
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
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Notes on
Platform & E-commerce
Choi, Chang-Kyu
The Age of Tech. & New Retail
- 2 -
Todays Coverage
Case Study
Social Commerce
Food Delivery
The Age of Tech.
New Economy
Platform BM
EC Industry in Korea
Case : Shopify
Case : Search Query
- 3 -
Case 1 : Social Commerce
[. Case Study]
- 4 -
Key Players
 2016~2017 譯殊 Commerce  襷れ 覦 GMV* 
蟲 覿 2016 2017 YoY 覲
2017 蟇磯
(豢豺, GMV)
8,633 9,518 +10.2% 12~13譟
1譟 363 9,916 4.3% 9譟
1譟 9,159 2譟 6,846 +40.1% 4~5譟
3,690 4,730 28.2% 3~4譟
2,643 3,572 35.1% 3~4譟
*Gross Merchandise Volume
- 5 -
Chicken Game
[Link 1] [Link 2] [Link 3]
- 6 -
Chicken Game
- 7 -
Chicken Game
- 8 -
[谿瑚. 2014~2017 れ]
- 9 -
Case 2 : Food Delivery
- 10 -
覦磯 覩殊 ̄
- 11 -
覦磯 覩殊 ̄
蟇磯 : 1.2譟
襷れ : 494
 : 245
蟇磯 : 1.9譟
襷れ : 849
伎 : +25
- 12 -
覦磯 覩殊 ̄
蟇磯 : 1.2譟
蟇磯 : 1.9譟
蟇磯 : 3.0譟
- 13 -
Case 3 : CaaS
- 14 -
Office Manager
Fitness Coach
Personal Assistant
- 15 -
Dieter Zetsche( 豌), the Chairman of the Board of Directors of
Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars @2016 IFA
- 16 -
CaaS : Car as a Service
- 17 -
Car as a Service or Space [Link]
key questions
1) Is P/F play possible in Car industry?
2) Who will be the winner of this competition?
3) And, what is the KFS to be market leader?
- 18 -
CaaS : Car as a Service
- 19 -
CaaS : Car as a Service
- 20 -
CaaS : Car as a Service
- 21 -
CaaS : Car as a Service
[Link 1] [Link 2] [Link 3]
- 22 -
The Age of Tech.
[. Platform Business]
- 23 -
The Age of Tech.
- 24 -
The Age of Tech.
- 25 -
The Age of Tech.
- 26 -
New Economy
- 27 -[Link]
W. Brian Arthur(1946~ ), Economist
Increasing Returns and
the New World of Business.
- 28 -
[Old economy]
y = f (L, K) & DRS
Theoretical Background
- 29 -
Theoretical Background
[New economy]
y = f (L, K, 留) & IRS
- 30 -
留 = ICBM
- 31 -
An intercontinental ballistic missile
(ICBM) is a guided ballistic missile with
a minimum range of 5,500km primarily
designed for nuclear weapons delivery
- 31 -
- 32 -
IoT (Internet of Things)
Cloud Computing
Big data analytics
Mobile (Connectivity)
+ with A.I.
留 = ICBM
- 33 -
- 34 -
Since it was founded in 2009, Uber has burned through at least $8 billion.
Uber is a one-of-a-kind company,
in good ways and bad ways.
Its going to be a case study,
said Aswath Damodaran,
a finance professor at NYU.
This is a cash-burning machine.
- 35 -
- 36 -
[Link 1] [Link 2]
on demand
Direct contact
via mobile tech.
- 37 -
47,930 M$
54,000 M$
(US M/S 75%)
56,000 M$
(China M/S 70%)
- 38 -
- 39 -
[Link] [#襭02]
 Ubers full-year loss, which rose to $4.5B in 2017 from around $2.8 B in 2016
- 40 -
UBER : Gross Booking* ($B)
*the amount of money it makes before paying drivers
= total value of fares
= gross revenue
UBER : 2016 vs. 2017
蟲 覿 16 17 YoY
$20.5B $37.0B 80.8%
$6.5B $7.5B 14.8%
$2.8B $4.5B 61.5%
Still, losses are historic.
 Growth Rate : 80.6% (YoY)
- 41 -
Platform BM
- 42 -- 42 -
- 43 -
[Link] 畏#襭03液
- 44 -
Jean Tirole : Papers
- 45 -
- 46 -
- 47 -
Subsidy side Money side
- 48 -
蟆曙 企 壱 Q = f (L, K) 蟯 伎 覲 , Platform
碁(L)企, 覲(L) 殊語 蟇磯 蟆 覩誤 (JP Morgan)
Platform  : 壱 蟯
- 49 -
1) 碁 覲瑚螳
2) 殊語 譴螳(intermediary)襯 牛
3) 覲語語 碁(L; labor)企  覲(K; capital asset)
4)  (goods & services) 襦
5) 觜蟆 螻牛
6) 蟇磯(transaction)螳 殊企 蟆
Uber TaskRabbit 煙 Labor Platform企手 覿襯  , 碁 螻糾螳
誤 轟   碁レ 碁 蟆 螻牛 蟇磯螳 殊企蟆 .
eBay Airbnb Capital Platform碁, 覲語  れ 企 覲語 蟆
P2P(peer to peer)襦 螻糾 蟇磯螳 殊企蟆 .
