Active learning strategies like project-based and image-based learning were discussed for use in the classroom and online. Voicethread, a collaborative multimedia tool, was highlighted where users can add comments and media to slides to facilitate conversations around topics. The document provided background on active learning approaches and detailed how Voicethread works as an online, high-tech active learning strategy through examples of registering and using the platform to continue conversations.
The 1st Step of Emerging Technology VenturesPing Zhou
The document summarizes a seminar on commercializing biotech products. It discusses the stages of developing a new venture from an initial idea through profitability. It also outlines the typical phases of developing a biotech product from research through FDA approval and marketing. Finally, it provides an example market analysis for a potential new drug for AIDS, including unmet needs, existing treatment options, market size, and considerations around pricing and reimbursement.
This document discusses asthma and contains true/false questions about common misconceptions regarding the condition. It notes that asthma is not psychological, episodes can be dangerous, and there are usually early warning signs before an episode. Different triggers can cause episodes and while there is no cure, asthma can be controlled through medication and avoiding triggers.
Investment in Telemedicine Pays Best ReturnseConsult
This document summarizes the benefits of telemedicine and how it can expand access to healthcare in India. It notes that most Indians lack access to quality healthcare as specialists are concentrated in large cities. Telemedicine can help overcome this problem by allowing patients to obtain specialist consultations and second opinions within 24 hours from top doctors across India. Some key benefits highlighted include increased access to healthcare, lower costs, improved outcomes through changes in diagnoses and care plans in many cases, and overcoming geographical barriers to obtain timely medical attention and advice.
180 Moires is a social cooperative enterprise in Greece that aims to provide experiential learning and development opportunities for economically inactive groups. It focuses on reintegration and workforce activation. The Omikron Project recently mapped over 400 grassroots groups in Greece, around 100 of which are involved in art, culture, and education. 180 Moires finds it easier to collaborate with these creative groups. The document encourages taking the first step to have conversations about opportunities for partnership.
This document contains instructions for a mathematical exercise that is purported to surprisingly reveal personal information about the reader. It instructs the reader to: 1) Choose how many times per week they would like to go out for dinner; 2) Multiply that number by 2 and add 5; 3) Multiply the result by 50 and add either 1758 or 1757 depending on if their birthday has passed; 4) Subtract the year they were born. The first digit of the final three digit number reveals the dinner frequency and the last two digits reveal the person's age.
The document provides information about NASA's educational resources. It includes a list of NASA's regional educator resource centers across the United States that offer access to NASA educational materials for educators. The centers are associated with specific NASA field centers and provide contact information including addresses and phone numbers. It also provides background information on NASA's Central Operation of Resources for educators and the NASA portal website which serves as a gateway for educational information and resources.
This document contains portfolio samples from Bradley Olsen-Ecker, a creative director and art director who specializes in direct mail work. It includes summaries and images of direct mail pieces created for clients like Burke Smart Fitness, LaCoupe Salon, Citibank, and Company 3 ski company. International clients included Mikimoto jewelry and the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, for which Olsen-Ecker produced various marketing materials targeting minority tourism audiences.
The document summarizes research on using wikis for peer review in a science classroom. It describes a study where students participated in a wiki-based peer review lesson and survey. The results showed that the lesson improved students' opinions of peer review, especially when guidelines were followed. However, it did not broadly change their views. Limitations included a small sample size and lack of repetition in different contexts. Wikis were found to enable constructive, reflective, scaffolding and collaborative learning.
This document provides an overview of the Second Life viewer interface and controls to help new users get started. It explains that the top menu bar and bottom toolbar provide access to most features and tools. Contextual menus that appear with right-clicks allow common interactions with objects, yourself, and other users. The guide also notes how to set up voice chat and find friends. In less than three sentences, it orients new users to the basic Second Life interface elements.
Conference Presentation slides for JHB conference 27.5.09. An overview of how BlueBox Manufacturing Module deals with added costs on manufactured items.
Risk & Compliance : Van macht naar kracht - Wim Pauw (Achmea)Jasper de Weerdt
Wim Pauw EMITA RE CISA CRISC is Manager Risk & Compliance bij Achmea. Hij heeft al jaren ervaring in diverse (management) risicomanagementfuncties bij grote financiele instellingen.
