This document discusses how fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies can use digital media to better engage with and understand customers. It notes that digital media allows companies to measure engagement, understand diverse audiences, and have conversations. A case study shows how an FMCG company used its website to learn more about customers than point-of-sale information revealed. The document recommends considering an engagement phase online to align with branding, understanding one's audience beyond assumptions, and creating measurable digital experiences.
The document discusses challenges facing a school with 545 students and 50 staff members. It notes declining permanent population and a shift towards development and golf courses in the region. It also discusses the importance of educating students about healthy eating and food sources, as only 17% of Canadian children eat from all four food groups, and obesity among youth is rising. The school aims to influence students' food choices through its environment, as students consume one-third of daily calories at school and make many food shopping decisions.
The document summarizes procedures for information exchange regarding regulations in the United States. It outlines the notification process for proposed regulations, which includes a "notice and comment" period where notices are issued, comments from domestic and foreign parties are accepted and considered, and a final rule is published. It also describes the U.S. Federal Register as the main source for proposed regulations and notices, and an electronic tool called RegAlert that tracks regulations in U.S. states.
This document discusses how fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies can use digital media to better engage with and understand customers. It notes that digital media allows companies to measure engagement, understand diverse audiences, and have conversations. A case study shows how an FMCG company used its website to learn more about customers than point-of-sale information revealed. The document recommends considering an engagement phase online to align with branding, understanding one's audience beyond assumptions, and creating measurable digital experiences.
The document discusses challenges facing a school with 545 students and 50 staff members. It notes declining permanent population and a shift towards development and golf courses in the region. It also discusses the importance of educating students about healthy eating and food sources, as only 17% of Canadian children eat from all four food groups, and obesity among youth is rising. The school aims to influence students' food choices through its environment, as students consume one-third of daily calories at school and make many food shopping decisions.
The document summarizes procedures for information exchange regarding regulations in the United States. It outlines the notification process for proposed regulations, which includes a "notice and comment" period where notices are issued, comments from domestic and foreign parties are accepted and considered, and a final rule is published. It also describes the U.S. Federal Register as the main source for proposed regulations and notices, and an electronic tool called RegAlert that tracks regulations in U.S. states.
1. IKT Haur Hezkuntzan
Nerea Olano
Marina Azpiazu
Oaia Ramajo
Marta Eraso
Irati Diez
2. Eguzkitza - Marta Eraso
3 eta 5 urteko gelatan
3 urtekoen gelan ordenagailua txokoetan ez. 5 urtekoen
gelan ordenagailua lan txokoan kokatuta. Ordenagailua
erabiltzeko tarte zehatzik ez.
3 urtekoen gelan: Ttantto, Word eta Youtube. 5 urtekoen
gelan: Xango eta e-mail.
Word, lantxoren bat egiteko (3 urte) eta gurasoentzako
oharrak idazteko (5 urte)
Youtube, proiektuarekin lotutako bideo ezberdinak ikusteko
E-maila, atzerrian bizi den lagun batekin harremana
3. Sansaburu ikastola - Nerea Olano
4 urteko gela
Ordenagailua ordenagailu txokoan zegoen. Beste txokoak
bezala, egunero erabiltzen zuten.
Urtxintxa proiektua:
CD bat ikasturte bakoitzerako(Ttantto 3urte,Txirritx
4urte, Xango 5 urte)
Musika CD-a
CD interaktiboa:
Hizkuntza (ipuinak entzun,hizkiak eta silabak...)
Matematika (Marrazkiekin,laberintoekin...)
Logika (Kartak,laberintoa...)
Psikomotrizitate fina (Arratoiaren erabilpena,
marrazkien jolasa...)
4. Argatxa- Marina Azpiazu
5 urteko gela
Urtxintxa + e-mail.
Gelako beste txoko bat da, irakasleak
gidatzen du gehienetan.
Beste zentro batzuekin harremana izateko.
Haurrek irakaslearen laguntzaz idazten dute.
Esaldi laburrak dira.
Argazkiak ere bidali izan dituzte (irakasleak igota).
5. La Salle - Oaia Ramajo
5 urteko gela
Margotegi txokoan dago ordenagailua. Egunero erabiltzen
Urtxintxa + Pipomate
Matematika lantzeko jolasak
Zenbakiak txikienetik handienera ordenatzea
puzzleak eraikitzea
Nibel ezberdinak ditu
6. Herri Ametsa - Irati Diez
3 urteko gela.
Eraikuntza txokoan zegoen ordenagailua. Batzuetan
irakasleak erabiltzeko baimena ematen zien, gainontzeko
gauzak bukatzen zituztenean.
Youtube + Urtxintxa + Birziklator ( 4 urteko gelan)
Birziklator : birziklatzeko programa.
Maila ezberdineko pantaila
Denbora limite bat
Gauza bakoitza bere kontenedorera eraman behar da.