Platform  : 襦
- 50 -
留 = transaction
- 51 -
 T map  NAVER map 
Transaction 譴
Pre-Navigation On-Navigation Post-Navigation
(w/ Ecosystem)
- 52 -
[Link] [Link]
Platform 蟯 ろ
- 53 -
half time show
- 53 -
- 54 -
the 1st YouTube film to reach
1 million views
- 54 -
- 55 -
(peer group pressure)
Apple, Google or Facebook
on A.I., Self-driving car or AR/VR
- 56 -
- 56 -
- 57 -
- 57 -
Innovation : Peer Group Pressure
- 58 -
Innovation : Peer Group Pressure
- 59 -
Innovation : Peer Group Pressure
- 60 -
Innovation : Peer Group Pressure
- 61 -- 61 -
- 62 -
Innovation : Peer Group Pressure
- 63 -- 63 -
Innovation : Peer Group Pressure
- 64 -- 64 -
(Commercial Orbital Transportation Services)
( 蟠る 伎 觜)
Innovation : Peer Group Pressure
- 65 -
[谿瑚] the White Houses View
 Barack Obama 給轟 Tech.襯 覦朱慨  (A.I. 蠍磯 襷譴襴曙, 譯狩谿, 螻
 覩碁,  螳 瑚 覩碁  伎螻 豸″ 覦)
1) the White House(2016-10-12, Preparing the Future of Artificial Intelligence)
 [覯] https://brunch.co.kr/@kakao-it/42
2) the White House(2016-12-01, AI, Automation and the Economy)
 [蠍一] http://www.zdnet.co.kr/column/column_view.asp?artice_id=20161230140645
 [覯] https://brunch.co.kr/@kakao-it/43
- 66 -
E-Commerce Industry
in Korea
- 67 -
 蟲 襷れレ 337譟一 蠏覈(YoY 9.3%), ろ殊 觜譴 74% vs. 狩 3% + EC 23%
 Double digit 煙レ 襷, ク, 殊(EC; E-Commerce)
蟲 襷  : 
25 28 28 30 30 29 29 29
38 42 42 46 46 49 49 56
32 32
35 35 37 37
9 9
12 12
17 17
106 106
103 103
102 102
7 8
8 8
8 9
29 34
38 45
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
 蟲 襷れ  (10~17)
19.2%蟇磯 (Gross Merchandise Volume) 蠍一
*襭 : 糾豌 螳  (轟谿, 磯 襷 れ )
- 68 -
蟲 襷  : Key Message
 覦燕/朱貅/覓語襷れ 誤襷 讌 譴 : 覓手豪 螳  襷企 煙
 襷碁 蠑語 煙ロ朱, 讌  蠍蟆 誤 讀螳 : 覲牛狩覈壱 (襦磯, ろ )
 ク 蠑語 煙レ 讌 : 麹 ク 襷レ, 朱哀 煙 語  GMV 蠍讀
 狩 蠏 轟語 磯ジ 殊  煙レ 朱, 誤 煙 
 蟲 蟇磯 レ 襷れレ  覲襯 企螻 朱, 企 豢碁 讌 蟆
- Key Factor : 覓伎 誤磯 誤,  る誤 襯, 蟲 殊朱旭′ 螳ロ 讌襴 伎
-  瑚 譯殊 蟲螳 譴 ECEC  觜譴 / 豌 襷れレ 螳  蟲螳
[Link] [#襭01-2]
- 69 -
殊誤, Mobile 讌
- 70 -
EC  : 蟲覿 覦 Issues
     KFS   Issues 
 MD螳 Select 觚  譴 襷
 () 襦磯血惨, Hmall, SSG.com
  讌  襤 蠍磯 蟇磯
 覦燕/狩  蠏碁9 蟯螻 蠍磯
讌 Seller/ 覲
 襷れ′ 朱 螻螳 Care
觜  覿覿 BEP 譴
 Seller Buyer 譴螳 (譴螳襭)
 旧襷 譴螳
 () Auction, Gmarket, 11覯螳
 Abundance, Power Seller 覲伎
 Seller螳 蟆曙  螳蟆 蟆曙
 蠏覈 Traffic螻 蟇磯 蠍磯
 覲危朱  覲
危 Focus襦 伎 蟲譟 谿
 Price War
 譴螳 + 讌襷れ (襷れ襭)
 譴螳 + 旧襷れ (襷 豈)
 () 貎, 一覈ろ, 覃
 Mobile   Curation
  觜襯  (Freshness)
 誤 襯  蟯螻 覦 覓朱
襦 誤 蠏覈 
 Open Market朱 覲 
 Category Killer (襯, 貉危, 螳)
 () ′♀姥讀, 觚襴, 企
 轟 覿殊 覓語 覲
 Brand (Celebrity)
 豌 Site 伎語
Open Market 磯 (豈 )
蟇磯 `10 `11 `12 `13 `14 `15 `16 `17 CAGR
譬覈 19.0譟 21.8譟 25.9譟 29.8譟 34.8譟 41.8譟 51.5譟 61.2譟 18.1%
覓碁 6.2譟 7.2譟 8.2譟 8.7譟 10.5譟 12.2譟 14.2譟 17.1譟* 15.7%
螻 25.2譟 29.1譟 34.1譟 38.5譟 45.3譟 54.1譟 65.6譟 78.2譟 17.6%
 GMV 豢 
*17.1譟 = 貉危/螳/SW 2.0譟 + /覓瑚規/覦 1.2譟 + 襯//′語襴 1.1譟 + /ロ/螳蟲 1.2譟
+ 襭 3.3譟 +  8.2譟 + 蠍壱 0.1譟
- 71 -
/ 覈企 豺危螻襴 譴朱  蠍壱 + 殊語 牛 襷 (Category Killer)
危語 螳覲 觚 (/″  ロ ; Celebrity)
, 豐蠍 一広  谿蟾讌螳 企れ, 觚 語螳 渚 蟆曙  碁
覓碁(覓 狩覈, 襴暑) 
- 72 -
蟲 EC  螳 蟆曙 : 襭
- 73 -
蟲 EC  螳 蟆曙 : 襭
- 74 -
by the way
- 75 -
or USAUnited States of Amazon
- 76 -
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[Link 2][Link 1]
Amazon vs. Counterfeit Problem
- 78 -
The Death of Clothing
- 79 -
Fast Fashion
- 80 -
Amazon Fashion
- 81 -
Amazonomics : Jeff Bezos
[Link 1] [Link 2] [Link 3] [Link 4]
- 82 -
Amazonomics : Early Stage
- 83 -
Amazonomics : Internet Big Bang
- 84 -
[Link 1]
Amazonomics vs. Google
[Link 2] [Link 3]
- 85 -
Amazonomics : Is Any Industry Safe?
- 86 -
Amazonomics : Corporate Americas Nightmare
- 87 -
Amazonomics : Bad Actor' in Some Ways
- 88 -
Amazonomics : SBA, Shipping by Amazon
- 89 -
Amazonomics : Even in the Banking Industry?
[Link 2]
[Link 1]
- 90 -
Amazonomics : Disruptive Innovation
- 91 -
Platform : Extended Def.
- 92 -
旧 覩語
two-sided market
multi-sided market
total commerce solution
enabler or butler
Platform 蠍磯 
w/o Profit(?)
