Costume & Propsnsasu94The document discusses the costumes and props used in a media production. Purple contact lenses were used to make the main character look demented. Candles, rope, swabs, and plastic bags were used as props to set the scene and portray characters like victims, detectives investigating. Dark makeup including smudged eyeliner, dark lipstick, and white foundation were applied to portray mysterious, evil, and ghostly characters. Clothing included a long dress for the main character, a fur coat, sophisticated and casual outfits for male characters, and uniforms for detectives to identify them professionally.
EvaluationhobleycarThe document discusses the technologies and programs used to create a magazine project. It describes using Adobe Photoshop to edit images, including adjusting brightness, lighting, and cropping. Adobe InDesign was used to layout the magazine pages. Through this process, the author learned new skills with these programs and how to successfully use various tools. They have gained more knowledge and confidence in using technology after overcoming initial uncertainties in bringing their design ideas to life through digital means.
Question 5nathanwilson45The target audience of the magazine is addressed through color scheme, imagery, and language. The yellow and purple color scheme relates to the electronic dance music genre. The hoodie-wearing model on the cover addresses stereotypes and inspires readers. The masthead "Pyro-lite" uses a conjunction of words related to the genre to attract readers. The low price, freebies, articles on trends, and exclusive content aim to give readers a feeling of insider knowledge and value for their money.
Evaluation Question 4: Dark paradiseadinachanteThe student used a variety of media technologies throughout the project's research, planning, construction, and evaluation stages. In research, YouTube, iPods/phones, PowerPoint, internet search engines, and cameras/tripods were utilized. Planning incorporated Microsoft Word/PowerPoint, scanners, iPods for photos, mobile phones, and blogger. Construction saw the use of Final Cut Pro, video/still image cameras, Photoshop, and conversion sites. Evaluation featured Twitter, Microsoft Word/PowerPoint, Paint, Google Chrome, Windows Movie Maker, and Blogger. As a group, skills in technologies like Blogger, slide sharing, photo editing, and communication apps were developed.
Questionnaire analysisLindsay BrophyThe document contains the results from a questionnaire about pop rock music fans. It includes charts and analysis on:
- The gender breakdown of participants, which showed slightly more females than males.
- The age ranges of female and male participants, with most being 16-24, which is the target age group.
- How pop rock fans consume music, mainly through YouTube and Spotify rather than buying physically.
- The magazines and websites pop rock fans use, including YouTube, Kerrang, and artist-specific sites.
- How people find out about new music, primarily through the internet and recommendations from other people.
Florence slideshowtatala123Florence + the Machine is a London-based indie rock band led by singer Florence Welch. The band formed in 2007 and has since released 4 albums. Their music has been described as alternative, indie rock, baroque, and neo soul. Florence had her big break when a talent scout heard her singing in a club restroom. The band is popular on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook where they share band news and photos. Their lyrics often reference themes of love, death, and the human experience.
Evaluation Q1freddy1footballThe document discusses how the media product uses conventions of real rap music genres. It analyzes characteristics like urban locations, flashy displays of wealth, close-ups of the artist, and fast-paced montages. The product aims to match conventions through the artist's clothing, locations, and poses that emphasize confidence and expensive tastes. It also strives to relate visuals to lyrics through fonts, basketball scenes, and synchronized dancing. Overall, the product works to develop relationships between music and visuals to engage audiences through a consistent visual style and brand identity.
Brainstorming ideasahig9185The document proposes a storyline and visual concept for a music video for the song "Secrets" by One Republic. The main idea is that the video would show the artist literally revealing secrets by having words come out of his mouth. It would show him revealing secrets in various everyday locations like homes, parks, and stores. At the end, he is in a room with people discussing and laughing about his secrets, but he feels free for revealing them. Flashbacks would show past events that explain the secrets and reasons for keeping them. The flashbacks would have a white glow to portray them as secret memories.
Lesson 5 paragraph writing taskArlis GrovesFor use with "What's Your Story?", a curriculum unit written by A. Groves for the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program.
W9 l1Adam WatemanConduction is the transmission of heat from one object to another object in physical contact with it. When a hotter object touches a cooler object, heat will transfer from the hotter object to the cooler object. Metals are good conductors of heat while non-metals are not. Convection is the transfer of heat by the circulation or movement of fluids like liquids and gases. In convection, hot fluids rise and cool fluids sink due to differences in density. This circulation pattern transfers heat and will continue until the heat source is removed or the fluid evaporates.