Artikel is verschenen in IT Auditor
This document provides a summary of a virtual tour of the inner solar system including Mercury, Venus, Earth and its moon, and nearby spacecraft. It is presented as a guided tour where the reader clicks on instructions to move their viewpoint in the Celestia solar system simulation software to different locations. At each location, 2-3 sentences provide facts about the object viewed and what can be seen from that vantage point, such as the surface features of planets, orbits of planets and spacecraft, and famous spacecraft exploring the area. The tour explores both celestial objects and humanity's exploration of the inner solar system.
Heli bp strategy for a logistic company in brazilJoaquim Leao
The document discusses HeliLogistic's strategy for developing business opportunities in Brazil's oil and gas industry. It provides background information on Petrobras, Brazil's state-owned oil company, including its investments, production projects, and challenges developing pre-salt oil reserves. The strategy identifies opportunities for HeliLogistic in critical equipment and services needed by Petrobras, especially as it expands operations for the pre-salt reserves, and recommends partnering with local suppliers and considering incentives to manufacture in Brazil.
This document summarizes a presentation given at the European Wind Energy Conference on navigating interconnection and transmission processes in major US electricity markets. It provides an overview of key transmission policy issues, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's generator interconnection process, and regional interconnection processes in MISO, SPP, CAISO, PJM, and ERCOT. It also discusses challenges such as queue clogging and the importance of industry organizations in responding to barriers to wind energy development.
The document provides guidance for evaluating the EU-UNAWE astronomy awareness programme. It outlines domains of learning including motivation, scientific skills, knowledge, and intercultural attitudes. Evaluation methods are suggested to gather evidence from children and teachers. For children, options include pre-and post-activity drawings, observations during games or activities, and optional surveys. For teachers, a survey is provided. The goal is to demonstrate the programme's impacts in a way that combines data from different locations and activities.
Astronomy curricula for different ages and cultural backgroundsJacekKupras
This document outlines astronomy curricula for different age groups and cultural backgrounds developed by EUNAWE Germany. It provides guidelines for teaching astronomy concepts to children ages 4-10 in a developmentally appropriate way that links both mythical and scientific thinking. Younger children ages 4-6 focus on observational skills and classification through stories and pretend play. Children ages 6-8 learn about the earth, sun, moon and planets through models and explanations while inspiring curiosity in astronomy. For ages 8-10, the curriculum emphasizes abstract thinking through hands-on observations, models, explanations and biographies of astronomers while introducing more advanced topics like other solar systems. The overall approach aims to foster interest in science, global citizenship and intercultural understanding.
EU-Universe Awareness uses astronomy to encourage children's interest in science and technology and foster global citizenship. Its Universe in a Box program provides hands-on activities and materials to teach difficult astronomy concepts simply to children ages 4-10. The program aims to help children understand their place in the greater universe through activities on the moon, earth, sun, planets, and constellations while promoting respect for other cultures and environmental stewardship. Universe in a Box uses a modular approach with inquiry-based learning to gradually expand children's worldview.
This document contains portfolio samples from Bradley Olsen-Ecker, a creative director and art director who specializes in direct mail work. It includes summaries and images of direct mail pieces created for clients like Burke Smart Fitness, LaCoupe Salon, Citibank, and Company 3 ski company. International clients included Mikimoto jewelry and the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, for which Olsen-Ecker produced various marketing materials targeting minority tourism audiences.
The document summarizes research on using wikis for peer review in a science classroom. It describes a study where students participated in a wiki-based peer review lesson and survey. The results showed that the lesson improved students' opinions of peer review, especially when guidelines were followed. However, it did not broadly change their views. Limitations included a small sample size and lack of repetition in different contexts. Wikis were found to enable constructive, reflective, scaffolding and collaborative learning.
This document provides an overview of the Second Life viewer interface and controls to help new users get started. It explains that the top menu bar and bottom toolbar provide access to most features and tools. Contextual menus that appear with right-clicks allow common interactions with objects, yourself, and other users. The guide also notes how to set up voice chat and find friends. In less than three sentences, it orients new users to the basic Second Life interface elements.
Conference Presentation slides for JHB conference 27.5.09. An overview of how BlueBox Manufacturing Module deals with added costs on manufactured items.
Risk & Compliance : Van macht naar kracht - Wim Pauw (Achmea)Jasper de Weerdt
Wim Pauw EMITA RE CISA CRISC is Manager Risk & Compliance bij Achmea. Hij heeft al jaren ervaring in diverse (management) risicomanagementfuncties bij grote financiele instellingen.