- 93 -
Amazons Napkin Diagram
- 94 -
[谿瑚] Amazon World
- 95 -
 覓企 讌 , 襭 覦一, 螳譬 
 Dash, Go, Fresh, Alexa 譯朱  伎
覃る 觜, $99/Y, $10.99/M,
14螳蟲(覩瑚記揃蟲揃ぢ結実血朱蓋揃ろ )
Media Device
Echo(Alexa) Fire Tablet
Fire TV(STB) Dash
(轟) 覦一
 Content 襷 
Drone 覦一
 Books & Audible
 Movies, Music & Games
 Electronics & Computers
 Home, Garden & Tools
 Beauty, Health & Food
 Toy, Kids & Baby
 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry
 Sports & Outdoors
 Automotive & Industrial
 Home Services
 Credit & Payment Products
for Android
蟆  ろ碁Μ覦
 覲 DB
蠍一 螻螳  Online 
Cloud Service
& Content Delivery
 Developer Tools
 Management Tools
 Security, Identity &
 Artificial Intelligence
 Mobile Services
 Desktop & App
 Internet of Things
 Contact Center
 Game Dev
覓朱 襦覺 螳覦
Commerce Media/Ad Amazon
Device 螳覦
 Amazon 狩 2  覓企 覦一(覩瑚記 )
 覓企 Video, Music, eBook, るる
[谿瑚] Amazon World
- 96 -
Growth w/o Profit(?)
[Link 1] [Link 2]
- 97 -
Amazons Financials
- 98 -
Market Cap?
- 99 -
Amazons Operation Income
[Link 2][Link 1]
- 100 -
AWS : Amazon Web Service
- 101 -
旧 覩語 Platform
two-sided market match-making
Platform 蠍磯 
 Multisided platforms (MSPs) are technologies, products or services that create value
primarily by enabling direct interactions between two or more customer or participant
 So, it acts as both a platform and an intermediary.
- eBay, Rakuten: buyers and sellers
- Airbnb: apartment owners and renters
- Facebook: users, advertisers, 3rd party game/content developers
- Microsoft Xbox: players, game developers
- 102 -
Legacy BM
[Link] [#襭07]
- 103 -
Subsidy side Subsidy side
Platform BM
- 104 -
 Ubers payouts to drivers and riders, which includes the cut of the fare that
drivers receive, was 80.5% as a percentage of gross revenue, or $8.9 billion.
- 105 -
Platform BM : NEW Retail Era
- 106 -
Ubers Napkin Diagram
- 107 -
Amazonization : Wrap-up
- 108 -
Case : Shopify
- 109 -
Shopify, The rising star
 Growth Rate : 71% (YoY)
- 110 -
Shopify, The rising star
- 111 -
Shopify, The rising star
- 112 -
Shopify, The rising star
- 113 -
Shopify, The rising star
 Growth Rate : 71% (YoY)
- 114 -
Buy 覯
 Shopify Payments
(GPV = 38%)
 Shopify Pay
 Shopify Shipping
 狩覈  襷貅
 豕 30 覓伎伎 蠍 讌
 Shopify螳 語 
覓 襷れ 殊 觜 
 Shopify 讌 觚
 讌 襷
 蠏 螻殊 襷 貉ろ
貊豸  螻
 伎 蠍  $29~
 狩覈 /伎/蟯襴
 Add-On : 蠍磯 
 襷れ, 覦一 豌 豢螳 
 Shopify Lite
 觚襦蠏 煙 蟲襷 螳
 Shopify 郁 蠍襦覯 碁 螳
 狩覈 伎螳  
覓瑚 讌 螻 螳
Shopify, The rising star
 Total Commerce Solution Provider (Enabler or Paternalism)
- 115 -
Shopify, The rising star
 Subsidy Side : Merchant
- 116 -
EC Value Chain
谿曙 覦譯
覓朱 襷貅



- 117 -
- 118 -
EC 覲 : Commerce 伎 朱
- 119 -
Case : Search Query
- 120 -
蟆 Trend 覲
- 121 -
蟆 Trend 覲
- 122 -
蟆 Trend 覲 : 牛 蟆  狩 蟆
Search Query
Commercial Query
Google Shopping Project
valuable highly valuable
Amazon Prime Video
& X-ray Project
- 123 -
螻螳 殊 狩   企 危呉  谿剰鍵襯  讌 譟一 蟆郁骸螳 給.
2009 Google 24%, Amazon 18% 2014 Google 11%, Amazon 39%襦 覲給.
蠏碁 Google Eric Schmidt Google Search 蟆曙 Bing企 Yahoo!螳 ,
Amazon企手 誤給.
願 NAVER螳 狩企手  覿覿 れ  覯 譴蟆 れる蓋 覩語.
