
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo

   Putting people
  at the the of your
      b u s in e s s
social media strategy
1. The world is changing faster
   than we can reorganise

2. Loyalty to charity brands is
   being augmented by a closer
   affinity with charity employees
3. Move from just add social
   media, to we have a strategy,
   to we are a social organisation
Putting people at the heart of your social media strategy - revisited
                  It is dif鍖cult to get a
                   man to understand
                   something when his
                  salary depends on his
                  not understanding it
   we have
 manufactured            Upton Sinclair
more complexity

the day-
           sorry... gone
           to another
behaviours largely
established inside   ...outside the workplace
  the workplace
Thanks to @stuartwitts for creating this graphic for me
Putting people at the heart of your social media strategy - revisited
...ordinary conversation became
     quite audible to my ears.
Putting people at the heart of your social media strategy - revisited
Putting people at the heart of your social media strategy - revisited
Its about being
 present at the
right time and in
  the right way
Putting people at the heart of your social media strategy - revisited
Content strategy
Participation strategy?
Commitment strategy?
Philanthropy is the business of passion
                                 - Lucy Bernholz

  Employee Pa
              ssion Indicators
 The more we remain in our silos
  and feel constrained by our job
   descriptions, the greater the
 disconnect between us and our

Are you ready to shape the future of your organisation?
Thank you
       Steve Bridger - Builder of Bridges

we build too many walls and not enough bridges
                   Isaac Newton

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Putting people at the heart of your social media strategy - revisited

  • 1. NHI people D Putting people at the the of your b u s in e s s social media strategy @stevebridger #nfpsm
  • 2. 1. The world is changing faster than we can reorganise 2. Loyalty to charity brands is being augmented by a closer affinity with charity employees 3. Move from just add social media, to we have a strategy, to we are a social organisation
  • 4. C It is dif鍖cult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it we have manufactured Upton Sinclair more complexity
  • 5. 9 W the day- to-day sorry... gone to another meeting
  • 6. behaviours largely established inside ...outside the workplace the workplace
  • 7. Thanks to @stuartwitts for creating this graphic for me
  • 9. ...ordinary conversation became quite audible to my ears.
  • 12. Its about being present at the right time and in the right way
  • 15. Philanthropy is the business of passion - Lucy Bernholz Employee Pa A ssion Indicators
  • 16. Finally... The more we remain in our silos and feel constrained by our job descriptions, the greater the disconnect between us and our supporters Are you ready to shape the future of your organisation?
  • 17. Thank you Steve Bridger - Builder of Bridges @stevebridger we build too many walls and not enough bridges Isaac Newton