Music Magazine deconstruction 015980This document discusses the design choices for a magazine cover about music charts and upcoming musicians. It presents several options for the magazine name and masthead designs using modern, sophisticated fonts and colors. The main image selected is of a female artist cropped close to her face to look more professional. Additional fonts are chosen to not make the cover look messy. The house style will use rich purples, natural tones, and greys to appeal to both genders. The writing will use an informal tone and genre-specific lingo depending on the artist.
Shooting scheduleOmaridx2This document provides a cast list and production schedule for a short film. It lists the characters, actors, locations, dates and times for filming various scenes. The main characters are Royal-Tee, played by Glenn, and "Lil homie", played by Rhys. Other characters include "Pop Dukes", played by Mr. Ward, and Royal-Tee's brother, played by Ephraim. Scenes will be filmed in various locations like the kitchen, quad, street and pier between Monday 2/12/2013 and Saturday 14/12/2013. Crew members and required costumes and props are also outlined for each scene.
Record label researchValvainoliviEMI Music provides artists with global commercial services including digital and physical distribution, sales, marketing, licensing, and partnerships. Hulu created a channel for EMI artist Norah Jones to promote her new album, and EMI says more artist channels are coming, showing potential for career growth and EMI's ability to support artists. EMI Music is a leading music company home to successful artists, serving artists, consumers, and partners worldwide through its companies and licensees.
W8 l2Adam WatemanThis document discusses roles in a community. It prompts students to choose a community role, such as a pilot, and discuss the responsibilities of that role. Students then discuss their own involvement in the community and how active they are in community projects, events, sports or protecting the local environment. The document encourages students to think about different people and jobs that contribute to their community.
Costume & Propsnsasu94The document discusses the costumes and props used in a media production. Purple contact lenses were used to make the main character look demented. Candles, rope, swabs, and plastic bags were used as props to set the scene and portray characters like victims, detectives investigating. Dark makeup including smudged eyeliner, dark lipstick, and white foundation were applied to portray mysterious, evil, and ghostly characters. Clothing included a long dress for the main character, a fur coat, sophisticated and casual outfits for male characters, and uniforms for detectives to identify them professionally.
EvaluationhobleycarThe document discusses the technologies and programs used to create a magazine project. It describes using Adobe Photoshop to edit images, including adjusting brightness, lighting, and cropping. Adobe InDesign was used to layout the magazine pages. Through this process, the author learned new skills with these programs and how to successfully use various tools. They have gained more knowledge and confidence in using technology after overcoming initial uncertainties in bringing their design ideas to life through digital means.
Question 5nathanwilson45The target audience of the magazine is addressed through color scheme, imagery, and language. The yellow and purple color scheme relates to the electronic dance music genre. The hoodie-wearing model on the cover addresses stereotypes and inspires readers. The masthead "Pyro-lite" uses a conjunction of words related to the genre to attract readers. The low price, freebies, articles on trends, and exclusive content aim to give readers a feeling of insider knowledge and value for their money.
Evaluation Question 4: Dark paradiseadinachanteThe student used a variety of media technologies throughout the project's research, planning, construction, and evaluation stages. In research, YouTube, iPods/phones, PowerPoint, internet search engines, and cameras/tripods were utilized. Planning incorporated Microsoft Word/PowerPoint, scanners, iPods for photos, mobile phones, and blogger. Construction saw the use of Final Cut Pro, video/still image cameras, Photoshop, and conversion sites. Evaluation featured Twitter, Microsoft Word/PowerPoint, Paint, Google Chrome, Windows Movie Maker, and Blogger. As a group, skills in technologies like Blogger, slide sharing, photo editing, and communication apps were developed.
Questionnaire analysisLindsay BrophyThe document contains the results from a questionnaire about pop rock music fans. It includes charts and analysis on:
- The gender breakdown of participants, which showed slightly more females than males.
- The age ranges of female and male participants, with most being 16-24, which is the target age group.
- How pop rock fans consume music, mainly through YouTube and Spotify rather than buying physically.
- The magazines and websites pop rock fans use, including YouTube, Kerrang, and artist-specific sites.