 NAVER 狩蟆 蠍一螳危(`15.1)

*Wal Mart螳 覩瑚記   轟危 
殊 狩 螳ロ襦  蟆  豌
豌朱  蟆 螻褐? Amazon 55%, Google  蟆 讌 28%
襷譟企(Amazoned揃襷譟伎  蟯企)  譟一願 
Amazon   Google Express-Wal Mart  (Voice Shopping)
 `17.8 NYT
蟆 Trend 覲 : 牛 蟆  狩 蟆
- 124 -
[谿瑚] Netflix vs. Amazon
 Netflix   Amazon 
(臂 $7.99/9.99/11.99, 蟲螳 覲 谿 譟伎)
 Amazon Prime 覃る($99/  $10.99/): 覓企
螻(2 覓企 覦一  豢螳  れ)
 Prime Video 觜:   蠍
($8.99(臂), 伎 200螳 蟲螳 豕豐 6螳 $/2.99/,
危 $/5.99/)
 HBO  碁 OTT 觜 豢螳:  蠍 豢螳
 Amazon 危  Video 覃伎 螳覲 蟲襷,
蟯螻 豌  覓企 螳 螳 Content 譟伎
 Media Commerce/Ad 郁  譴
(X-Ray, Style Code Live 豈 )
 Amazon AWS  (IaaS)
 MSA 蟲譟一 /觜 豌 螳覦
 ISP   CDN 覯 れ (Open Connect)
 豌 覲伎 Amazon AWS 蠍磯 Media
/襭  (Direct Connect, S3, Elemental
Cloud, CloudFront )
 Big Data, ML 蠍磯 れ 豢豌 螻襴讀
(76,897譬朱 碁 Content 蠍磯 豢豌, 豌
   觜蟲 豢豌,  轟
Content   伎 覿 豢豌)
 Commerce    蠍磯 豢豌 誤,
Big Data/ML 螻襴讀 Video 豢豌 
(Content 蠍磯 豢豌, Amazon 危語
Media/Content 蟲襷 企 郁)
 HTML5 譴 蠍磯 Player襦 1,000譬 れ
Device 讌
 Fire TV, Fire Tablet  豌 Device 覲伎
 Chromecast, AppleTV  蟆曙  覩語
 Amazon 蟆, eろ豸 譴螳 Video 觜 Twitch 覲伎 (蟯螻 蠍磯, 豈覲   蟲, 豈  蟲 Turbo 蠍, Amazon Prime 覃る 覓企 螻)
- 125 -
 Transparent Ad Marketplace
蠍一ヾ Waterfall 覦 谿 谿 觜, 覲旧 Ad Exchange
磯 谿一伎朱 Publisher 旧煙 蠏豪 Header
Bidding 覦 Cloud 蠍磯朱 Publisher 螻
 Amazon Advertising Platform
Amazon 覲伎 狩  一危 , Targeting 蟯螻襯
螻牛 Ad Platform
 譯殊 Ad Platform  


Waterfall vs. Header Bidding
DSP: Demand Side Platform, DMP: Data Management Platform, SSP: Supply Side Platform, RTB: Real Time Bidding, ML: Machine Learning
 Sponsored Products
Amazon 危   蟆 蟆郁骸 伎 語 蟯螻 
 Dynamic eCommerce Ads
Amazon 危語, 蟯螻譯殊 企Ν, 蟲襷れ  KPI 磯
Amazon 狩 蠍磯(覦襦 蟲襷, ル蟲 願鍵 ) 磯 豕
覦磯襯 ML 螻襴讀 蠍磯朱  蟲燕 蟯螻 
 譯殊 Ad Publisher  
Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange A
Ad Exchange B
Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange C
Ad Exchange D
[谿瑚] Amazon Ad. Tech.
- 126 -
 Amazon X-Ray for Movies & TV Shows
 Music Tab 煙  螳 覦 企 Scene襦 企, Amazon
Music 郁屋 蟲襷 覦 Playlist 焔 蠍磯  螻
  狩 觜 Style Code Live
豈 螻 (`16.3)
 , 觀壱, ろ 煙 覓瑚れ 豢壱
豕 碁/, 豌れ  譟一 煙
伎 る8
 豌れ 覦 覃  
襷襯  Amazon 覓狩 蟲 螳
 螻  覲企 襷れ 一危碁覃,
豕蠏 / 覲 譟壱 螳
 螳誤 貊豸襯 語 螳ロ  蟯螻 譴觜 譴
 螻襴讀 蠍磯朱 螻螳 蟯 襷 Image, Text襦
蟲焔 Graphic template 
 Amazon 覦  危/煙  蟯螻襯 覲伎譯朱
Amazon Video Ads朱 蠏 蟯螻  豕蠏(`17.3)
豢朱, ロ Dynamic eCommerce Ads 蟆壱,
Video 觜 郁螳 
 蟯螻  螻螳 襴蠍 蠍磯/讌, 企 曙
 譟伎朱(Nike, Cadbury),  覦 麹 SW 
 Amazon Prime Video  譯朱 郁 (`16.11)
  瑚鍵蠍壱 Yoshimoto Kogyo 危  40覿 覿
朱蓋 轟磯 蟯 Content 4ク Amazon  螻
 豌れ  ロ 蟆一/覦一 覲企ゼ 
 煙ロ  狩 伎 蟲襷
Amazon Music朱 企
[谿瑚] Amazon X-ray Case
- 127 -
- 128 -
蠍磯 磯

EC Admin. 蠍磯モ
狩 蟆 覦 螳蟆 觜蟲
螳覲 狩覈謂
ろ殊語 殊誤, ろ 郁
*覦燕, 碁, 觀壱, 襴觜, ォ 
ろ一 / 蠍壱
覦覓 , 伎 燕
伎 讌蟲
覩////危襴/  讌蟲 讌
誤 襴&
@@O2O  襴讀(狩)
 語 螳蟆 觜蟲 觜るゼ 一  狩覈 蟯襴 ~ 蟆一蟾讌 牛 EC 觜 螻
 ろ危, 襴讀  5 觜るゼ 牛 蟯襴   ろ危 狩謂 螻
 End-user 蟆一襯 NAVER Pay襦  ( NAVER Pay 蟲 EC 蟇磯 觜譴 10~28%蟾讌 煙,  7~10譟 蠏覈)
[谿瑚] NAVER, Everywhere
- 129 -
[谿瑚] NAVER, Everywhere
GMV(豢) = 7譟
螳 蟇磯  = 20譟
- 130 -[Link 2]
GMV 1譟
(伎 +22)
GMV 2譟
(ssg.com,伎 107)
[Link 1]
[谿瑚] NAVER, Everywhere
- 131 -
- 132 -- 132 -
2016 覲危旧蠍一(ICT) 牛 錫
2016-06-29 Kevin Ashton@ 蟆暑蟯
- 133 -- 133 -
- 134 -- 134 -
- 135 -
- 136 -
- 137 -
覲豺  覲語!
