DeNA TechCon2019 How to implement live streaming client using UnityTakeyuki Ogura
I think the game engine is a good production environment for creators other than game creators. From the smartphone it is possible to draw not only the whole smartphone screen on the distributor side but also the live distribution directly from the smartphone, drawing what you want to show to the user.
I would like to reevaluate the game engine as a live distribution application development tool while thinking about the application of the era where various things may become constant streaming.
DeNA TechCon2019
DeNA TechCon2019 How to implement live streaming client using UnityTakeyuki Ogura
I think the game engine is a good production environment for creators other than game creators. From the smartphone it is possible to draw not only the whole smartphone screen on the distributor side but also the live distribution directly from the smartphone, drawing what you want to show to the user.
I would like to reevaluate the game engine as a live distribution application development tool while thinking about the application of the era where various things may become constant streaming.
DeNA TechCon2019
『ラブライブ!スクールアイドルフェスティバル ALL STARS』を支えるビルドパイプライン ?より安定したサービス提供を目指して?KLab Inc. / Tech
CEDEC2020にて、『ラブライブ!スクールアイドルフェスティバル ALL STARS』の開発におけるアセットやソースコードの納品からアセットビルド、バイナリビルド、サーバー展開までの流れを支えるチーム、ワークフロー、アーキテクチャを紹介したセッションの資料です。
※2022/04/27 スライドの一部差し替えのため再アップロード