree in the near future. Kelly J. Brittain - Page 4 REFERENCES
  • 4. Peggy Peek (Friend), 119 Warren Ave., Baltimore, MD 21230 Ph: 443-878-7192 Sherrie Brown (Friend), 994 9th St., Pasadena, MD 21122 Ph: 410-255-0013 Tina Bouzon (Former Co-worker), 320 Hammond Hwy., Metairie, LA 70005 Ph: 504-834-3433