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Mark Bradshaw
1195 N Main Street #7V Layton, UT 84041
mark.bradshaw1@aol.com - (801) 916-8383
Qualified professional with over 15+ years of management leadership, and customer service experience. Goal
oriented individual with desire to develop more efficient processes for business outcomes and customer needs.
Assertive in meeting new goals and challenges with an eager desire to expand knowledge to benefit accounts,
customer, and employer.
General Manager
Titlemax  Ogden, Utah - October 2013 to present
Supervised and maintained 2 employees performance measures
* Training stores for all management positions for Utah region
* Developed and implemented marketing strategy for area to meet the business needs
* Customer service feedback excellent
* Every month audit scores above company standard
* Opened first store in region and set standards and operation expectations for region
Store Manager
Michaels Arts & Craft Stores - Salt Lake City, UT - December 2004 to January 2013
Supervised and maintained 46 employees' performance measures.
 Developed employees for management positions and established their goal expectations.
 Merchandised difficult layout for company merchandising initiatives.
 Administered management training for over 3 years.
 Maintained inventory controls.
 Managed highest volume and profit store in district.
General Manager/District Manager
Macs Hobby & Craft - Sandy, UT  March 2002 to December 2004
Supervised 5-6 stores (164 employees). Developed managers for promotions.
 Purchased all of the holiday and seasonal merchandise.
 Oversee and marketed all merchandising.
 Budgeted all companies' sales, labor and operating expenses.
 Supervised companies' paperwork, budgets, receivables, payables, etc.
 Planned and executed all company initiatives, and regulated store standards.
 Developed store ads, and created pricing for grossing purpose.
Store Director
Smith's Food and Drug - Murray, UT - May 1988 to March 2002
Supervised 93 employees developed and trained all management employees.
 Hired and terminated Workforce.
 Maintained inventory controls.
 Planned all executed all company initiatives.
 Responsible and ensured employee morale.
 Store director for 3 years, Assistant store direct for 3 years, and produce manager for 8 years.
High School Diploma in Business Administration
East High School - Salt Lake City, UT
Leadership Development Program
University of Utah - Salt Lake City, UT
Professional Skills:
Organizational Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Time Management
Problem Solving
Computer Literate
Cash Handling
Inventory Control
Conflict Management
Business Math
Project Management
Attention to Detail
Retail Management
Microsoft Office
Corporate Repoire
Report Management
Positive Attitude

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  • 1. Mark Bradshaw Manager 1195 N Main Street #7V Layton, UT 84041 mark.bradshaw1@aol.com - (801) 916-8383 Qualified professional with over 15+ years of management leadership, and customer service experience. Goal oriented individual with desire to develop more efficient processes for business outcomes and customer needs. Assertive in meeting new goals and challenges with an eager desire to expand knowledge to benefit accounts, customer, and employer. WORK EXPERIENCE General Manager Titlemax Ogden, Utah - October 2013 to present Supervised and maintained 2 employees performance measures * Training stores for all management positions for Utah region * Developed and implemented marketing strategy for area to meet the business needs * Customer service feedback excellent * Every month audit scores above company standard * Opened first store in region and set standards and operation expectations for region Store Manager Michaels Arts & Craft Stores - Salt Lake City, UT - December 2004 to January 2013 Supervised and maintained 46 employees' performance measures. Developed employees for management positions and established their goal expectations. Merchandised difficult layout for company merchandising initiatives. Administered management training for over 3 years. Maintained inventory controls. Managed highest volume and profit store in district. General Manager/District Manager Macs Hobby & Craft - Sandy, UT March 2002 to December 2004 Supervised 5-6 stores (164 employees). Developed managers for promotions. Purchased all of the holiday and seasonal merchandise. Oversee and marketed all merchandising. Budgeted all companies' sales, labor and operating expenses. Supervised companies' paperwork, budgets, receivables, payables, etc. Planned and executed all company initiatives, and regulated store standards. Developed store ads, and created pricing for grossing purpose. Store Director Smith's Food and Drug - Murray, UT - May 1988 to March 2002 Supervised 93 employees developed and trained all management employees. Hired and terminated Workforce. Maintained inventory controls. Planned all executed all company initiatives. Responsible and ensured employee morale. Store director for 3 years, Assistant store direct for 3 years, and produce manager for 8 years. EDUCATION High School Diploma in Business Administration East High School - Salt Lake City, UT Leadership Development Program University of Utah - Salt Lake City, UT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Professional Skills:
  • 2. Organizational Skills Communication Interpersonal Skills Time Management Problem Solving Computer Literate Cash Handling Marketing Merchandising Inventory Control Teamwork Conflict Management Business Math Project Management Instructing Email Attention to Detail Retail Management Microsoft Office Corporate Repoire Reconciling Auditing Report Management Positive Attitude