The document discusses 21 patterns for splitting user stories into multiple stories. Some common patterns include splitting based on workflow steps, use case scenarios, different data types or operations on an entity, core functionality versus enhancements, and manual versus automated processes. The goals of splitting are to prioritize work, create smaller stories, and reduce dependencies between stories. The document provides descriptions and examples of when to use each pattern.
Are you too busy to improve #lkse 2014-05-30H?kan Forss
Dont we all think that we get more done if we stay busy? We feel good and efficient. We get a pat on the back or a nod of approval from the managers when pulling that all-nighter once again. It may feel good and we could even get a raise for being so efficient, but is this good for the company? Is it good for our customers?
ATMTL23 - Dessine-moi un train : Cration d'Agile Release Trains centrs sur ...Agile Montral
Cette confrence inspirante vous plongera dans le monde passionnant de SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) et de la cration d'Agile Release Trains (ART) qui placent vritablement l'humain au c?ur du systme. Nous explorerons les principes essentiels de SAFe et montrerons comment ils peuvent tre adapts pour promouvoir la collaboration, l'autonomie et l'engagement des quipes, que ce soit dans le domaine des technologies de l'information ou en dehors de celui-ci. Vous dcouvrirez comment SAFe favorise la cration de cultures agiles o les individus peuvent tablir des liens de collaboration troits, briser les silos et comment cela conduit une meilleure performance organisationnelle.
[Product Camp 2021] Escalando a gest?o de produtos internosProduct Camp Brasil
M gest?o de produtos internos pode prejudicar a experincia do usurio final. Processos de suporte que permitem maior conhecimento do produto e feedback dos usurios melhoram a experincia. ? importante demonstrar o valor do produto interno para a lideran?a e equipe, e gerenciar stakeholders de forma a apoiar a estratgia do produto.
The document discusses 21 patterns for splitting user stories into multiple stories. Some common patterns include splitting based on workflow steps, use case scenarios, different data types or operations on an entity, core functionality versus enhancements, and manual versus automated processes. The goals of splitting are to prioritize work, create smaller stories, and reduce dependencies between stories. The document provides descriptions and examples of when to use each pattern.
Are you too busy to improve #lkse 2014-05-30H?kan Forss
Dont we all think that we get more done if we stay busy? We feel good and efficient. We get a pat on the back or a nod of approval from the managers when pulling that all-nighter once again. It may feel good and we could even get a raise for being so efficient, but is this good for the company? Is it good for our customers?
ATMTL23 - Dessine-moi un train : Cration d'Agile Release Trains centrs sur ...Agile Montral
Cette confrence inspirante vous plongera dans le monde passionnant de SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) et de la cration d'Agile Release Trains (ART) qui placent vritablement l'humain au c?ur du systme. Nous explorerons les principes essentiels de SAFe et montrerons comment ils peuvent tre adapts pour promouvoir la collaboration, l'autonomie et l'engagement des quipes, que ce soit dans le domaine des technologies de l'information ou en dehors de celui-ci. Vous dcouvrirez comment SAFe favorise la cration de cultures agiles o les individus peuvent tablir des liens de collaboration troits, briser les silos et comment cela conduit une meilleure performance organisationnelle.
[Product Camp 2021] Escalando a gest?o de produtos internosProduct Camp Brasil
M gest?o de produtos internos pode prejudicar a experincia do usurio final. Processos de suporte que permitem maior conhecimento do produto e feedback dos usurios melhoram a experincia. ? importante demonstrar o valor do produto interno para a lideran?a e equipe, e gerenciar stakeholders de forma a apoiar a estratgia do produto.
?????, ??? ???? ? Off-shoring and ReshoringHRyon Lim
?? ?? ??? ????
Catching up with Global Business trends
???? ???? ???????? ???? ????. ? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?????.
More and more overseas companies are returning to their countries. Find out why from a theoretical background.
? ??? ???? ?? "????" ??? ????? ?????.
The above materials are used as lecture materials for "Global Business" classes for undergraduates.
??? ????? ????? ? Urea water supply crisis and comparative advantageHRyon Lim
?? ?? ??? ????
Catching up with Global Business trends
??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ?? ?????.
Learn about international trade theory based on the case of China's urea export restriction policy.
? ??? ???? ?? "????" ??? ????? ?????.
The above materials are used as lecture materials for "Global Business" classes for undergraduates.
??????? ???????? ? Misunderstanding about KODAKHRyon Lim
?? ??? ????
15? ??? ?? ???
??? ???? ???
??? ??? ?, ??? ??? ?? ?? ?????.
The arrogance of industry powerhouses?
15 years of patent war?
Entering a new market?
Lets learn about the path Kodak has taken and the path ahead.
??-?? ? ????? ??? ??? ? What is needed for perfect superiors-subordinate matc...HRyon Lim
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What is needed for perfect superiors-subordinate matching at work?