- 138 -
End of Document
Choi, Chang-Kyu

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Notes on Platform and E-Commerce (2018)

  • 1. - 1 - Notes on Platform & E-commerce Choi, Chang-Kyu tyangkyu@naver.com The Age of Tech. & New Retail
  • 2. - 2 - Todays Coverage Case Study Social Commerce Food Delivery CaaS Platform Business The Age of Tech. New Economy Uber-nomics Platform BM E-Commerce Industry EC Industry in Korea Amazonization Case : Shopify Case : Search Query
  • 3. - 3 - Case 1 : Social Commerce [. Case Study]
  • 4. - 4 - Key Players [Link] 2016~2017 譯殊 Commerce 襷れ 覦 GMV* 蟲 覿 2016 2017 YoY 覲 2017 蟇磯 (豢豺, GMV) 8,633 9,518 +10.2% 12~13譟 1譟 363 9,916 4.3% 9譟 1譟 9,159 2譟 6,846 +40.1% 4~5譟 3,690 4,730 28.2% 3~4譟 2,643 3,572 35.1% 3~4譟 *Gross Merchandise Volume
  • 5. - 5 - Chicken Game [Link 1] [Link 2] [Link 3]
  • 6. - 6 - Chicken Game [Link]
  • 7. - 7 - Chicken Game [Link] [Link]
  • 8. - 8 - [谿瑚. 2014~2017 れ] [#襭01-1]
  • 9. - 9 - Case 2 : Food Delivery
  • 10. - 10 - 覦磯 覩殊 ̄
  • 11. - 11 - 覦磯 覩殊 ̄ 2015 蟇磯 : 1.2譟 襷れ : 494 : 245 2016 蟇磯 : 1.9譟 襷れ : 849 伎 : +25 http://it.donga.com/21948/
  • 12. - 12 - 覦磯 覩殊 ̄ 蟇磯 : 1.2譟 蟇磯 : 1.9譟 蟇磯 : 3.0譟 [Link]
  • 13. - 13 - Case 3 : CaaS
  • 14. - 14 - Office Manager Fitness Coach Personal Assistant [Link]
  • 15. - 15 - Dieter Zetsche( 豌), the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars @2016 IFA
  • 16. - 16 - CaaS : Car as a Service
  • 17. - 17 - Car as a Service or Space [Link] key questions 1) Is P/F play possible in Car industry? 2) Who will be the winner of this competition? 3) And, what is the KFS to be market leader?
  • 18. - 18 - CaaS : Car as a Service
  • 19. - 19 - CaaS : Car as a Service
  • 20. - 20 - CaaS : Car as a Service
  • 21. - 21 - CaaS : Car as a Service [Link 1] [Link 2] [Link 3]
  • 22. - 22 - The Age of Tech. [. Platform Business]
  • 23. - 23 - The Age of Tech.
  • 24. - 24 - The Age of Tech. http://www.4-traders.com/stock-exchange/shares/North%20America-8
  • 25. - 25 - The Age of Tech.
  • 26. - 26 - New Economy
  • 27. - 27 -[Link] W. Brian Arthur(1946~ ), Economist Increasing Returns and the New World of Business. [#襭05]
  • 28. - 28 - [Old economy] y = f (L, K) & DRS Theoretical Background
  • 29. - 29 - Theoretical Background [New economy] y = f (L, K, 留) & IRS http://slownews.kr/61856
  • 30. - 30 - 留 = ICBM
  • 31. - 31 - An intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is a guided ballistic missile with a minimum range of 5,500km primarily designed for nuclear weapons delivery - 31 -
  • 32. - 32 - IoT (Internet of Things) Cloud Computing Big data analytics Mobile (Connectivity) + with A.I. 留 = ICBM
  • 34. - 34 - Since it was founded in 2009, Uber has burned through at least $8 billion. Uber is a one-of-a-kind company, in good ways and bad ways. Its going to be a case study, said Aswath Damodaran, a finance professor at NYU. This is a cash-burning machine.
  • 36. - 36 - [Link 1] [Link 2] service on demand Direct contact via mobile tech. BM Uberize
  • 37. - 37 - Uber-nomics vs. 47,930 M$ 54,000 M$ (US M/S 75%) 56,000 M$ (China M/S 70%)
  • 39. - 39 - Uber-nomics [Link] [#襭02] Ubers full-year loss, which rose to $4.5B in 2017 from around $2.8 B in 2016
  • 40. - 40 - UBER : Gross Booking* ($B) Uber-nomics *the amount of money it makes before paying drivers = total value of fares = gross revenue 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 UBER : 2016 vs. 2017 蟲 覿 16 17 YoY Gross Booking $20.5B $37.0B 80.8% Net Revenue $6.5B $7.5B 14.8% Net Losses $2.8B $4.5B 61.5% Still, losses are historic. Growth Rate : 80.6% (YoY)
  • 42. - 42 -- 42 -
  • 43. - 43 - [Link] 畏#襭03液
  • 44. - 44 - Jean Tirole : Papers
