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Jazer B. Leuterio
Teacher II
 Inquiry and Research
What sort of questions do you ask most of the time? Write down a question
that requires longer time to answer and a questions that can be addressed
immediately. Relate how you you addressed each of them.
Question that takes longer to answer: _______________________________
My experience in addressing the question: ____________________________
Question that can be answered immediately: __________________________
My experience in addressing the question: ____________________________
Inquiry Research
Inquiry is to look
to information
by asking
questions about
the thing you are
curious about
Research is to
discover truths
by investigating
on your chosen
a systematic way of doing things wherein you are to begin from
the simplest to the most complex modes or patterns of thinking.
Meaning of inquiry  Learning is your way of obtaining knowledge
about your surroundings.
Inquiry is a learning process that motivates you to
obtain knowledge or information about people,
things, places, or events by means of investigating
or asking questions.
 Required to collect data, meaning, facts, and
information about the object of your inquiry, and
examine such data carefully.
Meaning of inquiry Is asking questions to obtain information. This is
an investigation to discover new information that
could add to an existing knowledge to clarify
doubts and even to solve existing problems.
 Execute thinking strategies that range from lower-order
to higher-order thinking skills.
Inquiry is an active learning process.
 You need to probe, investigate, or ask questions to find
answers or solutions.
Inquiry is a problem-solving technique.
 Like scientist, think logically or systematically in seeking
evidence to support their conclusions.
Imagine, speculate, interpret, criticize, and create
something out of what you discovered.
Research Process: The research process describes the various steps
the study will pass through starting from
identification of the problem to utilization of the
results of the study. The whole process is listed as
Identification of the problems
Literature review
Setting the direction of the study
Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data
Evaluation and reporting writing
Community application or utilization of research
The first step in research writing is to
identify and problematize an area of
interest. The researcher points out the area
that needs further study or investigation
given the current state of knowledge on
the matter.
Identification of the problems
After the problem has been identified, the researcher
checks for related materials on the topic that are
available that could serve as a starting point or
reference for the study. The materials provide the
initial view of the extent of efforts done to study the
topic as well as the areas that need further research
often called the gap. The research gap will be the
basis for the purpose of the study
Literature Review
This contains the purpose of the study, the research
questions, and the manner in which the study will be
conducted or the methodology. The purpose of the
study explains why the study is needed. It identifies the
importance of the study in terms of its contribution to
the discipline as well as its impact on society or its social
value. The research questions narrow down the problem
to manageable and feasible tasks which will be carried
out in the methodology. Methodology describes how to
obtain and process the materials and information
needed to answer the research questions.
Setting the Direction of Study
At this stage, the materials and needed
information are gathered, analyzed, and
interpreted. The treatment of the data depends
on the approach that will be used appropriate for
the study.
Collecting, Analyzing, and Interpreting Data
From the analyzed data, conclusion and learning are
drawn. The conclusion is the synthesized answer to
the research questions which is also the answer to
the problem identified in the study. The conclusion
of the study will be the basis for the
recommendations that define the actions and
interventions that could impact the context where
the problem emanates. From this point, the
researcher is now ready to write the whole research
Evaluation and Report Writing
This is the stage where the result of the study is
disseminated back to the community.
For a research to make an impact on society, it is
important that it is shared especially with the
community concerned. This is best
complemented with a plan on how research will
be utilized to realize its full potential in creating a
social value.
Community Application or Utilization of
Research is important in the creation of value that can be
classified in three ways (Creswell 2012):
Importance of Doing Research
 It adds to the existing body of
 It can improve or enhance current
 It can inform policy.
 It adds to the
existing body of
 It can improve or
enhance current
 It can inform
Research is important in the creation of value that can be
classified in three ways (Creswell 2012):
Importance of Doing Research
It adds to the existing body of knowledge The
findings in a research study can provide added
information to better understand issues or phenomena by
confirming or contesting previous results. Research can
likewise be a way to break ground on areas of interest that
have not been investigated or studied before. The result
will become the basis or reference for further studies.
Sample: College Educators Life Balance during K-12
Transition: Focus on Wellness
The study explored the relationship of K-12 Action Plans to
educators life balance (Ramos,2019).
 It adds to the
existing body of
 It can improve or
enhance current
 It can inform
Research is important in the creation of value that can be
classified in three ways (Creswell 2012):
Importance of Doing Research
It can improve or enhance current practices.
Research can evaluate current practices in terms of
effectiveness and efficiency. Effectiveness refers to the
ability of practice to produce the set goal or social value.
Th results of the study can be the basis for decisions,
intervention programs, or plans for improvement.
Sample: Teacher- Parent Collaborative Ethics in Facilitating
Students Homework.
The study highlighted the role of teachers in initiating
collaboration with parents in doing the homework of the
students (Miguel & Abulon, 2019).
