If you're running your container workloads on AWS EKS orchestration platform and you are trying to dynamically provision workload resources based on the current load, you might find yourself in a position where limitations and rules of node group scaling might feel a bit too rigid. This talk will focus on an interesting node lifecycle management solution from AWSlabs called Karpenter, which is an alternative approach to probably the most frequently used Cluster Autoscaler. Is this a better and more efficient way of allocating worker node resources? Would that get you around some of the node group constraints? The project hasn¡¯t reached GA stage yet and still has to solve some goals from the roadmap, but I think it has a lot of potential. We will look into what the current release has to offer and how it is dealing with this challenge of improving efficient dynamic workload provisioning.
Kubernetes is an open-source container management platform. It has a master-node architecture with control plane components like the API server on the master and node components like kubelet and kube-proxy on nodes. Kubernetes uses pods as the basic building block, which can contain one or more containers. Services provide discovery and load balancing for pods. Deployments manage pods and replicasets and provide declarative updates. Key concepts include volumes for persistent storage, namespaces for tenant isolation, labels for object tagging, and selector matching.
Kubernetes Forum Seoul 2019: Re-architecting Data Platform with KubernetesSeungYong Oh
Session Video: https://youtu.be/7MPH1mknIxE
In this talk, we share Devsisters' journey of migrating its internal data platform including Spark to Kubernetes, with its benefits and issues.
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Conference session page:
- English: https://sched.co/WIRK
- Korean: https://sched.co/WYRc
This document contains configuration examples for the Nginx web server. It shows how to use different location blocks to route requests based on the URL and return specific content. Location blocks can match the request URL exactly, use regular expressions to match parts of the URL, and specify a root directory to serve files under a specific path. The examples demonstrate how to configure Nginx to return different content based on the request URL and handle image file requests.
Cloud-Native PostgreSQL is a Kubernetes Operator for Postgres written by EDB entirely from scratch in the Go language and relying exclusively on the Kubernetes API.
This webinar covered:
- About DevOps & Cloud Native
- Overview of Cloud Native Postgres
- Storage for Postgres workloads in Kubernetes
- Start Using Cloud-Native Postgres
- Demo
Introduction to the Spring Framework:
Generar description
IoC container
Dependency Injection
Beans scope and lifecycle
XML and annotation based configuration
Additional features
Kubernetes is an open-source container management platform. It has a master-node architecture with control plane components like the API server on the master and node components like kubelet and kube-proxy on nodes. Kubernetes uses pods as the basic building block, which can contain one or more containers. Services provide discovery and load balancing for pods. Deployments manage pods and replicasets and provide declarative updates. Key concepts include volumes for persistent storage, namespaces for tenant isolation, labels for object tagging, and selector matching.
Kubernetes Forum Seoul 2019: Re-architecting Data Platform with KubernetesSeungYong Oh
Session Video: https://youtu.be/7MPH1mknIxE
In this talk, we share Devsisters' journey of migrating its internal data platform including Spark to Kubernetes, with its benefits and issues.
???????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ?????.
Conference session page:
- English: https://sched.co/WIRK
- Korean: https://sched.co/WYRc
This document contains configuration examples for the Nginx web server. It shows how to use different location blocks to route requests based on the URL and return specific content. Location blocks can match the request URL exactly, use regular expressions to match parts of the URL, and specify a root directory to serve files under a specific path. The examples demonstrate how to configure Nginx to return different content based on the request URL and handle image file requests.
Cloud-Native PostgreSQL is a Kubernetes Operator for Postgres written by EDB entirely from scratch in the Go language and relying exclusively on the Kubernetes API.
This webinar covered:
- About DevOps & Cloud Native
- Overview of Cloud Native Postgres
- Storage for Postgres workloads in Kubernetes
- Start Using Cloud-Native Postgres
- Demo
Introduction to the Spring Framework:
Generar description
IoC container
Dependency Injection
Beans scope and lifecycle
XML and annotation based configuration
Additional features
La psicolog¨ªa estudia la conducta y el comportamiento humano, incluyendo los procesos mentales, emocionales y de toma de decisiones. Se considera una ciencia porque los psic¨®logos intentan descubrir patrones en la conducta humana a trav¨¦s de experimentos y publicaciones. La psicolog¨ªa clasifica los procesos psicol¨®gicos en cognitivos, afectivos y volitivos.
This document provides information about Herbalife, including:
- Herbalife was founded in 1980 by Mark Hughes and has grown to operate in over 90 countries worldwide.