  • 47. - 47 - Subsidy side Money side
  • 48. - 48 - [Link] 蟆曙 企 壱 Q = f (L, K) 蟯 伎 覲 , Platform 碁(L)企, 覲(L) 殊語 蟇磯 蟆 覩誤 (JP Morgan) Platform : 壱 蟯 [#襭04]
  • 49. - 49 - 1) 碁 覲瑚螳 2) 殊語 譴螳(intermediary)襯 牛 3) 覲語語 碁(L; labor)企 覲(K; capital asset) 4) (goods & services) 襦 5) 觜蟆 螻牛 6) 蟇磯(transaction)螳 殊企 蟆 Uber TaskRabbit 煙 Labor Platform企手 覿襯 , 碁 螻糾螳 誤 轟 碁レ 碁 蟆 螻牛 蟇磯螳 殊企蟆 . eBay Airbnb Capital Platform碁, 覲語 れ 企 覲語 蟆 P2P(peer to peer)襦 螻糾 蟇磯螳 殊企蟆 . Platform : 襦
  • 50. - 50 - 留 = transaction
  • 51. - 51 - T map NAVER map Transaction 譴 Pre-Navigation On-Navigation Post-Navigation Platform (w/ Ecosystem) Service
  • 52. - 52 - [Link] [Link] Platform 蟯 ろ [#襭05]
  • 53. - 53 - half time show - 53 -
  • 54. - 54 - the 1st YouTube film to reach 1 million views - 54 -
  • 55. - 55 - (peer group pressure) https://www.facebook.com/leekj007/posts/10213310728181597 Apple, Google or Facebook on A.I., Self-driving car or AR/VR
  • 58. - 58 - Innovation : Peer Group Pressure
  • 59. - 59 - Innovation : Peer Group Pressure
  • 60. - 60 - Innovation : Peer Group Pressure
  • 61. - 61 -- 61 -
  • 62. - 62 - Innovation : Peer Group Pressure
  • 63. - 63 -- 63 - Innovation : Peer Group Pressure
  • 64. - 64 -- 64 - *COTS (Commercial Orbital Transportation Services) ( 蟠る 伎 觜) Innovation : Peer Group Pressure
  • 65. - 65 - [谿瑚] the White Houses View Barack Obama 給轟 Tech.襯 覦朱慨 (A.I. 蠍磯 襷譴襴曙, 譯狩谿, 螻 覩碁, 螳 瑚 覩碁 伎螻 豸″ 覦) 1) the White House(2016-10-12, Preparing the Future of Artificial Intelligence) [覯] https://brunch.co.kr/@kakao-it/42 2) the White House(2016-12-01, AI, Automation and the Economy) [蠍一] http://www.zdnet.co.kr/column/column_view.asp?artice_id=20161230140645 [覯] https://brunch.co.kr/@kakao-it/43 [#襭05]
  • 66. - 66 - E-Commerce Industry in Korea
  • 67. - 67 - 蟲 襷れレ 337譟一 蠏覈(YoY 9.3%), ろ殊 觜譴 74% vs. 狩 3% + EC 23% Double digit 煙レ 襷, ク, 殊(EC; E-Commerce) 蟲 襷 : 25 28 28 30 30 29 29 29 38 42 42 46 46 49 49 56 30 32 32 35 35 37 37 39 8 9 9 12 12 17 17 22 101 106 106 103 103 102 102 102 6 7 8 8 8 8 9 10 25 29 34 38 45 54 66 78 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 蟲 襷れ (10~17) 覦燕 襷 朱貅 ク 覓語襷れ 狩 EC YoY 1.1% 16.0% 5.6% 34.7% 0.4% 6.3% 19.2%蟇磯 (Gross Merchandise Volume) 蠍一 232譟 337譟 308譟 *襭 : 糾豌 螳 (轟谿, 磯 襷 れ ) 9.3%
  • 68. - 68 - 蟲 襷 : Key Message 覦燕/朱貅/覓語襷れ 誤襷 讌 譴 : 覓手豪 螳 襷企 煙 襷碁 蠑語 煙ロ朱, 讌 蠍蟆 誤 讀螳 : 覲牛狩覈壱 (襦磯, ろ ) ク 蠑語 煙レ 讌 : 麹 ク 襷レ, 朱哀 煙 語 GMV 蠍讀 狩 蠏 轟語 磯ジ 殊 煙レ 朱, 誤 煙 蟲 蟇磯 レ 襷れレ 覲襯 企螻 朱, 企 豢碁 讌 蟆 - Key Factor : 覓伎 誤磯 誤, る誤 襯, 蟲 殊朱旭′ 螳ロ 讌襴 伎 - 瑚 譯殊 蟲螳 譴 ECEC 觜譴 / 豌 襷れレ 螳 蟲螳 [Link] [#襭01-2]
  • 69. - 69 - 殊誤, Mobile 讌
  • 70. - 70 - EC : 蟲覿 覦 Issues 譬覈 (78%) KFS Issues 朱 譬覈 MD螳 Select 觚 譴 襷 () 襦磯血惨, Hmall, SSG.com 讌 襤 蠍磯 蟇磯 覦燕/狩 蠏碁9 蟯螻 蠍磯 讌 Seller/ 覲 襷れ′ 朱 螻螳 Care 觜 覿覿 BEP 譴 Open Market Seller Buyer 譴螳 (譴螳襭) 旧襷 譴螳 () Auction, Gmarket, 11覯螳 Abundance, Power Seller 覲伎 襭 Seller螳 蟆曙 螳蟆 蟆曙 蠏覈 Traffic螻 蟇磯 蠍磯 覲危朱 覲 危 Focus襦 伎 蟲譟 谿 Price War Social Commerce 譴螳 + 讌襷れ (襷れ襭) 譴螳 + 旧襷れ (襷 豈) () 貎, 一覈ろ, 覃 Mobile Curation 觜襯 (Freshness) 誤 襯 蟯螻 覦 覓朱 襦 誤 蠏覈 Open Market朱 覲 覓碁 (22%) Category Killer (襯, 貉危, 螳) () ′♀姥讀, 觚襴, 企 轟 覿殊 覓語 覲 Brand (Celebrity) 豌 Site 伎語 Open Market 磯 (豈 ) Vertical 蟇磯 `10 `11 `12 `13 `14 `15 `16 `17 CAGR 譬覈 19.0譟 21.8譟 25.9譟 29.8譟 34.8譟 41.8譟 51.5譟 61.2譟 18.1% 覓碁 6.2譟 7.2譟 8.2譟 8.7譟 10.5譟 12.2譟 14.2譟 17.1譟* 15.7% 螻 25.2譟 29.1譟 34.1譟 38.5譟 45.3譟 54.1譟 65.6譟 78.2譟 17.6% GMV 豢 *17.1譟 = 貉危/螳/SW 2.0譟 + /覓瑚規/覦 1.2譟 + 襯//′語襴 1.1譟 + /ロ/螳蟲 1.2譟 + 襭 3.3譟 + 8.2譟 + 蠍壱 0.1譟
  • 71. - 71 - 覓語狩覈一企? / 覈企 豺危螻襴 譴朱 蠍壱 + 殊語 牛 襷 (Category Killer) 危語 螳覲 觚 (/″ ロ ; Celebrity) , 豐蠍 一広 谿蟾讌螳 企れ, 觚 語螳 渚 蟆曙 碁 覓碁(覓 狩覈, 襴暑) Back
  • 72. - 72 - 蟲 EC 螳 蟆曙 : 襭 [#襭01-2]
  • 73. - 73 - 蟲 EC 螳 蟆曙 : 襭 [#襭01-3]
  • 74. - 74 - by the way
