2018/03/20(火)に開催した関西Javaエンジニアの会(関ジャバ) '18 3月度イベントでのスライドです。
?From Java EE to Jakarta EE
InfoQ.comの翻訳担当でJava EE関連の記事をかなりの数翻訳しました。MicroProfileのこと、EE4Jのこと、Java EEの名称変更のことなどを話します。
El pensamiento complejo trata de la capacidad humana de comprender el mundo desde una perspectiva analítica. Se basa en reunir procesos sometidos al cambio en un bien común universal. Uno de sus mayores campos de acción es la investigación científica. El pensamiento complejo surge a lo largo de la vida en forma de interrogantes sin resolver y dudas que llevan a la búsqueda de explicaciones.
2018/03/20(火)に開催した関西Javaエンジニアの会(関ジャバ) '18 3月度イベントでのスライドです。
?From Java EE to Jakarta EE
InfoQ.comの翻訳担当でJava EE関連の記事をかなりの数翻訳しました。MicroProfileのこと、EE4Jのこと、Java EEの名称変更のことなどを話します。
El pensamiento complejo trata de la capacidad humana de comprender el mundo desde una perspectiva analítica. Se basa en reunir procesos sometidos al cambio en un bien común universal. Uno de sus mayores campos de acción es la investigación científica. El pensamiento complejo surge a lo largo de la vida en forma de interrogantes sin resolver y dudas que llevan a la búsqueda de explicaciones.
The document summarizes the history of New York City from its origins as a Dutch colony to the 19th century immigration boom. It describes how the Dutch purchased Manhattan from Native Americans, establishing the city's first real estate deal. As the city grew, it attracted more immigrants to fill labor needs. In the 1800s, over 1.5 million Irish immigrants arrived in New York City due to the potato famine, settling alongside African Americans and fueling ethnic tensions.
This document discusses building single page applications (SPAs). It covers the evolution of SPAs from technologies like DHTML and Flash to modern JavaScript frameworks. It discusses approaches to building SPAs in Rails like using client-side MVC frameworks with the asset pipeline or Rails and build tools. The document outlines some best practices for SPAs like server-side rendering, reusable components, and avoiding blocking the main thread. It also covers some challenges of SPAs like complexity, race conditions, memory leaks, and dealing with latency.
2. facebook marketing concepts and resourceshenry7vernon
Facebook provides many marketing opportunities for businesses. Some effective Facebook marketing strategies include creating an attractive business page to engage users, posting engaging status updates, forming groups around products/services to generate discussions, using videos to subtly provide solutions to problems, and incentivizing users to expand the reach of the business page through their social connections. Constantly paying attention to user feedback and keeping updated on new Facebook features are also important for optimizing the business's virtual presence and brand. Above all, the content should focus on helping other users rather than overt sales pitches to achieve the best engagement within the social platform.
Vishal retail will sell its retail business to Shriram Group for Rs. 100 crore and its wholesale division to TPG. HP agreed to buy security software company ArcSight for $1.5 billion to expand its portfolio beyond computers. Metro Cash & Carry, a German retailer, will open wholesale distribution centers in Punjab by mid-2011 and two more by the end of 2011, creating over 1,000 jobs.
NBFCs tell RBI they are better positioned than corporate houses to float new banks, as they are already familiar with lending and regulations. The IMF projects India's growth at 9.7% in 2010 and 8.4% in 2011, driven by robust industrial production and macroeconomic performance. British Telecom is in talks to sell its stake in Tech Mahindra, and was waiting for financial details to emerge before proceeding with the sale.
Newebe, a social network where all users are independentFrank Rousseau
Newebe is a distributed social network that allows users to publish messages, pictures, and files independently without involving third parties while maintaining the benefits of centralization like a friendly UI and interoperable data. It uses an asynchronous Python server with a document database and single-page application frontend. The network aims to be independent, interoperable, easy to use, and protect user privacy.
The document discusses shared leadership, defining it as distributing authority, responsibility, and accountability more broadly across an organization. It describes shared leadership existing on a spectrum from leader-led models to ones where many people exercise leadership as appropriate. Shared leadership can help organizations address adaptive challenges by developing leadership capacity in many. The benefits include a more empowered and engaged staff, improved decision-making, and a deeper leadership bench. Challenges include the significant time and financial commitment required.
