Dokumen tersebut merupakan usulan ide game bergenre shooting yang bertujuan untuk menghancurkan target maho dengan berbagai jenis senjata. Permainan ini akan memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang berbeda di setiap levelnya dan senjata baru yang terbuka pada beberapa level tertentu. Skor pemain akan dikirim secara online untuk ditantang lawan.
Neurons are the basic units of the nervous system that transmit electrical and chemical signals. When an electrical signal reaches the end of an axon, it causes neurotransmitters to be released into synapses, which then stimulate or inhibit neighboring neurons. The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system, containing the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, containing nerves that connect to muscles and organs. The endocrine system communicates through hormones released by glands into the bloodstream to influence distant tissues like the brain.
Collaborative Telepresene using Mixed Mediums-emailRamy Saboungui
This document describes a virtual reality telepresence system that allows users to collaborate in real time. The system was designed with an advertising agency in mind to support creative collaboration between remote offices. It includes features like shared web browsers, the ability to build structures together, and interactive elements like videos. A user study was conducted with industry professionals to evaluate the effectiveness of collaboration using this virtual system. The study explored tasks like orientation in the virtual space and active collaboration through building. Results found that the system supported simultaneous navigation and collaboration while allowing for multitasking through shared elements.
Refresh London - Designing an API for developer happinessGarry Shutler
The document discusses best practices for designing APIs to promote developer happiness. It recommends starting with good documentation that is language agnostic and provides examples. The API should have minimal time to first request, be idempotent, avoid breaking changes, and use prefixed IDs to identify resources. It also suggests techniques like rate limiting, smart notifications, dogfooding the API, recognizing placeholders, an alpha channel, status pages, and better errors and guidance to improve usability.
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