- How people find out about new music, primarily through the internet and recommendations from other people.
Florence slideshowtatala123Florence + the Machine is a London-based indie rock band led by singer Florence Welch. The band formed in 2007 and has since released 4 albums. Their music has been described as alternative, indie rock, baroque, and neo soul. Florence had her big break when a talent scout heard her singing in a club restroom. The band is popular on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook where they share band news and photos. Their lyrics often reference themes of love, death, and the human experience.
Evaluation Q1freddy1footballThe document discusses how the media product uses conventions of real rap music genres. It analyzes characteristics like urban locations, flashy displays of wealth, close-ups of the artist, and fast-paced montages. The product aims to match conventions through the artist's clothing, locations, and poses that emphasize confidence and expensive tastes. It also strives to relate visuals to lyrics through fonts, basketball scenes, and synchronized dancing. Overall, the product works to develop relationships between music and visuals to engage audiences through a consistent visual style and brand identity.
Brainstorming ideasahig9185The document proposes a storyline and visual concept for a music video for the song "Secrets" by One Republic. The main idea is that the video would show the artist literally revealing secrets by having words come out of his mouth. It would show him revealing secrets in various everyday locations like homes, parks, and stores. At the end, he is in a room with people discussing and laughing about his secrets, but he feels free for revealing them. Flashbacks would show past events that explain the secrets and reasons for keeping them. The flashbacks would have a white glow to portray them as secret memories.
Lesson 5 paragraph writing taskArlis GrovesFor use with "What's Your Story?", a curriculum unit written by A. Groves for the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program.
W9 l1Adam WatemanConduction is the transmission of heat from one object to another object in physical contact with it. When a hotter object touches a cooler object, heat will transfer from the hotter object to the cooler object. Metals are good conductors of heat while non-metals are not. Convection is the transfer of heat by the circulation or movement of fluids like liquids and gases. In convection, hot fluids rise and cool fluids sink due to differences in density. This circulation pattern transfers heat and will continue until the heat source is removed or the fluid evaporates.
Music Magazine deconstruction 015980This document discusses the design choices for a magazine cover about music charts and upcoming musicians. It presents several options for the magazine name and masthead designs using modern, sophisticated fonts and colors. The main image selected is of a female artist cropped close to her face to look more professional. Additional fonts are chosen to not make the cover look messy. The house style will use rich purples, natural tones, and greys to appeal to both genders. The writing will use an informal tone and genre-specific lingo depending on the artist.
Shooting scheduleOmaridx2This document provides a cast list and production schedule for a short film. It lists the characters, actors, locations, dates and times for filming various scenes. The main characters are Royal-Tee, played by Glenn, and "Lil homie", played by Rhys. Other characters include "Pop Dukes", played by Mr. Ward, and Royal-Tee's brother, played by Ephraim. Scenes will be filmed in various locations like the kitchen, quad, street and pier between Monday 2/12/2013 and Saturday 14/12/2013. Crew members and required costumes and props are also outlined for each scene.
Record label researchValvainoliviEMI Music provides artists with global commercial services including digital and physical distribution, sales, marketing, licensing, and partnerships. Hulu created a channel for EMI artist Norah Jones to promote her new album, and EMI says more artist channels are coming, showing potential for career growth and EMI's ability to support artists. EMI Music is a leading music company home to successful artists, serving artists, consumers, and partners worldwide through its companies and licensees.
W8 l2Adam WatemanThis document discusses roles in a community. It prompts students to choose a community role, such as a pilot, and discuss the responsibilities of that role. Students then discuss their own involvement in the community and how active they are in community projects, events, sports or protecting the local environment. The document encourages students to think about different people and jobs that contribute to their community.
