The document discusses various landforms and geological features found on Mars, and compares them to similar features on Earth. It provides evidence that liquid water once existed on the surface of Mars, including images of Martian pack ice and measurements showing the Martian poles melted 20 million years ago. It also notes that erosion by wind is actively shaping the surface of Mars today, as seen in dune formations with multiple layers of smaller sand bedforms.
AIM Recruitment provides recruitment services to the UK food manufacturing industry through three divisions: AIM Interims, AIM Executives, and AIM Consultants. AIM Interims supplies experienced interim managers to cover roles temporarily. AIM Executives focuses on permanent executive recruitment. AIM Consultants offers operational consulting services. AIM prides itself on its experienced consultants and interim managers, stringent candidate screening, deep industry expertise, and commitment to delivering high-quality solutions that add value for clients.
Mobile ERP allows stakeholders to access enterprise information easily from anywhere, which is helpful during emergencies. Mobile ERP represents the next stage of ERP evolution through wireless accessibility, convenience, and mobility. Mobile technology has progressed from early generations with low bandwidth and minimal browser compatibility to 4G which will provide faster internet access and more capable mobile browsers. Currently, BlueBox Mobile ERP provides quick mobile summaries of debtors, receipts, sales, and survey capabilities, and it plans to expand its mobile offerings to include orders, proof of deliveries, receipting, and price checks.
Telemedicine Clinic (TMC) is Europes leading teleradiology provider. TMC pioneered teleradiology services in Europe when it was founded in 2002 and has since become a vital partner for more than 100 radiology departments in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, UK, Spain and Germany. This year, our team of more than 120 highly specialised radiologists will report more than a quarter of a million cases, making a significant positive impact in the life of hospital staff and patients.
This is a book about our culture. About who we are, why we do what we do, and how we go about it. Our culture is the most precious asset our company has. In the long run, it will be our culture that determines our success. We need to preserve it and develop its strengths. We do not invent our culture with this book. We only document our existing culture and make it explicit. This book is a communication tool.
At the heart of our culture are our core purpose and our core values. Our core purpose reminds us why we are in this business. Our core values describe how we do things at TMC, the behaviours we need to consistently demonstrate in our daily work. We also explain the beliefs that lead us to hold and promote these specific values.
Common purpose and values create alignment, focus and help us make the right choicesin big and in small matters. All our decisions need to respect and reflect the philosophy expressed in this document.
We wrote this book for us, the team members of TMC. But we happily share our thoughts with clients, partners, vendors and people interested in working with us, hoping they hold us accountable to what we claim on these pages.
The Galileo spacecraft performed a gravity assist maneuver at Venus called VEEGA to reach Jupiter. It made many discoveries including the first observations of asteroid moon Dactyl orbiting Ida and volcanic activity on Io. Galileo found evidence for oceans on Europa and Ganymede and observed thunderstorms and lightning on Jupiter over its 7 year mission, before intentionally crashing into Jupiter in 2003 to avoid contaminating moons that could harbor life.
The document appears to be a portfolio from Bradley H. Olsen-Ecker showing logos and designs he has created for various clients. It includes logos for organizations like the Women's Business Development of Connecticut, the Scrimshaw Restaurant, and Ruth Sherman Associates, as well as designs for brands like Ralph Lauren Tuxedo Perfume and the Blue Man Group. Each entry briefly describes the client, the design created, and how it was used.
The document discusses the value of writing memoirs to preserve family histories and life experiences for future generations. It notes that memoirs have become increasingly popular as baby boomers recognize the importance of passing on their wisdom. Writing a memoir provides benefits such as influencing how one is remembered, gaining insights to shape the future, and strengthening family bonds. The document also outlines the long history of biographies and autobiographies dating back to ancient times and discusses their evolving forms.
The document discusses using images and figures of speech to engage audiences in presentations. It notes that the phrase "Take Heart" should not be taken literally and cautions against harming others. The document also questions the use of PowerPoint presentations to criticize PowerPoint and advocates using visually interesting slides to focus audiences on topics. It provides attribution for images used from Flickr and thanks a contributor for drawings.
Change My life: New Mind Creation SystemMichael Lee
Changing lives starts with a "change my life" attitude. Discover life-changing principles that can change your life forever, how to have more joy, how to think better, how to achieve better relationships, how to do that thing called life, how to make more money.
