This document provides an outline for writing a book report with 4 paragraphs: an introduction summarizing the book's events and setting, a character description paragraph with evidence, an excerpt explanation paragraph, and a conclusion discussing the author's purpose and theme. The book report format emphasizes including textual evidence and explaining the relevance and significance of key moments in the story.
2014: The Year of the Beacon, and the Future of Location-Based MarketingDavid Berkowitz
It's no longer the year of mobile, or even the year of the selfie. It's the year of the beacon, popularized by Apple's iBeacon but also used by startups like Estimote, NewAer, Nomi, and Shopkick. Location data comes from a wide range of sources now, including ads, apps, retail, social media, cars, connected devices, and wearable tech.
Social Media Strategies for highly sucessful Virtual EventsSociety3
The document discusses strategies for using social media to promote and engage audiences for virtual events. It recommends connecting with influencers on social networks to build buzz for an event. During events, it suggests leveraging social platforms to encourage participation and sharing of content. After events, the document advocates continuing engagement through social media to provide feedback and extend discussions on a personal level. The goal is to maximize reach through social amplification and monitoring to influence over 100,000 people with a team of 20 through focused, professional social business efforts.
O ν?ο? πρωτοποριακ?? τηλεοπτικ?? οδηγ?? τη? Nova ε?ναι εδ?! Οι επισκ?πτε? του, ενημερ?νονται γρ?γορα και ε?κολα, για το τι πα?ζει συνολικ? στο τηλεοπτικ? περιβ?λλον!
The document provides a summary of Indian and global market performance on August 17th, 2011. Key Indian indexes closed slightly higher, with the Sensex up 0.66% and Nifty up 0.41%. Most global markets also saw small gains or losses. Commodity prices were mixed with Brent crude and gold up slightly while the rupee strengthened against the dollar. News briefs covered various companies, sectors, economic indicators and policy developments.
Este documento presenta una introducción a la contabilidad básica. Explica conceptos clave como el balance general, estado de resultados y ciclo contable. También describe objetivos de la contabilidad como comunicar información relevante y oportuna a usuarios internos y externos. Finalmente, resume conceptos como la teoría de las cuentas y el método de partida doble para registrar transacciones contables.
Este documento describe ocho intervenciones grupales positivas para alumnos con TDAH que pueden ser alternativas a intervenciones individualizadas. Las intervenciones incluyen modificación de conducta, uso de balones suizos, autoevaluación, supervisión entre compa?eros, elección de actividades, tutoría entre iguales, modificaciones a la instrucción, y ense?anza asistida por ordenador. Cada intervención se describe brevemente con sus ventajas e inconvenientes.
The respondent answered most political knowledge questions correctly or admitted when they did not know an answer rather than stating an incorrect view. They correctly answered questions about the united opposition in Georgia demanding earlier elections, Georgia not planning a referendum on restoring the monarchy, and there being around 250,000 internally displaced people in Georgia according to reliable sources. The respondent was unable to find official information about a NATO announcement on Georgia's eligibility for membership.
The document outlines future directions for Java EE and its related technologies. It discusses making Java EE platforms better suited for cloud environments through improvements to packaging, modularity, and APIs for resource and state management. Key areas that may see enhancements include JSF, JPA, JAX-RS, and better support for asynchronous interactions and hypermedia. The overall goal is to evolve Java EE, not revolutionize it, based on feedback from the community.