This document contains notes on optical engineering topics including:
1. Optical science and technology, including fiber optics, optical components, and optical circuits.
2. Sources of light including natural light sources like sunlight and artificial light sources like lasers.
3. Optical design engineering which involves using principles of optics and design software to model optical systems.
The document discusses three types of training for developing human resources: learning, training, and development. Learning involves acquiring new knowledge and skills, especially hands-on skills. Training strengthens existing knowledge and skills through re-education, especially hands-on skills. Development refers to building and improving attitudes, abilities, values and beliefs over time, especially for managers, and can be seen as transformational learning. While knowledge and skills can grow quickly through learning and training in the short term, building and improving attitudes, abilities, values and beliefs takes much longer time, even fundamentally without progress.
1. Gianfranco Lanci was appointed President of Acer Inc. effective January 2005.
2. Lanci was currently the head of Acer's international operations and had outstanding results in Europe.
3. Lanci was chosen to replace Acer's retiring chief and take on a leading role in the company as president.
13. 三、直方圖 (Histogram) (1/2) A. 定義 將所搜集的數據、特性值或結果值、依存在範圍分成幾個區間 ( 分組 ) ,然後根據屬於各區間數據的出現次數累積起來的柱狀圖。 B. 功用 1. 瞭解分配的型態。 2. 研究製程能力或測知製程能力。 3. 根據各種型能推定特性不良的種種原因。
14. 三、直方圖 (Histogram) (2/2) C. 作法 搜集數據並記錄 找出最大值 (L) 與最小值 (S) 求全距 (R) 定組數 (K) a. K = n b. K = 1 + 3.32 log(n) c. K = 1 +log(n) / log(2) 求組距 (h) 求各組上組界、下組界 求組中值 作次數分配表 作直方圖 記入規格上限、下限及中心
15. Histograms Example 1 Histogram of the Number of Maintenance Occurrences and Service Hours for Four Production Lines
30. 六、图表与管制图 (1/5) A. 圖表 定義 現場的數據或情報,用點、線、面、體表示大概情勢及鉅細變動於紙上的圖形為“圖示”。而將原始數據整理後,即為各種表式,表式係將數據作有系統的安排,而成為縱橫行列的“表”。簡言之,以圖或表將一事件之狀態,完整而明顯地表示出來,使人易於瞭解的方法稱為圖表法。 功用 a. 利於多種複雜現象的相互比較,可供分析研究之用。 b. 花費甚少時間可得明確的概念。 c. 對於專門知識不足的人,亦可得到瞭解。 d. 表示事務間的關係時,圖表較文章可以使閱者印入腦海。 e. 利用於演講、宣傳或廣告時,予閱者深刻印象。 f. 可供預測用。 條件 a. 把握全體 b. 簡單明瞭 c. 迅速瞭解 d. 正確的判斷 e. 浮現對象
40. 六、图表与管制图 (4/5) B. 管制圖 (Control Charts) 意義 以實際品質特性與根據過去經驗所判明的製程能力的管制界限比較,按時間先後,以判明產品品質是否安定。 原理 : “ Variation is inevitable”
41. 六、图表与管制图 (5/5) 作法 a. 鑑別问題或績效改進領域。鑑別共同原因 (common cause) 及特殊原因 (special cause) 。共同原因為隨機本質,通常影響不大,特殊原因源自系統中的異常, 阻礙了製程的穩定性。 b. 進行特性要因分析。 c. 蒐集資料。 d . 利用統計技術。 e. 分析變異。 f. 採取矯正行動。 用途 a . 可藉管制圖分析製程。 b. 作為允收或拒收製造或購買的產品的依據 c. 由小批產品中挑選一些產品組成品質均勻的大批產品的依據。 d. 用以判斷製品品質是否均勻。 e. 用以分析非生產性方面的问題。 f. 與規格界限比較 常用種類 a. 管制圖 b. 管制圖 c. 管制圖 d. p 管制圖 e. np 管制圖 f. c 管制圖 g. u 管制圖 B. 管制圖
42. Control Chart Example Focuses attention on detecting and monitoring process variation over time Distinguishes special from common causes of variation Serves as a tool for on-going control Provides a common language for discussion process performance * * * * * * *
44. Logical Order for Q7 Tools Flow Chart Check Sheet Histograms Scatter Diagrams Control Charts Cause & Effect Pareto Analysis Big Picture Data Collection Data Analysis Problem Identification Priortization
61. 箭線圖與矩陣數據解析法 箭線圖即 Activity Network Diagram 。 The activity network diagram is also known as Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Diagram or Critical Path Method (CPM). It is used in controlling projects. 矩陣數據解析法是 N7 中唯一涉及數值資料分析的工具。 A prioritization grid is used to make decisions based on multiple criteria. When there are multiple alternatives and multiple criteria, a prioritization matrix is a good method to inform your decision making without resorting to more sophisticated analysis. 針對成對變數之相關係數的計算,來解析變數間的相關性,做為判定问題重要度優先次序及做決策之依據。
64. The Seven New Tools for Improvement Seven Management and Planning Tools Typical Flow Affinity diagram Interrelationship digraph Tree diagram/ systems flow Prioritization matrices Matrix diagram PDPC Activity network diagram Creative Logical Unknown Known
66. 问 題 解 決 與 Q C 手 法 问題型態 A 型问題: 按 QC Story 解決與 QC 手法 B 型问題 B-1 :解決问題時過於花費時間 B-2 :问題解決途中遭遇挫折而中止 C 型问題 C-1 :部門问題整理不易,無法抓住解決问題的線索 C-2 :對於未來的環境變化,無法找出解決的具體方案 B 型问題與 QC 手法 在 A 型问題的對策階段,附加預測、臨陣、因應的日程計劃及進度管理。 C 型问題與 QC 手法 在 A 型问題的主題選定階段以前,可使用親和圖及關連圖法使问題明確。