Temps era temps que un drac ferotge atemoria els voltants de Montblanc.
Devor els animals de pastura fins al punt d'amena巽ar la integritat dels pobladors de la vila.
Per tal d'evitar l'atac de la b竪stia es decid鱈 lliurar-li cada dia un montblanqu鱈. Es va fer un sorteig entre la poblaci坦, inclosa la fam鱈lia reial, i la sort volgu辿 que la persona triada fos la filla del rei.
Quan es disposava a ser engolida pel drac aparegu辿 un cavaller i la salv ferint de mort al drac. Era Sant Jordi.
On el drac vess la seva sang hi nasqu辿 un roser amb roses vermelles. Des d'aleshores es mant辿 la tradici坦 catalana per la qual els homes lliuren una rosa a la seva estimada.
There was once a village called Montblanc with a castle at the top of a mountain. A green and mean dragon lived in the village and the villagers would give it animals to eat, until the animals ran out. The villagers decided to sacrifice the king's daughter to the dragon. As the princess cried for help, Saint George arrived on his horse with a shield and lance. He fought and killed the dragon with a spear through its neck. From the dragon's blood grew a red rose that Saint George gave to the princess.
There once was a kingdom with a castle where a king, queen, and princess lived. A dragon started attacking the village, eating all the animals. Soon, the princess was next to be eaten. A brave knight named Saint George rode in on a horse and fought the dragon, eventually killing it. From the dragon's blood, a rose grew, which the knight gave to the princess. They all lived happily ever after.
Saint George saves a princess from a dragon. From the dragon's blood came a precious rose, which Saint George gifts to the princess. And so ends the story of Saint George and the dragon.
There was once a village called Montblanc with a castle at the top of a mountain. A green and mean dragon lived in the village and the villagers would give it animals to eat, until the animals ran out. The villagers decided to sacrifice the king's daughter to the dragon. As the princess cried for help, Saint George arrived on his horse with a shield and lance. He fought and killed the dragon with a spear through its neck. From the dragon's blood grew a red rose that Saint George gave to the princess.
There once was a kingdom with a castle where a king, queen, and princess lived. A dragon started attacking the village, eating all the animals. Soon, the princess was next to be eaten. A brave knight named Saint George rode in on a horse and fought the dragon, eventually killing it. From the dragon's blood, a rose grew, which the knight gave to the princess. They all lived happily ever after.
Saint George saves a princess from a dragon. From the dragon's blood came a precious rose, which Saint George gifts to the princess. And so ends the story of Saint George and the dragon.
Este documento contiene una lista de palabras relacionadas con dragones en catal叩n, incluyendo diferentes tipos de dragones como "drac", partes de su cuerpo como "ales" y "flama", y lugares asociados como "Xina" y "Sant Jordi".
Los ni単os de una escuela de nivel inicial en Trelew, Chubut, Argentina crearon una historia basada en im叩genes que encontraron sobre un drag坦n. Trabajaron observando las im叩genes y aportando ideas para inventar la trama, con la maestra escribiendo todo. La historia resultante cuenta sobre un drag坦n verde llamado Valent鱈n Federico que quer鱈a comer a la princesa de un castillo. Apareci坦 un caballero llamado Pepe que lo enfrent坦 y lo hiri坦 con su lanza, salvando a la princesa. Luego la pr
Aquesta 辿s una presentaci坦 d'imatges que hem realitzat els alumnes de l'optativa de 4t d'ESO per explicar als nens petits del cole la llegenda de Sant Jordi.
Presentaci坦 escrits Sant Jordi Catala 1cfasolsones
Presentaci坦 feta per alumnes de COMPETIC 3, d'escrits de Sant Jordi elaborats per alumnes de Catal 1 del CFA del Solson竪s, participant a un intercanvi d'escrits amb alumnes del CFA Carme Karr.
2. Hi havia una vegada Un drac
molt ferotge i afamat, que
rondava per un poble.
3. -Primer es va menjar a totes les
ovelles, llavors a totes les vaques,
fins que no va quedar cap animal
4. Com que no tenien amb qu竪 alimentar
el drac, van decidir de sacrificar a les
persones del poble. El poble estava molt
5. Van pensar que la manera m辿s justa de escollir a la
persona sacrificada seria a partir dun sorteig.
Fins que un dia, la princesa va ser la escollida.
6. El drac afamat, es disposava a
menjar-se a la princesa, quan de
sobte un cavaller va apar竪ixer
per salvar-la
7. Aquest cavaller era Sant Jordi! Sant Jordi va
matar al drac dun cop despasa.
De la sang del drac sen va formar un roser
8. Daquell roser, Sant Jordi en va agafar una
rosa i la va oferir a la princesa en senyal
9. I aquesta 辿s la ra坦 per la que el 23 dAbril
es regalen roses a la persona estimada.