If you need a change in life and you really want to change your life, how to have more hope, more love, more peace, more joy, more money - New Mind Creation System can help you do it.
Conference Presentation slides for JHB conference 27.5.09. An overview of how BlueBox Manufacturing Module deals with added costs on manufactured items.
This document contains instructions for a mathematical exercise that is purported to surprisingly reveal personal information about the reader. It instructs the reader to: 1) Choose how many times per week they would like to go out for dinner; 2) Multiply that number by 2 and add 5; 3) Multiply the result by 50 and add either 1758 or 1757 depending on if their birthday has passed; 4) Subtract the year they were born. The first digit of the final three digit number reveals the dinner frequency and the last two digits reveal the person's age.
The 1st Step of Emerging Technology VenturesPing Zhou
The document summarizes a seminar on commercializing biotech products. It discusses the stages of developing a new venture from an initial idea through profitability. It also outlines the typical phases of developing a biotech product from research through FDA approval and marketing. Finally, it provides an example market analysis for a potential new drug for AIDS, including unmet needs, existing treatment options, market size, and considerations around pricing and reimbursement.
Green Guerrillas are young people at-risk for criminalization and incarceration who recognize the role mainstream media plays in supporting stereotypes which promote sweat shops over sustainable style, genetically modified crops over locally-grown organic foods, and pollution and prisons over sustainability and social change. Green Guerrillas study documentary and narrative filmmaking, make their own media from posters to movies, do outreach at community events, travel regionally to interact with similarly situated peers, get their hands dirty learning about renewable energy, and analyze important social, political, economic and environmental issues which affect their lives. As low-income youth of color, Green Guerrillas redefine sustainability in terms that make sense to them. By connecting the dots between the same ideological approaches which criminalize immigrant communities and pollute the air, water, and soil we all collectively need for survival, these young people are non-traditional leaders who are setting a powerful example for an entire community.
The document discusses how to turn clients into advocates by getting more and better referrals. It outlines key learning objectives around differentiating marketing from sales, identifying the right clients, articulating value, and turning more clients into advocates who provide referrals. The workshop then covers topics like developing a client profile, crafting an effective value proposition, using attraction marketing, exceeding client expectations, and implementing a Client Advocacy Process to tap into clients' circles of influence and become a stronger advocate.
The document appears to be about a music festival held in Angoulame, France. It mentions the H tel de Ville, Sold息, and March息. The festival took place in the center of Angoulame.
The document discusses the value of writing memoirs to preserve family histories and life experiences for future generations. It notes that memoirs have become increasingly popular as baby boomers recognize the importance of passing on their wisdom. Writing a memoir provides benefits such as influencing how one is remembered, gaining insights to shape the future, and strengthening family bonds. The document also outlines the long history of biographies and autobiographies dating back to ancient times and discusses their evolving forms.
The document discusses using images and figures of speech to engage audiences in presentations. It notes that the phrase "Take Heart" should not be taken literally and cautions against harming others. The document also questions the use of PowerPoint presentations to criticize PowerPoint and advocates using visually interesting slides to focus audiences on topics. It provides attribution for images used from Flickr and thanks a contributor for drawings.
Change My life: New Mind Creation SystemMichael Lee
Changing lives starts with a "change my life" attitude. Discover life-changing principles that can change your life forever, how to have more joy, how to think better, how to achieve better relationships, how to do that thing called life, how to make more money.
If you need a change in life and you really want to change your life, how to have more hope, more love, more peace, more joy, more money - New Mind Creation System can help you do it.
Conference Presentation slides for JHB conference 27.5.09. An overview of how BlueBox Manufacturing Module deals with added costs on manufactured items.
This document contains instructions for a mathematical exercise that is purported to surprisingly reveal personal information about the reader. It instructs the reader to: 1) Choose how many times per week they would like to go out for dinner; 2) Multiply that number by 2 and add 5; 3) Multiply the result by 50 and add either 1758 or 1757 depending on if their birthday has passed; 4) Subtract the year they were born. The first digit of the final three digit number reveals the dinner frequency and the last two digits reveal the person's age.
