MUST library has been installed RFID for a year, this ppt shows some user feedbacks and usage statistics. like to share with our experience with other libraies.
MUST library has been installed RFID for a year, this ppt shows some user feedbacks and usage statistics. like to share with our experience with other libraies.
Harmonized Security for Multi-network Video ServicesVerimatrix
Verimatrix provides revenue security solutions for multi-network video services across devices. It has over 590 operator customers in over 90 countries protecting over $5 billion in revenue. As video consumption expands across networks and devices, Verimatrix offers an integrated solution with a single security authority to harmonize protection for linear, on-demand and over-the-top services on any screen.
IBC 2013 Multi-network Forum - Sony Pictures EntertainmentVerimatrix
The document discusses second screen experiences for multiscreen content. It discusses how the second screen can provide additional content the user wants alongside the main program, such as related videos, music, social media, and playback controls. It emphasizes that providing a rich set of second screen content should start in pre-production to ensure the right content is available. It also stresses the importance of synchronizing the second screen content with the main screen video through techniques like audio watermarking or WiFi sync, so the supplemental content appears when the user wants it. Finally, it recommends integrating social media interfaces into the second screen app to give users access to everything they want in a single app experience.
- Rockwool International A/S reported financial results for the first half of 2012, with sales increasing 9% compared to the same period in 2011.
- EBIT increased 46% to DKK 430 million, driven by growth in both the Insulation and Systems segments.
- The company expects full-year 2012 sales to increase at least 5% and confirms earnings guidance of DKK 650-700 million.
Building Community in Online, Blended, and Face-to-Face Environmentskpritcha
The document discusses building a learning community for an online geography course with over 2,750 students. It explains that a learning community is a group that shares values and beliefs and actively learns from each other. Creating a sense of community can increase student engagement and learning as students support each other. The document outlines various free online tools like Facebook, Twitter and video chat that can help build connections between students and the professor. It provides examples of how the community in this course has led to enriching experiences like a Skype session with Aung San Suu Kyi and shows that a community can achieve more than individuals alone.
Towards Secure Multi-network Video Services - Cable Congress 2015Verimatrix
At Cable Congress 2015, President Steve Oetegenn presented a keynote address on how cable operators can establish secure multi-network video services.
Multi-screen video service is now a critical aspect of the cable value proposition, with customers demanding access to traditional linear and personalized TV content on screens throughout the home. With the reach of mobile and WiFi bandwidth, this compelling service offering can potentially be more universally available, enabling the cable brand more globally for the consumer on the devices they use devices they use most frequently.
In making content available anywhere, the necessity for harmonized, robust rights management becomes ever more crucial. In this session, Steve explored considerations related to revenue security in a multi-network world, as the common thread of security is interwoven through the assembly of video delivery system architecture and components.
This document is a short presentation about haiku poetry that consists of 5-7-5 syllables. It features 5 photos credited to kenteegardin and encourages the reader to create their own haiku deck presentation on 際際滷Share. The presentation provides a brief introduction to haiku poetry and its syllable structure.
The document discusses how the National Military Family Association conducted research to define their messaging and communication strategy. They surveyed military families, conducted interviews and scans of the issues landscape and media to understand perspectives. They also reviewed best practices. The goal was for the Association to clarify their messaging and how they want to communicate as an organization to their key stakeholders.
The document discusses the "catch ball technique" for encouraging employees to take ownership of targets and goals. The technique involves a series of discussions between team members where they debate capabilities and throw responsibility for targets "like a ball" until consensus is reached. This empowers employees and leads to more planning, shared understanding of challenges, and accountability compared to traditional top-down goal setting. The catch ball technique can ultimately change organizational culture to be more open, transparent, and focused on agreement over disagreement.
The document classifies several examples of matter as elements, compounds, mixtures, homogeneous mixtures, or heterogeneous mixtures. A penny is an element because it is made of copper. Table salt and water are compounds because they are made up of NaCl and H2O, respectively. Color dye in water and iced tea are mixtures because they combine two different types of atoms. Mixed nuts is also a mixture because it combines almonds, pistachios and walnuts. Milk and Jell-o are homogeneous mixtures because they have the same composition throughout. Italian dressing and water and oil are heterogeneous mixtures because they combine substances but are not uniform in composition.
Capitalizing on OTT Breakfast Forum-Martin Schwarz, RealNetworksVerimatrix
The document discusses an "Entertainment Center" model for mobile carriers and IPTV operators to provide a single interface for accessing all third-party media services while maintaining control over the user experience. It proposes an all-in-one media application that acts as a central hub for services like YouTube, Netflix, and Hulu while enabling various monetization options like streaming, rentals, and purchases across devices. The Entertainment Center approach aims to maximize revenue through targeted recommendations and integrated user accounts across media sources.
Multi-network Solutions in the Real World: NAB 2012, Bill Rosenblatt, GiantSt...Verimatrix
By any analysis, today's pay television operators are facing a more competitive marketplace than ever before. Pure play over-the-top (OTT) providers have joined the traditional battle between cable, satellite and IPTV, creating more concern for legacy players.
