Kho Chang Ching Restaurant wants to strengthen its brand and increase market share against growing competitors through a new advertising campaign. The target audience is urban professionals aged 30-50 who seek an exclusive, classy dining experience on weekends. The campaign will position Kho Chang Ching as a prestigious yet delicious Chinese restaurant through highlighting its strategic location, luxurious interior, and original menu. Required materials include print ads, point-of-purchase displays, radio spots, internet ads, and social media on Facebook and Twitter. The deadline for completion is October 29th, 2010.
The document discusses the QED Learning Ecosystem, which focuses on allowing learners to learn anything at any time through a la carte checklists, setting their own pace, and recognizing learning opportunities that take place anywhere. The ecosystem aims to care about individual learners and their profiles, give learners voice through democratic practice, and involve parents. Learning happens through phases based on habits that guide students toward graduation at a negotiated pace.
Kolaborasi antara model Karin dan fotografer Andreawan untuk sesi foto majalah. Sesi foto diambil di kamar apartemen mewah dengan konsep model duduk diam memandang keluar jendela untuk menyampaikan perasaan tidak pasti. Foto diharapkan menampilkan nuansa suram sesuai ekspresi model dengan pencahayaan dari Canon EOS 5D Mark II.
Uma lista de presen?a de 90 estudantes do curso de qu¨ªmica do Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci¨ºncia e Tecnologia do Sert?o Pernambucano - Campus Ouricuri foi apresentada para deliberar sobre a cria??o de um Diret¨®rio Acad¨ºmico.
Installing pro-poor water connections in Maputo - African Cities for the Future program from Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Kho Chang Ching Chinese restaurant wants to strengthen its brand and increase market share against growing competition. Its objectives are to strengthen customer loyalty, expand its market share, and increase brand recall as a delicious and classy restaurant. The document outlines Kho Chang Ching's brand personality as exclusive, classy, and prestigious. It aims to target modern, high class cuisine lovers between ages 30-50. It proposes using various marketing techniques like discounts, family packages, print ads, radio ads, and online ads to attract, engage, convince, and retain customers.
The document analyzes the power and influence of the QED Foundation through their financial, human, and reputational capital as well as key conversations with funders, organizations, and media in education reform movements around blended learning, social-emotional learning, and competency-based education. It also maps the foundation's primary strategies and reach through various initiatives including Faces of Learning, MC2, the Learner Sketch Tool, and drivers of their work around developing public narratives, strategies, practices, and policies.
Kho Chang Ching Restaurant wants to strengthen its brand and increase market share against growing competitors through a new advertising campaign. The target audience is urban professionals aged 30-50 who seek an exclusive, classy dining experience on weekends. The campaign will position Kho Chang Ching as a prestigious yet delicious Chinese restaurant through highlighting its strategic location, luxurious interior, and original menu. Required materials include print ads, point-of-purchase displays, radio spots, internet ads, and social media on Facebook and Twitter. The deadline for completion is October 29th, 2010.
The document discusses the QED Learning Ecosystem, which focuses on allowing learners to learn anything at any time through a la carte checklists, setting their own pace, and recognizing learning opportunities that take place anywhere. The ecosystem aims to care about individual learners and their profiles, give learners voice through democratic practice, and involve parents. Learning happens through phases based on habits that guide students toward graduation at a negotiated pace.
Kolaborasi antara model Karin dan fotografer Andreawan untuk sesi foto majalah. Sesi foto diambil di kamar apartemen mewah dengan konsep model duduk diam memandang keluar jendela untuk menyampaikan perasaan tidak pasti. Foto diharapkan menampilkan nuansa suram sesuai ekspresi model dengan pencahayaan dari Canon EOS 5D Mark II.
Uma lista de presen?a de 90 estudantes do curso de qu¨ªmica do Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci¨ºncia e Tecnologia do Sert?o Pernambucano - Campus Ouricuri foi apresentada para deliberar sobre a cria??o de um Diret¨®rio Acad¨ºmico.
Installing pro-poor water connections in Maputo - African Cities for the Future program from Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Kho Chang Ching Chinese restaurant wants to strengthen its brand and increase market share against growing competition. Its objectives are to strengthen customer loyalty, expand its market share, and increase brand recall as a delicious and classy restaurant. The document outlines Kho Chang Ching's brand personality as exclusive, classy, and prestigious. It aims to target modern, high class cuisine lovers between ages 30-50. It proposes using various marketing techniques like discounts, family packages, print ads, radio ads, and online ads to attract, engage, convince, and retain customers.
The document analyzes the power and influence of the QED Foundation through their financial, human, and reputational capital as well as key conversations with funders, organizations, and media in education reform movements around blended learning, social-emotional learning, and competency-based education. It also maps the foundation's primary strategies and reach through various initiatives including Faces of Learning, MC2, the Learner Sketch Tool, and drivers of their work around developing public narratives, strategies, practices, and policies.
Este documento apresenta o estatuto do Diret¨®rio Acad¨ºmico do curso de Licenciatura em Qu¨ªmica do Instituto Federal do Sert?o Pernambucano - Campus Ouricuri. Ele define a organiza??o, finalidade, direitos e deveres da associa??o estudantil, bem como estabelece normas para elei??o da diretoria e reforma estatut¨¢ria.
Este documento anuncia a elei??o do Diret¨®rio Acad¨ºmico do curso de Licenciatura em Qu¨ªmica do Instituto Federal do Sert?o Pernambucano - Campus Ouricuri-PE. Ele estabelece as regras para o registro de chapas, campanha, debate e vota??o, visando garantir a transpar¨ºncia e legitimidade do processo eleitoral.
The document discusses Druk School's initiative to curb the use of government vehicles to transport students. School leaders aged 11-13 brought the issue to the attention of administrators. They implemented measures like noting license plates and announcing vehicles in assemblies. As a result, within 18 months the school saw a decline and eventual end to the use of government vehicles for personal transport. The document encourages other schools to empower students with values of integrity and give them a voice to enact positive change in their communities.
1. Students at Zilnon Namgyal primary school felt that waste management was a major problem affecting their school and surrounding community. They decided to take action to reduce waste and create a cleaner, healthier environment.
2. The students imagined having a clean surrounding with reduced waste. They thought of proper waste disposal habits to implement.
3. The students discussed carrying out activities like creating waste management awareness, stopping junk food at school, using proper trash collection bags and cans, collecting and removing trash from school grounds, and following the 4Rs of reduce, reuse, refuse, and recycle. Their goal was to make the school and surrounding area plastic free.
Este documento apresenta o estatuto do Diret¨®rio Acad¨ºmico do curso de Licenciatura em Qu¨ªmica do Instituto Federal do Sert?o Pernambucano - Campus Ouricuri. Ele define a organiza??o, funcionamento e elei??o da diretoria da entidade, que representa os estudantes do curso.
The document describes a contest held by Druk School in Bhutan to empower students to combat corruption. Some students were concerned about the high levels of corruption they observed. In particular, they noticed many government vehicles being used to transport children to and from school. The students decided to take action by noting license plate numbers of these vehicles and announcing them during morning assemblies, requesting students not use these vehicles and inform their parents of the school's policy. Over 18 months, this small action led to a decline and eventual stop of government vehicles being used privately. The Anti-Corruption Commission chair praised the initiative as an example for other schools to empower students to practice ethical values and combat corruption from a young age.