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TUTORIAL 1, 2 & 3
Cockcroft Report (Cockcroft, 1982)
 defined as the skills and dispositions needed
by ordinary people in work and daily life. Since
then, definitions have abounded!
Commonwealth in Australia in 1997
numeracy is the effective use of mathematics to
meet the general demands of life at home, in
paid work, and for participation in community
and civic life.
(Australian Association of Mathematics
Teachers, 1997)
 The statement continues
Thus numeracy is:
 distinct from literacy;
 more than number sense;
 not only school mathematics; and
(Australian Association of Mathematics
Teachers, 1997, 39)
 Numeracy is also called school mathematics,
quantitative literacy or mathematical literacy
 Everyone should remember that:
 Numeracy is more than number
 Many people use mathematics or
mathematical literacy as synonyms for
 Being numerate means using mathematics
effectively to meet the general demands of
ones current and future life
 Numeracy is everyones business
National Mathematics Curriculum
 In school education, numeracy is a fundamental
component of learning across all areas of the
curriculum. It involves the disposition to use, in
context, a combination of:
 underpinning mathematical concepts and skills
from across the discipline (numerical, spatial,
graphical, statistical and algebraic);
 mathematical thinking and strategies;
 general thinking skills; and
 grounded appreciation of context.
Question 1
 First, use a biggest ship on a sea, then mark the
level of water at the side of ship as A.
 Place the elephant on the ship, look the water
level again then mark as a B.
 Get out of the elephant from the ship.
 After that put bricks until the level reach at point
B. Each brick weight is 10 kg.
 The weight of the elephant is equal to how many
bricks that we use to reach the point B water
Question 2
 Firstly, fill up 5 litre container with water. Then pour
the water into the 3 litre container, we get 2 litre water
left in 5 litre container. Pour the water in the 3 litre
container to put the 2 litre water in that container. Fill
up the 5 litre container. So, we will get 7 litre water.
 How to get 4 litre of water?? .. Pour the water in the 5
litre container into the 3 litre container that have 2 litre
inside that container. Pour the water until the 3 litre
container is full. So we will get 4 litre water in the 5
litre container.
Tutorial 3
In northern Nigeria there was a man who had 68 big camels and 3 sons Babangida. The
1st born, Tanko, the 2nd born and Jatau, the last born. As he was about to die, he uttered
his last words as follows: "If I die, Babangida, I don't like any lawyer to divide those camels
as irrationally as the way he may like. So tell him this is how I want the camels to be
divided among the three of you: You take half of the camels, Tanko takes one-third (1/3)
and Jatau takes one-ninth (1/9) of the camels. That's how I like it, Babangida, no other
way; don't let any of the camels be slaughtered and its meat be divided because it's
against the rule of our forefathers to slaughter any of the camels."
If you were the lawyer, how can you divide the camels as their father wanted it?

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  • 2. Cockcroft Report (Cockcroft, 1982) defined as the skills and dispositions needed by ordinary people in work and daily life. Since then, definitions have abounded!
  • 3. Commonwealth in Australia in 1997 numeracy is the effective use of mathematics to meet the general demands of life at home, in paid work, and for participation in community and civic life. (Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, 1997)
  • 4. The statement continues Thus numeracy is: distinct from literacy; more than number sense; not only school mathematics; and cross-curricular. (Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, 1997, 39)
  • 5. conclusion Numeracy is also called school mathematics, quantitative literacy or mathematical literacy Numeracy
  • 6. Important!!!!! Everyone should remember that: Numeracy is more than number Many people use mathematics or mathematical literacy as synonyms for numeracy Being numerate means using mathematics effectively to meet the general demands of ones current and future life Numeracy is everyones business
  • 7. National Mathematics Curriculum In school education, numeracy is a fundamental component of learning across all areas of the curriculum. It involves the disposition to use, in context, a combination of: underpinning mathematical concepts and skills from across the discipline (numerical, spatial, graphical, statistical and algebraic); mathematical thinking and strategies; general thinking skills; and grounded appreciation of context.
  • 8. Question 1 First, use a biggest ship on a sea, then mark the level of water at the side of ship as A. Place the elephant on the ship, look the water level again then mark as a B. Get out of the elephant from the ship. After that put bricks until the level reach at point B. Each brick weight is 10 kg. The weight of the elephant is equal to how many bricks that we use to reach the point B water level.
  • 9. Question 2 Firstly, fill up 5 litre container with water. Then pour the water into the 3 litre container, we get 2 litre water left in 5 litre container. Pour the water in the 3 litre container to put the 2 litre water in that container. Fill up the 5 litre container. So, we will get 7 litre water. How to get 4 litre of water?? .. Pour the water in the 5 litre container into the 3 litre container that have 2 litre inside that container. Pour the water until the 3 litre container is full. So we will get 4 litre water in the 5 litre container.
  • 10. Tutorial 3 In northern Nigeria there was a man who had 68 big camels and 3 sons Babangida. The 1st born, Tanko, the 2nd born and Jatau, the last born. As he was about to die, he uttered his last words as follows: "If I die, Babangida, I don't like any lawyer to divide those camels as irrationally as the way he may like. So tell him this is how I want the camels to be divided among the three of you: You take half of the camels, Tanko takes one-third (1/3) and Jatau takes one-ninth (1/9) of the camels. That's how I like it, Babangida, no other way; don't let any of the camels be slaughtered and its meat be divided because it's against the rule of our forefathers to slaughter any of the camels." If you were the lawyer, how can you divide the camels as their father wanted it?