Artikel is verschenen in IT Auditor
This document provides a summary of a virtual tour of the inner solar system including Mercury, Venus, Earth and its moon, and nearby spacecraft. It is presented as a guided tour where the reader clicks on instructions to move their viewpoint in the Celestia solar system simulation software to different locations. At each location, 2-3 sentences provide facts about the object viewed and what can be seen from that vantage point, such as the surface features of planets, orbits of planets and spacecraft, and famous spacecraft exploring the area. The tour explores both celestial objects and humanity's exploration of the inner solar system.
Heli bp strategy for a logistic company in brazilJoaquim Leao
The document discusses HeliLogistic's strategy for developing business opportunities in Brazil's oil and gas industry. It provides background information on Petrobras, Brazil's state-owned oil company, including its investments, production projects, and challenges developing pre-salt oil reserves. The strategy identifies opportunities for HeliLogistic in critical equipment and services needed by Petrobras, especially as it expands operations for the pre-salt reserves, and recommends partnering with local suppliers and considering incentives to manufacture in Brazil.
This document summarizes a presentation given at the European Wind Energy Conference on navigating interconnection and transmission processes in major US electricity markets. It provides an overview of key transmission policy issues, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's generator interconnection process, and regional interconnection processes in MISO, SPP, CAISO, PJM, and ERCOT. It also discusses challenges such as queue clogging and the importance of industry organizations in responding to barriers to wind energy development.
The document provides guidance for evaluating the EU-UNAWE astronomy awareness programme. It outlines domains of learning including motivation, scientific skills, knowledge, and intercultural attitudes. Evaluation methods are suggested to gather evidence from children and teachers. For children, options include pre-and post-activity drawings, observations during games or activities, and optional surveys. For teachers, a survey is provided. The goal is to demonstrate the programme's impacts in a way that combines data from different locations and activities.
Astronomy curricula for different ages and cultural backgroundsJacekKupras
This document outlines astronomy curricula for different age groups and cultural backgrounds developed by EUNAWE Germany. It provides guidelines for teaching astronomy concepts to children ages 4-10 in a developmentally appropriate way that links both mythical and scientific thinking. Younger children ages 4-6 focus on observational skills and classification through stories and pretend play. Children ages 6-8 learn about the earth, sun, moon and planets through models and explanations while inspiring curiosity in astronomy. For ages 8-10, the curriculum emphasizes abstract thinking through hands-on observations, models, explanations and biographies of astronomers while introducing more advanced topics like other solar systems. The overall approach aims to foster interest in science, global citizenship and intercultural understanding.
EU-Universe Awareness uses astronomy to encourage children's interest in science and technology and foster global citizenship. Its Universe in a Box program provides hands-on activities and materials to teach difficult astronomy concepts simply to children ages 4-10. The program aims to help children understand their place in the greater universe through activities on the moon, earth, sun, planets, and constellations while promoting respect for other cultures and environmental stewardship. Universe in a Box uses a modular approach with inquiry-based learning to gradually expand children's worldview.
Curiosity is a car-sized Mars rover launching in 2011 to explore Gale Crater using a variety of scientific instruments. It will characterize the planet's geology and climate, assess biological potential, and prepare for future human exploration. Curiosity will use a sky crane maneuver for the first precise landing on Mars and employ a nuclear power source to investigate rocks and soil with tools including cameras, a laser, spectrometers, and a drill. The rover is expected to operate for one Martian year, relaying data to Earth via orbiters to further understand if Mars could have supported microbial life.
The document describes a 21st Century Skills Map created by The Partnership in cooperation with the National Science Teachers Association to illustrate the intersection between 21st Century Skills and the core subject of Science. The map was developed through extensive research and feedback from educators and business leaders. It provides examples of how skills like critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication can be integrated into Science learning at various grade levels. The goal is to help students advance their learning in core subjects and prepare for the future.
The document contains details of images taken by camera 3644 to 3697 from March 22, 2012 to April 6, 2012. It lists the date, time, orbit number, camera status and location photographed for each image taken. Many entries note the camera system was unavailable and list locations in Africa, Australia, South America and elsewhere.
This document provides an introduction to a guide for teaching computational thinking concepts through creative computing with Scratch. The guide is organized as a series of 20 sessions covering 5 topics. It introduces Scratch and design-based learning approaches. The document outlines the structure and content of the guide, as well as its origins from workshops hosted by the Scratch team.