  • 75. - 75 - Amazonization or USAUnited States of Amazon
  • 77. - 77 - [Link 2][Link 1] Amazon vs. Counterfeit Problem
  • 78. - 78 - The Death of Clothing [Link]
  • 79. - 79 - Fast Fashion [Link]
  • 80. - 80 - Amazon Fashion
  • 81. - 81 - Amazonomics : Jeff Bezos [Link 1] [Link 2] [Link 3] [Link 4]
  • 82. - 82 - Amazonomics : Early Stage
  • 83. - 83 - Amazonomics : Internet Big Bang
  • 84. - 84 - [Link 1] Amazonomics vs. Google [Link 2] [Link 3]
  • 85. - 85 - Amazonomics : Is Any Industry Safe? [Link]
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  • 93. - 93 - Amazons Napkin Diagram [Link]
  • 94. - 94 - [谿瑚] Amazon World [Link]
  • 95. - 95 - B2C B2B Commerce/Delivery 覓企 讌 , 襭 覦一, 螳譬 Dash, Go, Fresh, Alexa 譯朱 伎 覃る 觜, $99/Y, $10.99/M, 14螳蟲(覩瑚記揃蟲揃ぢ結実血朱蓋揃ろ ) Media Device Echo(Alexa) Fire Tablet Fire TV(STB) Dash (轟) 覦一 Content Content 襷 觜 eBook Drone 覦一 Books & Audible Movies, Music & Games Electronics & Computers Home, Garden & Tools Beauty, Health & Food Toy, Kids & Baby Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry Handmade Sports & Outdoors Automotive & Industrial Home Services Credit & Payment Products Kindle Appstore for Android 讌 蟆 ろ碁Μ覦 覲 DB /觜れ 覲願/蟯螻/蟆一/覦一 蠍一 螻螳 Online 蟯螻 Cloud Service Compute Storage Database Migration Networking & Content Delivery Developer Tools Management Tools Security, Identity & Compliance Analytics Artificial Intelligence Mobile Services Application Services Messaging Business Productivity Desktop & App Streaming Internet of Things Contact Center Game Dev 豢 覓朱 襦覺 螳覦 Commerce Media/Ad Amazon Internal Device 螳覦 Offline Offline 覦一 Online Amazon 狩 2 覓企 覦一(覩瑚記 ) 覓企 Video, Music, eBook, るる [谿瑚] Amazon World
  • 96. - 96 - Growth w/o Profit(?) [Link 1] [Link 2]
  • 97. - 97 - Amazons Financials
  • 99. - 99 - Amazons Operation Income [Link 2][Link 1]
  • 100. - 100 - AWS : Amazon Web Service [Link]
  • 101. - 101 - 旧 覩語 Platform two-sided market match-making intermediary Platform 蠍磯 Multisided platforms (MSPs) are technologies, products or services that create value primarily by enabling direct interactions between two or more customer or participant groups. So, it acts as both a platform and an intermediary. - eBay, Rakuten: buyers and sellers - Airbnb: apartment owners and renters - Facebook: users, advertisers, 3rd party game/content developers - Microsoft Xbox: players, game developers [Link] (laisse-faire)
  • 102. - 102 - Legacy BM [Link] [#襭07]
  • 103. - 103 - Subsidy side Subsidy side Platform BM
  • 104. - 104 - Uber-nomics Ubers payouts to drivers and riders, which includes the cut of the fare that drivers receive, was 80.5% as a percentage of gross revenue, or $8.9 billion.
  • 105. - 105 - Platform BM : NEW Retail Era [#襭08]
  • 106. - 106 - Ubers Napkin Diagram [#襭08]
  • 107. - 107 - Amazonization : Wrap-up [Link]
  • 108. - 108 - Case : Shopify
  • 109. - 109 - Shopify, The rising star Growth Rate : 71% (YoY)
  • 110. - 110 - Shopify, The rising star
  • 111. - 111 - Shopify, The rising star
  • 112. - 112 - Shopify, The rising star
  • 113. - 113 - Shopify, The rising star Growth Rate : 71% (YoY)
  • 114. - 114 - Shopify 狩覈 覃 Buy 覯 豌 蟆一/覦一 ろ Shopify Experts Shopify Capital The Stock Room Exchange Shopify Payments (GPV = 38%) Shopify Pay Shopify Shipping 狩覈 襷貅 豕 30 覓伎伎 蠍 讌 Shopify螳 語 覓 襷れ 殊 觜 Shopify 讌 觚 讌 襷 蠏 螻殊 襷 貉ろ 貊豸 螻 伎 蠍 $29~ 狩覈 /伎/蟯襴 Add-On : 蠍磯 襷れ, 覦一 豌 豢螳 Shopify Lite 觚襦蠏 煙 蟲襷 螳 Shopify 郁 蠍襦覯 碁 螳 狩覈 伎螳 覓瑚 讌 螻 螳 Shopify, The rising star [#襭09] Total Commerce Solution Provider (Enabler or Paternalism)
  • 115. - 115 - Shopify, The rising star Subsidy Side : Merchant
  • 116. - 116 - EC Value Chain 谿曙 覦譯 螻糾 (./ ) 覓朱 襷貅 譯朱 (襷/ ) 覦一 (P/G) C/S 狩覈 (貊豸/焔) [レ] [誤磯] [] [覈]