The document discusses how God is present in people's lives through both positive and difficult experiences. It suggests that God is responsible for feelings of love, peace, sadness, loneliness, unexpected encounters with loved ones, solutions in difficult times, and the courage to continue when tired of life. The message encourages sharing God's love and presence with others.
The document discusses a nonprofit survival kit offered by American Community Development Group to help nonprofits facing challenges from decreased donations and increased costs and demand. The kit provides tools, resources, relationships and solutions to strengthen organizations by improving revenue, efficiency, technology, staff training, communication, financing and capacity. The company acquires properties and businesses to generate cash flow and jobs to increase nonprofit revenues while benefiting veterans, the elderly, ex-offenders, the homeless and hungry. It invites the reader to discuss possibilities for partnership.
Comment les grands acteurs du web s'improvisent magiciens et jouent avec nos ...Frank Rousseau
A French talk explaining why you should worry about what happens to your personal data once they are spread on the internet and how you could still take advantage of the web without the privacy and data ownership drawbacks.
talk performed @ RMLL 2013
video : http://video.rmll.info/videos/comment-les-grands-acteurs-du-web-simprovisent-magiciens-et-jouent-avec-nos-donnees-personnelles/
This document is the introduction and table of contents for a proposed consumer protection law in South Africa. It outlines the purpose and policy goals of promoting and protecting consumer rights, access to information, safety, and means of redress. It also establishes the structure and organization of the law, which will be comprised of 7 chapters covering topics like fundamental consumer rights, enforcement of rights, business names and industry codes, national consumer institutions, and general provisions. The overall aim is to enact a comprehensive law that strengthens consumer rights and responsibilities within South Africa's economic environment.
The document summarizes various news items from the week of September 13-19, 2010. It reports that foreign institutional investors are increasing investments in Indian markets, which may cause the markets to rise for the next 3-6 months. It also notes that strong economic growth in India means nominal GDP growth could be around 15%. Additionally, it mentions that farmers in drought-hit districts will receive diesel subsidies and that HUL has taken P&G to court over a Pantene advertisement.
McKay recently passed away from colon cancer. He was at high risk due to his family history of the disease, age over 50, inactive lifestyle, and poor diet. McKay showed early signs like rectal bleeding but did not get regular checkups, so his cancer was detected late. Making lifestyle changes like exercising more, eating healthier, and undergoing yearly screening could have helped detect the cancer earlier and extended McKay's life.
Hive on Spark を活用した高速データ分析 - Hadoop / Spark Conference Japan 2016Nagato Kasaki
現在、DMM.comでは、1日あたり1億レコード以上の行動ログを中心に、各サービスのコンテンツ情報や、地域情報のようなオープンデータを収集し、データドリブンマーケティングやマーケティングオートメーションに活用しています。しかし、データの規模が増大し、その用途が多様化するにともなって、データ処理のレイテンシが課題となってきました。本発表では、既存のデータ処理に用いられていたHiveの処理をHive on Sparkに置き換えることで、1日あたりのバッチ処理の時間を3分の1まで削減することができた事例を紹介し、Hive on Sparkの導入方法やメリットを具体的に解説します。
Hadoop / Spark Conference Japan 2016
The document discusses the Play web framework and how it compares to traditional Java web development using servlets and XML configuration. Play allows building web applications in Java without servlets and XML by embedding the web framework directly into the code using a convention over configuration approach. It also supports features like asynchronous programming and websockets. Several companies that have used Play in production are mentioned.
WebSocket is a new web technology that provides bidirectional communication between a client and server over a TCP connection. It aims to overcome limitations of Ajax techniques like long polling and streaming that used HTTP. The WebSocket API was standardized by the W3C and IETF and is supported in HTML5 browsers through native JavaScript. It enables new types of web applications by facilitating real-time data transfer and interactive experiences.
The document discusses the Play framework. It provides an overview of Play's history and features, including support for hot code reloading, database migrations, and more. It also discusses tools for Play like Playclipse and p6spy. Finally, it covers techniques like dependency injection, jobs, environments, and testing with Play.
The document contains a series of dates from July 1, 2011 repeated multiple times. In between some of the dates is the word "Backlog". There is no other text, numbers, or apparent meaning contained within the document.