2. MİKRO ÖĞRETİM UYGULAMARIMikro öğretim nedir? Öğretmen adaylarının mesleki gelişimlerini arttıracak normal sınıf ortamına göre daha kontrollü olan laboratuar öğretim yöntemidir
3. 1.Bilgi edinme Aşamı: Bu aşamada öğretmen adayı öğretim görevlisi danışmanı yada uzman eğitimci tarafından belirlenerek gösterimi yapılan öğretmenlik becerisi ve bileşenleri hakkında bilgi edinir.Bunun için araştırma yapar kitaplardan ve diğer gerekli kaynaklardan bilgi toplayarak bu becerinin amacı ve öğrenme ve öğretme sürecinde hangi koşullarda işe yarayacağını öğrenir. Uzman öğretmen belirlenen becerilerin bir gösterimini yapar. Öğretmen adayı bu ders anlatımını dikkatlice gözlemler. Böylece becerinin geliştirilmesi için gerekli olan hem teorik hem de pratik uygulama alt yapısı oluşturulur.Mikro Öğretimin Aşamaları
4. Mikro Öğretimin Aşamaları2) Beceri Kazanma aşaması: Belirlenen öğretmenlik becerisini ustaca sergileyen uzman tarafından sunulan dersi temel alan öğretmen adayı sergilenen bu becerinin pratiğini yapmak üzere bir mikro ders planlanır.Sonrasında mikro öğretim döngüsündeki basamaklar takip edilir. Öğretmen adayı becerilerini tekrarlanan pratiklerle geliştirmeye çalışır.
5. Mikro Öğretimin Aşamaları3)Aktarma(transfer etme) aşaması: Öğretmen adayı öğretim becerilerini yeterince geliştirdikten sonra gerçek bir sınıf ortamında tam süreli bir ders anlatımında bu becerilerini aktarıp bütünleştirerek öğretmenlik uygulamasını gerçekleştirir.
6. Mikro Öğretim Üstün Yönleri Mikroöğretim, teori ile uygulama arasındaki ilişkiyi Vurgulayabilme potansiyeline sahip oluşu nedeniyleÖğretmenlik mesleğine hazırlıkta önemli bir yer edinerek geleneksel öğretmen öğretimi ve Öğretmen yetiştirme yöntemlerine göre pek çok avantaj sağlamıştır.Gerçek sınıf ortamında karşılaşabilecek zorluklardanArındılırmış bir ortam oluşturulduğundan öğretmen adayı sadece öğrenmeye odaklanarak kendiöğretmenlik performanslarını analiz ederler.
7. Mikro Öğretim Üstün YönleriÖğretmenler kendi yanlışlarını düzeltecebilicekleri gibi öğretim süresince ortaya çıkabilecek farklı problemleri çözme ve zorlukları aşma ile ilgili çalışma yapabilceklerin için aşama, aşama özgüvenleri gelişir ve böylece öğretmenlik uygulamasında daha verimli bir performans gösterebilirler. Ayrıca mikroöğretim yöntemi, öğretmen adaylarına yeni öğretim stratejilerini planlama ve uygulama konusunda farklı ve yeni olanaklar sunar
8. Mikro Öğretimin Sınırlı YönleriMikro öğretim yönteminin içerikten ziyade, beceri odaklı olması ve özellikle beceriler üzerinde durulması, kapsamın dar tutulmasına yol açarken daha geniş çapta davraşnış geliştirilmesini ve öğretim sürecinin tümüyle ele alınarak incelenmesini kıstılayabilmektir. Mikro öğretim, öğretmen eğitimi ve öğretmen yetiştirme alanında tek ve en günlü yöntem değildir. Diğer yöntemlerle kullanılarak öğretmen adayları mesleğe hazırlanmalıdır.
9. Mikro Öğretim yöntemiyle Gerçekleşebilecek ÖğretmenlikbecerileriMikro öğretim, belirli bir öğretmen becerisi ve davraşı üzerine kontrollü bir biçimde uygulma ve pratik yapma olanağı tanıyan bir yöntemdir. Mikro öğretimde belirlenen hedef, öğrencilerle konuşma, soru sorma, karatahtayı kullanma, örnek gösterme gibi herhangi bir görev olabilir.
10. Mikro Öğretim yöntemiyle Gerçekleşebilecek Öğretmenlik becerileri Öğretmen sınıf yönetimi ve kontrolü, sunuş yoluyla ders anlatımı, öğrenme hedeflerini yazabilme derse giriş, dersi bitirme, direk ve dolaylı anlatım ödüllendirme, pekiştirme, ödev verme, geri bildirim verme, iletişim becerileri, zamanı iyi kullanma gibi becerilerin geliştirilmesinme yönelik çalışmalar mikro öğretimde yaygın bir şekilde yapılmaktadır.