  • 118. - 118 - EC 覲 : Commerce 伎 朱
  • 119. - 119 - Case : Search Query
  • 120. - 120 - 蟆 Trend 覲
  • 121. - 121 - 蟆 Trend 覲
  • 122. - 122 - 蟆 Trend 覲 : 牛 蟆 狩 蟆 Google/YouTube Search Query informative (encyclopedia) Amazon Commercial Query commerce itself Google Shopping Project valuable highly valuable Amazon Prime Video & X-ray Project
  • 123. - 123 - 螻螳 殊 狩 企 危呉 谿剰鍵襯 讌 譟一 蟆郁骸螳 給. 2009 Google 24%, Amazon 18% 2014 Google 11%, Amazon 39%襦 覲給. 蠏碁 Google Eric Schmidt Google Search 蟆曙 Bing企 Yahoo!螳 , Amazon企手 誤給. 願 NAVER螳 狩企手 覿覿 れ 覯 譴蟆 れる蓋 覩語. NAVER 狩蟆 蠍一螳危(`15.1) *Wal Mart螳 覩瑚記 轟危 殊 狩 螳ロ襦 蟆 豌 豌朱 蟆 螻褐? Amazon 55%, Google 蟆 讌 28% 襷譟企(Amazoned揃襷譟伎 蟯企) 譟一願 Amazon Google Express-Wal Mart (Voice Shopping) `17.8 NYT 蟆 Trend 覲 : 牛 蟆 狩 蟆
  • 124. - 124 - [谿瑚] Netflix vs. Amazon BM Infra/ Platform 螳誤/ 豢豌 Device/ App Netflix Amazon 蠍 (臂 $7.99/9.99/11.99, 蟲螳 覲 谿 譟伎) 蟯螻 Amazon Prime 覃る($99/ $10.99/): 覓企 螻(2 覓企 覦一 豢螳 れ) Prime Video 觜: 蠍 ($8.99(臂), 伎 200螳 蟲螳 豕豐 6螳 $/2.99/, 危 $/5.99/) HBO 碁 OTT 觜 豢螳: 蠍 豢螳 Amazon 危 Video 覃伎 螳覲 蟲襷, 蟯螻 豌 覓企 螳 螳 Content 譟伎 Media Commerce/Ad 郁 譴 (X-Ray, Style Code Live 豈 ) Amazon AWS (IaaS) MSA 蟲譟一 /觜 豌 螳覦 ISP CDN 覯 れ (Open Connect) 豌 覲伎 Amazon AWS 蠍磯 Media /襭 (Direct Connect, S3, Elemental Cloud, CloudFront ) Big Data, ML 蠍磯 れ 豢豌 螻襴讀 (76,897譬朱 碁 Content 蠍磯 豢豌, 豌 觜蟲 豢豌, 轟 Content 伎 覿 豢豌) Commerce 蠍磯 豢豌 誤, Big Data/ML 螻襴讀 Video 豢豌 (Content 蠍磯 豢豌, Amazon 危語 Media/Content 蟲襷 企 郁) HTML5 譴 蠍磯 Player襦 1,000譬 れ Device 讌 Fire TV, Fire Tablet 豌 Device 覲伎 Chromecast, AppleTV 蟆曙 覩語 Amazon 蟆, eろ豸 譴螳 Video 觜 Twitch 覲伎 (蟯螻 蠍磯, 豈覲 蟲, 豈 蟲 Turbo 蠍, Amazon Prime 覃る 覓企 螻)
  • 125. - 125 - Transparent Ad Marketplace 蠍一ヾ Waterfall 覦 谿 谿 觜, 覲旧 Ad Exchange 磯 谿一伎朱 Publisher 旧煙 蠏豪 Header Bidding 覦 Cloud 蠍磯朱 Publisher 螻 Amazon Advertising Platform Amazon 覲伎 狩 一危 , Targeting 蟯螻襯 螻牛 Ad Platform 譯殊 Ad Platform DSP DMP Ad Network Ad Exchange 蟯螻譯 蟯螻譯 蟯螻譯 SSP 朱襴 朱襴 朱襴 RTB RTB Waterfall vs. Header Bidding DSP: Demand Side Platform, DMP: Data Management Platform, SSP: Supply Side Platform, RTB: Real Time Bidding, ML: Machine Learning Sponsored Products Amazon 危 蟆 蟆郁骸 伎 語 蟯螻 Dynamic eCommerce Ads Amazon 危語, 蟯螻譯殊 企Ν, 蟲襷れ KPI 磯 Amazon 狩 蠍磯(覦襦 蟲襷, ル蟲 願鍵 ) 磯 豕 覦磯襯 ML 螻襴讀 蠍磯朱 蟲燕 蟯螻 譯殊 Ad Publisher Ad Exchange A Ad Exchange B Ad Exchange A Ad Exchange B Ad Exchange C Ad Exchange D Ad Exchange C Ad Exchange D [谿瑚] Amazon Ad. Tech.
  • 126. - 126 - Amazon X-Ray for Movies & TV Shows Music Tab 煙 螳 覦 企 Scene襦 企, Amazon Music 郁屋 蟲襷 覦 Playlist 焔 蠍磯 螻 狩 觜 Style Code Live 豈 螻 (`16.3) , 觀壱, ろ 煙 覓瑚れ 豢壱 豕 碁/, 豌れ 譟一 煙 伎 る8 豌れ 覦 覃 襷襯 Amazon 覓狩 蟲 螳 螻 覲企 襷れ 一危碁覃, 豕蠏 / 覲 譟壱 螳 螳誤 貊豸襯 語 螳ロ 蟯螻 譴觜 譴 螻襴讀 蠍磯朱 螻螳 蟯 襷 Image, Text襦 蟲焔 Graphic template Amazon 覦 危/煙 蟯螻襯 覲伎譯朱 Amazon Video Ads朱 蠏 蟯螻 豕蠏(`17.3) 豢朱, ロ Dynamic eCommerce Ads 蟆壱, Video 觜 郁螳 蟯螻 螻螳 襴蠍 蠍磯/讌, 企 曙 譟伎朱(Nike, Cadbury), 覦 麹 SW Amazon Prime Video 譯朱 郁 (`16.11) 瑚鍵蠍壱 Yoshimoto Kogyo 危 40覿 覿 朱蓋 轟磯 蟯 Content 4ク Amazon 螻 豌れ ロ 蟆一/覦一 覲企ゼ 煙ロ 狩 伎 蟲襷 Amazon Music朱 企 [谿瑚] Amazon X-ray Case
  • 128. - 128 - 1 蠍磯 磯 EC Admin. 蠍磯モ 狩 狩 蟆 覦 螳蟆 觜蟲 螳覲 狩覈謂 ろ殊語 殊誤, ろ 郁 *覦燕, 碁, 觀壱, 襴觜, ォ ろ一 / 蠍壱 覦覓 , 伎 燕 伎 讌蟲 覩////危襴/ 讌蟲 讌 蟆一&♀ 誤 襴& 2 3 4 5 NAVER EC 5 觜 @@O2O 襴讀(狩) 語 螳蟆 觜蟲 觜るゼ 一 狩覈 蟯襴 ~ 蟆一蟾讌 牛 EC 觜 螻 ろ危, 襴讀 5 觜るゼ 牛 蟯襴 ろ危 狩謂 螻 End-user 蟆一襯 NAVER Pay襦 ( NAVER Pay 蟲 EC 蟇磯 觜譴 10~28%蟾讌 煙, 7~10譟 蠏覈) [谿瑚] NAVER, Everywhere
  • 129. - 129 - [谿瑚] NAVER, Everywhere GMV(豢) = 7譟 螳 蟇磯 = 20譟
  • 130. - 130 -[Link 2] GMV 1譟 (伎 +22) GMV 2譟 (ssg.com,伎 107) [Link 1] [谿瑚] NAVER, Everywhere
  • 132. - 132 -- 132 - 2016 覲危旧蠍一(ICT) 牛 錫 2016-06-29 Kevin Ashton@ 蟆暑蟯
  • 133. - 133 -- 133 -
  • 134. - 134 -- 134 -
  • 137. - 137 - 覲豺 覲語! https://brunch.co.kr/@tyangkyu/21
  • 138. - 138 - End of Document Choi, Chang-Kyu (tyangkyu@naver.com)