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Descriptive vs Prescriptive
By : Shamien, Yuha, Wahida, Sazwani,
Descriptive Grammar
is a set of rules about language based on how it is
actually used.
No right or wrong language.
Observe principles that describe the way the language is actually
The goal of the descriptive approach is a description and
knowledge of rules (principles) of how the language is actually
Some descriptive rules of English
Auxilary verbs come before the subject in questions
Form the plural of a noun by adding -s
Eg : What has she done?
What she has done?
Eg : Three books
Three book
 DG attempts to DESCRIBE the phonological,
morphological and syntactic rules that native speakers (L1)
 When a descriptive RULE is VIOLATED, it is very apparent
to the L1 of the language.
 Violation = makes a sentence sound unnatural/weird.
 Descriptive rules are followed EFFORTLESSLY by L1.
 "prescribes" how speakers should use the
 rules about the structure of a language.
 deals with what the grammarian believes to
be right and wrong, good or bad language use;
not following the rules will
generate incorrect language
Some Prescriptive Rules of English
Dont split infinitives.
Eg : To boldly go where no one has gone before.
Dont end a sentence with a preposition.
Eg : What is she talking about?
Dont use WHO in place of WHOM.
Eg : Who did you call?
Capitalization of the first letter in a sentence.
Eg : The television is broken. It needs to be fixed.
Use subject pronouns after the verb to be.
Eg : It was I who called you.
It was me who called you.
The subject of a sentence must agree with the verb .
Eg : The instructions are clear.
The instructions is clear.
 People may violate the prescriptive grammar
rule without even knowing it.
 Violation may IMPROVE the NATURALNESS of
the sentence.
 Prescriptive rules are :
 Effortful to follow
 Need to be taught
 Need to be memorised
Prescriptive Approach
 Attitudes toward language based on what is
held to be correct by socially prestigious
elements and by teachers
 This attitude evinces complete disregard for
the way a community actually speaks.
 Helps learners to speak
and write like L1.
Reduces learners
confusion when they
speak with L1
 When the learners know
the rules, it is easier for
them to write in the
target language.
 Produces better writers.
 Difficult for teachers to decide on
which dialect and usage of language
to teach.
If one specific-commonly-spoken
dialect is chosen, students may have
difficulty to speak with L1 who speaks
with a different dialect.
Not appropriate for beginning
learners because the rules are not
 L2 will be confused when they speak
to L1- as L1 speakers do not speak
with the grammar as stated in the
 Cant be able to speak/ write like L1
because they use standard
grammar-dont know how L1 use the
Feel bored of learning grammar rules
all the time.
 Both Descriptive and Prescriptive Grammar are
concerned with rules.
Descriptive Grammar (linguists)
- study the rules or patterns.
Prescriptive Grammar (teachers, editors)
- lay out rules about what they believe to be the
correct or incorrect use of language.
http://www.usingenglish.com/glossary/descri ptive-
http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is- descriptive-
http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is- prescriptive-

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  • 2. Descriptive vs Prescriptive Grammar By : Shamien, Yuha, Wahida, Sazwani, Syahir
  • 4. Descriptive Grammar is a set of rules about language based on how it is actually used. No right or wrong language. Approach: Observe principles that describe the way the language is actually spoken. The goal of the descriptive approach is a description and knowledge of rules (principles) of how the language is actually spoken
  • 5. Some descriptive rules of English Auxilary verbs come before the subject in questions Form the plural of a noun by adding -s Eg : What has she done? NOT What she has done? Eg : Three books NOT Three book
  • 7. cont DG attempts to DESCRIBE the phonological, morphological and syntactic rules that native speakers (L1) INTUITIVELY follow. When a descriptive RULE is VIOLATED, it is very apparent to the L1 of the language. Violation = makes a sentence sound unnatural/weird. Descriptive rules are followed EFFORTLESSLY by L1.
  • 8. PRESCRIPTIVE GRAMMAR "prescribes" how speakers should use the language. rules about the structure of a language. deals with what the grammarian believes to be right and wrong, good or bad language use; not following the rules will generate incorrect language
  • 10. Some Prescriptive Rules of English Dont split infinitives. Eg : To boldly go where no one has gone before. Dont end a sentence with a preposition. Eg : What is she talking about? Dont use WHO in place of WHOM. Eg : Who did you call?
  • 13. Capitalization of the first letter in a sentence. Eg : The television is broken. It needs to be fixed. Use subject pronouns after the verb to be. Eg : It was I who called you. NOT It was me who called you. The subject of a sentence must agree with the verb . Eg : The instructions are clear. NOT The instructions is clear.
  • 14. Cont People may violate the prescriptive grammar rule without even knowing it. Violation may IMPROVE the NATURALNESS of the sentence. Prescriptive rules are : Effortful to follow Need to be taught Need to be memorised
  • 15. Prescriptive Approach Attitudes toward language based on what is held to be correct by socially prestigious elements and by teachers This attitude evinces complete disregard for the way a community actually speaks.
  • 16. Advantages DESCRIPTIVE PRESCRIPTIVE Helps learners to speak and write like L1. Reduces learners confusion when they speak with L1 When the learners know the rules, it is easier for them to write in the target language. Produces better writers.
  • 17. Disadvantages DESCRIPTIVE PRESCRIPTIVE Difficult for teachers to decide on which dialect and usage of language to teach. If one specific-commonly-spoken dialect is chosen, students may have difficulty to speak with L1 who speaks with a different dialect. Not appropriate for beginning learners because the rules are not precise. L2 will be confused when they speak to L1- as L1 speakers do not speak with the grammar as stated in the book. Cant be able to speak/ write like L1 because they use standard grammar-dont know how L1 use the language. Feel bored of learning grammar rules all the time.
  • 19. Summary Both Descriptive and Prescriptive Grammar are concerned with rules. Descriptive Grammar (linguists) - study the rules or patterns. Prescriptive Grammar (teachers, editors) - lay out rules about what they believe to be the correct or incorrect use of language.

Editor's Notes