- It discusses Herbalife's product line, which includes nutritional shakes, teas, and supplements, as well as the company's focus on total nutrition and wellness.
- Testimonials are shared about members who have experienced weight loss and other health benefits from using Herbalife products.
LAPP/SELinux - A secure web application stack powered by SELinuxKohei KaiGai
This document discusses using SELinux to improve security in a typical LAMP (Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP/Perl) web application stack, called LAPP. It describes how SELinux has been applied to PostgreSQL (SE-PostgreSQL) and Apache (Apache/SELinux Plus) to provide advanced access controls and assign privileges to web applications based on the authenticating user. The goal is to utilize SELinux at each layer of the LAPP stack to provide consistency in access controls and comprehensive security for the entire stack.
Este documento presenta varios criterios y estrategias para evaluar la validez y calidad de la informaci¨®n encontrada en Internet. En primer lugar, se debe considerar la autor¨ªa, dominio web, exactitud de los detalles, objetividad y prop¨®sito. Adicionalmente, se debe revisar la calidad, vigencia y organizaci¨®n editorial. Finalmente, se propone una din¨¢mica grupal llamada "Bolsa de preguntas" para reforzar los conceptos vistos.
El documento resume la evoluci¨®n del hombre a trav¨¦s de diferentes etapas hist¨®ricas: el hombre primitivo, el esclavismo, la Edad Media y el capitalismo. Cada etapa trajo consigo cambios significativos en la forma en que el hombre interactuaba con la sociedad y desarrollaba medios de subsistencia. El documento describe las caracter¨ªsticas clave de cada per¨ªodo y c¨®mo condujeron al siguiente paso en la evoluci¨®n social del hombre.
This document discusses Infor's cloud managed services for application management and hosting. It provides an overview of Infor's services capabilities including its global workforce and support centers. The document outlines Infor's service portfolio and the benefits of its managed services such as reduced costs, improved service levels, and access to Infor expertise and innovation. It also describes Infor's application management, hosting options, support processes, and organizational structure for delivering managed services.
El documento resume varios art¨ªculos de la Constituci¨®n Pol¨ªtica de Colombia y del C¨®digo Sustantivo del Trabajo relacionados con la legislaci¨®n laboral. Estos art¨ªculos garantizan el derecho de los trabajadores a escoger libremente su trabajo, la protecci¨®n del Estado para que el trabajo sea digno y justo, la prohibici¨®n de discriminaci¨®n laboral, la estabilidad laboral de los empleados y su derecho a presentar inconformidades. Tambi¨¦n se mencionan mecanismos para resolver conflictos laborales de forma extrajudicial o judicial.
Can one successfully turn their hobby to Entrepreneurship? The answer is emphatic yes.
A hobby is generally defined as an activity you engage in regularly during your leisure time.
The first obstacle one has to cross is a mindset change. Hobby is a skill and any skill can be monetized.
The problem is that many of us are afraid to take action, even when we know we have a marketable skill, because we are afraid of failure. We fear that if we attempt to monetize a hobby and fail, we¡¯ll no longer feel joy or satisfaction from the activity at all¡ or others will regard us differently. Source- Entrepreneur
Este documento contiene 8 preguntas de selecci¨®n m¨²ltiple y un problema sobre conceptos b¨¢sicos de condensadores como capacidad, carga, voltaje y energ¨ªa almacenada. Las preguntas cubren temas como c¨®mo se modifican estas propiedades cuando se cambia la separaci¨®n entre placas, se introduce un diel¨¦ctrico, o se conectan condensadores en serie o paralelo. El problema propone calcular las cargas y voltajes finales de 3 condensadores conectados de cierta manera.
Go through the RCRA training FAQ to learn how to meet the training for amenity personnel. Contact us for more details about these services we offer. Visit us for more details:-http://www.hazcomtraining.us/
La contabilidad es la ciencia que se ocupa del an¨¢lisis y medici¨®n de los patrimonios de individuos o empresas. Tiene como objetivos principales obtener informaci¨®n ordenada sobre el movimiento econ¨®mico y financiero de un negocio, establecer en t¨¦rminos monetarios la situaci¨®n patrimonial y financiera, y proporcionar una imagen clara de la situaci¨®n financiera que permita tomar decisiones. Existen diferentes tipos de contabilidad como la financiera, fiscal, de costos y administrativa. El ciclo contable comprende el registro, clasificaci¨®n y
This article illustrates three easy ways on how to tackle the problems of weight gain. Here I tried to explain ways that help you to reduce your weight easily.