??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ???? ????, ??? ?????? ?? ?????.
We learn about the leadership needs of superiors and subordinates and understand the leadership pipeline.
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Catching up with Global Business trends
?? ??? ??? ??? ????. ????? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?????.
The burger market is changing.
We examine the global business strategies of the burger market through examples of globalization and localization.
? ??? ???? ?? "????" ??? ????? ?????.
The above materials are used as lecture materials for "Global Business" classes for undergraduates.
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????? ?? ??? ????? ??? ???.
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Complaints about assessment results should be resolved from a correct understanding of the assessment system.
- Why evaluate?
- Development of evaluation indicators
- Correcting the errors of the evaluator and the evaluated
?????? ??? ??? ???? l Leadership in Research OrganizationsHRyon Lim
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?? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ???? ???? ??? ? ?????
The key to leadership is to take the center of the organization.
In order to balance the expectations of the organization and its members,
how can you show effective leadership especially in research organizations where goals and autonomy are important?
? 'eSg'??? l Why should we do 'eSg' management?HRyon Lim
"ESG, ? ?? ????
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ESG ??? ??? ??? ????, ??? ??? ?????.
??? ??(Social) ??? ??? ??? ?? ? ?? ???? ??? ???,
??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??? ? ??? ???.
? ??? ???? ??? ???????.
ESG, do I have to?
It's a particularly difficult topic for small and medium-sized companies.
For coexistence with various stakeholders and sustainable management, ESG management has become a new opportunity for companies and a matter of survival.
Therefore, social issues and corporate growth should no longer be a conflicting issue, but should be used as an active preemptive countermeasure for companies.
Dahyun, a labor corporation, presents the solution.
???? ??? ? Win-Win Leadership between Labor and ManagementHRyon Lim
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? ???? ?? ?, ?? ? ??? ????? ???? ??.
??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ????.
???? ????? ??? ??? ???????.
People come together with like-minded people and join forces to enforce their positions.
In the process, confrontations between factions and powers inevitably arise.
However, companies without co-existence have no future survival.
Let's find a win-win model with logic and sensitivity.
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???? ???, ????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?????
Organizational culture is the cause of all problems, both large and small, in the organization.
When a case of sexual harassment in the workplace occurs, a sexist organizational culture is a problem!
When a workplace harassment incident occurs, the hierarchical organizational culture is a problem!
When a major disaster occurs, insensitivity to safety within the organization is a problem!
So, how well do we know about organizational culture?
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??? ??? ?? ????,
??? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?????.
Easy-to-know Business Administration
These days, semiconductors have caused a stir around the world.
Lots of companies are suffering from a severe disruption of manufacturing plants and discontinuation of models because they couldn't get semiconductors.
Today, we're going to look at the semiconductor short-tage phenomenon that started early this year.
Why is japan like that? ? ??? ? ???? _ ???? ??? ????HRyon Lim
?? ?? ??? ????
Catching up with Global Business trends
?????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?????.
Learn about Japan's behavior in the international community.
??? ?? ?? ????? ??/??? ??? ?????.
Look at the long-term recession they are experiencing(Lost Decade) and the backside of politics and economy.
?????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?????.
?????? ????, ?? ??? ???? ???? ????? ?????.
Controversy is heating up in various circles over the introduction of the board level employee representation system.
Let's focus on what the BLER is and the effectiveness of the system's introduction.
Management Plan for C-Players l ???? ????HRyon Lim
???? ???? ???? ???
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??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?????.
?? ??? ??? ? ???? ?? ????? ?? ? ??? ?? ?????.
Fair and reasonable low performer(C-Player) management is essential to increase organizational productivity and efficiency and create healthy tensions.
Learn about the design and operation of a low performer management program based on labor law.
?? ???? ?? ????
Essentials of Human Resource Management Based on Labor Law
Netflix Organizational Culture HR Case Study l ?????? ???? ????? ????HRyon Lim
??? ?? ??, ????? ????? ?? ?????.
Learn about the organizational culture of Netflix, a company without rules.
? ??? ???? ?? "??????" ??? ????? ?????.
The above materials are used as lecture materials for "Human Resource Management" classes for undergraduates.
US - China New Cold War l ?? ??? _ ???? ??? ????HRyon Lim
?? ?? ??? ????
Catching up with Global Business trends
?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?????. ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ? ????? ?? ??????.
To understand the international business environment, we look at the current trade conflict between the United States and China. Through this, we think about the management strategies that global companies need to take.
? ??? ???? ?? "????" ??? ????? ?????.
The above materials are used as lecture materials for "International Management" classes for undergraduates.
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??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ? ???? ?????.
????? ???? ??? ?? ??? ?? ? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ????? ?????.
Middle manager leadership capacity building course
The middle manager is the back of the organization.
Poorly centered around the back of the organization creates significant operational difficulties.
Introducing a mid-manager-centering leadership project that can be recognized by the boss and supported by the junior.