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           Why do the Dutch keep on cycling?
                (EUROCITIES, WG Road Safety, 13th of September 2012)


 A little story about tools.

 The City of Utrecht.

 Why we all should go cycling
  (6 random reasons).

 How to achieve people to
  start cycling.


 The Utrecht Road Safety Label.

 Traffic education for children
  of all ages.

 So youngsters keep on cycling.

A little story about tools

                   How the Dutch look at a bike   3
The City of Utrecht

Some facts:

 Fourth largest city in the country.
 Over 310,000 inhabitants.
 In region  650,000 inhabitants.
 Largest university of the country.
 Busiest railway station of the
 Intersection of major motorways.
 Still growing economy despite the
  global recession.

Modal split (in general):

   Motor vehicles                    38.5%
   Public transport                  10.8%
   Cyclists                          28.0% *
   Pedestrians                       21.2%
   Others                            01.5%

* 36% of all trips < 7.5 km are made by bicycle

Why we all should go cycling (6 random reasons)

Reason #1: Reducing traffic congestion

                    Highway A27 east of Utrecht   6
Reason #2: Reducing air and noise pollution

                    Highway A16 near Dordrecht   7
Reason #3: Saving natural energy sources

                Saudi Arabia and the Canadian tar sands   8
Reason #4: Saving human lives

        Source: Geetam Tiwari (Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India)   9
Reason #5: Stops increase of obesity

Reason #6: Creating livable cities

               Source: Donald Appleyard (Livable streets, 1981)   11
So  lets promote cycling 

How to achieve people to start cycling

Built a network of good bicycle infrastructure

                   Bi-directional cycle path in Utrecht   14
Create good bicycle parking

              Guarded bicycle parking at Groningen main station   15
But do not only invest in infrastructure


 Invest in good traffic education for
  the younger children.
 Make parents walk and cycle with
  their children together.
 Show children the right behaviour
  when participating in traffic.

 Children copy the behaviour of
 adults, so it is important to show
 them the right attitude.

 Children are the car drivers of the
 next generation.
 Have them walk and cycle at an
 early age. It will enlarge the
 chance that these future car
 drivers will remain cyclists!

Mental model

Some facts:

 A mental model is an explanation of someone's thought process about
  how something works in the real world.
 Mental models can help shape behaviour and set an approach to solve
  problems and do tasks.

 People have more attention for things that fit their own schedule.
 A change of the schedule is seen as an exception, therefore it takes time
  for people to adjust.

From own control to other control

               Source: Carlosfelipe Pardo (Cities for Mobility, 2012)   19
Myth: Watch out and pay attention

Some facts:

 The human eye has it limits.
 We only see a maximum of 3 points per second.

 Among those 3 points are trucks, busses and blinking or bright traffic signals.
 Only as 4th or 5th point we notice little children crossing the street.

Young children and traffic

Some facts:

 They can not locate the sound of an approaching car like adults can.
 The front of a car looks like a smiling face.
 Because of their height we can not see them (play) between
  parked cars.

 When they are 8-10 years old we protect them by putting them
  in the back seats of our safe cars. This is strange because around
  this age they are finally able to experience traffic like we do!

The Utrecht Road Safety Label (UVL)

What is the Utrecht Road Safety Label?

 It is a quality mark for elementary schools that
  structurally put effort into the road safety around
  the school and into traffic education.
 In exchange, the school gets money and support for
  traffic lessons and small infrastructural improvements
  in the direct surrounding of the school.
 Political target in 2007: at least 80% of the elementary
  schools trying to receive the label in 2012.

It is a combination of three actions:

1) Creating safe and recognizable school zones and routes.
2) Influencing parental traffic behaviour.
3) Traffic education for children of all ages *

* Not only by the schools, but also by the own parents

Five pilot sites with eight schools involved (2009)

    1 school in school zone
    2 schools in school zone
    3 schools in school zone

Location of all participating schools (2012)

    1 school in school zone
    2 schools in school zone
    3 schools in school zone

Creating safe and recognizable school zones

                   School zone in a northern suburb   25
Influencing the parental behaviour               (I)

                 Elementary school in a southern suburb   26
Influencing the parental behaviour              (II)

                  Simple measures can improve a lot    27
Traffic education for children of all ages

First a non-Dutch approach

             Just one example, from the City of Stuttgart (Germany)   29
And now for the Dutch approach

Traffic lessons given by the own parents            (1-2 years)

                    Learning to keep your balance                 31
Traffic lessons given by the own parents                        (2-3 years)

               Keeping your balance and building muscle power                 32
Adults can show the right behaviour              (3-4 years)

                    Going to a nursery by bike                 33
Parents and children cycle together                (4-5 years)

                    On their way to kindergarten                 34
Traffic lessons at the schoolyard           (5-6 years)

