El documento presenta un crucigrama tecnológico con 20 casillas que describen dispositivos y componentes de hardware de una computadora como la unidad central de procesamiento, teclado, monitor, unidad de almacenamiento USB, bocinas, mouse, gabinete, impresora, webcam, laptop, netbook, escáner, cámara digital, reproductor de audio MP3, modem inalámbrico, memoria no volátil, CD, hardware y software, micrófono.
Invitacion concursos divisiones en jalisco octubre 2012Daniel Rivera
Presentación con invitaciones de los concursos de Toastmaster de las divisiones de Jalisco. C, L, O, N. En modalidades de Humoristico, Evaluacion de discurso y topicos de Mesa. Octubre 2012.
Amber, a mother of five, underwent metabolic surgery (also known as weight loss surgery) to address her diabetes, high triglycerides, and rapid heart rate in order to remain healthy for her family. The surgery was a success, resulting in a 110-pound weight loss, an end to her need for insulin, and stabilization of her vital signs. While quick results from the surgery were motivating, Amber also faced emotional challenges as she adjusted to lifestyle changes. She found support through increased physical activity, social outlets, education, and a weight loss support group. Amber feels she is now able to fully live as she wanted prior to surgery, having overcome emotional issues and built a happier life for herself and her children.
The KROQ Weenie Roast 2016 featured both established and up-and-coming indie bands. Some relatively new bands highlighted include Nothing but Thieves, Lukas Graham, and The Strumbellas. The author notes that indie music has enjoyed prominent eras in 2011-2013 and again currently, with talented new and emerging artists impressing listeners. The Weenie Roast showcased a variety of bands at different stages in their careers, from Panic! At the Disco and Weezer to newer acts like Bear Hands and Bishop Briggs. The author recommends paying attention to several other up-and-coming artists and recently released songs.
Este documento presenta un abecedario cristiano con consejos para vivir la fe. Algunos de los consejos incluyen: a-labar a Dios en todas las circunstancias, b-uscar la excelencia en lugar de la perfección, c-ontar las bendiciones en lugar de sumar las penas, e-ncomendar a tres personas cada dÃa, i-nviatar a Cristo a ser el Señor y Salvador, y z-afarse de las garras seductoras de Satanás.
Um estudo sobre a comunicação empregada nas campanhas de vacinação infantil e...UNEB
El documento presenta un crucigrama tecnológico con 20 casillas que describen dispositivos y componentes de hardware de una computadora como la unidad central de procesamiento, teclado, monitor, unidad de almacenamiento USB, bocinas, mouse, gabinete, impresora, webcam, laptop, netbook, escáner, cámara digital, reproductor de audio MP3, modem inalámbrico, memoria no volátil, CD, hardware y software, micrófono.
Invitacion concursos divisiones en jalisco octubre 2012Daniel Rivera
Presentación con invitaciones de los concursos de Toastmaster de las divisiones de Jalisco. C, L, O, N. En modalidades de Humoristico, Evaluacion de discurso y topicos de Mesa. Octubre 2012.
Amber, a mother of five, underwent metabolic surgery (also known as weight loss surgery) to address her diabetes, high triglycerides, and rapid heart rate in order to remain healthy for her family. The surgery was a success, resulting in a 110-pound weight loss, an end to her need for insulin, and stabilization of her vital signs. While quick results from the surgery were motivating, Amber also faced emotional challenges as she adjusted to lifestyle changes. She found support through increased physical activity, social outlets, education, and a weight loss support group. Amber feels she is now able to fully live as she wanted prior to surgery, having overcome emotional issues and built a happier life for herself and her children.
The KROQ Weenie Roast 2016 featured both established and up-and-coming indie bands. Some relatively new bands highlighted include Nothing but Thieves, Lukas Graham, and The Strumbellas. The author notes that indie music has enjoyed prominent eras in 2011-2013 and again currently, with talented new and emerging artists impressing listeners. The Weenie Roast showcased a variety of bands at different stages in their careers, from Panic! At the Disco and Weezer to newer acts like Bear Hands and Bishop Briggs. The author recommends paying attention to several other up-and-coming artists and recently released songs.
Este documento presenta un abecedario cristiano con consejos para vivir la fe. Algunos de los consejos incluyen: a-labar a Dios en todas las circunstancias, b-uscar la excelencia en lugar de la perfección, c-ontar las bendiciones en lugar de sumar las penas, e-ncomendar a tres personas cada dÃa, i-nviatar a Cristo a ser el Señor y Salvador, y z-afarse de las garras seductoras de Satanás.
Um estudo sobre a comunicação empregada nas campanhas de vacinação infantil e...UNEB
1. IKT Haur Hezkuntzan Ìý Ìý Nerea Olano Marina Azpiazu Oaia Ramajo ÌýMarta Eraso ÌýIrati Diez
2. Eguzkitza - Marta Eraso 3 eta 5 urteko gelatan 3 urtekoen gelan ordenagailua txokoetan ez. 5 urtekoen gelan ordenagailua lan txokoan kokatuta. Ordenagailua erabiltzeko tarte zehatzik ez. 3 urtekoen gelan: Ttantto, Word etaÌýYoutube. 5 urtekoen gelan: Xango eta e-mail. Word, lantxoren bat egiteko (3 urte) eta gurasoentzako oharrak idazteko (5 urte) Youtube, proiektuarekin lotutako bideo ezberdinak ikusteko E-maila, atzerrian bizi den lagun batekin harremana mantentzeko
3. Sansaburu ikastola - Nerea Olano 4 urteko gela Ordenagailua ordenagailu txokoan zegoen. Beste txokoak bezala, egunero erabiltzen zuten.Ìý Urtxintxa proiektua : CD bat ikasturte bakoitzerako(Ttantto 3urte,Txirritx 4urte, Xango 5 urte) Ìý Musika CD-a CD interaktiboa: Hizkuntza (ipuinak entzun,hizkiak eta silabak...) Matematika (Marrazkiekin,laberintoekin...) Ìý Logika (Kartak,laberintoa...) Ìý Psikomotrizitate fina (Arratoiaren erabilpena, marrazkien jolasa...)
4. Argatxa- Marina Azpiazu 5 urteko gela Urtxintxa + e-mail. Gelako beste txoko bat da, irakasleak gidatzen du gehienetan. E-MAILÌý Beste zentro batzuekin harremana izateko. Haurrek irakaslearen laguntzaz idazten dute. Esaldi laburrak dira. Argazkiak ere bidali izan dituzte (irakasleak igota).
5. La Salle - Oaia Ramajo 5 urteko gela Ìý Margotegi txokoan dago ordenagailua. Egunero erabiltzen dute Urtxintxa + Pipomate Ìý Pipomate Ìý Ìý Cd-rom Matematika lantzeko jolasak Zenbakiak txikienetik handienera ordenatzea puzzleak eraikitzea ... Nibel ezberdinak ditu
6. Herri Ametsa - Irati Diez 3 urteko gela. Eraikuntza txokoan zegoen ordenagailua. Batzuetan irakasleak erabiltzeko baimena ematen zien, gainontzeko gauzak bukatzen zituztenean. Youtube + Urtxintxa + Birziklator ( 4 urteko gelan) Birziklator : birziklatzeko programa. Maila ezberdineko pantaila Denbora limite bat Gauza bakoitza bere kontenedorera eraman behar da.