This new competitive landscape for video services has increasingly meant delivering content in parallel over different networks to a wider variety of devices. With the latest technologies and protocols enabling OTT video, operators are now combining their proprietary delivery networks with wireless and the Internet for a more compelling consumer experience.
But these new offerings require more complex solutions for encoding, managing, and distributing content and navigating the thorny arena of content rights on new types of devices that operate inside and outside of the subscriber's home. As early TV Everywhere ventures have illustrated, the challenges of acquisition and management of such rights should not be underestimated.
View the presentations from the Multi-network Solutions in the Real World Forum during NAB 2012. An expert panel presented the opportunities, challenges and solutions for commercial video delivery over combinations of managed and unmanaged networks.
1. U niversiti K ebangsaan M alaysia Teknik Penyoalan Guru Kemahiran Hidup dengan Menggunakan Power Point Armeida Binti Abu Bakar (P52066) Aida Suhanim Binti Abdul Karim (P52040) Sasira Binti Nordin (P51997)
2. U niversiti K ebangsaan M alaysia PENGENALAN Proses pemahaman dan pengusaan kepada topik matapelajaran dipengaruhi oleh minat pelajar. Soalan dan penyoalan salah satu kaedah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman pelajar. Penggunaan Aplikasi Power Point adalah seiring dengan dunia Teknologi Komunikasi dan Maklumat (TKM) pada zaman ini.
3. U niversiti K ebangsaan M alaysia PENYATAAN MASALAH DAN OBJEKTIF
4. U niversiti K ebangsaan M alaysia METODOLOGI KAJIAN 1 2 Model Kemmis & McTaggart (1983)
5. U niversiti K ebangsaan M alaysia SAMPEL, INSTRUMEN & PROSEDUR KAJIAN Sampel Kajian Instrumen Kajian 2 kelas: BM KHB Pemerhatian Temubual Prosedur Kajian Merancang Bertindak Melaksana Merefleksi
6. U niversiti K ebangsaan M alaysia DAPATAN KAJIAN Kaedah Pemerhatian (Sebelum) Fokus Pemerhatian : Penggunaan kaedah tradisional dalam aktiviti soal jawab. Lemah Sederhana Baik Catatan Penglibatan pelajar dalam kelas Pelajar kelihatan pasif semasa kaedah dijalankan. Hanya terdapat beberapa orang pelajar yang menyertai aktiviti. Lebihnya menjadi pemerhati. Reaksi muka pelajar Pelajar kelihatan tidak gembira dan bosan semasa aktiviti. Tingkah laku pelajar Pelajar tidak menyertai aktiviti. Ada pelajar yang berbual sesame sendiri semasa aktiviti.
7. U niversiti K ebangsaan M alaysia DAPATAN KAJIAN Kaedah Pemerhatian (Selepas) Fokus Pemerhatian : Penggunaan kaedah power point dalam aktiviti soal jawab. Lemah Sederhana Baik Catatan Penglibatan pelajar dalam kelas Pelajar kelihatan aktif semasa kaedah dijalankan. Pelajar bersaing untuk mengikuti aktiviti. Reaksi muka pelajar Pelajar menunjukan ekspresi muka ceria dan gembira. Tingkah laku pelajar Pelajar memberi sepenuh perhatian semasa aktiviti.
8. U niversiti K ebangsaan M alaysia DAPATAN KAJIAN Kaedah Temubual (sebelum) ...kebanyakkan pelajar berasa tidak gembira dan bosan. ...sebahagian dari pelajar yang ditemubual tidak pernah menyertai aktiviti soal jawab kerana berasa malu dan takut. Pelajar yang ditemubual mahukan perubahan tentang aktiviti soal jawab ...pelajar berasa seronok dan gembira. ...pelajar ingin menyertai aktiviti dan hampir kesemua pelajar pernah mengikuti aktiviti ini semasa didalam kelas. Pelajar-pelajar yang ditemubual juga mengatakan mereka semakin berminat dengan aktiviti baru yang diperkenalkan ini Kaedah Temubual (selepas)
9. U niversiti K ebangsaan M alaysia REFLEKSI ... Guru perlu kreatif dan peka dengan pelajar. ...Kaedah dengan menggunakan teknologi (power point), akan menarik minat pelajar dan aktiviti P&P. ...Dapat memikat pelajar untuk menyertai aktiviti P&P secara aktif. ...Penyampaian / aktiviti menjadi lebih mudah dikendalikan ...Pelajar akan memberikan perhatian dan fokus semasa P&P ...Disamping guru akan sentiasa melakukan penambahbaikan terhadap penggunaan IT dalam P&P
10. U niversiti K ebangsaan M alaysia KESIMPULAN ... Penggunaan teknologi (power point) dapat meningkatkan keaktifan pelajar didalam kelas (P&P) dan pelajar akan memberi tumpuan semasa proses P&P...