The 1st Step of Emerging Technology VenturesPing Zhou
The document summarizes a seminar on commercializing biotech products. It discusses the stages of developing a new venture from an initial idea through profitability. It also outlines the typical phases of developing a biotech product from research through FDA approval and marketing. Finally, it provides an example market analysis for a potential new drug for AIDS, including unmet needs, existing treatment options, market size, and considerations around pricing and reimbursement.
Green Guerrillas are young people at-risk for criminalization and incarceration who recognize the role mainstream media plays in supporting stereotypes which promote sweat shops over sustainable style, genetically modified crops over locally-grown organic foods, and pollution and prisons over sustainability and social change. Green Guerrillas study documentary and narrative filmmaking, make their own media from posters to movies, do outreach at community events, travel regionally to interact with similarly situated peers, get their hands dirty learning about renewable energy, and analyze important social, political, economic and environmental issues which affect their lives. As low-income youth of color, Green Guerrillas redefine sustainability in terms that make sense to them. By connecting the dots between the same ideological approaches which criminalize immigrant communities and pollute the air, water, and soil we all collectively need for survival, these young people are non-traditional leaders who are setting a powerful example for an entire community.
The document discusses how to turn clients into advocates by getting more and better referrals. It outlines key learning objectives around differentiating marketing from sales, identifying the right clients, articulating value, and turning more clients into advocates who provide referrals. The workshop then covers topics like developing a client profile, crafting an effective value proposition, using attraction marketing, exceeding client expectations, and implementing a Client Advocacy Process to tap into clients' circles of influence and become a stronger advocate.
The document appears to be about a music festival held in Angoulame, France. It mentions the H tel de Ville, Sold息, and March息. The festival took place in the center of Angoulame.
The document provides guidance for evaluating the EU-UNAWE astronomy awareness programme. It outlines domains of learning including motivation, scientific skills, knowledge, and intercultural attitudes. Evaluation methods are suggested to gather evidence from children and teachers. For children, options include pre-and post-activity drawings, observations during games or activities, and optional surveys. For teachers, a survey is provided. The goal is to demonstrate the programme's impacts in a way that combines data from different locations and activities.
Astronomy curricula for different ages and cultural backgroundsJacekKupras
This document outlines astronomy curricula for different age groups and cultural backgrounds developed by EUNAWE Germany. It provides guidelines for teaching astronomy concepts to children ages 4-10 in a developmentally appropriate way that links both mythical and scientific thinking. Younger children ages 4-6 focus on observational skills and classification through stories and pretend play. Children ages 6-8 learn about the earth, sun, moon and planets through models and explanations while inspiring curiosity in astronomy. For ages 8-10, the curriculum emphasizes abstract thinking through hands-on observations, models, explanations and biographies of astronomers while introducing more advanced topics like other solar systems. The overall approach aims to foster interest in science, global citizenship and intercultural understanding.
EU-Universe Awareness uses astronomy to encourage children's interest in science and technology and foster global citizenship. Its Universe in a Box program provides hands-on activities and materials to teach difficult astronomy concepts simply to children ages 4-10. The program aims to help children understand their place in the greater universe through activities on the moon, earth, sun, planets, and constellations while promoting respect for other cultures and environmental stewardship. Universe in a Box uses a modular approach with inquiry-based learning to gradually expand children's worldview.
Curiosity is a car-sized Mars rover launching in 2011 to explore Gale Crater using a variety of scientific instruments. It will characterize the planet's geology and climate, assess biological potential, and prepare for future human exploration. Curiosity will use a sky crane maneuver for the first precise landing on Mars and employ a nuclear power source to investigate rocks and soil with tools including cameras, a laser, spectrometers, and a drill. The rover is expected to operate for one Martian year, relaying data to Earth via orbiters to further understand if Mars could have supported microbial life.
The document describes a 21st Century Skills Map created by The Partnership in cooperation with the National Science Teachers Association to illustrate the intersection between 21st Century Skills and the core subject of Science. The map was developed through extensive research and feedback from educators and business leaders. It provides examples of how skills like critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication can be integrated into Science learning at various grade levels. The goal is to help students advance their learning in core subjects and prepare for the future.
The document contains details of images taken by camera 3644 to 3697 from March 22, 2012 to April 6, 2012. It lists the date, time, orbit number, camera status and location photographed for each image taken. Many entries note the camera system was unavailable and list locations in Africa, Australia, South America and elsewhere.