                     Elementary school Villa Nova         35
Practicing by cycling in the real world                     (6-7 years)

                Cycling on a busy bicycle route with the parents            36
Traffic lessons in the classroom         (8-9 years)

                     Elementary school De Spits        37
Going to school by bicycle on their own                       (8-9 years)

                Children practice in their own neighborhood                 38
Children do not only cycle to school                      (I) (8-9 years)

                but also in the afternoon to swimming lessons               39
Children do not only cycle to school                      (II) (8-9 years)

                  but also on a Saturday to the city centre                  40
Streetwise = Special lessons by the ANWB*                                 (all ages)

      * The Dutch ANWB is the allied company of the English AA and the German ADAC     41
Theory lessons in the Utrecht traffic garden                (9-10 years)

                  Classroom at the Utrecht traffic garden                  42
Practical lessons in the Utrecht traffic garden                                      (9-10 years)

        Over 90% of all children of elementary schools in Utrecht visit the traffic garden          43
Practical lessons in the Utrecht traffic garden                        (9-10 years)

              Children of elementary school De Spits during practice                  44
Children enjoy cycling   (10-11 years)

                   Cycling enlarges their world a lot   45
Practical traffic exam for all children               (11-12 years)

Briefing of volunteers by a local police officer   Checking bicycles before the exam   46
Practical traffic exam for all children                      (11-12 years)

            The exam is a preparation for the new life at secondary school   47
So youngsters keep on cycling                    (I)

              Teenagers on bikes in the Dutch City of Delft   48
Special programs by youngsters

             What do you want to lose by winning a few seconds?   49
So youngsters keep on cycling                (II)

              Crossing the city on their way to secondary school   50
Cycling enlarges the world of youngsters

  Average cycling distance (in kilometers)

                                                                       Allowed to drive a moped

                                                                                                  Allowed to drive a car

                                                                   Age (in years)

                                              elementary school
                                              secondary school
The world of an average youngsters

    home of Heather
    her secondary school
    home of friends & sports
    direct bus route
So students keep on cycling

                   Students on their way to college   53
Adults keep on cycling

            Dutch adults do everything on their bike (except for sleeping)   54
And in the end  all generations keep on cycling 

             A grandmother with her grand children cycling in Delft   55
Thank you for your attention!

             Ronald Tamse, The City of Utrecht (NL), September 2012   56

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Presentatie kinderen en fietsen, 2012 09 10, eurocities wg rs, lyon (uk)