 It adds to the
existing body of
 It can improve or
enhance current
 It can inform
Research is important in the creation of value that can be
classified in three ways (Creswell 2012):
Importance of Doing Research
It can inform policy The results of a research study can
be a starting point for changing policies that could affect
the whole organization, community, or society. A policy,
law, or regulation can be drawn as a response or
intervention to the new information obtained in a research
Sample: Urban Poor and Climate Adaptation: The Issue of
Equity in Two Emerging Urban Areas of Eastern Indonesia.
The study looked at equity issue in the climate adaptation
particularly in the context of urban poor (Fathoni, 2018)
 It adds to the
existing body of
 It can improve or
enhance current
 It can inform
The qualities of a good research
can be derived from how
effective and efficient it is in
achieving its purpose to create a
value. The qualities can be
summarized into five major
Characteristics of a Good Research
The qualities of a good research can be derived from
how effective and efficient it is in achieving its
purpose to create a value. The qualities can be
summarized into five major characteristics.
Characteristics of a Good Research
 Rigorous The conduct of research must be
systematic, scientific, and logical. It must follow clear
and logical procedures aimed at answering the
research problem. Each step must be properly
justified in terms of appropriateness.
The qualities of a good research can be derived from
how effective and efficient it is in achieving its
purpose to create a value. The qualities can be
summarized into five major characteristics.
Characteristics of a Good Research
 Replicable The procedures utilized in research must
be replicable in other contexts and the results must
have a wide range of applicability. It is not enough
that the results are only true for a single situation.
They must have a certain degree of generalizability.
The qualities of a good research can be derived from
how effective and efficient it is in achieving its
purpose to create a value. The qualities can be
summarized into five major characteristics.
Characteristics of a Good Research
 Accurate The data that will be used to answer the
questions must be representative of the actual
responses of the participants or actual data as
recorded in the instruments used.
The qualities of a good research can be derived from
how effective and efficient it is in achieving its
purpose to create a value. The qualities can be
summarized into five major characteristics.
Characteristics of a Good Research
 Objective In the analysis of data, the personal bias
of the researcher must be managed well. Personal
inclinations or desired results must be always
avoided. Otherwise, the result will not be credible.
The qualities of a good research can be derived from
how effective and efficient it is in achieving its
purpose to create a value. The qualities can be
summarized into five major characteristics.
Characteristics of a Good Research
 Ethical Data or information from respondents must
be handled with utmost confidentiality and honesty.
Credit must also be given where it is due.
Thank You!!!

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Lesson 1research in daily life 1 ...pptx

  • 2. WARM-UP Inquiry and Research What sort of questions do you ask most of the time? Write down a question that requires longer time to answer and a questions that can be addressed immediately. Relate how you you addressed each of them. Question that takes longer to answer: _______________________________ My experience in addressing the question: ____________________________ Question that can be answered immediately: __________________________ My experience in addressing the question: ____________________________
  • 3. Inquiry Research Inquiry is to look to information by asking various questions about the thing you are curious about Research is to discover truths by investigating on your chosen topic scientifically a systematic way of doing things wherein you are to begin from the simplest to the most complex modes or patterns of thinking.
  • 4. NATURE OF INQUIRY INQUIRY-BASED LEARNING Meaning of inquiry Learning is your way of obtaining knowledge about your surroundings. Inquiry is a learning process that motivates you to obtain knowledge or information about people, things, places, or events by means of investigating or asking questions. Required to collect data, meaning, facts, and information about the object of your inquiry, and examine such data carefully.
  • 5. Meaning of inquiry Is asking questions to obtain information. This is an investigation to discover new information that could add to an existing knowledge to clarify doubts and even to solve existing problems. Execute thinking strategies that range from lower-order to higher-order thinking skills. Inquiry is an active learning process. You need to probe, investigate, or ask questions to find answers or solutions. Inquiry is a problem-solving technique. Like scientist, think logically or systematically in seeking evidence to support their conclusions. Imagine, speculate, interpret, criticize, and create something out of what you discovered.