This document provides an introduction to a guide for teaching computational thinking concepts through creative computing with Scratch. The guide is organized as a series of 20 sessions covering 5 topics. It introduces Scratch and design-based learning approaches. The document outlines the structure and content of the guide, as well as its origins from workshops hosted by the Scratch team.
This document contains links to a 際際滷share presentation titled "Kalendarz" and a blog post titled "AZ za sie w oku kreci" on the blog The 際際滷share presentation and blog post are in a foreign language and provide information that is not discernible without understanding that language.
3. Troch historii
Podwaliny pod projekt poo甜yli naukowcy James Jim Gray i Alex Szalay. Gray by
informatykiem, kt坦ry w 1998 roku otrzyma Nagrod Turinga za wkad w dziedzinie teorii baz
danych. i przetwarzania transakcyjnego. Szalay jest kosmologiem zwizanym z
Uniwersytetem Johna Hopkinsa . 3
4. Troch historii
Rok 2001, Jim Gray i Alexander Szalay publikuj
w Science artyku The World-Wide Telescope: In the
beginning science was empirical, then theoretical
branches evolved, now we have computational
5. Troch historii
Wirtualne Obserwatorium Astronomiczne
umo甜liwia przegld danych z 46 teleskop坦w
pracujcych w r坦甜nych pasmach
elektromagnetycznego spektrum.
SkyServer: portal edukacyjny oparty na
danych z przegldu nieba SDSS, 50 godzin
dwiczeo z astronomii na r坦甜nym poziomie
6. Nowa era w dostpie do danych
Kolejny logiczny krok spoecznociowe projekty naukowe 6
8. Curtis Wong: badacz z Microsoft Research, 45 patent坦w z
takich dziedzin jak telewizja interaktywna, techniki
wizualizacji danych, tworzenie gier oraz edukacyjnych
multimedi坦w, astroamator.
9. Jonathan Fay: w Microsoftcie od 1983r. Specjalista i lider zespo坦w rozwijajcych techniki
wizualizacji danych. W ramach Next Media Research Group doczy do Curtisa Wonga w
2006r. 9
10. Jim Gray zagin na morzu w trakcie samotnego rejsu w 2007r.
11. Prototyp: 2007 Premiera: 2008
WorldWide Telescope zmieni spos坦b w jaki zajmujemy si astronomi, zmieni spos坦b w jaki
uczymy astronomii, a co najwa甜niejsze, zmieni spos坦b w jaki postrzegamy siebie we
wszechwiecie. Roy Gould, pedagog z Uniwersytetu Harvarda 11
12. Ten projekt Microsoftu jest dedykowany dla
Jima Graya, naszego wsp坦pracownika, to
g坦wnie jego wkad umo甜liwi powstanie
tego projektu. To owoc mioci naszego
zespou, mamy nadziej, 甜e zainspiruje
dzieci do poznawania wszechwiata. Dzieci
w ka甜dym wieku, jak my.
Curtis Wong TED 2008
27. WWT: Wersje
World Wide Telescope posiada dwie wersje: jedn mo甜emy uruchomid w przegldarce.
Widad j u g坦ry po lewej.
Druga wersja to tradycyjnie instalowana pod Windows aplikacja. Zrzut ekranowy tej
wersji zamieszczony jest u g坦ry po prawej stronie.
Jak widad, ich interfejs praktycznie si nie r坦甜ni.
Obie wersje wymagaj zainstalowania wczeniej technologii Silverlight.
28. ReasumujcWorldWide Telescope:
Tym, co wyr坦甜nia WWT jest fakt, 甜e od
pocztku by on zorientowany na integracj
danych pochodzcych z r坦甜norodnych
店r坦dami tymi byy bazy danych wiodcych
obserwatori坦w i plac坦wek naukowych.
Autorzy WWT wielokrotnie podkrelaj ten
fakt. Twierdz oni, 甜e WWT jest narzdziem
demokratyzujcym nauk, umo甜liwiajc z
poziomu jednej aplikacji dostp do
informacji szerszy ni甜 mo甜e to dad jakikolwiek
inny program.
Drug charakterystyczn cech WWT jest
silna orientacja na cele edukacyjne. Przy
pomocy tego programu mo甜na stosunkowo
atwo tworzyd prezentacje .
Udostpniono r坦wnie甜 mechanizmy
uatwiajce dzielenie si nimi.