  • 1. HOW TO ENCOURAGE CYCLING Why do the Dutch keep on cycling? (EUROCITIES, WG Road Safety, 13th of September 2012) 8-5-2006
  • 2. INDEX A little story about tools. The City of Utrecht. Why we all should go cycling (6 random reasons). How to achieve people to start cycling. Also The Utrecht Road Safety Label. Traffic education for children of all ages. So youngsters keep on cycling. 2
  • 3. A little story about tools How the Dutch look at a bike 3
  • 4. The City of Utrecht Some facts: Fourth largest city in the country. Over 310,000 inhabitants. In region 650,000 inhabitants. Largest university of the country. Busiest railway station of the country. Intersection of major motorways. Still growing economy despite the global recession. Modal split (in general): Motor vehicles 38.5% Public transport 10.8% Cyclists 28.0% * Pedestrians 21.2% Others 01.5% * 36% of all trips < 7.5 km are made by bicycle 4
  • 5. Why we all should go cycling (6 random reasons) 5
  • 6. Reason #1: Reducing traffic congestion Highway A27 east of Utrecht 6
  • 7. Reason #2: Reducing air and noise pollution Highway A16 near Dordrecht 7
  • 8. Reason #3: Saving natural energy sources Saudi Arabia and the Canadian tar sands 8
  • 9. Reason #4: Saving human lives Source: Geetam Tiwari (Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India) 9
  • 10. Reason #5: Stops increase of obesity 10
  • 11. Reason #6: Creating livable cities Source: Donald Appleyard (Livable streets, 1981) 11
  • 12. So lets promote cycling 12
  • 13. How to achieve people to start cycling 13
  • 14. Built a network of good bicycle infrastructure Bi-directional cycle path in Utrecht 14
  • 15. Create good bicycle parking Guarded bicycle parking at Groningen main station 15
  • 16. But do not only invest in infrastructure 16
  • 17. Also Invest in good traffic education for the younger children. Make parents walk and cycle with their children together. Show children the right behaviour when participating in traffic. Children copy the behaviour of adults, so it is important to show them the right attitude. Children are the car drivers of the next generation. Have them walk and cycle at an early age. It will enlarge the chance that these future car drivers will remain cyclists! 17
  • 18. Mental model Some facts: A mental model is an explanation of someone's thought process about how something works in the real world. Mental models can help shape behaviour and set an approach to solve problems and do tasks. People have more attention for things that fit their own schedule. A change of the schedule is seen as an exception, therefore it takes time for people to adjust. 18
  • 19. From own control to other control Source: Carlosfelipe Pardo (Cities for Mobility, 2012) 19
  • 20. Myth: Watch out and pay attention Some facts: The human eye has it limits. We only see a maximum of 3 points per second. Among those 3 points are trucks, busses and blinking or bright traffic signals. Only as 4th or 5th point we notice little children crossing the street. 20
  • 21. Young children and traffic Some facts: They can not locate the sound of an approaching car like adults can. The front of a car looks like a smiling face. Because of their height we can not see them (play) between parked cars. When they are 8-10 years old we protect them by putting them in the back seats of our safe cars. This is strange because around this age they are finally able to experience traffic like we do! 21
  • 22. The Utrecht Road Safety Label (UVL) What is the Utrecht Road Safety Label? It is a quality mark for elementary schools that structurally put effort into the road safety around the school and into traffic education. In exchange, the school gets money and support for traffic lessons and small infrastructural improvements in the direct surrounding of the school. Political target in 2007: at least 80% of the elementary schools trying to receive the label in 2012. It is a combination of three actions: 1) Creating safe and recognizable school zones and routes. 2) Influencing parental traffic behaviour. 3) Traffic education for children of all ages * * Not only by the schools, but also by the own parents 22
  • 23. Five pilot sites with eight schools involved (2009) 1 school in school zone 2 schools in school zone 3 schools in school zone 23
  • 24. Location of all participating schools (2012) 1 school in school zone 2 schools in school zone 3 schools in school zone 24
  • 25. Creating safe and recognizable school zones School zone in a northern suburb 25
  • 26. Influencing the parental behaviour (I) Elementary school in a southern suburb 26
  • 27. Influencing the parental behaviour (II) Simple measures can improve a lot 27
  • 28. Traffic education for children of all ages 28
  • 29. First a non-Dutch approach Just one example, from the City of Stuttgart (Germany) 29
  • 30. And now for the Dutch approach 30
  • 31. Traffic lessons given by the own parents (1-2 years) Learning to keep your balance 31
  • 32. Traffic lessons given by the own parents (2-3 years) Keeping your balance and building muscle power 32
  • 33. Adults can show the right behaviour (3-4 years) Going to a nursery by bike 33
  • 34. Parents and children cycle together (4-5 years) On their way to kindergarten 34
  • 35. Traffic lessons at the schoolyard (5-6 years) Elementary school Villa Nova 35
  • 36. Practicing by cycling in the real world (6-7 years) Cycling on a busy bicycle route with the parents 36
  • 37. Traffic lessons in the classroom (8-9 years) Elementary school De Spits 37
  • 38. Going to school by bicycle on their own (8-9 years) Children practice in their own neighborhood 38
  • 39. Children do not only cycle to school (I) (8-9 years) but also in the afternoon to swimming lessons 39
  • 40. Children do not only cycle to school (II) (8-9 years) but also on a Saturday to the city centre 40
  • 41. Streetwise = Special lessons by the ANWB* (all ages) * The Dutch ANWB is the allied company of the English AA and the German ADAC 41
  • 42. Theory lessons in the Utrecht traffic garden (9-10 years) Classroom at the Utrecht traffic garden 42
  • 43. Practical lessons in the Utrecht traffic garden (9-10 years) Over 90% of all children of elementary schools in Utrecht visit the traffic garden 43
  • 44. Practical lessons in the Utrecht traffic garden (9-10 years) Children of elementary school De Spits during practice 44
  • 45. Children enjoy cycling (10-11 years) Cycling enlarges their world a lot 45
  • 46. Practical traffic exam for all children (11-12 years) Briefing of volunteers by a local police officer Checking bicycles before the exam 46
  • 47. Practical traffic exam for all children (11-12 years) The exam is a preparation for the new life at secondary school 47
  • 48. So youngsters keep on cycling (I) Teenagers on bikes in the Dutch City of Delft 48
  • 49. Special programs by youngsters What do you want to lose by winning a few seconds? 49
  • 50. So youngsters keep on cycling (II) Crossing the city on their way to secondary school 50
  • 51. Cycling enlarges the world of youngsters Average cycling distance (in kilometers) Allowed to drive a moped Allowed to drive a car Age (in years) elementary school secondary school 51
  • 52. The world of an average youngsters home of Heather her secondary school home of friends & sports direct bus route 52
  • 53. So students keep on cycling Students on their way to college 53
  • 54. Adults keep on cycling Dutch adults do everything on their bike (except for sleeping) 54
  • 55. And in the end all generations keep on cycling A grandmother with her grand children cycling in Delft 55
  • 56. Thank you for your attention! Ronald Tamse, The City of Utrecht (NL), September 2012 56