  • 6. Research Process: The research process describes the various steps the study will pass through starting from identification of the problem to utilization of the results of the study. The whole process is listed as follows: Identification of the problems Literature review Setting the direction of the study Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data Evaluation and reporting writing Community application or utilization of research
  • 7. The first step in research writing is to identify and problematize an area of interest. The researcher points out the area that needs further study or investigation given the current state of knowledge on the matter. Identification of the problems
  • 8. After the problem has been identified, the researcher checks for related materials on the topic that are available that could serve as a starting point or reference for the study. The materials provide the initial view of the extent of efforts done to study the topic as well as the areas that need further research often called the gap. The research gap will be the basis for the purpose of the study Literature Review
  • 9. This contains the purpose of the study, the research questions, and the manner in which the study will be conducted or the methodology. The purpose of the study explains why the study is needed. It identifies the importance of the study in terms of its contribution to the discipline as well as its impact on society or its social value. The research questions narrow down the problem to manageable and feasible tasks which will be carried out in the methodology. Methodology describes how to obtain and process the materials and information needed to answer the research questions. Setting the Direction of Study
  • 10. At this stage, the materials and needed information are gathered, analyzed, and interpreted. The treatment of the data depends on the approach that will be used appropriate for the study. Collecting, Analyzing, and Interpreting Data
  • 11. From the analyzed data, conclusion and learning are drawn. The conclusion is the synthesized answer to the research questions which is also the answer to the problem identified in the study. The conclusion of the study will be the basis for the recommendations that define the actions and interventions that could impact the context where the problem emanates. From this point, the researcher is now ready to write the whole research paper. Evaluation and Report Writing
  • 12. This is the stage where the result of the study is disseminated back to the community. For a research to make an impact on society, it is important that it is shared especially with the community concerned. This is best complemented with a plan on how research will be utilized to realize its full potential in creating a social value. Community Application or Utilization of Research
  • 13. Research is important in the creation of value that can be classified in three ways (Creswell 2012): Importance of Doing Research It adds to the existing body of knowledge. It can improve or enhance current practices. It can inform policy. It adds to the existing body of knowledge. It can improve or enhance current practices. It can inform policy.
  • 14. Research is important in the creation of value that can be classified in three ways (Creswell 2012): Importance of Doing Research It adds to the existing body of knowledge The findings in a research study can provide added information to better understand issues or phenomena by confirming or contesting previous results. Research can likewise be a way to break ground on areas of interest that have not been investigated or studied before. The result will become the basis or reference for further studies. Sample: College Educators Life Balance during K-12 Transition: Focus on Wellness The study explored the relationship of K-12 Action Plans to educators life balance (Ramos,2019). It adds to the existing body of knowledge. It can improve or enhance current practices. It can inform policy.
  • 15. Research is important in the creation of value that can be classified in three ways (Creswell 2012): Importance of Doing Research It can improve or enhance current practices. Research can evaluate current practices in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Effectiveness refers to the ability of practice to produce the set goal or social value. Th results of the study can be the basis for decisions, intervention programs, or plans for improvement. Sample: Teacher- Parent Collaborative Ethics in Facilitating Students Homework. The study highlighted the role of teachers in initiating collaboration with parents in doing the homework of the students (Miguel & Abulon, 2019). It adds to the existing body of knowledge. It can improve or enhance current practices. It can inform policy.
  • 16. Research is important in the creation of value that can be classified in three ways (Creswell 2012): Importance of Doing Research It can inform policy The results of a research study can be a starting point for changing policies that could affect the whole organization, community, or society. A policy, law, or regulation can be drawn as a response or intervention to the new information obtained in a research study. Sample: Urban Poor and Climate Adaptation: The Issue of Equity in Two Emerging Urban Areas of Eastern Indonesia. The study looked at equity issue in the climate adaptation particularly in the context of urban poor (Fathoni, 2018) It adds to the existing body of knowledge. It can improve or enhance current practices. It can inform policy.
  • 17. The qualities of a good research can be derived from how effective and efficient it is in achieving its purpose to create a value. The qualities can be summarized into five major characteristics. Characteristics of a Good Research Rigorous Replicable Accurate Objective Ethical
  • 18. The qualities of a good research can be derived from how effective and efficient it is in achieving its purpose to create a value. The qualities can be summarized into five major characteristics. Characteristics of a Good Research Rigorous The conduct of research must be systematic, scientific, and logical. It must follow clear and logical procedures aimed at answering the research problem. Each step must be properly justified in terms of appropriateness.
  • 19. The qualities of a good research can be derived from how effective and efficient it is in achieving its purpose to create a value. The qualities can be summarized into five major characteristics. Characteristics of a Good Research Replicable The procedures utilized in research must be replicable in other contexts and the results must have a wide range of applicability. It is not enough that the results are only true for a single situation. They must have a certain degree of generalizability.
  • 20. The qualities of a good research can be derived from how effective and efficient it is in achieving its purpose to create a value. The qualities can be summarized into five major characteristics. Characteristics of a Good Research Accurate The data that will be used to answer the questions must be representative of the actual responses of the participants or actual data as recorded in the instruments used.
  • 21. The qualities of a good research can be derived from how effective and efficient it is in achieving its purpose to create a value. The qualities can be summarized into five major characteristics. Characteristics of a Good Research Objective In the analysis of data, the personal bias of the researcher must be managed well. Personal inclinations or desired results must be always avoided. Otherwise, the result will not be credible.
  • 22. The qualities of a good research can be derived from how effective and efficient it is in achieving its purpose to create a value. The qualities can be summarized into five major characteristics. Characteristics of a Good Research Ethical Data or information from respondents must be handled with utmost confidentiality and honesty. Credit must also be given where it is due.